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The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8: The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course, #5
The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8: The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course, #5
The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8: The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course, #5
Ebook235 pages3 hours

The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8: The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course, #5

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About this ebook

Please note that you are reading the description for the Week's 5-8 eBook of "The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course". The description for Week One of the course contains complete detail on the entire course. And if you haven't already read Week's 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the course then you are strongly advised to start the course at the beginning by reading the content in the Week 1 eBook first.

What's covered in the Weeks 5-8 eBook of "The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course"?

Days 21 to 38: for the remainder of the course it's all about the exercises. You'll be given an average of around 7 exercises to work on every day to cement and further your learning on the topics that you will have covered in the main course, such as; getting better at sex, the daily to-do's, how to build a connection with your partner, spotting good opportunities to initiate sex, boosting her self-esteem and your self-improvements.

Appendices in the Weeks 5-8 eBook:

Appendix - Become an oral sex god
This is an entire appendix on Getting Good At Going Down. The course makes the suggestion that pleasing your partner when you get her into bed is a great way to keep on bringing her back to the bedroom, and that pleasing your partner with some mind blowing oral sex is a great way to give her that pleasure! This appendix is structured in much the same way as the rest of the course and aims to make it easy for you to get good at what is quite a tricky thing to do well.

Appendix - Quick reminders
As you may have noticed the course is pretty lengthy, so this appendix exists to make it easier for you to quickly and efficiently review the topics that have been covered and the suggestions that have been made in the main course. It's a 5,500 word summary of the whole course which, if you need speedy reminders of some of the suggestions or processes having completed the course and you don't want to make the time to go back through the whole thing again then this is a great way to get a quick summary of all of the tips.

Release dateMay 23, 2012
The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8: The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course, #5

Iain Littlejohn

Hello, my name is Iain Littlejohn; I am British, but currently I live and work in Alicante in Spain. I am married with two grown up children. The Get More, Get Better course has been a learning journey that has taken me many years to complete. I read; books on how to get better at sex, countless books on relationship improvement, books with titles about what to do if your marriage had no sex in it whatsoever, books on how to have sex with your partner in long term relationships, magazine articles on seduction, even books on how to pickup women. And as I read I made notes, mainly by way of picking out the good bits which applied to my situation (of which, unfortunately, there were few). As I read more, and tried to find out more information, it became clear that there are loads of books on how to pickup women, loads on what to do with your female partner once you've got her into bed, but very little on how to actually get her there in the first place. Which, let's face it; after the infatuation stage in a relationship is over, kids have set in, career building really kicks off and the speed of life goes supersonic, it's never the easiest thing in the world to do. Then I decided to share the summary of my learning - and the Get More, Get Better course is the result. Many years worth of trawling, reading, note taking, trial and error, learning, talking, writing, failing, picking back up, hard work and understanding have gone into this course so that you don't have to go through the same, very long winded, learning curve as I did. And as a result of what I found I set out to do something a little different with this course... * To ban waffling. * To always get to the point; quickly, efficiently and without going round the houses to get there. * To write about the subject from a man's perspective, with a man's view on the world and trying to talk in a language that you'll understand. * To keep on referring it back to the reason that you purchased the course in the first place, because sometimes it might feel like it's going off track, and you'll need it to be brought back occassionaly. * To build and deliver a product that is; easy for you to work with, and that you can actually get something from, ie not something that simply goes in one ear and out the other, and then you struggle to remember what you read 5 minutes later.

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    The Get More Sex, Get Better Sex Course - Weeks 5-8 - Iain Littlejohn

    Summary of Day's 1-20

    Before we start this week's topics let's begin proceedings with a summary of what's been covered in the previous 4 week's eBooks…

    Day 1 - was an introductory day where we looked at; how the course worked, how long it was going to take you to get more sex, what it was going to take for you to achieve success, what assumptions the course made about you and a discussion around whether or not you should be letting your partner know that you are taking the course.

    On Days 2 to 4 we started the course properly; beginning by covering what I call the Stop It Now’s. These were made up of 60 suggestions of things that I suggested that you ought NOT to be doing if you want more sex, because if you were doing them then they might well be putting your partner off of sex with you. Examples of things that the course suggests that you stop are to; quit pursuing your partner for sex, stop being angry, quit arguing, quit taking your partner for granted, quit asking your partner if she’s in the mood as a way to seduce her, to quit controlling and manipulating her, etc. These were all good solid relationship improvers.

    Having told you what to stop - Day 5 of the course started to look at the suggestions for things that you should start doing if you want more sex. Having taken you down with the stop it now’s, today we started on building you back up. We covered just two start topics to help you get more - 'Creating a connection' with your partner and 'Becoming a good listener'.

    Appendices - In the appendices section of week 1 you were also introduced to the two topics of Causes of low sexual desire and Talking about sex with your partner.

