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A paranormal erotic romance novel. Meet the supernatural masters of passion and seduction, feeding upon the erotic dreams and pleasure of humankind.

Gavin Powell was a mortal once, but that was a long time ago. Now he’s the Lieutenant Commander in a supernatural militia created for one purpose; to terminate a creature so brutal and so bloodthirsty, it is threatening to destroy all of mankind.
The ancient feud between vampire and incubus must be forgotten, if either species is to survive. They must put aside their hatred for each other and learn to fight together. But that is easier said than done, especially when Gavin craves one of the human women that the incubi protect within their nest.
Gavin knows that two of the incubi have claims upon Sarah, but he cannot crush the need or the hunger that fills his soul each time that she is near.
Sarah still has nightmares of being attacked and nearly killed by a vampire. She fears them almost as much as she fears the creature that now hunts them. Yet her breath catches and her body hums whenever Gavin approaches.
As the world around her is descending into chaos, Sarah finds herself fighting against a lethal desire. It consumes all reason, and lures her into the powerful arms of a demon capable of destroying her.

Please note: This book is intended for readers 18 years and older, there is strong language and explicit sexual encounters. As the legends propose, both incubus and succubus demons feed upon sexual energy stolen from sleeping humans. While this might suggest questionable consent, they are actually very generous and considerate lovers.
Celeste Hall's Seduction series:
#1 Ethan (now FREE!)
#2 Kye
#3 Rico
#4 Gavin
#5 All The Queen's Men
#6 The Brothers Sin
The Seduction Series Boxed set: The first five erotic stories in one collection!

An erotic tale featuring: Incubus, Succubus, Sex demon, Demon lover, Supernatural lover, Alpha Male, Demon mate, Incubus hunter, Romantic adventure, Romantic suspense, Vampire lover, Vampire romance

PublisherCeleste Hall
Release dateMay 5, 2012

Celeste Hall

Celeste Hall is a passionate writer of paranormal and erotic romance with over twenty-five titles to her credit, including Beware of Wolves, the Kitty Coven series, and her ultra-sexy Seduction series. If you're looking for a sizzling escape from the pressures of a long day, her alpha hero incubi will make you purr.Celeste believes that a great book can do more than offer an afternoon's pleasure, it can change your life. She is absolutely addicted to happy endings. Her favorite stories will often include elements of the paranormal or fantastical, but they will always have a romantic heart.When not writing, Celeste enjoys traveling and spending time outdoors. She also enjoys photography, graphic design, a variety of artistic mediums, gardening, horseback riding and geeking out online - especially on Facebook.You can find a full list of her books by visiting:

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    Book preview

    Gavin - Celeste Hall


    Seduction Series, book #4

    By Celeste Hall

    Beware of dark desire…

    When a vampire falls in love with a human, there is more at risk than a broken heart. How do you protect the one you love from becoming the thing she fears most in the world? How do you share your life with someone knowing fully well that your blood carries a virus which could destroy her?


    Seduction Series, book #4

    Copyright © 2014 by Celeste Hall

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Please purchase only authorized editions.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It may contain sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

    All sexually active characters in this book are 18 years of age or older.

    Also by Celeste Hall

    ~ Seduction Series ~

    These are erotic romance books which have a continuous theme throughout, they are best read in the following order…





    All The Queen’s Men

    The Brother’s Sin – Coming Soon!

    ~ Kitty Coven Series ~

    A ‘teen friendly’ (clean) paranormal romance series which can be read as standalone stories, but is best read in the following order…

    Something Wicca This Way Comes

    The Bare Witch Project

    Love Is a Witch – Coming Soon!

    ~ Standalone novels and novellas ~


    Lady Silence

    Prison of Dreams

    Simple Musings

    His Pale Prisoner

    Error: Please Try Again

    Secret Admirer

    ~ Short stories and Anthologies ~

    The Inventor’s Throne

    A Touch of Irish

    Their First Time (A collection of just the first love scene from her other books)

    The Pied Piper

    The Seven Ravens (Once Upon an Apocalypse anthology, via Chaosium Inc.)

