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Candy's Man
Candy's Man
Candy's Man
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Candy's Man

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Candy’s Man

The moment Candace (Candy) Walker steps foot on a cruise ship, she begins a journey that will turn her world upside down. Recently divorced, the last thing Candy seeks is a serious relationship. She meets a sexy American stranger, throws all propriety out the window, and then relegates their passionate encounter to a holiday ‘fling’.

On arrival back in Sydney, Australia, Candy doesn’t know all hell is about to break loose until she meets her new ‘boss’, but that is the least of her problems.

Cleve Hammond is a man with a secret, and Candy is a complication he does not expect nor want. Or so he tells himself. When his twin brother, Nash, becomes embroiled in the situation, Cleve begins to question his feelings.

The emotions stirring within him may jeopardise everything he has worked so hard to conceal. He can't afford to let down his guard after what happened in his past but Candy seems to be getting under his skin.

As for Candy, she must begin to wade through the ensuing chaos of Nash's affections and her twin sister’s unexpected arrival on her doorstep. But perhaps her biggest challenge is letting go of her past once and for all, and learning to trust again.

Release dateJun 3, 2012
Candy's Man

Jeanette Hornby

I live in a small, south-western town of Western Australia, and have been writing for many years.My first two novels are set in my home town, and portray small town life in the 70's and 80's.My third novel - Candy's Man - is a Sexy Romance novel set in Sydney, Australia.My fourth novel - Grapevines and Gum Trees - is set in a small country town in Western Australia near my home town.Novel number five is set in Perth/Port Hedland in Western Australia and is titled - Escape Down Under.When I'm not writing, I'm reading, gardening, or creating pretty things with beads.

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    Book preview

    Candy's Man - Jeanette Hornby



    Jeanette Hornby

    Copyright © 2012 by Jeanette Hornby

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. With the exception of recognized historical figures, the characters in this novel are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


    ISBN-10:1470028719 97


    Editor: Pamela Gifford




    For always being there


    Candy stretched, yawned, and snuggled back into a ball. A faint humming filled the cabin, and she heard water running.

    Damn! The masculine voice was loud and clear, and her eyes snapped open.

    Oh, my God!

    She searched the room and her gaze rested on clothes neatly folded over a chair.

    Men’s clothes.

    Under the chair, a pair of shoes sat in an orderly fashion.

    A neat freak.

    She soon discovered that was the least of her problems. She lifted the bed covers. Just as she thought. She was naked in a strange man’s bed. Her stomach clenched.

    I slept with a stranger!

    With the sobriety she lacked the evening before, she shook her head in disbelief. She had never been so reckless in her entire twenty-nine years.

    The bathroom door flew open and a man stood before her in all his natural majesty. Candy flushed and pulled the covers over her head. His deep laugh resonated throughout the room.

    You’re not shy? he asked, the amusement evident in his husky American voice.

    Shy? Shameless was a more appropriate word.

    Come on, he said playfully, and Candy heard him move closer to the bed. The bed shifted as he sat near her. You’ve nothing to feel embarrassed about.

    Embarrassed? Try mortified!

    With forceful hands he grabbed the covers and tried to pull them from her. She refused to give up without a fight.

    I won’t bite. Well, only if you don’t want me to, he said with a chuckle.

    I don’t even know your name, she croaked.

    What? I can’t hear you. Will you look at me? He finally yanked the covers from her.

    She looked into his fiery brown eyes, her chest heaving.

    Now, what did you say? he asked as his gaze moved over her.

    She swallowed, took a deep breath, and covered her breasts with her arms. I don’t know your name.

    Cleve, he said with a smile.


    And you are?

    She cleared her throat. Candy.

    Laughter rocked his hulking frame. She frowned and balled her hands into fists. Sorry, he snorted. That’s classic.

    Candy glared daggers at him and pulled the covers back over her. Do you mind? I’d like some privacy to get dressed.

    Where are you going?

    To my cabin.


    "What do you mean, no?" she said between clenched teeth.

    Um, that didn’t come out right...

    Then what did you mean to say?

    He reached out and caressed her cheek with a warm hand, and the bravado she felt vanished. I don’t want you to go. He moved his face closer to hers and his scorching breath heated her skin. You have the most amazing green eyes, he whispered as his thumb stroked her cheek bone. He was so close. She stared, transfixed.

    You’re bleeding, she stated, resisting the lure of his gaze.

    His hand moved to his jaw. I cut myself, shaving. He headed for the bathroom.

