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Caroline: A Short Story
Caroline: A Short Story
Caroline: A Short Story
Ebook46 pages35 minutes

Caroline: A Short Story

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About this ebook

Caroline is a strange and darkly funny love story.

It is a full-length short story and includes a bonus preview of my second novel, Surviving Immortality, available as of August, 2012.

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PublisherAndre Farant
Release dateMay 13, 2012
Caroline: A Short Story

Andre Farant

I studied English Literature at Carleton University. Since then I have developed an indescribably aimless resume. I have worked as a security guard, a Court Services Officer, a model, an actor, a teacher of English as a second language, a project coordinator for an NGO, and a Research Officer with the Government of Canada. I have eaten whale in Iceland, live octopus in South Korea, and beaver tail in Canada. I am a working writer and have had pieces published in Micro Horror, Weird Year, The Midwest Literary Magazine, and the “Off Season” anthology. I currently reside in Montreal, Quebec.

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    Book preview

    Caroline - Andre Farant


    By Andre Farant

    Copyright 2012 Andre Farant

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Also by Andre Farant

    Deer Lake: A Novel

    Frozen Dinner

    Deepest Quiet

    High Art

    Seafood and Other Stories

    Table of Contents


    Contact Andre

    Surviving Immortality Preview


    The hand lay nestled between a packet of veal cutlets and a slab of beef short ribs. Though Andrew usually avoided the meat aisle of the grocery store, he passed its breezy and bloody display on his way to the dairy section. His attention had been arrested by what appeared to be human flesh and he'd looked closer. It was definitely a hand and, like the meat with which it shared the refrigeration unit, it rested upon a Styrofoam plate and had been wrapped in cellophane. A price sticker was affixed to its plastic covering just above the ring finger.

    Andrew glanced around, wondered if he'd been targeted by some juvenile prankster. Shoppers plucked items from shelves, pushed wobbly-wheeled carts, read through crumpled grocery lists and dog-eared coupon books, but none paid Andrew any attention. He found a store employee, the man's white smock stained with blood both fresh and old.

    Why is that there? Andrew asked.

    Oh, those are on sale, the man said. But don’t worry, you can freeze ’em and they'll be fine until you thaw ’em out.

    Once the man had gone, Andrew drew the hand from its frigid bed. The fingers were slender, the nails long and shapely, the bones and veins barely visible; a young woman's hand. He placed it in his basket and covered it with a packet of whole wheat tortilla wraps.


    Working carefully, he pulled at the cellophane, worried its semi-adhesive edges with his finger nails. The plastic wrap came away like dead skin. Gently and with a tea towel to cover his own fingers, Andrew transferred the hand from its Styrofoam backing to a dinner plate on his kitchen table. He sat and, after a moment, wrapped the towel around the ragged stump of the hand's wrist. That looked good, as though an arm, a shoulder, a body might exist beyond that towel.

    The hand was clean and, besides the obvious trauma that had removed it from its owner, it was without scars or injuries. The nails looked healthy and well cared for; the knuckles were smooth

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