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The Lycaning
The Lycaning
The Lycaning
Ebook38 pages30 minutes

The Lycaning

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PART ONE: How far will a mother go for the sake of her son? The answer is a disturbing twist on the Lycan legend as Lori R. Lopez (author of “Bloodpath” and “Heartbeat”) depicts an experiment gone terribly awry. Charles is a man living with illness and deformity, working in a lab with his scientist mom whose primary goal has become the desperate search for a cure to his debilitating disease. Their work releases a plague that will transform the civilized world into a savage jungle of kill or be killed. Is there hope for Mankind, or will these new creatures wipe out the human race?

PART TWO: As a man schemes to capture the male and female werewolves, Charles discovers the truth behind his original disease and the secrets his mother was keeping. Werewolves, humans, and were-zombies clash in a world filled with change.

PublisherLori R. Lopez
Release dateMay 22, 2012
The Lycaning

Lori R. Lopez

Lori R. Lopez wears many hats as an Author and Speculative Poet of Horror, Fantasy, Suspense, Humor and more. She illustrates her books and has written songs, while being an Activist for animals and children. Growing up, Lori roamed graveyards and conducted funerals for dead birds, squirrels, insects and spiders. Her offbeat books include The Dark Mister Snark, Leery Lane, An Ill Wind Blows, Darkverse: The Shadow Hours, Odds & Ends, and The Fairy Fly. In 2023 Lori won Third Place in the Long Category for the SFPA Poetry Contest for "Wake Unto Death". Her Poetry Collection Darkverse was nominated for an Elgin Award and a Finalist in the Kindle Book Awards. Her poems "Crop Circles" and "Nocturnal Embers" were nominated for the Rhysling Award in 2020, "Social Graces" and "The Whistle Stop" in 2021, "Biting Sarcasm" in 2022, "The Whippoorwill" and "If Houses Could Talk" in 2023. Poems "The Maw" and "creatures of the macabre" received Editor's Choice Awards among other honors. Stories and verse have appeared in The Sirens Call, The Horror Zine, Space & Time, Spectral Realms, JOURN-E, Weirdbook, Bewildering Stories, Dreams & Nightmares, Impspired, Altered Reality, Aphelion, and anthologies such as California Screamin' (the Foreword Poem), HWA Poetry Showcases II, III, V, VI, and IX, Journals Of Horror, Grey Matter Monsters, Dead Harvest, Fearful Fathoms I, Terror Train I and II, Trickster's Treats #3, Speculations III (Weird Poets Society), and In Darkness We Play. A member of the Horror Writers Association, Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, and Lewis Carroll Society Of North America. Visit the Fairy Fly Entertainment Website Lori shares with her two talented sons, and their YouTube Channel @FairyFly. They have a Folk Band called The Fairyflies.

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    Book preview

    The Lycaning - Lori R. Lopez

    The Lycaning

    by Lori R. Lopez

    Fairy Fly Entertainment

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any

    media without written permission from the author, except

    brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles.

    This is a work of fiction. Any and all references to real persons, events, and places are used fictitiously. Other characters, names, places, events and details are fabrications of the author’s imagination; any such resemblance to actual places, events or persons, whether living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2012 by Lori R. Lopez

    First published in the the anthology I Believe In Werewolves, 2011

    Artwork by Lori R. Lopez

    Cover Design by Fairy Fly Entertainment

    Author Photo by Fairy Fly Entertainment

    E-Book Edition (EPUB)

    Table Of Contents

    The Lycaning

    Table Of Contents

    Part One

    Part Two

    About the author and artist

    More works by Lori R. Lopez

    This is not your traditional wolfman tale. An inventive and original take on a horror classic, The Lycaning creates a new breed of the monster and a society transformed by a Werewolf Apocalypse. It is at the same time a story about love and sacrifice. Part Two delves deeper into the origins of character and plot. Secrets are revealed. Werewolves, humans, and were-zombies clash.

    PART ONE: How far will a mother go for the sake of her son? The answer is a disturbing twist on the Lycan legend as Lori R. Lopez (author of Bloodpath and Heartbeat) depicts an experiment gone terribly awry. Charles is a man living with illness and deformity, working in a lab with his scientist mom whose primary goal has become the desperate search for a cure to his debilitating disease. Their work releases a plague that will transform the civilized world into a savage jungle of kill or be killed. Is there hope for Mankind, or will these new creatures wipe out the human race?

    PART TWO: As a man schemes to capture the male and female werewolves, Charles discovers the truth behind his original disease and the secrets his mother was keeping. Werewolves, humans, and were-zombies clash in a world filled with change.

    Part One

    Peering through heavy drapes, they spy at a devastated urban portrait of ruin and disease. No autos prowl the avenue. Solely the shambling forms of rancid empty-eyed homeless stir between corpses and the abandoned husks of automobiles. It’s a scene of nightmare.

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