    Candy closed her eyes to the returning memory of what they had done last night. As much as she tried to erase it, she couldn't forget how glorious it was. Oh, she had to give him credit. He was extremely talented. She couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips.

    He appeared in the doorway and watched her.

    A tingling sensation crept up her spine. Couldn’t he put some clothes on? It was pretty unnerving having a man like that stand before you, naked.

    He rubbed the white hand-towel across his jaw. So, you enjoyed yourself then?

    The deep timbre of his voice caused a rush of blood to her face. He knew perfectly well she had enjoyed herself. They had been up half the night enjoying, not only themselves, but each other.

    You’re very quiet this morning, he said, as he reached behind the bathroom door for his bathrobe. As he shrugged himself into it, someone knocked on the door.

    Her stomach did a somersault. Who can that be?

    Breakfast, he said and moved towards the door.

    Candy swore under her breath and covered herself.

    Thanks, Cleve said.

    She peeked out from under the covers. Cleve shook his head. It was alright for him. He was a man after all. The more conquests the better.

    He exhaled sharply. Do you want something to eat?

    She wanted to tell him just where he could stick breakfast but she was starving. She nodded.

    He sat on the edge of the bed with the tray in his hands. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted from under the covered dish and her stomach growled in unison with his.

    I guess we’re both hungry. He smiled as he lifted the metal cover. Candy lowered her eyes and smiled weakly. Sit back and I’ll put the tray on your lap, he said.

    She pushed herself against the headboard and tightened the sheet across her chest while Cleve fussed over the tray. Inhaling his scent, she licked her lips. He smelled so good.

    There you go. Eat up, he told her.

    Aren’t you having any? I can’t eat all of this.

    I was hoping you'd say that. He sat beside her on the bed.

    Oh. Why was her appetite suddenly gone?

    His body heat emanated through the covers and she allowed her gaze to wander over the length of him. He really was a big man. Tall, wide and with muscle like solid rock.

    Can I have some now? he asked.

    Oh, God, why did he have to be so close, so handsome, so...everything? She swallowed the lump in her throat. Help yourself.

    He grinned, a sure fire ‘I need a slap’ grin that she ignored.

    She put a forkful of scrambled eggs in her mouth. They were good, cooked to perfection and she shovelled in another mouthful. Her appetite was back.

    Cleve cleared his throat.

    With the fork in mid-air, Candy sighed and held it out to him. He didn’t bother taking the fork but put his mouth over it and quickly swallowed.

    She stared at him, not knowing what to do next. Was she supposed to feed him?

    Here, let me, he said, and took the fork from her.

    With more eggs on the fork, he held it out for her to eat. Somehow, she managed to open her mouth and chew.

    And that’s how it went until all the eggs and bacon were gone. He had fed her breakfast. It was such an intimate act and she hardly knew him. This hardly qualifies as ‘meaningless sex’, she thought. She realised she should have left earlier and began to fidget.

    Cleve removed the tray from her lap and placed it on a nearby table.

    Her heart rate rose. What now?

    Do you want to take a shower? he asked.

    The perfect solution.

    Yes, she said a little too quickly. She ran into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

    There’s a clean towel behind the door and another bathrobe!

    Thanks! she yelled back and turned on the shower. No need for undressing.

    The water felt good on her skin. She closed her eyes and let it gently cascade over her weary body. Her thoughts took her to Cleve’s expert hands and she moaned.

    Are you alright? he called out.

    Damn! Did she really do that? Fine, she answered. No more thinking. She washed herself thoroughly several times in an attempt to avoid the inevitable.

    Finally washed, dried, and clothed in the humongous bathrobe, she wiped the mirror before studying her reflection. Staring back at her were vibrant green eyes, and her peaches-and-cream complexion had an unexpected glow. Unsure what to do next, she took a deep breath, and made her way into the bedroom.

    God, it’s like a sauna in there, Cleve said, as steam followed her out.

    She smiled weakly, looking around the room for her clothes. Her heart was pounding.

    Cleve was sprawled on the bed barely covered with the bathrobe and held the remote control in his hand. Their eyes met and he turned off the TV. His stare was penetrating. It forced her to look away quickly. If only she could find her clothes.

    Come here, he said gently and patted the bed.

    She fiddled with her damp hair that was styling its own way into curls.


    She caught his gaze and was trapped. Her feet took her to the edge of the bed. He smiled and held out his arms. Come here, he repeated firmly.

    The drumming of her heart propelled her to him and his arms encircled her. You smell so good, he said as his lips tickled her ear. She tried hard not to react, but the touch of his lips on her skin was electrifying, and she moaned.

