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Tredan's Bane
Tredan's Bane
Tredan's Bane
Ebook497 pages6 hours

Tredan's Bane

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The dead Sciomancer told Lanith to beware of fire and kisses. He should have told her to RUN.

Enchanters are so attractive, most believe they are amoral seducers. The Church considers them a dangerous lure for a soul's journey into the afterlife. Problem is, Enchanter essence powers all of the magic in Lanith's world of Sye. Because of the escalating attacks from Church Enforcers, the Enchanters have fled to their impenetrable enclaves.

Lanith's husband Tredan has vanished. Her home and curio shop have burned. Long ago, she promised Tredan to seek the Enchanters' help if he ever disappeared, so Lanith teams up with Enchanter Nyle. They discover Tredan wrote a journal filled with spells that will ruin the Enchanters' magic.

There is more bad news. An Enforcer has come to town, and he will stop at nothing to acquire Tredan's journal for the Church. Lanith must stop the Church magician from getting the journal and destroying the Enchanters. Lanith must also overcome her desire for Nyle's delectable essence.

The Church's warnings are true. Saving Sye's magic could damn her soul.

PublisherLita Burke
Release dateJun 29, 2012
Tredan's Bane

Lita Burke

I’m an indie fantasy author. I’m an avid reader and enjoy downloading titles by new writers onto my Kindle. I work a day job and write my novels early in the morning before the day clutters up my brain.

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Reviews for Tredan's Bane

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This may be the most unique and fascinating fantasy story I've read in years. A murder mystery, set in a vampiric world where all people hunger for magical essence traded through kisses, supplied by Enchanters who convert the energy from the essence of trees. A unique style, with consistent prose and dialogue. Magic turned into sensuality, and sometimes sexuality. This is an absolute winner.The exquisitely detailed world-building quickly immerses you, making understanding of the terms and outlook of the people easier than it could be for such a complex reality. It's rare to see a new idea in fiction; the author's managed to create something truly new, here. Recommended for lovers of fantasy romance, and all energy-worker folks.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting book with a unique magic system. The characters were interesting and the story was well written.

    <> I did struggle with the main characters interactions with many of the other characters given that she'd lost her husband so recently. Even allowing for the nature of the interactions and the magic it jarred a little. <>

    The story slowed down around the middle but it more than made up for that with a great, tension filled build up to the climax.

    Overall a very enjoyable story and worth checking out.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Lita Burke's "Tredan's Bane" transports the reader to a seductive world of magic, sensuality and danger. Spells, ghosts, Maji'kers, evil enforcers, Enchanters, and Church Magicians abound as this lyrical story unfolds, taking the reader to an enthralling world of wonder-making.

    The story unfolds slowly, investing the reader in Lanith's fate as she searches for her missing husband (Tredan), navigating her way through an amazing world of magic and magicians. She is accompanied on her quest by her sweet little dragonette, Arnl'jhott - another delightful creature created by Burke.

    I particularly loved the sensory imagery in this novel used to describe each character's particular magic or essence. For example, Enchanter Nyle is "chocolate-cinnamon-peppery magic" and Lanith's kisses are "blueberry." How wonderful is that!

    Burke's writing is 'magical' and "Tredan's Bane" is a real page-turner. I can't wait for the next in this series, "Ghost Orchid", to appear so I can gobble it down, too!

    In summary, this novel is highly recommended for those who want to leave this mundane world and, for a short time, live in a truly magical realm.

Book preview

Tredan's Bane - Lita Burke

Earthe strong, the world-bones beneath our feet

Bedecked with flora and holds fauna’s lust.

Mer moves, élan vital, our lifeblood fleet

Hushed secrets hid in underwater dusk.

Aer respire, wind to push our beating core

A wood-whisper and water shimmer air.

Fyre passion, consumed by life’s adore

Hidden in sky-blood, horrible and fair.

But Church sees to the ghost, the crypt, the path

We walk when world-bones crumble and airs end.

Enchanter essence, weeping woman’s wrath

Gives magic to all, an unstinting friend.

Fields of Yalu, I command you now

Show death’s city, by Uslar Five, I vow.

