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Gina's Two Husbands
Gina's Two Husbands
Gina's Two Husbands
Ebook43 pages37 minutes

Gina's Two Husbands

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It's not my fault. Really. I didn't start out to have two boyfriends. It just happened. I didn't plan to have two husbands, either, but that just happened, too. I would have been perfectly happy with just one decent boyfriend, but sometimes things don't go like you plan. And two boyfriends was more fun than just one. Besides, they were in different cities, with careers of their own, and I'm a modern, independent woman. I can handle two boyfriends. It's not so hard. And it was fun. At least until the disaster.

Aprrox. 10,200 words. - This story is for readers who like explicit erotic romance with a happy ever after ending. Contains explicit sex scenes not suitable for those under 18.

Release dateMay 5, 2012
Gina's Two Husbands

Michelle Fawkes

Michelle was born at a young age on a dark and stormy night, many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away.She's still here, at least for a little while.She writes stuff. Sometimes it's really good stuff.Her blog is at:

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    Book preview

    Gina's Two Husbands - Michelle Fawkes

    Gina’s Two Husbands


    Michelle Fawkes

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    Gina’s Two Husbands

    Copyright 2012 by Michelle Fawkes

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    Cover design: Willsin Rowe

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    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


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    Chapter 1

    It's not my fault. Really. I didn't start out to have two boyfriends. It just happened. I didn't plan to have two husbands, either, but that just happened, too. I would have been perfectly happy with just one decent boyfriend, but sometimes things don't go like you plan. And two boyfriends was more fun than just one. Besides, they were in different cities, with careers of their own, and I'm a modern, independent woman. I can handle two boyfriends. It's not so hard. And it was fun. At least until the bitch arrived.

    I'm a medical software consultant and I travel a lot. Based in Atlanta, I spend one week in Atlanta, then the next week in New York, then back to Atlanta. Back and forth; New York, Atlanta, New York, Atlanta. Simple schedule. Chad, my Atlanta boyfriend, called it the, week on, week off schedule, but he was just trying to be funny. Nick, my New York boyfriend just called it, THE SCHEDULE. Neither of them knew about the other one, and that's how I wanted it. To keep things separate, in neat little boxes.

    Everything was going fine, and the balancing act became almost routine. I really cared about both of them. A lot. They seemed to care about me. They were so different from each other. It was strange and exciting and I loved it, but when I was with Chad, sometimes I'd think about Nick. And sometimes with Nick, I'd think about Chad. I pushed away my pangs of occasional guilt and suppressed the stray confusing thoughts and feelings. We went places, did things, and the sex was great. Sometimes, I reminded them that my career came first. They accepted that and all was well. Until the disaster.

    You see, it all started go bad when the new sales manager changed my schedule. Serena was hired in to take over the sales department and you could tell from day one she was the stainless steel panties type. I admired her success and take charge attitude, but not her constant bitchy abrasivenesss. It got on my nerves, so I stayed out of her way and did my job.

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