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Deeper Into The Mystery
Deeper Into The Mystery
Deeper Into The Mystery
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Deeper Into The Mystery

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Journey Deeper into the Mystery of the sacred places of Aotearoa (New Zealand) with Gary Cook. as he takes you on an inspiring pilgrimage through the awesome landscapes of this land to twelve sacred sites in Aotearoa. Share his adventures and findings - natural and supernatural - along the way as he bears three gifts to each site. This book may well inspire you to go on your own nature pilgrimage.

PublisherGary Cook
Release dateMay 21, 2012
Deeper Into The Mystery

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    Deeper Into The Mystery - Gary Cook




    To the many who have helped to bring this story together and to those who have walked with me.

    My wife Raywyn, Barry Brailsford, Cushla Denton, Noel and Julie Hilliam, Greg and Rose Wood, Arthur and Lyn Knight, Dr Bill Harrison, Mick Collins, Michael O’Donnell, Doug and Trish Yeoman, Wiremu Turner, Gordon Heathcote, Merv Hilliam, Nick Freeman, Steve Perry, Ron Halliday, Maureen York, Ian Boustridge Ruth Tai, Michael Fleck, Caitlin and Sika.

    Published by the Secretland Project

    PO Box 8756,

    Symonds Street,




    Copyright 2011 Secretland Project. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of The Secretland Project.

    Converted to ebook by Peter Harris, book wizard, in the

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    Chapter 1 This Journey Is Your Journey

    Chapter 2 Energies Abound

    Chapter 3 The Gift Of Listening

    Chapter 4 One Tree

    Chapter 5 Fragrance Of The Heavens

    Chapter 6 The School That Never Closes

    Chapter 7 The Waters Of Life

    Chapter 8 Songs Of The Water And The Stone

    Chapter 9 Climbing To The Tor

    Chapter 10 Shadows Beneath The Trees

    Chapter 11 A World Of Possibilities

    Chapter 12 Of Fairies And Forests

    GPS And Map Co-ordinates For Locations

    Books Available By Ordering Online


    The early morning sun had yet to warm the cool air that enveloped the land where I tended our vegetable gardens. As you sow, so shall you reap. Every plant and every seed had been planted with thoughts and words to acknowledge that unbroken, eternal link with all that grows in this land. The nesting Tui sung in clear bell-like notes as if recognizing my thoughts. I then went to gather flax with which to bind the stones that I would be carrying throughout this land over the next few weeks.

    I stopped to look closely at the dew-tipped grasses reflecting mini rainbows of light and joy. What a special time of the day this is. The collecting of the flax was another step toward my journey of remembrance. A journey on which I was to revisit many places in this land, to invoke a ritual of memory. To acknowledge the ancestors for their past achievements without which I would not be standing in this garden at this time preparing to walk on trails of magic and wonder, and attempting to recapture messages from the past that are recorded within the many sacred sites in this land. I am to visit many places that are very familiar, and others that I know of in name only. And as my eyes rested on the nurturing green of the gardens, I thought back to the vision that had both disturbed and provided me with the impetus to travel to these distant places.

    The vision I now share with you came to me at the moment when we go into rest and sleep. At the time that we are ‘in between’ waking and sleeping.

    The young man smiled, a clean shaven dimpled chin set below teeth that sparkled and reflected the brightness within his eyes. His piercing gaze gave rise to a thrill within me that heightened my interest in this strange dream encounter. Is this really a dream? I can often manipulate events within my dreams, but this meeting had come from another place, from outside my understanding.

    There was a power within this man that far exceeded anything I had ever felt in the presence of one seemingly so young. I knew that he knew what I needed to hear.

    I had asked a question within this dream, one that may be common to many who seek an answer as to where they may fit in the grand scheme of things. I had asked in which direction I may proceed in service to my fellow human beings? Are my perceptions and limited understanding a hindrance to advancing on the spiritual plane? Is it essential that I undertake a pilgrimage to special and sacred places within this land?

    Much had I asked. Could I hold this person within my dream to gain the answers that I sought?

    The response that came was in a gentle measured tone, each word, each syllable precise and ringing with a vibrancy that made every word clear and concise.

    "You know where to go, you know what must be done. It is that you have just not remembered. You have always known. Even as a small child you had the knowing."

