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Ghost of a Kiss
Ghost of a Kiss
Ghost of a Kiss
Ebook52 pages48 minutes

Ghost of a Kiss

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Artist Sarah Poole never expected to inherit her Aunt Charlotte's 1930s Art Deco villa in Cornwall, England. She travels to the tiny village of Porth Greavy and falls in love with the beautiful white house on the cliff, but with it comes a mysterious visitor.

Who is the intriguing Michael Polrose, and what does he really want?

PublisherFrith Books
Release dateMay 11, 2012
Ghost of a Kiss

Anna Reith

Anna Reith lives behind a keyboard in the far south west of England. On the very rare occasions she is not writing, Anna enjoys taking long, muddy walks with her dogs, dabbling in her herb garden, and falling off horses. Not all at the same time, obviously.

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    Ghost of a Kiss - Anna Reith

    Ghost of a Kiss

    Anna Reith

    Smashwords Edition

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    Published by Frith Books at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Anna Reith

    ISBN: 978-1-907623-28-8

    Cover art and design by Anna Reith for Frith Books

    All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events, and characters are fictitious or are used fictitiously, a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual events, or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

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    Kemer uith na rey gara an vor goth rag an vor noueth.

    ~Take care that you do not leave the old road for the new road.

    (Old Cornish proverb)

    Oh, please tell me you’re kidding!

    Sarah Poole shook her head, smiled, and ignored the rise of hysteria in Jeni’s voice. They were sitting in Baccini’s, their favourite coffee spot—not far from Central Park, but not so close as to be full of tourists—behind cappuccinos thickly laced with foam and cinnamon sprinkles. Golden summer sunlight slunk around their ankles. Sarah loved New York like this; she saw why Jeni thought she must be crazy to leave.

    It’ll only be for a few weeks, Sarah said, to convince herself just as much as Jeni. Just to see what kind of shape the house is in, deal with getting it on the market.

    But you could do all that from here, Jeni wheedled. She swiped her spoon through the layer of froth that ringed her half-empty cup and quirked an eyebrow. Anyway, it’s going to be some awful, tumble-down old heap with rats and rising damp. Probably haunted, too.

    Sarah chuckled. Jeni shook her glossy black hair back off her shoulders and widened her dark brown eyes incredulously. They’d been friends since high school, and ever since people had remarked on the contrast between them: Jeni’s Mediterranean looks against Sarah’s pale, freckled skin and gingery, frizzy red locks. As if they’d planned it like that.

    Well, Jeni said indignantly, homes you inherit from long-lost relatives always are, aren’t they? And England has some really old houses… it’s probably got a butler and a crypt in the back yard.

    Sarah’s laugh got harder and gave rise to a snort. She clamped a hand over her mouth, and the heat of a blush washed over her cheeks as Gianni—the barista whom she and Jeni sometimes lazily flirted with over the coffee and amaretti—glanced at her across a tray of cups he’d been collecting from the empty tables. Sarah bit down on the last bubbles of mirth and glared at Jeni.

    Shut up! Anyway, Auntie Charlotte wasn’t long lost. We used to see her all the time when we were kids; she only moved over there about fifteen years ago, after her husband died.

    Your uncle?

    "Yeah. I think she married again. Mom got a letter when I was at college. Can’t remember the guy’s name, but I know she said they met

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