    The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Once upon a Ménage anthology, via Ravenous Romance)

    Beware of Wolves

    Creatures of the Night

    Vampyren are born of Lilith and sired by a demon. Offspring were corrupted by the demon’s blood, which carries the taint of hell and continues to infect any creature unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. They are grouped by covens - like witches.

    Lilin are born of Lilith and sired by an angel. They are grouped by coveys - like quail. The female are succubi. The males are incubi. Incubi outnumber succubi by nine to one, it is an evolutionary flaw developed by the need for numerous males to protect a single female when she is of breeding age, similar to bees protecting their hive queen.

    Lycan are born of women and sired by Cain after the curse was placed upon him. They are creatures with heightened emotional states, capable of extreme violence as well as extreme devotion. They are grouped by packs - like wolves.

    Chapter One

    Gavin eyed the twin incubi crouched across from him with distaste. They made the whole room reek of bleach and raw electricity, which was quite a feat considering the size of the room.

    They were all three bunkered down on one side of a large indoor basketball court.

    Natalie had picked the location because it was almost smack dab in between the cathedral that the incubi lived in, and the renovated warehouse that the vampires used for their headquarters.

    It was the closest thing they had to ‘neutral ground’.

    Gavin would have preferred an outdoor court…or different partners…or a different job altogether.

    He wasn’t exactly thrilled about Natalie’s interest in these winged demons.

    It was bad enough that the creatures flew around stark ass naked. But the smell! Being locked up indoors with the blasted things was enough to have his eyes watering and his sinuses burning in less than ten seconds.

    He checked his watch again.

    Fuck. How much longer would he have to wait?

    If he were smart, he’d just leave.

    Not just his post, but this whole mess Natalie had gotten him into.

    He didn’t have to keep putting up with this ridiculous charade. He was a vampire for hell’s sake, he could do anything.

    Yeah, right.

    If nothing else, the past month had at least taught him that vampires could - and did - die just as easily as any other creature, if the right sort of monster wanted it to happen. And the world sure had a lot more monsters in it than his parents had ever led him to believe.

    His own team had destroyed at least thirty or forty vampires since they’d arrived in Tornridge. Sure they’d all been newborns, all recently raised by the deadly rogue that Natalie was currently out tracking. But that was a pretty big number for a town of this size.

    Gavin glanced towards the two incubi again, but this time with a grudging respect. If not for their covey, the number of newborns might have been even higher.

    They might be useless annoyances in every other way, but the bastards could fly, and they could track newborns during the daylight hours when Gavin and his teammates had to retreat from the sun.

    He ran a hand over his face again, trying to scrub some of the irritation out of his eyes.

    If only they could get rid of that smell.

    How did the women put up with it?

    He grunted.

    Oh yeah. Dull human senses, that’s how.

    His thoughts focused in on one particular woman who shared the cathedral with the incubi.

    He’d only talked to her once during that brief period after the entire covey was nearly slaughtered by Adam – the rogue Natalie’s team was attempting to track down and destroy.

    The vampires and incubi had all retreated into the cathedral for the next week, fortifying against further attacks while they healed up and tried to work out a better plan of attack.

    But the succubus queen had been careful to stay locked in her chambers while the blood agents were present. None of the vampires had caught a single glance of her.

    Instead, it had been Brandy that had done most of the communicating, caring messages back and forth between Ayleth and Natalie.

    With one exception. The night the blonde bombshell had shared a bed with Terra, a human detective working the rogue murder case with the vampire team, and the detective’s demon lover, Rico.

    That was the night Sarah had crept out of the queen’s chambers to speak with Gavin, and nearly had him choking on his own tongue.

    There was just something about that shy smile and those doe brown eyes that had tied his gut into knots.

    And her body was a whole other kind of fantasy. All soft curves and smooth skin that would make any red blooded male stir crazy for a taste.

    Oh hell, he could make a lifelong buffet out of her!

