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Ironclad Contract
Ironclad Contract
Ironclad Contract
Ebook20 pages16 minutes

Ironclad Contract

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All his life, Jack Fleming has been low man on the totem pole. The ultimate geek, Jack has never fit in. He's been bullied all his life. Girls go out of their way to avoid him.

Now, in his freshman year of college, Jack has had enough. With the help of a book of dark spells, Jack summons a demon from the bowels of Hell to do his bidding.
The demon tells Jack it can grant him his wildest dreams. Money. Fame. Power. Women. All for the teeny, tiny payment of one soul.

Jack is no fool. He negotiates an "Ironclad Contract". Even has it vetted by the ghost of Honest Abe himself. But Jack is about to learn a hard, hot, lesson - no matter what, the Devil always gets his due.

Release dateJun 27, 2012
Ironclad Contract

Richard Freeland

I write horror and thriller fiction as well as non-fiction about gardens and landscapes. I'm a fair singer/songwriter, and a family man. I love to travel and hike with my wife Martha, play a little tennis when my bum knees let me, make and sip a great margarita, play on the water with boats, and go on adventures with my two boys. I also love Jekyll Island, Georgia, our home-away-from-home, and have another website devoted just to our adventures on this wonderful island ( Hope you enjoy my writing, and keep a weather eye out for "Seed", my upcoming novel.

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    Book preview

    Ironclad Contract - Richard Freeland

    Ironclad Contract

    Richard S. Freeland

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012

    Cover by Goodnight Photography, Flickr

    Discover Other Titles by Richard Freeland at

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

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    Ironclad Contract

    Jack Fleming finished reading the words of power from the ancient book. A foul breeze wafted through the room, causing the flames of the five black candles arrayed in a circle around him to flicker and dance. There was a bright flash, accompanied by the faint stench of brimstone.


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