—Abbent Suma’ila’zara

Dramatis Personæ

Isor Merchant Guild

Lanith Vendbebelot—Magical curios seller and Tredan’s wife

Nelwina Vendtyro—Lanith’s assistant

Adeline Vendhorologe—Elderly clockmaker

Senta Vendcooper—Penn’s partner, friend of Tredan and Lanith

Isor Enchanters

Grandmaster Sahn Abbent—Lanith’s friend

Master Enchanter Nyle—Lanith’s friend

Aiden—Nyle’s apprentice

Somnus—Aiden’s friend

Grandmaster Ree Zissi—Second Grandmaster at Isor School

Isor Church Magicians, Ghosts and Ecclesiastics

Priest Eli—Friend of Sahn, Nyle and Lanith

Senior Sciomancer Uisdean—Ghostchanter’s mentor

Sciomancer Taavi Ghostchanter—First Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Noreis—Second Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Ercole—Third Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Betlic—Fourth Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Kleef—Fifth Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Rinan—Sixth Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Merton—Seventh Widow’s Kiss Spell

Sciomancer Sumernor’mylnburne Sumer—Catacomb ghost

Ecclesiastic Violet—Nelwina’s best friend

Ecclesiastic Junior Nurse Ragna—Nelwina’s friend

Ecclesiastic Ulla—Teller at Brimlad Bank

Isor Magic Guild Magicians: Current, Disavowed and Deceased

Guildmaster Penn—Friend of Tredan and Lanith, Senta’s partner

Maji’ker Tredan—Magical curios magician, former Enchanter and Lanith’s husband

Maji’ker Corie—Second magician killed by Samirah and the Enforcer

Maji’ker Awel—Third magician killed by Samirah and the Enforcer

Maji’ker Samirah—Disavowed magician

Maji’ker Dryope—Deceased magician

Dragonettes and Felines

Arnl’jhott—Tredan and Lanith’s dragonette

Taithleach—Ree’s dragonette

Taver—Adeline’s black-and-white cat

Lanith’s Family

Deorwine—Tavern keeper and Tredan’s father

Withypoll—Tavern keeper and Tredan’s mother

Ilarius—Farmer and Lanith’s father

Aethelreda—Lanith’s younger sister

Other Enchanters

Senior Grandmaster Surat—Most senior Enchanter, Halow Old Forest School

Cha—Second Grandmaster at Halow

Narkin and Lika—Grandmasters at Ori Mindplace School

Kesdin and Beel—Grandmasters at Eete Rune School

Cinton and Durme—Grandmasters at Istla Healers School

Estra—Lanith’s healer

Gaderian—Lanith’s healer

Hajnal—Violet’s cousin

Maoltuile—Assisted with storing Enforcer charms at Lanith’s shop

Moibeal—Introduced Arnl’jhott to Tredan and Lanith

Other Church Magicians

His Divine—Most senior Church magician, controls Enforcers

Enforcers—Elite magicians tasked with stealing essence from Enchanters

Table of Contents


Dramatis Personæ

Part I—Essence Kiss

Part II—Sumernor’mylnburne

Part III—Magicians Lost

Part IV—Donkey Love Charm

About the Author

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Preview of Ghost Orchid

Part I—Essence Kiss

Chapter 1

I am only a dead Sciomancer, but I must warn you of fire and kisses.

The ghost crossed his arms and leaned against the street fountain’s basin. Lanith froze midstride. Arnl’jhott coiled his tail around her neck to keep from falling off her shoulder.

Why should I beware of fire?

The dead magician pointed uptown. Smoke curled over the rooftops like vine tendrils groping for the sun. Dread blossomed in her gut. Lanith twisted the orphan boy’s ghost ring around her little finger. She had been skeptical, but proof stood by the fountain. His handmade gift could truly summon ghosts.

And kisses? Why?

The Sciomancer opened his mouth to answer. Lanith’s nervous fingers were too much for the magical bauble. The delicate ring snapped and its pieces tumbled to the cobblestones. The ghost vanished.

Arnl’jhott? Tredan is in trouble. I feel it.

Her dragonette opened his wings and tensed haunches. Arnl’jhott find Tredan.

Please stay with me.

Arnl’jhott settled back on her shoulder. Lanith hurried east on Byrtwold Street, past the cooperage where saws rasped and the odor of shaved wood drifted into the street. A string of funerary shops filled the air with tinkling wind chimes and sandalwood incense. Gawkers now poured into the street, drawn to the excitement of the uptown fire. The crowd slowed her to a stop.


Her apprentice squeezed through the throng. Nelwina’s brown hair had loosened from its braid and clung to her sweaty face.

Our shop is burning, Nelwina said. I was leaving the Church when I saw the smoke. I knew you were at the orphanage this morning, so I headed downtown to find you.

Where is Tredan?

I didn’t see him.

Lanith elbowed her way to the front of the crowd. Two magicians stood by the street fountain in front of Tredan’s Magical Curios. Mer spells drew water from the basin, turned it into a sparkling arc, and dropped the water on the fire’s sizzling heart. Another pair bewitched the spent water into the gutter where it swirled down a drain and out of sight. Other magic workers wove a Fyre Perimeter Spell to keep the flames away from nearby buildings.

She clung to Nelwina. The fire gorged itself on Lanith’s life.

