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The Life of Mara Andrews Book 1-A Young Adult Novella

College student Mara is very much in love with her older boyfriend, Marc, but when shocking secrets are revealed, will their love stand a chance? All is not what it seems in this tale of romance and betrayal.

This book contains strong sexual content and is intended for readers 18 and older.

PublisherJaye Diane
Release dateMay 27, 2012

Jaye Diane

Jaye Diane is a teacher, poet and novelist with a degree in English. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a writer and wrote and illustrated her own books. A lover of various genres of books, she is an avid reader as well as writer. Email:

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    Book preview

    Love.Lesson.Learned. - Jaye Diane


    The Life of Mara Andrews Book 1

    A YA Novella

    Jaye Diane

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Jeanette Diane Richardson

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Part 6

    Part 7

    Part 8

    About the Author

    Part 1

    Marabelle slowly stretched, opening her eyes and squinting against the glow of the sun streaming through the windows. She sat up and looked around the bedroom, seeing that she was alone in the room.

    She pushed the plain white sheets off of her naked body and climbed out of the full size bed, walking to a chair near the bare dresser. Her clothes were tossed there, in a pile. She grinned, remembering how eager she and Marc had been for each other the night before. After eight months together, they still couldn't get enough of each other.

    Slipping into her panties and T-shirt, she left the bedroom and went down the short hall to the kitchen. Marc sat at the small round table, quietly eating a bowl of cereal.

    Good morning, She said, pausing in the doorway and admiring how gorgeous he was. Smooth olive complexion, muscled physique, warm brown eyes and brown hair. He was absolutely delicious and she never got tired of looking at him. Marc was by far the best lover she'd ever had, and the first real man she'd had the pleasure of being with.

    Good morning. He stood up, smiling that sexy smile of his, revealing cute dimples in his cheeks. He walked over and gave her a quick kiss. Hungry?

    I could eat, She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for another, longer kiss. She plunged her tongue into his mouth, letting it sweep over his teeth and slide against his tongue. He was about foot taller than her and he lifted her against him, his hands cradling her ass.

    Ummm... Mara hummed as he put her down. I could definitely go for some more of that.

    I wish we could, He mumbled, looking regretfully at the clock. But I have to get ready for work. And you don't have much time before you have to be at school.

    I know. She frowned and sat at the table. She was a freshman in college and she hated it. As much as she'd hated high school, she should have known better than to enroll in college. Thankfully the semester was very nearly over.

    What time will you get off today?

    I'm on the schedule until six but I asked Blake for some overtime so I'll let you know.

    Marc worked at a local electronics store, which he loathed. He had made Mara promise to stay in school because he didn't want her to end up like him. Marc was always telling Mara that she was special and she believed him. When she was with him, she believed in herself. She believed she was smart and beautiful and special, just because of him.

    That her parents hated Marc was something that bothered Mara every day. He had such a positive influence on her. But they didn't care. They were just obsessed that he was nine years older than she was.

    Mara hoped that they'd accept Marc one day. Until that day came, she and Marc hid their relationship in the hopes that after they'd been together for a long time, her parents would realize how much they both loved each other and how dedicated they were to each other.

    By the time Mara had eaten a bowl of cereal, Marc had already left to work. She took a shower and dressed in clean clothes she'd packed in an overnight bag. Finally, feeling glum, she headed to class.

    I called your dorm last night, Marsha Andrews told Mara that evening over dinner. Your roommate said you hadn't come in.

    I was at the library, Mara lied, cutting a slice of boneless chicken breast and shoving it into her mouth. Her mother was a decent cook, and coming home for dinner as much as possible meant that she could use her allowance for other things instead of worrying about buying food.

    At eleven at night? Marsha scoffed.

    I was working on a paper for English class, Mara said, rolling her eyes. And the library on campus closes at midnight.

    Her father smiled indulgently.

    Anyway, if you needed me, why didn't you call my cell phone?

    I did try, Marsha said, going back to eating her own dinner. It went straight to voicemail.

    Mara forced herself not to roll her eyes again. Obviously her mother hadn't been calling to say anything important, or she would have left a message. She'd just been calling to be nosy and see what Mara had been up to.

    Ever since Mara had started seeing Marc in August, her parents had viewed her as a different person. Despite the fact that she'd been eighteen and had recently graduated high school, they wanted to treat her like a child. After dating Marc for a month, Mara had been head over heels and excited about him meeting her family. But it had been a disaster and she and Marc had been forced to pretend they'd stopped seeing each other a few weeks later. Now, months later, her parents still didn't seem to trust her.

    I always turn my phone off when I'm doing an important assignment, Mara said, looking at her sister sitting quietly across

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