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Destiny's Fate
Destiny's Fate
Destiny's Fate
Ebook168 pages2 hours

Destiny's Fate

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Destiny Monroe was just like any other average fifteen year old that was until her entire world was ripped apart by one moment. A year and half later the results of that day have forever changed her life. Struggling to come to terms with the loss of the ones she loved, she is thrust into a world that she has only ever dreamed of. One where werewolves exist and where her future has been predetermined by fate. She is in a race against time to fulfill her destiny and to stop a supernatural war before it can get any further, and before she loses someone else she loves.

PublisherTricia Radd
Release dateJun 18, 2012
Destiny's Fate

Tricia Radd

I currently reside in West Palm Beach, Florida along with my amazing husband and two cats(my childern). I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible, however I could never pass up the opportunity to curl up on the couch with a good book.

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    Book preview

    Destiny's Fate - Tricia Radd

    Destiny’s Fate

    The Children of the Moon Series – Book One

    By: Tricia Radd

    Copyright 2012 Tricia Radd, Smashwords Edition

    License notes: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the author.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Destiny Monroe was just like any other average fifteen year old that was until her entire world was ripped apart by one moment. A year and half later the results of that day have forever changed her life. Struggling to come to terms with the loss of the ones she loved, she is thrust into a world that she has only ever dreamed of. One where werewolves exist and where her future has been predetermined by fate. She is in a race against time to fulfill her destiny and to stop a supernatural war before it can get any further, and before she loses someone else she loves.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    About the Author



    First, to myself; to prove that I could

    Secondly, I would like to thank my wonderful husband, Derek. Without your support and encouragement I never would have been able turn a dream into a reality. My love for you knows no boundaries.

    Last, but certainly not least, to my parents. You helped me open my eyes to the possibilities and encouraged me to take a chance. You never cease to amaze me, I love you both.


    No! I screamed bolting upright, my eyes flying open and I tried to unsuccessfully stop the tears that were fighting their way to the surface. I slowly blinked my eyes and looked around, only to realize I was safe in my own bed.

    Just as I was beginning to gain some sort of control over my emotions and stop the controllable shaking that was spreading throughout my body, my door burst open. I jumped to my feet from where I had been sitting, ready to defend myself, only to see Devon jump through my door waving something in his hands.

    His eyes flew in either direction scanning my room for the intruder, only to land on me. The look of fear dissolving into one of concern and sympathy, the look I had come to hate.

    Are you ok? Devon asked staring at me I heard you screaming from my room.

    I pulled my shocked gaze from his and looked down at the floor, Yeah I’m fine, just a bad dream I told him, trying to stop the traitorous tears from flowing again.

    When the silence became unbearable, I looked up at him only to land on what he was holding in his hand.

    Dev, can you please explain to me what you thought you were going to do exactly with a purple light saber? I asked him; trying to stifle the sudden giggle that had worked its way into my throat I mean seriously, if someone had broken into the house and found their way into my second floor bedroom undetected, were you planning on going all Jedi Knight on them or what?

    It was the first thing I could reach for little girl Devon replied, a smile spreading onto his lips.

    Yeah well, I guess that would be a whole different conversation then I smirked at him.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Devon said, the look of sympathy on his face giving way to his signature cocky look.

    What I am talking about, it the fact that a 25 year grown man has a purple light saber lying next to his bed and the fact that Tessa even allows it there in the first place. I told him, resting my hands smugly on my hips. Plus the fact that we live in the middle of nowhere and no one in their right minds would possibly break into our home!

    You would be surprised, little sister, of what some people would do. Devon said looking away from me for a moment, before turning his eyes back to rest on me.

    Do you want to talk about it? Devon asked the look returning.

    No, I’m fine My lips spewing forth my signature response before I knew it.

    Devon looked at me a moment with dark brown eyes that could penetrate through any lie I told and ran his hand through his chestnut brown hair before responding. I looked up at all 6’1 of him and was grateful to have him as my brother.

    Ok he said, drawing out the K Why don’t you lay back down then and try to get some rest. You only have one day left before school starts you know.

    UGH! Don’t remind me! I said Why can’t you be a normal big brother and let me skip my senior year, I could get Tess to home school me I finished pushing my lips into a pout, which in the past had gotten me anything I wanted.

    Cause, He said; his face transforming into the cocky look again. What would be the fun in that?

    I gripped the edge of my favorite blue breaking Benjamin t-shirt to keep from lunging at him so that I could wipe the smirk off of his face as he turned to walk out of my room.

    He stopped at the door frame before turning back his eyes falling first to the picture frame next to my bed, causing the traitorous tears to return to my eyes, before resting on my alarm clock which read 12:30am. He moved his eyes from my clock holding my gaze for a split second, his face briefly mirroring the pain in my heart, before the wall that I had become used to sprang back into place.

