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Marrying the Invisible Man
Marrying the Invisible Man
Marrying the Invisible Man
Ebook42 pages43 minutes

Marrying the Invisible Man

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Katie Bartlett's mother is driving her crazy, and she'll do whatever it takes to get her wedding-obsessed mother off her back. Thanks to a joking comment from her best friend, David, Katie decides she to have a fake wedding, to a fake groom—the Invisible Man. David Williams has been Katie's best friend since kindergarten. He knows Katie doesn't see him as anything more, but the further she gets into planning her wedding to another man—albeit a fictional one—the worse he feels. With the wedding underway will Katie finally realize the Invisible Man is David?

Release dateJun 27, 2012
Marrying the Invisible Man

Elizabeth Avery

Rachel writes contemporary romance – usually light and often with a paranormal twist. She also writes under the pen name Elizabeth Avery. Rachel has a full-time day job in communications, and lives outside of Madison, Wisconsin, with her husband, daughter and cat in a 100-year old Victorian fixer-upper.

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    Marrying the Invisible Man - Elizabeth Avery

    Marrying the Invisible Man

    Rachel Michaels


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012, Rachel Berens-VanHeest w/a Rachel Michaels

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portion thereof, in any form. This book may not be resold or uploaded for distribution to others.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    To my friends and family – thank you for all of your support!


    Marrying the Invisible Man


    Chapter 1

    That’s it. My mother is driving me crazy! Katie Bartlett snapped her cell phone shut and thrust it into her colorful straw bag, oblivious to the curious stares from the other restaurant patrons. Why can’t she get off my back? It’s not unusual for a woman in her early 30s to be single.

    You know—

    Katie held up her hand. Don’t interrupt me, David.

    David Williams calmly slouched back in his chair. Like everyone close to her, he was used to Katie. He just had to keep from smiling or Katie would go on a tangential rant about how he didn’t take her seriously.

    Not true.

    There were few things in his life he was as serious about as Katie Bartlett. He waved for her to continue.

    I mean really, doesn’t my mother have anything better to do than badger me about getting married? She pretends that’s not what she’s doing, but I can see right through her. Ray Charles could see through her.

    What was it this time? He was glad they’d decided to have lunch at Romero’s, since the casual Italian place was a better place to linger than any of the fast food joints they often picked. This was going to take a while. Anything involving Katie’s mother took at least 15 minutes.

    Oh, she thought I might like to know the local print shop is running a special on invitations. Just in case I’m in the market for engraved cards. Can you imagine if I’d sent a formal invite for my last gathering? ‘Ms. Katie Bartlett invites you to join her as she celebrates the life of her dear departed friend, Jerry Garcia’.

    That would have been a bit weird. Especially since Jerry was your pet turtle. Who died because you neglected to feed him, I might add.

    Katie shrugged and tucked a piece of artificially bright red hair behind her ear. I stayed a couple of extra weeks on my scuba diving trip, remember? I forgot to ask someone to check in on him. I felt kind of bad when he died. That’s why I threw the wake.

    Sometimes I think you should never have taken that job in incentive travel. It gives you too many chances to take chances.

    Katie ignored him, chugged her soda and craned her neck to see past him. "Where’s

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