    He’d never had such an immediate attraction to a woman before. And it was a huge kick in the balls to feel that sort of connection to a woman that was bonded to not just one, but two of the damned cuntsuckers!

    The very same two bastards he was now being forced to share watch duty with.

    Natalie could be a real bitch sometimes.

    A few taps of sound drew the vampire’s attention to the roof, and from the corner of his eye he saw both incubi leap for the heavens.

    Lucky bastards. Being able to flux right through solid objects was a neat trick.

    Less than a second later they landed in much the same positions they’d previously occupied.

    It’s raining, Mikhail offered simply.

    Gavin curled his nose. If his sinuses hadn’t been burned raw by the smell in here, he would have been able to scent the change in the weather.

    A louder thump instantly had all three males leaping back to their feet.

    That wasn’t rain, Gavin growled.

    The crack of a door being kicked open had the vampire drawing out his gun, and the incubi crouching into gargoyle stances with their wings held stiffly curved above them like twin switchblades.

    Within the space of a single heartbeat, the inner doors to the room crashed open, and three male vampires stood in the opening.

    Despite their youthful appearance, all three of them were built like war tanks and dressed in black fatigues and tight black t-shirts. They each had their hair buzzed into short military cuts, and they each had the rattle of silver dog tags around their necks to explain why.

    But there weren’t any military bases nearby. These boys were a long way from wherever they called home.

    Stay back! Gavin snarled, as all three vampires instantly focused in on the two incubi behind him.

    He couldn’t really say that he blamed them. The first time he’d smelled the Lilin he felt like someone had just shoved a white hot blade up his nose. But Natalie would have his balls on a platter if he let anything happen to her new pets.

    Three sets of eyes snapped back to Gavin, and then down to the fully automatic pistol in his hand. A vampire with a machine pistol could lay down a whole lot of hurt in a very short amount of time.

    They obviously didn’t like the odds.

    Who are you? One of the males demanded. He had pale blonde hair, cut so short it was barely a golden glow over his scalp, and his dark brown eyes matched Gavin glare for glare.

    Apparently this kid considered himself the leader of his motley crew.

    Federal Officer Gavin Powell. He used his free hand to pull the badge out of his pocket and give them a good look. You fellows have a bad case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We’re expecting company and you’re not invited.

    Wait a second, one of the younger vampires shook his head in disgust. "You’re working with these cuntsuckers?"

    There was a soft vibration of sound behind him and Gavin narrowed his eyes. It was a sound he’d come to well recognize over the past month of fighting side by side with the creatures.

    It was the shudder of Lilin wings being edged for battle.

    I wouldn’t be throwing around racial slurs if I were you, he warned. Somebody might take offense.

    The three vampires stared at him as if he were speaking a foreign language.

    Seriously? A black haired, brown eyed youth demanded in open incredulity. You would really kill us to protect those things? That’s messed up.

    Something was wrong here. These guys weren’t acting like a group of rogues that had just stumbled into a new coven’s territory.

    They were too damned cocky, for starters. Like they had an ulterior motive…or backup.


    He made a gesture with his free hand and a whisper of sound assured him that both incubi had just vanished through the rooftop.

    Shit. Did you see that? The black haired youth gaped to his leader. He’s got them trained, like fucking dogs!

    Shut up, Jake. You heard the man, the blonde boy smirked. They’re his buddies.

    Okay, now that was a low blow.

    Fuck this. I’m done putting up with all your bullshit, Gavin growled at the three interlopers. All of you had better turn your sorry asses around and get the fuck back out of my town. This territory has already been claimed, as I’m sure you’re aware.

    There was no chance they had come this far without picking up the scent of Natalie and the rest of her team. She’d had each of her vampires doing daily security laps around the cathedral the incubi lived in as well as the old warehouse that the coven had transformed into their own headquarters.

    These guys would have to be the dumbest vampires on earth to mistake that heavily marked boundary line for anything other than one massive ‘No Trespassing’ sign. And from the looks of them, they weren’t

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