    Days 6-8: The first 2 days of week 2 continued to look at more suggestions for things that you should start doing if you want more sex. Having taken you down with all of the 'Stop It Now’s', these 2 days continued building you back up. We covered topics to help you get more such as; creating a connection with your partner, becoming a good listener, appreciating and valuing what your partner does for you, your household and your family, giving your partner your time and helping out around the house, etc.

    Day 8: On day 8 we looked at 20 self-improvements which will have helped you look better both mentally and physically to your partner in order to assist you on your journey to getting more sex. Topics such as; becoming more of an old romantic, sorting your wardrobe, becoming a flirt with your partner, hygiene and looking after yourself, for example. Day 8 also saw the introduction of the ‘Getting better at sex’ tips, 61 of them in total, which from day 8 onwards started to be given to you two tips per day until the end of the course.

    Day 9: On day 9 we started looking at how you can get your partner to start thinking about sex with you more, a key step in the process. Today was all about introducing you to this seriously important concept, and getting you going with it. We also started looking at what we call the ‘Daily tasks’, these are the things that we suggest that you should be doing daily in order to make it way easier for you to get sex when you want it. From this point on in the course the daily tips started to be given to you two per day in order to make it easier for you to learn and practise them in the exercises.

    Day 10: On day 10 we started looking at the suggested weekly to-do’s, mainly getting you working on the concept of having regular ‘date nights’ with your partner as a way of reconnecting and giving you the perfect opportunity and conditions for you to initiate sex. You also got introduced to the concept of improving the conversations that you have with your partner, giving you suggestions for conversations that will help you to effectively ‘chat your partner up’, because those normal, dull old conversations that you’ve been having weren’t really overly effective seduction techniques.

    Two appendices were included in week 2: Tips for meaningful conversations with your partner and Erotic media to get you both in the mood

    Day 11: In day 11 we kept going with what we'd been working on in Day 10 - looking at the suggested weekly to-do’s, and the concept of having regular ‘date nights’ with your partner as a way of reconnecting and giving you the perfect opportunity and conditions for you to initiate sex.

    Days 12 to 13: These two days were all about giving you some suggested monthly to-do’s. We looked at some regular monthly to-do’s that you really should be doing, a number of suggestions to give you great opportunities for sex and finally some that should more than likely lead to sex for you.

    Day 14: Was about just two topics; firstly how you could create opportunities for sex with your partner, and secondly how you could spot good opportunities for sex with your partner.

    Day 15: On day 15 we started looking at how you could go about getting your partner into bed when you want to, how you could start to call the shots for once! You got introduced to the process of how to relax, then romance your partner and how to undertake a little foreplay on her mind.

    Appendix - Getting better at sex: This appendix gave you all 61 of the ‘Getting better at sex’ tips in one place. In the main course document the tips are spread out, two per day from Day 8 onwards, so this appendix was given to you in order to make it easier for you to review all of the tips in one place. They were all categorised out, so you could find the tips you wanted to get to a lot easier.

    Days 16 to 17: In these 2 days we continued looking at how you could get your partner into bed when you wanted to, including looking at what I called ‘Foreplay stage two – working on her body’ and 'How to initiate sex with your partner'.

    Day 18: Today was all about how you could keep it all going. To this point in the course you’d spent 17 days working hard to get your learning up to scratch, so today was all about giving you some tips on how you could keep the momentum going so that you can keep on getting more of what you want.

    Day 19: Day 19 was there just incase none of what you’d tried so far had helped you to achieve your goal of getting more sex. We looked at a step by step checklist of what you could do if nothing had worked so far.

    Day 20: By day 20 the main course content had concluded and we started concentrating purely on the exercises.

    Appendix - Massage: The ‘Massage’ appendix covered two main topics; erotic massage and Swedish massage. This particular appendix gave you a step by step guide on how to give your partner these two very different types of massage. Erotic massage was covered as a really great way to get your partner into the right place for sex, and Swedish massage was covered because this is a really good way to get all touchy feely with your partner and to help her relax. And both of these are of course very useful to you in order to help you get more of what you want.

    Appendix - Scripts: The ‘Scripts’ appendix was split into two parts; part 1 was a detailed walk through seduction scenario the primary purpose of which was to help you bring your learning together that you’d read in the main course. It was a walk-through of the entire process of creating opportunities for sex with your partner, and we looked at one detailed scenario where you were essentially setting up to seduce your partner into bed. Part 2 looked at some fantasy / role play ideas which could help your sex lives in the following ways; they are a great way to help you both to more easily communicate your sexual desires, they very effectively remove most, or all, of the communication issues such as embarrassment or shyness, fear of hurting your partner's feelings, or an inability to identify you or your partners needs and desires and they can help spice things up a bit and make things that little bit more exciting, thereby helping to get you both back into bed that little bit more easily next time.


    How did you get on?

