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The Well Within: Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia
The Well Within: Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia
The Well Within: Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia
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The Well Within: Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia

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Learn how to harness your inner healing power through self-hypnosis; tailor this “well within” to conquer the insomnia that’s holding you back from living the life you want to experience. Specifically, this is a practical, step-by-step guide that you can actually use (Book 7 of 10 in the series, “The Well Within”). It teaches you how to enter, deepen, and exit self-hypnosis. It also provides you with two self-hypnosis “scripts” that help you work directly with your deeper mind to regain the peaceful and healthy rhythms of precious sleep. Stop the insanity of lists, and chores, and tasks, and worries that torment your nights -- and learn how to wade down into the cool bliss of deep regular sleep. Once again experience deep, consistent, nourishing sleep; know on every level how truly good it feels to awaken refreshed and alert and focused enough to easily tackle your days. This book also teaches you how to write your own scripts in order to meet your unique healing and life-enhancing needs and desires! Own Your Journey!

Release dateMay 7, 2012
The Well Within: Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia

Kristina Woodall

My base station is, and pretty much always has been, Colorado. Living in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, Boulder (nestled on the edge of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains), my focus is on building bridges between what we believe life is all about and the mystery destination just beyond the veil. I am, like you, a spirit trekker -- always seeking to discover, explore, question, analyze, and heal the rift between flesh and spirit; illusion and truth. There is more to life than paying the bills, losing fat, getting (or not losing) our current source of employment, being politically correct, and forever striving to meet the external expectations of others; there is the inner spiritual journey to discover who we truly are, why we’re actually here, and what we really need to know and learn in order to summit to the light. EDUCATION: I began my adventures in higher education at the age of seventeen. Winning a Resident Honor’s Scholarship (one of thirty people across the nation), I spent my Senior year of High School at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. A year later, I opted to transfer to Humboldt State University in northern California. (Planting myself in the midst of tall trees, healthy skies, and open spaces, Humboldt was just what the doctor ordered for one dreadfully homesick for my native Colorado.) Four years later, in June of 1985, I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Journalism and Political Science. First published at the age of 14, winning Third Prize in the Denver Post’s State-wide Christmas Essay Writing Contest, I long possessed a passion for putting word to paper. At 17, at 2 o’clock in the morning (after a night shift at Wendy’s) I sat down and wrote an essay for San Diego’s East County Essay Writing Contest, and took First Place. At the age of 21, with my Journalism degree in hand and a passion for writing in my heart, I hurried back to Denver and obtained employment as a writer/editor for Golden Bell Press. A few years later, I became a Technical Writer for the United States Government (Bureau of Reclamation). When my contract with the government expired in 1990, the lure of the snow-capped mountains to the west of Denver was unbearable, and I moved up to Dillon, Colorado (elev. 9,800 feet!) on faith alone. The cost of my seat-of-the-pants decision to trek to higher grounds was high. With employment scarce and writing opportunities non-existent, I rode out a storm of odd jobs and inspirational (spiritual) challenges. The reward for this choice, however, was also high. Sitting on a boulder next to a lost lake in the Eaglesnest Wilderness (overlooking my new mountain home), I realized that I could now fulfill my thirst for even higher education, as well as my desire to help others traverse the highs and lows of our mutual journey on this planet. In 1993, at the age of 30, I went back to school to obtain my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Regis University in Denver. Building my own psychotherapy practice in Dillon, I sound found that traditional therapy lacked the equipment and traveling tools necessary to reach the depths of truth that existed deep within mind and emotion, body and feeling. Tired of talking around and around in circles, I went back and trained at the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute (THI) in Boulder, Colorado and became a Certified Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certified Transpersonal Medical Hypnotherapist. (Transpersonal hypnotherapy is a natural extension of Transpersonal Psychology, the fourth wave of psychology which recognizes the spiritual potential of human beings.) My areas of expertise included transpersonal journeywork (emotional healing; working with the unconscious mind; mind/body therapeutic practices; and ego strengthening); Jungian complexes and archetypes (working with archetypes in a transpersonal context; developing inner resources; and archetypal guidework); retrieval work (hypnotic regression therapy; healing early childhood trauma; abreaction/reframing; working with introjected parent figures; and inner child work); shadow work (Jungian dreamwork and active imagination); sub-personality therapy; resistance and problem solving strategies; phobias, weight management, smoking cessation, pain/disease management, work therapy; pre- and post-op therapy; hypnodontics, allergies, and natural childbirth. In 2004, I moved to Boulder and became an Intuitive Life Coach (helping clients build a complete physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tool chest that would enable them to weather the storms of the passage on this planet and climb to the heights of their wildest dreams). Becoming an Intuitive Life Coach, I found that I could reach out to people around the country who seek to become fully functioning, happy, healthy, adults able to meet challenges, endure the highs and lows with joy, and build the endurance necessary to reach the destination of their choice. In addition, pulling my passion for creative writing off the back-burner, I have now completed two novels: Dance for the Rain (about a young woman overcoming her fear of change and finding passion in the turmoil that is life) and Sight Seeing (the first in a series of paranormal suspense novels about a reluctant psychic/hypnotherapist who fights to protect the mountains behind her Colorado mountain town). Enjoying my journey and trusting my knowing, I now spend my time working with clients as their personal Intuitive Life Coach, working on my next novel (Ghost Time, which is about a woman who must face the sins of her past -- past life, that is -- in order to find healing and forgiveness in this lifetime, before it’s too late yet again...); spirit trekking up and down and around and beyond the illusory mountains of this life’s journey with all of my fellow spirit trekkers, and physically trekking up and down and around the very real, and very tall, mountains that hold up the Colorado sky.

