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A Vampire's Story: The First 30 Days Sober.
A Vampire's Story: The First 30 Days Sober.
A Vampire's Story: The First 30 Days Sober.
Ebook73 pages1 hour

A Vampire's Story: The First 30 Days Sober.

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Vince Versoul has a drinking problem; he's drinking too much booze and not enough human blood! You see, Vince is a vampire, but he’s been slowly regressing back into his normie state due to his alcohol use. That’s when two of his thug vampire cronies - Jimmy and Tommy - do an intervention.

Vince turns to AA to help with his sobriety, but he struggles with accepting the 12 Steps. He can't come to terms with, "Being powerless, weak, flawed, filled with Defects. And this turning to God thing? They must have me confused with someone else."

However, Vince discovers that going to meetings can be of lifesaving help to him - it gives him an endless revolving door of new potential victims. Through his active involvement with "the program," Vince becomes a highly respected member of his home group.

Will he be discovered? Will he change his drinking ways? Will his charm and charisma take him to even higher levels of evil within the program? Or will the program change a vampire?

The answers are inside: "A Vampire's Story - The first 30 days sober"

PublisherMark Tuschel
Release dateMay 17, 2012
A Vampire's Story: The First 30 Days Sober.

Mark Tuschel

Mark A. Tuschel is a PhD – Previously heavy Drinker. Mark has over four years of sobriety without a relapse. He is not a prohibition lunatic; he openly admits he misses his old friend alcohol. He realizes that his drunken lifestyle was completely his own choice and drinking will not improve his life or his chances for a better future. Accepting this precept is why he chooses to remain sober. Mark has been involved in radio broadcast for over 20 years. Starting as an on-air DJ in Milwaukee, WI. then producing comedy for All-Star Radio, ACN, ESPN Radio, Animal Radio Network and more. He currently performs cartoon character voice work from his home studio. He is also the founder and author of the website

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    Book preview

    A Vampire's Story - Mark Tuschel

    A Vampire’s story - The first 30 days sober

    By: Mark A. Tuschel


    Legal stuff

    Copyright © 2012 by Mark A. Tuschel

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher (CW Media, Inc.), except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a magazine, newspaper, website or other electronic media. There are many more legal terms to be used, but in essence this all means don’t steal any of this stuff.

    Published by: CW Media, Inc.

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    ISBN 13: 978-0-9842730-8-9

    A Vampire’s story - The first 30 days sober

    Even in an evil world, some good exists.

    The intervention:

    Vince is sitting back in the corner booth of his favorite restaurant, The Great Steak Out. Quiet, reflective, his head down, he sits spinning the stem of his wine glass between his long pale fingers, tipping it slightly back and forth, his dark sunken eyes watching as the coating of the deep red Merlot clings to the sides. He’s waiting for Jimmy and Tommy. He knows something is wrong, bad wrong. Those two wouldn’t have made an appointment if they had something good to talk about. They would have just dropped in on him.

    Vincent Versoul has a comfortably successful day job; he works as an independent CPA. He’s been doing it for many years, many many years, about 80 years to be exact. But it’s his night job that is his lifeblood – literally. Vincent is a vampire.

    Jimmy and Tommy arrive, impeccably dressed as always; they sit on opposite sides of the booth, flanking Vince. He doesn’t like this, but he shows no fear. Vince is already half way through his second bottle of Merlot. He pushes the bottle across the table into the middle toward them, You guys need glasses or are you just gonna suck out of the bottle?

    Tommy is not in the mood for jokes, Very funny Vinnie, but this is serious. You got a problem and you gotta do somethin’ about it.

    What’s my problem?

    Your problem is your drinking. You’re not drinking enough blood and you’re drinking too much booze.

    Get the fuck outta here. Alcohol doesn’t affect me, I’m a vampire.

    Well you ain’t a very good one, Tommy slams his hand firmly down on the table, making the wine glass jump and nearly tip. Then Tommy digs his razor tipped fingernails into the top of Vince’s hand. If you don’t keep up your diet, you start reverting back to your old ways as a normie, and that ain’t good. A thick black liquid slowly oozes out around the nails as they puncture their way deeper into Vince’s hand.

    Jimmy pops in with chilling directness, You ain’t been drinkin’ enough fresh living blood Vinnie, you been drinkin’ too much Budweiser. Jesus fuck, look at you,,, you got a beer belly, what kind’a fuckin’ vampire has a beer belly? You’re an embarrassment.

    Vinnie looks down and can’t help but notice his paunch.

    Tommy solemnly asks, What were you before you became one of us?

    An accountant.

    Tommy’s voice gets louder, clearly agitated, drilling his nails deeper, No you stupid fuck, you were a normie, but you wanted this eternal life of death. You know what happens when you don’t feed yourself right? You start reverting back, and that’s not good. And you know what’s gonna happen if the boys downstairs hear about this… It ain’t gonna be pretty. Hissing and flashing his life draining fangs.

    How can this happen? I’m a vampire for fuck sake! Vampires don’t revert back.

    Jimmy is stern, You been readin’ too many goddamn vampire books Vinnie. That ain’t how it works. You weren’t a victim that had his blood sucked out behind a wharf somewhere. You made a deal with us.

    Tommy removes his nails from Vince’ skin, licking his finger tips he calmly takes over the conversation, "It ain’t like we have sex to make new little baby vampires you stupid fuck. You nail somebody deep, drain ‘em to their very last drop of blood and then give ‘em a transfusion of your unblood, like we did to you, then you become a vampire. The rest of those saps you just hit once in a while and keep feedin’ off them. I mean, think about it Vinnie, you’re an accountant, do the math. If we all became vampires who we gonna feed off of? Tommy’s voice rising again, Use yer fuckin’ brains."

    Vince is defensive but not very convincing, Look, this is just a small stumbling block. I’ll be okay, I got time. I’m a vampire.

    Tommy leans across the table, piercing with yellow eyes and a spine curling tone he whispers, "Hey, vampires don’t live forever Vinnie. Some fucker comes along and pounds a stake in your heart, you step out in the sun or you get taken out, ‘cuz you ain’t pullin’ your weight. And you ain’t pullin’ your weight. You haven’t brought us any new party favors to suck off lately and it’s been even longer since you brought us in a new recruit. So now you gotta straighten up and take care of your part of the deal."

    The waiter arrives, Excuse me gentlemen, placing a platter in front of Vince, Here’s your California Rolls sir.

    Jimmy and Tommy stand up, shaking their heads,,, Tommy isn’t happy, "You’re pathetic Vinnie. Go get some help before it’s too late. Now

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