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Death at a Solitude Wedding
Death at a Solitude Wedding
Death at a Solitude Wedding
Ebook49 pages40 minutes

Death at a Solitude Wedding

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About this ebook

It's wedding season in the Amish community of Solitude, but along with wedding bells in the air, there's the blast of rifle shells. The wedding party is devastated first by the mysterious disappearance of one of its members, only to be followed by the ghastly death of another member. The police seem to think the death was an accident, but Fannie and Dana dig deeper and uncover a sinister plot. This is the tenth book in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series.

PublisherSaundra McKee
Release dateMay 6, 2012
Death at a Solitude Wedding

Saundra McKee

I am a retired educator. I taught in the public schools for 15 years and at the university level for 22 years. I love to travel the world. I enjoy politics, dogs, mysteries and water sports. I am a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church.

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    Book preview

    Death at a Solitude Wedding - Saundra McKee

    Death at a Solitude Wedding (10th in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series) by Sandy McKee

    Published by Saundra McKee at Smashwords. Copyright 2012. Saundra McKee

    All characters and events in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. While some of the places mentioned actually exist, they are used in an entirely fictional manner.

    Part I

    Days Before the Wedding

    Chapter 1

    Dana was caught by surprise on the cold rainy November morning. Her close Amish friend, Fannie was pounding frantically on the front door of Dana’s Victorian style home in Solitude. She was surprised because she had told Fannie that she would be picking her up to go shopping thirty minutes later. Dana noticed that Fannie’s handsome husband Eli was waiting outside for her in their horse drawn buggy.

    What are you doing here? It’s miserable out. Tell Eli to come in too. I’ll make some coffee.

    Fannie shook her head stubbornly while shaking the rain from her long black cape. There’s no time. We need your help.

    I told you I’d be glad to help with the wedding preparations. How is Susan holding up? Got the wedding jitters yet? Susan was Fannie’s granddaughter scheduled to be married within the week at her parent’s home located close to Fannie and Eli’s converted school house home.

    Susan’s doing okay. Daniel is the one that we’re worried about. Her soon-to-be husband went hunting with a few of his buddies a couple days ago over in the mountains east of here. He’s gone missing. I told Elizabeth and Susan that you and I’d go see if we could help in the search. They have so much to do to get ready for the wedding.

    Of course, Larry’s out of town for the day. I’ll call him on his cell in case he gets back first. Let’s get going. Do you have directions?

    Fannie nodded gratefully, handing a slip of paper to her long time friend. I’ll send Eli home. He wanted to go search, but since the shooting, his mind just isn’t real sharp yet. We can’t afford to lose him in the woods too. He’s agreed to stay back and help set up tables and chairs at John’s house.

    Dana glanced at the directions. This looks like it’s down near the Pennsylvania Maryland border. I used to go down there skiing a lot when I was younger. It’s really mountainous and heavily wooded. Daniel is young and strong and healthy. I’m sure he’ll be fine. He probably just lost his way.

    Fannie nodded. That’s what I keep telling Susan. The fact that he’s been out overnight has her really worried. It does get pretty cold this time of year.

    Dana asked Fannie to put some cheese, fruit and cookies and drinks in an insulated bag while she changed clothes. I guess we’ll take Nellie with us. Maybe she’ll help us out. I hate to leave her when I don’t know when we’re getting back. Larry won’t be back until late either. He’s meeting with some of the gas well people in Pittsburgh.

    Fannie filled Dana in on the details of Daniel’s disappearance as they headed the Chevy Trailblazer south from Solitude. Dana plugged the location into her GPS that was mounted on the

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