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The Newest Baltimore Catechism
The Newest Baltimore Catechism
The Newest Baltimore Catechism
Ebook8 pages3 minutes

The Newest Baltimore Catechism

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The Baltimore Catechism was the de facto standard catholic school text in the United States from 1885 to the late 1960s. it was the first such catechism written for Catholics in North America. The Newest Baltimore Catechism ©2012 is not a religious text and it should be taught in all schools in these united states. Mandatory testing and a demonstrated high level of competency should also be required of all persons seeking public office and public service jobs. This pamphlet is a concise declaration presented in religious style of the proper relationship between the citizens and their state; between the master and the servant.
Respectfully submitted in Liberty
Francesco Marioni – Sovereign Citizen of the United States of America

Release dateJun 22, 2012
The Newest Baltimore Catechism

Francesco Marioni

I am a descendant of ROME, the greatest empire that the world has ever seen or known. And it collapsed into the darkness & ashes of the Middle Ages because it could not protect or fund its boundaries. I am also a direct descendant of a guy who escaped that same fallen empire in the 20 Century amid the turmoil that still pervaded the place. He came to America, a new place of hope, a republic where all men were free to work, love, laugh, have families and realized their wildest dreams. Two generations later we are at a crossroad; restore liberty and the republic as the land of the free and home of the brave or return to the shackles of serfdom.

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