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Banish Anxiety Forever
Banish Anxiety Forever
Banish Anxiety Forever
Ebook104 pages59 minutes

Banish Anxiety Forever

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About this ebook

"Banish Anxiety Forever" is a revelation, even for those who have consulted their medical practitioner or been to other types of therapy.

This book does what your MD never can, it reveals how the mind works, why it works that way and what you can do to make it work the way you want it to.

You are offered offers powerful remedies for curing anxiety that will help you de-clutter your mind naturally and forever.

Expertly written, easy to follow and designed to help you get back in control of your life.

Outstanding value, this comprehensive volume of over 25,000 words is by top psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherpist, Bee Bennett. Bee reveals the techniques she has used to assist thousands of clients to put their past behind them, get back in control of their lives and build happy and fulfilling futures.

Most Doctors and therapists have not had access to this type of powerful and effective information which, when applied using the simple techniques in Bee's 7 'lessons', will bring readers the benefits of a whole new outlook on life.

PublisherBee Bennett
Release dateMay 30, 2012
Banish Anxiety Forever

Bee Bennett

About the Author My name is Bee Bennett and I’m a senior psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist. In the UK, where I trained in clinical hypnotherapy, the program of study includes a great deal of knowledge about thinking patterns, brain functioning and body chemistry, all of which have a strong impact on your anxiety levels and, happily, all of which you can change with a little help. I also trained to Master and Trainer level in something called ‘Ethical NLP’ (Neuro Linguistic Patterning) which is often dubbed “the user’s manual for the brain”. These studies have enabled me to gain a large amount of knowledge and insight into techniques that are proven to combat general anxiety disorder and many hundreds of my patients who have used these methods are now living much happier and healthier lives. I blog about psychotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy life-coaching relationships and other challenges, please visit where you will see many helpful articles. I am also an artist specialising in modern abstract painting and enjoy photography and travel.

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    Book preview

    Banish Anxiety Forever - Bee Bennett

    How To Cure Generalized Anxiety Disorder Without Drugs

    Bee Bennett

    Copyright 2012 by Bee Bennett

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photocopying or by any electronic or mechanical means, including storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Banish Anxiety Forever – Help and Information for Anxiety Sufferers

    The Life Design – Improving Relationships, Confidence and Performance



    This book is dedicated to the hundreds of my clients who have astonished themselves by shaking off the misery of generalized anxiety disorder by following the powerful techniques I share with you here.

    Reading this book will help you understand your anxiety and it is by faithfully following the well tried and tested exercises in this book that you will be able to banish anxiety forever without using harmful drugs.


    Welcome and congratulations. You have taken an important step toward feeling calmer and happier and freeing yourself from the life-limiting effect that anxiety has on you and those closest to you.

    Perhaps you are reading this book to improve your own life or perhaps it’s because you want to help a loved one to improve their feelings of well-being. Whichever category you’re in, the information that follows is sure to assist you with new insights and a better understanding of anxiety and what we can do to take control of it – without resorting to drugs.

    When we are very anxious we often find it difficult to concentrate so if you find yourself struggling to understand any part of this book, please just skip that bit and read on. You can choose which chapters you want to focus on in the beginning but I would highly recommend that you eventually return to read and apply all the information here.

    These tips, exercises and understandings will change your life and offer a new era of freedom from fear.

    Once you’ve mastered these techniques they will become second nature and you’ll wonder why you were ever so anxious in the first place. You’ll be able to socialise without fear, speak up for yourself, enjoy your own company, smile and laugh more often. You’ll sleep peacefully and wake up looking forward to the day ahead. You will have gained more self confidence and peace of mind.

    You have the power to transform your situation. Use all your determination to change and practice what you learn here and life really can and will improve for you. I can truly make that promise because these methods have worked for hundreds of other anxiety sufferers, just like you.

    As one patient wrote to me recently...