    So how did you get on with the communication exercise you were set as your first for yesterday? Did you open up? Did you give your partner more than your normal conversational fair?

    And how did the television switching off go? How was it met by your partner? And were there any changes in the type of evening that you spent together?

    Your fifth exercise was to show some respect for your partner’s opinions. So, did you? If you didn’t before and you’ve now started this then you should start to see some differences, they may not immediately lead to more sex for you, but combine this one with the other ideas and every little extra thing you do will help your cause.

    And did you remember the eighth item on the ‘before you initiate sex checklist’? It was a reminder of the seduction process - to first create a connection with your partner, then to relax and romance her, then to undertake some foreplay of her mind, and then her body. And we also looked at some ways to relax your partner.

    Your last exercise for yesterday was the first in the reminders of the ‘boost her self-esteem tips’. Do you remember what this one was? If you need a reminder it was that you need to make sure that her core needs are being fulfilled. And yesterdays were to…

    Ensure that she's getting the attention that she needs.

    To help her ensure that she’s looking after her body and…

    To assist her in ensuring that her life has goals, meaning and purpose.


    Okay, let’s look at your exercises for today…

    Build the connection exercise No. 25

    Better communication – Your first exercise for today is to do some more opening up conversation wise. If you’ve not done this sort of thing before then you could find it a little tricky as it may involve stepping outside of your conversational comfort zone. But give this a go and see where you get to… When you are sat chatting with your partner tonight ask her one of these questions…

    What are your dreams, hopes or aspirations for your life?

    And then, and probably more importantly ask your partner what her dreams are for you both to do together?

    This might send things a bit negative, but you could also ask her what her fears are in life?

    Obviously a little preparation will go down well here. Have a think about what your dreams and aspirations are for your life and especially for both of you. Think about where you see you both going and being. It’s the ‘both of you’ bit that we’re really looking to get to here. It’s your partner hearing from your lips about where you see both of your futures together that will melt her heart and give her those feelings of closeness and intimacy towards you that you are looking to kick off.

    Build the connection exercise No. 26

    Give your partner your time – Your second exercise for today is about setting aside time for relaxing your partner and about putting in the effort to make romantic gestures. I’ll get you to regular, weekly, scheduled relaxing and romancing very soon, so what we’re talking about here is the stuff outside of this – it’s the everyday relaxing and romancing that you are going to start today. Why romantic? And why relaxing? Well for starters both of these are key principles in you getting more, first relax your partner, then romance. Secondly, she’ll see so much romance in the media, adverts, films, etc. that she’ll need and expect you to indulge her with a little romance too. Now I don’t care if you think that romancing is just a load of old rubbish and I also don’t care if your partner is telling you that that’s not works for her, because frankly I don’t think that you should believe her. Why? Because romancing and relaxing your partner will go a very long way to ensuring that you get what you want. Both of these things are great ways to ensure that you get the best returns for your efforts. Let’s look at some suggestions for things that you can try out today:

    Pickup your pants, clear the copies of FHM and the dirty cups from your beside cabinet, make the bed, clear the floor in your bedroom – in other words make your bedroom a relaxing, romantic place to be.

    Buy your partner some flowers.

    Cuddle for no reason.

    Light candles for you both over dinner.

    Clean the bathrooms for your partner for once.

    Put the kids to bed yourself and allow your partner to have a ½ hour ‘off’ as a result. She’ll at least relax that little bit more than normal because you’ve done this for her.

    Run her a bath, put candles round the outside, buy her a magazine to read in the bath and tell the kids that it’s ‘Mummy time’ and that she’s not to be disturbed.

    Organise a surprise date for you both, even if it’s just going down to the pub for a quiet, relaxed, romantic drink together. Sit close when you do.

    There are literally hundreds of possible things that you can do to relax and romance your partner. We’ll get to more when we look at your weekly date night in detail, but in summary any gestures that show that you’ve thought about what makes your partner happy will go a long way to relaxing and romancing her. Having tried one or more of these out keep doing them every day, come back and revisit this list and try more.

    Exercise 3 - Getting Better Tip 27 - Get to know all of her erogenous zones – The area above her buttocks

    The area just above her buttocks is a splendid pleasure zone. Try rubbing gently across this area with a variety of pressures (light and harder), touches and motions, remembering your swirling. Done right this should excite her in a way that is fairly mysterious to her - but will excite her none the less.

    Exercise 4 - Getting Better Tip 28 - How long to leave it?

    How long can you leave it and what clues do you need to see before you can get touching her really intimate bits? Every woman is different, but as a good rule of thumb go with this this - wait until the point where she is absolutely desperate for your touch - practically where she is begging you to touch her – and you’ll be about there.

    Exercise 5 - Arguing

    Try looking at arguments a little bit differently - learn something from them. They will help you to see what your partner is unhappy about, and if you find that your partner is unhappy

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