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Angel's Haylo
Angel's Haylo
Angel's Haylo
Ebook37 pages33 minutes

Angel's Haylo

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Haylo is an Elf, but she has been raised as a human. She has never known a different life, though she knows there are Elves and that she is one of them. The family that has surrounded her with their love and care is not of her blood. She never questioned her origins. To her those about her were her family. Her mother. Her father. Her grandmother.

Angel is Amy’s daughter and is unable to have a child. To Amy it is the worse thing that can happen to a woman, especially to one who lives only to hold a child in her arms as her own. Amy has seen many women who share her daughter’s fate, she has often helped them in their quest, for she is a healer and is often called to help others as they deliver their babes into the world. Not all mothers survived the ordeal of childbirth. Amy always found the orphaned children homes.

Elizara is an Elven woman who has borne twins, though she is too ill to realize this. Thinking the Elf too ill to survive Amy takes one of the babies to give to her daughter to have as her own. This is their story.

PublisherM.A. Abraham
Release dateMay 14, 2012
Angel's Haylo

M.A. Abraham

I don’t really know what to say about myself. I have been writing books since before I became a teenager. Most are still hidden in the closet. I used to make up my own stories as a child, everyone used to act them out while we were playing outside. As a teenager someone issued me a challenge. I told her that her stories stunk, she told me to do better. My job growing up was to play guardian to my little brother, keep him safe. That meant I ended up getting into more fights than enough – makes sense now that I write about warriors. My family will try to tell you that I’m not innocent, I have a personality that keeps them on their toes. Over my lifetime and theirs I have earn several nicknames – The Godmother, The Evil Christmas Elf (comes from making my nieces wrap their own Christmas presents), Mistress of Ambush. My favorite response to them when they try to get me into trouble is just to look at them with a wide doe eyed expression and say “Moi?????” I have a seal point Siamese cat named Snoop, named after my favorite cartoon character and hobby. I have a “healthy” but small collection of Snoopy memorabilia. He is a character alright; never met a cat who can talk back like he does. He expects daily dosages of adoration on his schedule when he wants it – not when it’s convenient for me and he HATES snow. I come from a very large family (mostly brothers) and I could outrun the whole works of them (I’m the shortest!). It was called survival. This book has been in the making for a long time now. Over a half a year to write it, about the same amount of time to edit it, and probably about the same amount of time to get the art work and website! I have learned you can’t control the timelines of other people – Murphy likes to step in. So for now I am setting up good luck charms everywhere... didn’t know I had that many stuffed Snoopy’s. *Fingers, legs, toes, eyes and anything else I can crossed*

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    Book preview

    Angel's Haylo - M.A. Abraham


    Angel’s Haylo

    An Elven Chronicles Short Story

    Published by M.A. Abraham

    Copyright 2012 M.A. ABRAHAM

    Haylo clasped one of her mother’s hands between both of hers as she hovered over the bed. She knew what was happening, and had seen it many times before in her lifetime. She had experienced the heartbreak of losing someone cherished a few times before in her life. Her grandmother had died first, then her father, and now her mother. She would be the last one left of her family after this. She would be alone.

    Haylo had been able to heal almost anything all of her life, she had a power to keep living creatures healthy. There was nothing, however, she could do to help anyone dying of old age. In her youth, she had tried to use her powers to heal her grandmother. She had known she was not a natural daughter of the family, that she was an Elf and not a human like those around her. It had never mattered. Not to her parents, not to her. She was loved here. Happy. She belonged.

    Haylo had felt a void deep within her soul as far back as she could remember. She didn’t know where the feeling came from, but it was there. She had everything a girl could have wanted, a loving family and a beautiful home. Through her life, she had been treated like the most precious jewel. Now she was being left alone to live out the rest of her life. It seemed as if everyone she ever loved had aged and died. Only she remained young and beautiful.

    My beautiful daughter, the aged woman laying on the bed breathed as she raised a dry and frail hand to cup Haylo’s cheek. I still remember the first moment I ever saw you. The first time I held you in my arms. You were so tiny, so precious. It was wrong to keep you. I should have told my mother that, but I couldn’t. You were meant to be mine.

    I don’t understand mother, Haylo turned cobalt blue eyes filled with unshed tears onto her mother.

    I need to tell you a story my darling baby girl. I promised my mother I would tell you who and what you are before I passed on. The time has come for me to fulfill that promise. It was her last wish. She felt it important that you know that even after we are gone that there are others you belong with. Family who will love you, and welcome you back into their midst.

    No one could love me more than I have been loved. Haylo wanted her mother to know that she understood that

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