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Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide
Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide
Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide

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About this ebook

Do you wonder whether there are angels around you, who they are, how they can help, and what they do? Legions of loving and trustworthy angels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them. They are part of a support system that oversees and helps guide our lives from the instant we're born to the moment we leave our physical bodies and return to spirit.
Angels want to help each and every one of us live healthier and happier lives. When we learn to connect with our angelic guides, our lives naturally fall into a more harmonious flow. In doing this, we nurture our souls, more intentionally connect to our life's purpose, and make our lives more joyful.
In this uplifting nondenominational book, Emily shares tools, messages, and meditations given to her by the angels, that will assist you in connecting with the angelic realm. You’ll read on how to better connect to the presence, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved heavenly beings. The words within come directly from the angels, so by reading their words, you’ll be immersed in their love. Do you wonder whether there are angels around you, who they are, how they can help, and what they do? Legions of loving and trustworthy angels watch over us, and you can develop an even closer relationship with them. They are part of a support system that oversees and helps guide our lives from the instant we're born to the moment we leave our physical bodies and return to spirit.
Angels want to help each and every one of us live healthier and happier lives. When we learn to connect with our angelic guides, our lives naturally fall into a more harmonious flow. In doing this, we nurture our souls, more intentionally connect to our life's purpose, and make our lives more joyful.
In this uplifting nondenominational book, Emily shares tools, messages, and meditations given to her by the angels, that will assist you in connecting with the angelic realm. You’ll read on how to better connect to the presence, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved heavenly beings. The words within come directly from the angels, so by reading their words, you’ll be immersed in their love.

Release dateMay 30, 2012
Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide

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    Connecting with the Angels, Workbook and Guide - Transformation Publishing

    About the Author

    Emily Andrews is an Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Intuitive Spiritual Coach, inspirational teacher, and a mentor for individuals, couples, and families seeking to experience and create healthier experiences, relationships, and positive living. She is also a columnist in Transformation Magazine.

    Emily is naturally positive and gifted in intuitively receiving guidance from Spirit. She lovingly recognizes and honors the authentic Spirit in everyone she meets. Her passion and desire is to help people of all ages and abilities to grow as individuals in all areas of their lives.

    Emily has a bachelor’s degree in psychology with an emphasis in counseling, children and families, sociology, and leisure services. She has successfully started and established a variety of projects within businesses and communities that assist individuals and families of varying ages and backgrounds.

    Today she dedicates her time to nurturing her relationship with God and it's many Divine helpers. She is continually being taught by spirit and connecting to different opportunities that expand her services for healing, inspiration, and spiritual awareness.

    Emily powerfully helps people identify their soul's intentions in all areas of their life. She also assists by providing insight and key principals regarding how to experience a more joyful and rewarding life.

    Emily combines intuitive guidance, ancient wisdom, positive psychology, and spirituality into all her private offerings and writings. She is able to help you unleash the power that you generate by your own intentions and thoughts, through your spiritual connection. This is accomplished by learning how to harness the energetic force that is part of your soul's truth and using it to accomplish your personal intentions and goals. Using the guidance offered by Spirit, she has created a wonderful life, brimming with happiness, prosperity, love, and self-satisfaction, which she can help you connect to as well.

    Cover artwork by artist Mike Bowen.

    Visionary artist, musician, and designer, Michael Bowen was born in 1979 in Salt Lake City, Utah and studied at the Institute of Art in Denver. As a self-taught artist, his style is truly original channeled from spirit, yet has influences of Dalí, Escher, and Ernst.

    His work depicts the flow of energy and spirit through natural forms and abstract shapes. Rooted in traditional and street art, Michael’s style transcends the typical labels. I always have a delicate balance of masculine and feminine, uniting contrast and bridging the gap to make ideas more acceptable for others. My purpose through art is to raise the vibration in a space and expose the eternal spirit within each of us.

    In addition to creating artwork, Michael is a talented producer, musician, designer, and illustrator. He and his wife have produced art events, one of which featured Alex Grey. His company, Bowen Imagery, provides high-end graphics, illustration, and creative retouching for clients such as Mercedes-Benz, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Donna Eden, and Panache Desai. Michael Bowen currently lives and works in St. Petersburg, Florida.

    To learn more about Mike and all of his creative endeavors visit


    Dear Beloved One,

    We are connecting to your essence. We connect with you daily. We inspire you through the loving essence that is you. We surround you with our light in moments of distress and we surround you with our light in your moments of joy. Trust in the presence that is so near and dear to your hearts and minds. We know your fears, your lusts, and your desires. We know the outcomes for each path that you can take. Connect to our love and allow yourself to receive our guidance based in light and in truth. Dear one, know you are precious beyond description; you are so treasured and pure. Your light is like a beacon waiting to emerge in this world of darkness. Let your light connect to ours and be empowered within our love and Divine essence.

    Trust in your journey and the adventure you’ve embarked on. You are here with a mission; a mission of love and Divine inspiration. You are here to see the truth within all situations and connect to the truth within all individuals. Leap to the actions that bring forth dominion over your truth and surrender the actions that hinder your growth and Divine creation. Embark on this journey of truth, and know you are guided in all ways. Celebrate your life and accomplishments since they are what give you a glimpse of whom you are capable of becoming. The mere mistakes that have been part of your past are just memories to be altered. The perception you place on their strength determine their impact on your present times.

    Delve into the essence of your power and beauty and know you have come for this and more. You are a light within and throughout; let the light be that which you connect with and embrace. Release the toxins of your mind in truth and in surrender. Know all will be provided and all will be endowed in the light, if you just trust in your Divine Essence. Retribution of thy fear is merely an illusion, not founded in truth. Let your light eradicate the doubts that invalidly parade your subconscious and conscious mind. Love thy life and its perfection; know it well in its recognition of Divine perfection. You are loved and special; you are revered and admired. You are a jewel within the realm of this reality. You are universal and true.

    Dear beloved, know you are loved. Elevate your consciousness to that of light and purity. We support your endeavor and breathe our light into your creations. Significant trials are centers of truth and transformation. Bloom in the rock and in the soil. Bloom in the oblique and in the strong. You are being carried and supported through this lifetime and in more. Thus, know all is well and Divinely guided.

    Connecting to us is simple. Trust in what comes and surrender to what is. Know that we, Angels, guide and protect you. Trust you ARE connecting with us.

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