    I know you want this, he said and his mouth travelled over her jawline. Tell me.

    She was panting. His mouth was hot. His hands were hotter.

    Oh, God. She wanted to run but something held her there. Something primal. I want... she began and closed her eyes as his hand cupped her breast.

    Open your eyes, he told her, and she did. Smouldering brown eyes held hers captive and urged her on. Tell me, he repeated. The huskiness of his voice was like a bolt of lightning.

    I to make love to me, she whispered, hoarsely, I want to make love to you.

    A low guttural sound came from his throat as he moved over her. His body was hard, wanting, and his mouth crashed down over hers.

    The kiss consumed her and turned the heat in her belly to fire. The memories of the previous evening assailed her and she wanted him all the more.

    Cleve’s hands roamed over her skin, exploring every angle of her body until she was aflame with need. She longed for him to possess her and let her hands move over his hardened desire.

    Candy, he rasped. Sweet, sweet Candy, you’re a man’s dream come true.


    The gentle snoring of the man beside her shook her from her slumber.


    Candy tried not to make a sound. The man was insatiable. The scent of their lovemaking filled the room. They had made love all last night and most of the day. And it shouldn’t have been like that. It was supposed to be a fling. Empty. Meaningless.

    When her two friends back in Sydney sent her on this Caribbean cruise after the devastation of her divorce, she never imagined it would lead to sleeping with a stranger.

    It was so out-of-character. She had never done anything in haste.

    She looked at Cleve and felt her cheeks burn. The things I’ve done.

    Slowly, she crept out of bed without waking him. She slipped on the bathrobe and tied it tight. She had to get out of there.

    She got down on her knees and crawled around the bed looking for her clothes. Nothing. Where could they be?

    Her gaze took in Cleve’s neatly folded clothes on the chair and she had an idea. She moved to the wardrobe and prayed the door wasn’t going to squeak.

    Her prayer was answered! Her dress hung in the wardrobe with her shoes in perfect order beneath it. The classy red dress had sure worked wonders. She peeled it off the hanger and grasped her shoes. Her panties were nowhere to be seen and she couldn’t risk looking for them.

    She tiptoed towards the door, picked up her clutch bag, and took one last look at Cleve. A trail of blood from the cut on his jaw marred his perfect facial features, and she had to fight the urge to touch him. He was wowbut that was all he could ever be. This was one cruise she would never forget.

    She opened the cabin door and looked up and down the corridor. It was clear for the moment and she carefully closed the door behind her before she ran to find her cabin, ignoring the stares of passers-by.

    Once inside the cabin, she quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, threw her clothes into her suitcase, and topped it with her crumpled evening dress. She gripped her shoes, pushed them in the bag, and remembered Cleve’s reaction to them. His very physical reaction.

    She stared at the extravagant red shoes with their ridiculously high five-inch-heels and realised they had been worth every cent.

    Shaking the thought from her mind, she zipped up the bag and looked at her watch. She knew if she didn’t get off the ship in five minutes while it was in port, she would be stuck on board for two more days. There was no way she could ever face Cleve after what they’d done. The thought of it had her blushing like a schoolgirl.

    A quick look in the mirror revealed her anxiousness, and something else. Blood smeared her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and shut out the memory of Cleve in the bed.

    Pulling her suitcase to the door, she had a peek outside before she wheeled her suitcase to the foyer.

    All she heard was ‘blah, blah, blah’ as the staff talked to her. She scanned the area. No Cleve. She muttered her thankyous and goodbyes and quickly disembarked.

    The row of taxis made her feel better and she hurried into one. She released the breath she’d been holding, thankful she’d escaped the embarrassing situation with Cleve.

    Looking out of the window as the taxi sped away, she took one last glimpse of the impressive cruise liner. What a pity she had to leave so soon, but a few days in the Cayman Islands would be just what she needed to get that sexy, intoxicating man out of her head.


    Cleve pushed the empty coffee cup away, and rubbed his temples. What a way to start a new job, knee-high in paperwork. He let out a heavy sigh and rolled up his sleeves. He should be used to it by now. This wasn’t the first time he had been brought into a company to help salvage it. And he knew the hard part wasn’t wading through reams of documents, the hard part was letting the staff go.

    He swivelled the high-backed leather chair, stood, and stretched his back. His gaze looked beyond the large glazed windows. What a great view. He could see the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. This was one move he didn’t regret. Melbourne was great but he’d needed a change.

    The acquisition of the Sydney

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