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    Book preview

    The Well Within - Kristina Woodall

    The Well Within

    Harnessing Your Inner Healing Power Using Self-Hypnosis

    A Practical Step-by-Step Guide You Can Actually Use to Enhance Your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

    Book 7 of 10

    Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia

    By Kristina L. Woodall

    Cover Art by Angela M. Glenn

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Kristina L. Woodall

    Discover other Titles by Kristina L. Woodall at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Table of Contents


    Part I Exercises

    Chapter One -- Hypnosis: Myths and Misconceptions

    Chapter Two -- Hypnosis: Everyday Examples

    Chapter Three -- Imagination: The Power of the Positive

    Chapter Four -- Imagery: The Language of the Mind and the Body

    Part II Exercises

    Chapter Five -- How to Enter Self-Hypnosis

    Chapter Six -- How to Deepen Self-Hypnosis

    Chapter Seven -- How to Exit Self-Hypnosis

    Chapter Eight -- Putting it all Together: Tips and Tidbits

    Chapter Nine -- Sample Self-Hypnosis Session

    Part III Exercises

    Chapter Ten -- Self-Hypnosis for Conquering Insomnia

    Part IV Exercises

    Chapter Eleven -- Self-Hypnosis and the Power of Suggestion

    Chapter Twelve -- Writing Your Own Scripts

    Chapter Thirteen -- Special Place Scripts

    Chapter Fourteen -- Special Event Scripts

    Chapter Fifteen -- Special Issue Scripts




    All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis.

    The power of self-hypnosis belongs to you.

    You can harness the power of self-hypnosis

    to heal body, mind, spirit, and soul.

    Right now.

    Life can be hard.

    Self-hypnosis is easy.

    Life Is A Journey

    You are on a journey.

    One foot on front of the other.

    One step at a time.

    The path you are on twists and turns. It goes up and down, in and out, over and under, through and around.

    At times, you have to climb mountains. Struggling for every step, you work your way slowly higher and higher. You’re tired, sore, and uncertain. Every muscle in your body hurts. Every breath you take is all about survival.

    Then, you get to the top. You reach up, dust away the clouds, and touch the sun.


    When you catch your breath, you glance back down the mountain and see every obstacle that stood in your way -- every boulder, every river, every bridge, every incline -- and you know that the experience of being on high was well worth the struggle.

    At times, you have to find your way through dense forests of darkness. Here, the only light you have is a memory. Cursing, lost and afraid, you struggle through the blackness. Branches lash out, scratching at your face and hands. Your ankles give way to unseen bogs, and the howling wind teases and taunts that you’ll never find your way.

    Then, you reach the clearing and fully embrace the light.


    When you catch your breath, you turn and glance back at the seemingly impenetrable wall of darkness, and you know that the experience of knowing the light was well worth the struggle.

    At times, you have to travel down into the depths of the deepest ravines. The descent is rocky and harsh, and all that is good seems to slip away as you go deeper and deeper. You wrap yourself up tight against the bitterness within, and howl in agony and despair.

    Then, you reach the bottom. From the depths you can only look up; and can truly appreciate the heights.


    When you catch your breath, you reach up and start climbing again; you turn and glance back towards the lowest point, and you know that the experience of ascending was well worth the struggle.

    At times, you get to stroll through wide open meadows.

    There is a carpet of tall, green grass and a rainbow of dancing wildflowers. There is an endless canopy of cloudless blue sky. Nourishment is plentiful and life is rich.

    Joy and Peace!

    Yet, even as you stroll through with ease, you glance ahead and know that meadows never last forever.

    The seasons change and each one comes with its own highs and lows; its own lessons and teachings; its own challenge and its own glory.

    Because you are on a journey. A spiritual trek through time and space.

    And within each moment of your journey is a new experience that can either steal away your courage or enliven every cell of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual existence on this planet.

    Each Step Is A Choice.

    Choose Well!

    Journey Well

    The only thing you can bring on your journey is yourself.