    "Whilst your quest is within the physical realms of this creation you must put your body and the human form to one side. They will still provide the form within which you must travel. You must walk the land and feel with all of your senses, some known to you and others yet to develop. And with the feelings will come the realization that you have always known, but have not been able to understand. And then, you will be guided by spirit and directed by intuition."

    "There are important steps for you to take on your journey, and you must shed the veil of complacency that has clouded your vision. You are seeking the ultimate personal goal, the one true place where we all dwell in the realm of self realization. And within this place, will come to you the means by which you will achieve true purpose. And in gaining this, you will come into an understanding and wisdom that will allow you to be a mentor of love, a healer of the heart, the mind and body."

    The young man sat quietly on the smooth weathered stone in a forest clearing. Within my dream I thought that this place could be within the Elysium Fields. But for all of that I still had to ask why I had undertaken so many journeys that had not yet given me that which I sought. "But young man, I have made many journeys throughout the land, often travelling across the oceans, to sit with wise people, to absorb ancient wisdom in my quest for knowledge and understanding. I have sat with Holy Men, Healers, Shaman and visited sacred sites and temples.

    .....I have visited sacred sites and sat with holy men.......

    "I have heard and learned much, and yet there is something within me that is incomplete. I feel that this pilgrimage I am about to undertake may enable me realise the answers that I seek."

    Still smiling he replied. I know this, as well as you do. Your journey will not be completed until the Inner Realization is achieved, and with this will come the understanding you have been seeking, and also the way you may best serve your fellow human beings and all that lives upon this earth.

    "You have, thus far, given from your level of awareness and wisdom through writing and sharing your stories. The story you are soon to write will be a culmination of many life times of learning. Up to this time much that you have written has not been understood by many, but treasured by those that are in tune with what you do and say. You have to spread your knowledge on a wider scale, and use all that modern technology can offer to do so."

    "In essence, what I am telling you is that you must become more rounded in your writing, thus allowing your words to open more hearts and minds to the true purpose of all beings on this plane. You will be able to challenge more people to then seek their own solutions to individual problems. To inspire more people to travel to the many places on this planet that may offer them answers to that which is holding them back. Speak more freely of human connections with every living entity on this planet, thereby allowing people to reconnect with the order and balance to be found within nature."

    "Quite simply put, you must continue your quest and travel the long trails throughout this land. Stand among the mighty forest trees, climb the hills and mountains, walk in the towns, listen to the waters, the birds and the animals. Measure yourself against the greatness of this living Earth and the infinite power of the Universe. Remember the Creator and the One Source from which all living things have come."

    "You must carry with you the stone of many lands, and put these stones in places that will reveal themselves to you. And between these placements an energy will flow enabling powerful channels of information to be carried to all parts of this land. And within these conduits, love and healing prayers will be carried to all who are in need."

    "As you travel, pay full attention to the meditation you were gifted many years ago. Review your vows as a Temple Knight, and your armour shall become as a shield; your smile will be that shield. Your sword shall become the kind word, either spoken or written. Your mantle will be one of open hearted love for all with whom you have contact".

    "The trails that you will follow are always open, no matter what may be perceived as an obstacle. The markers of these trails are always clear to those seeking the truth, and travelling within the mantle of love. Your journey will be one of heat and cold, wet and dry, storm and calm. The roads will be both paved and rough. The one constant will be that for every hill climbed, that hill must be descended. You must plan this quest with the expectation of much that will be unexpected and unexplained."

    "Companionship may not be sought, but you will on occasions share the trail with fellow walkers. Seekers come in all guises. Be prepared to be surprised, and often overjoyed. But for all of this, you must maintain balance and purpose, to be constant in your aim toward your ultimate goal".

    So much was happening and so much was being said I felt a moment of despair as to how I could remember all of these directions.

    The young man slowly came to his feet. I then became aware of his stature and the flowing silver grey finely woven robe that he wore. Still smiling he went on.

    "You think that you are an old man, and that you have achieved much in your lifetime. This is not so. You are just now coming into your own. I am outwardly young, and yet have gained knowledge through many lifetimes, just as you have, but do not yet understand. I am blessed to have an understanding. And this understanding is what you will gain on your journey. You will walk always in the Now, but by looking over your shoulder you will see the past that you have just moved through. Look

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