    Happy birthday sis, He said before turning and shutting my bedroom door.

    As I heard the click of the door shutting, the tears that I had been fighting spilled over and this time I welcomed them.


    They tell you that everything always looks better in the morning. Well as I looked around my room, my eyes resting on the mountains outside my window, I say they are full of it. I thought back to how much my life has changed this past year and a half and snorted. Back then the only thing I had to worry about was if my bathing suit made me look fat when I went to the beach with Jessica and Lisa, and whether or not I could somehow send Shane a picture with me in the bathing suit. I was worried about cheerleading and keeping up my A, B average and whether or not I would be allowed to go to the party at Trevor’s Friday night. Its funny how one thing, one moment, can change your entire world.

    I brushed my hand over the scar that runs from the middle of my breast bone, down my stomach, and curves towards my left leg ending at my ankle. Once again my thought reflected back to the saying and I wondered when I would feel better the next morning.

    I smelled beacon and French toast wafting upstairs and climbed out of bed to put my blue slippers on. I carefully stacked my pillows and pulled my favorite comforter, the one with a wolf howling at the moon that Shane had bought me, back onto my bed. I walked over to my dresser located on the opposite wall as my bed, and picked up my hair brush to run it through my hair.

    I looked in the mirror to see a girl with fair skin, piercing blue eyes, chocolate brown hair that fell in waves to the middle of her back, and realized I barely recognized her. Where there was once life and innocence in her eyes, there now stood pain and darkness; the look of death. I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and rested my brush back on the dresser.

    Knock it off Destiny Lynne, I chastised myself, you promised to try and have a better outlook for your family sakes!

    Try is the key word, I thought to myself as I turned to head downstairs.

    At the bottom of the stairs located left of the kitchen, I stopped when I spotted Devon and Tessa locked in a sweet embrace. I smiled and thought to myself that I was glad to see that someone was able to find happiness during this tragedy.

    Good Morning Gorgeous, Shane said as he walked down the stairs, pausing to kiss the top of my head and bent down to whisper Happy Birthday Sunshine in my ear.

    Watching him walk towards the kitchen it was easy for me to see that he was not only Devon’s best friend and eight years older than me, but that he in fact was the gorgeous one. I admired him as he pulled his black t-shirt over his dirty blonde hair and continued to lower it over the contours of his sun kissed chiseled abs and back, letting it come to a rest on the top of his jeans; but not before I caught a glimpse of the deep v of muscles that ran from below his six pack into the base of his jeans.

    A girl can’t help but admire god’s creation of perfection, I thought to myself as I felt the heat creep into my face when I looked into his hazel eyes.

    Would you stop blushing and get over here and eat breakfast. Devon said snapping me out of my ogling. I looked up and realized I had subconsciously followed Shane into the kitchen. You might want to wipe the drool away from the bottom of your lip Devon whispered into my ear.

    My hand instantly flew to my mouth and I saw Devon start to laugh out of the corner of my eye. If I was blushing, it was only because of your obviously lack of concern about PDA. I whispered back with as much venom in my voice as I could muster.

    MMMHM, Was all Devon said before turning back to his eggs.

    Good Morning Des, Happy Birthday! Tessa said coming over to wrap me in an embrace. Don’t mind him, he didn’t get much sleep. She whispered.

    I looked into her bright green eyes and the blushing returned again for a different reason. My gaze swept over shoulder length flaming red hair, her sleek 5’8 body, and skin as white as snow and I had no doubt in my mind why Devon didn’t get much sleep last night.

    So what are we doing today? Tessa asked as she walked over to reclaim the seat next to Devon, leaving the only other spot open next to my object of ogling.

    Well unfortunately I have to work today, Shane said looking at me with guilty eyes But tonight I’m all yours.

    Yeah babe, I have to work today to. Devon said after apologizing to me.

    What the hell, you two were supposed to take today off. Tessa started, but I quickly cut her off before she could say anything else.

    Tessa its ok, I started to say.

    No it is not ok Des, it’s your birthday. We have to celebrate, go do something fun, get out of the house. Tessa replied.

    I really appreciate that Tess, but to be honest I really don’t feel like celebrating. Besides it’s just another day, nothing special. I told her lowering my eyes, not wanting to let her know the real reason I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday.

    Des, you can’t sit here all day, every day. That’s all you have been doing for months now. Tessa said looking at me with that damn look I hated and when I saw it, I lost it.

    Look its fine, I’m Fine. If I want to sit around and do nothing, then I will sit around and do nothing. No one is going to tell me different! I said slamming my hands on the table.

    Des, Devon said.

    No, don’t you Des me. Don’t you get it? I yelled "It’s my first birthday without them. I spent my last one in a freaking coma for

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