    From your path, you can enjoy the company of others. You can meet and greet, share and compare, give and receive. People are only a touch away, yet they are not on your path. They do not know what you know; they have not been where you have been; they are not going where you are going.

    Only you are on your path.

    For this journey, you must seek well within yourself.

    The Well Within.

    As you climb to the heights, stumble through the darkness, rejoice in the sunshine, tumble to the depths, and stroll through the meadows, there is a way to more fully embrace the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and textures of the landscape through which you journey.

    There is a way to make the struggle well worth the learning; to gain more power, more courage, more wisdom, and more strength.


    Self-hypnosis, recognized by doctors and scientists as a naturally occurring state of pleasant relaxation, allows you to seek the well that lies deep within the core of your being.

    Self-hypnosis can allow you to harness the power of mind, body, and spirit.

    Self-hypnosis can allow you to focus this power on defining and achieving your goals -- letting go of the extra weight, overcoming addictions, getting to sleep, managing the pain, increasing self-confidence -- so you can be who you want to be, do what you want to do, and have what your heart desires.

    Self-hypnosis can help you reach into the well within -- to find and embrace the strength, courage, wisdom, peace, security, joy, self-esteem, and love you need to keep moving forward on your journey.

    One foot in front of the other.

    Self-hypnosis (and whenever I use that term, I mean self-guided hypnotic healing) can help you reach into the well within -- to open up and sort through the baggage that’s slowing you down; to relinquish what no longer serves you; to find the freedom you need to keep moving forward on your journey.

    One Step At A Time.

    Self-Hypnosis … For A Better Journey.



    Being in the Moment

    Remember when? For a minute, for an hour, or maybe even for a day, you weren’t doing anything in particular. No agenda. You weren’t thinking about the past. You weren’t worrying about the future.

    No tension. No stress. No fatigue. No pain.

    You were just being. In the moment. Perfection.

    Maybe you were taking a walk by the water.

    Maybe you were eating your lunch on a park bench.

    Maybe you were watching your child try to touch the sky with the seat of her swing.

    You were calm. Quiet. Content.

    You felt the warmth of the sun gently soak down into your muscles like a soothing deep-tissue massage. You noticed the cool, gentle breeze teasing your hair. You heard the laughter of the people around you, smelled the scent of freshly mown grass, and tasted the sweetness of life -- the joy, the peace, the health -- the security of knowing who you were, where you came from, and where you were going.

    Then, it passed. You got up, shook it off, and got on with your life. After all, there were people to see, bills to pay, work to do, weight to lose, lists to itemize, fights to win, antacids to consume.

    And it was right back to the real world.

    Tension. Stress. Fatigue. Pain.

    I bet you know what I’m going to say next, right?

    That it doesn’t have to be that way.

    You’re right.

    There is something between the extreme of vegging out at the beach without a care in the world, and the other extreme of stressing yourself to the point of mental and physical destruction.

    There is a balance point where work and play are the same thing. There is a balance point where health, love, serenity, security, and happiness are well within our own control.

    There is a balance point where there is no failure, only new growth and expansion; where down isn’t always out; and where the bottom line is that life is good.

    Self-hypnosis is not a miracle cure-all. It is also not a sugar pill.

    Self-hypnosis is a natural, built-in ability you already possess (in need of refinement, perhaps) that can enable you to bring balance into your life.

    Self-hypnosis is a tool that you can easily learn and easily use, whenever you choose.

    Simply put, self-hypnosis is harnessing your attention and focusing it on one, and only one, thing at a time.

    For better health. For pain management. For addiction release. For success at work and at play. For more confidence in social settings. For true deep, sleep. For enhanced learning and retention.

    For many years, as a hypnotherapist and a counselor, I spent a great deal of my professional time teaching all of my clients self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a not just a useful tool -- it is a critical tool -- for mastering and deeply enhancing our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well being.

    Using this hands-on book to put self-hypnosis to use in your every-day life can be a key to unlocking your inner power and strength, enabling you to focus your energy and wisdom in order to deal successfully and calmly with many of life’s everyday hassles, issues, events, fears, and relentless stressors -- enabling you to BE who you want to be, DO you want to do, and HAVE what you want to have.

    Whether you are an expert or a beginner, this book will provide you everything you need to know to positively experience self-hypnosis in your life for your needs. For your journey.

    This book is not intended to be an in-depth theoretical examination of the theory of self-hypnosis (although I would recommend such a learning experience, which is why I have provided a Reference Section at this end of this book); it is intended to be a practical, easy-to-use, simple-to-master guidebook for putting self-hypnosis to work for you right here, right now.

    It is a direct, to-the-point, let’s-get-busy hands-on manual for your healing.

    What You Will Need To Be Successful In This Endeavor

    In order to use this book successfully, you will need:

    a recording device;

    the desire to spend time on your healing so you can read through, and practice, the exercises as they are presented; and

    the desire to be successful in your own journey of healing.

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