    Thank you very much for helping me put one foot in front of the other again. I never expected life could be this good. I had a phone call from a patient’s wife who sobbed At last I’ve got my husband back and our little girl can get to know her father – her real father – the way he used to be. He’s been gone a long time.

    Please find yourself a decent sized notebook as I’ll be asking you to write answers to questions and other information that you’ll need as you delve further.

    Table of Contents


    Definition of Anxiety

    About the Author

    Why have I written this book?

    Anxiety vs. Depression

    Understanding is Key

    Mental health problem or emotional health problem?

    Background Anxiety

    Specific anxiety states

    How this book is arranged

    Important questions

    Question 1 : Physical symptoms

    Why do you need to note down your physical symptoms?

    Question 2 : Feelings

    Why do you need to think about your feelings?

    Question 3 : Behaviours

    Why do you need to consider your changed behaviours?

    Question 4 : Medical intervention and duration of problem

    Reasons for asking about previous medical intervention

    Question 5 : Duration of problem

    Why do I ask you about the duration of your problem?

    When did the anxiety start?

    Take it one step at a time.

    Determining factors


    Intermittent anxiety / new anxiety

    New anxiety

    LESSON 1 – How the mind thinks

    The conscious mind

    The subconscious mind

    Day to day thoughts

    The pattern library

    Fight or flight

    The Cycle of Anxiety

    LESSON 2 – Happiness and depression

    Serotonin – a happy chemical

    Anxiety turns into depression

    The thinking triangle

    LESSON 3 – Using your imagination


    An exercise to develop your imagination

    LESSON 4 - The true cause of Anxiety

    More persistent problems

    LESSON 5 – You get what you think about

    The BIG one

    Example: how to think positively

    Case Study

    LESSON 6 : Pay-offs to staying anxious

    Self righteousness

    Exercise: Defining your negative thoughts

    Scaling Exercise

    Techniques for Taking control

    The rules – read this first!

    The techniques


    Exercise: Get moving



    Comparing yourself to others

    Comparing others to you

    Lowering your standards


    Work out what gives you joy

    Green space



    Creating pictures


    Soap Stars

    Writing it all down


    Changing location

    Feeling into the Core


    Setting aside worry time

    Make friends with your anxiety

    Dress the part


    Bite your tongue


    Improve your environment

    Mix with happy people

    Quit ‘Layering’

    High Drama

    Getting to sleep – frame of mind

    Getting to sleep - slowing your thoughts

    Getting to sleep – rubbing thoughts out

    Getting to sleep – write it down

    Structure your life


    Change your questions

    Quit judging

    Criticism and judgement 2


    More on relaxation

    Know your triggers

    Planning to succeed

    Talking to yourself

    Chart your success

    Three tasks to get you motivated

    Letting go of guilt

    Helium Balloons

    Get out of your head

    It will pass

    LESSON 7 – Lapse, Relapse and Collapse

    Definition of Anxiety

    Everyone has stressful times now and then when something’s going on that they just can’t handle but they eventually get over it and that feeling fades away and life goes on as normal. This is very a natural and normal part of being human.

    If you are currently struggling with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) however, you may find yourself persistently worrying about everything and anything. Even if the logical part of your brain is telling you that you are being silly or over reacting, you still go on worrying.

    This internal battle might have caused you to start thinking you were inadequate in some way; it might frighten you; you may fear that it will get out of control or that you’ll get sick; it may prevent you from functioning at work or at home.

    I’m here to help you to take responsibility for clearing your anxiety, to leave behind that spiral of fearful thoughts and to get you back onto an even keel.

    About the Author

    My name is Bee Bennett and I’m a senior psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist. In the UK, where I trained in clinical hypnotherapy, the program of study includes a great deal of knowledge about thinking patterns, brain functioning and body chemistry, all of which have a strong impact on your anxiety levels and, happily, all of which you can change with a little help.

    I also trained to Master and Trainer level in something called ‘Ethical NLP’ (Neuro Linguistic Patterning) which is often dubbed the user’s manual for the brain.

    These studies have enabled me to gain a large amount

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