The Maji’kers turned the fire into hissing smoke. More spells drew off the steam and heat. After an eternity, they finished their magic work. Only a black scar remained of the curio shop, their nearby apartment, and her husband’s lush rooftop greenhouse.

The entertainment was over. The onlookers drifted away. Lanith struggled to shield her magical empathy from their excitement with the fire’s spectacle. The crowd’s satisfaction with having a proper story for tonight’s dinner table hurt her more than the fire’s damage.

I’m sure Tredan got out, Nelwina said.

I have to know. Wait here. Arnl’jhott and I must do something.

She walked to the edge of the destruction and stopped. Lanith coaxed the trembling dragonette from her shoulder and cradled him against her chest.

Let’s call Tredan.

Arnl’jhott afraid.

I am, too.

Lanith took a breath. It tasted of bitter soot. Her second breath drew a blot of magical essence out of Arnl’jhott and lodged it in Lanith’s gut. She pictured her husband’s blue eyes and deep voice. Easy laugh. Felt his warm hand on her arm. Tredan, are you here? Her spell, fueled by the dragonette’s magic, floated the question into the fire’s remains.

Something answered.

She shifted Arnl’jhott back to her shoulder and stepped forward. Cinders crunched. She picked her way into the worst of the devastation and squatted to look closer. A dull gold chain poked out from the detritus. Lanith searched her pockets, found a white lace handkerchief, and wrapped it over her fingertips. Lanith pulled the chain. A partly-melted charm was attached to it. Arnl’jhott craned his head to look.

Not ours, he said.

Nothing should have survived the fire.

Why Tredan?

I don’t know why it answered when we called for Tredan.

Lanith stood. She wrapped the charm in the now filthy handkerchief and put the bundle in her pocket.

Tredan dead?

I don’t know, sweetie. Lanith glanced around them. Everything we owned is gone. What do we do now?

A sea breeze swirled black ash and lifted it into a powdery veil. For a heart-stopping moment, she thought Tredan’s ghost surrounded them. But no. It was only restless air playing with the ruin of their lives.

Chapter 2

Lanith worked her way back through the rubble to Nelwina. The fire had consumed everything in her apartment and curio shop. Her husband was missing. Lanith’s body and brain were numb. She had to recover from this lethargy.

Tears streaked Nelwina’s face. Did you find Tredan?

I found something. It wasn’t Tredan.

Good news. Nelwina hugged her.

I’m filthy. You’re ruining your clothes.

Silly. I have enough clothes.

Misery clenched Lanith’s stomach into a rock. She pushed away from the hug. I don’t have any clothes now.

I’m sorry. I was thoughtless to say it.

I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to be so short. I’m worried for Tredan.

Did you sense anything?

I did earlier. Now I sense nothing. It’s not like Tredan to shield me like this. I don’t know what to do, Nelwina.

Lanith’s thoughts refused to settle. She took a deep breath. Focus. Make a plan.

Ask the Magic and Merchant Guilds to search. When they locate him, the guilds will tell Tredan about the fire and where to find you.

The tight misery in her stomach eased. Nelwina’s suggestion made sense. Lanith should focus on meeting with the guilds. The apartment and shop were gone. No amount of wishing would return their possessions. Her missing husband was another matter.

Would you walk me to the Merchant Guild House?

Yes, I’d be pleased to.

Nelwina took Lanith’s arm and they started down Byrtwold Street.

I need to bathe and feed Arnl’jhott. Lanith stroked her dragonette’s head. And find us a place to stay short-term.

You can stay with me. No problem. The divan unfolds into a bed.

Nelwina lived with her parents. The divan was in the common room. They had a busy household filled with Nelwina’s brothers and sisters. The commotion and lack of privacy would distress Arnl’jhott.

Thank you. I’ll also look at what the Merchant Guild offers and see whether inconveniencing you is the best choice.

You’re tactful. The noise at home would give Arnl’jhott fits.

I still appreciate the offer.

You need clothes no matter what. I’ll get a few personal things while you handle other matters. What are your sizes?

Lanith told her.

Consider it done.

You are a dear, Nelwina.

I hope Tredan shows up soon. I’ll go to the Church, light a candle, and pray for his safe return.

Lanith thanked her. It would take more than a candle and prayer to calm Lanith’s concern with her husband’s absence.

* * * *

The late afternoon sun hovered over Isor Bay. Lanith sat at a desk in a guest room at Merchant Guild House. A nearby window looked out over the fish market and marina complex on Seabright Street. She planned to examine the melted charm while she waited for Tredan’s return.

Arnl’jhott perched on the tall back of an upholstered chair. Same as her dragonette, Lanith had taken a bath earlier. She now wore a clean merchant’s uniform supplied by the guild. Nelwina’s package of personal clothing had been indispensable. The charm lay on a black velvet cloth on the desk. Next to it, sat borrowed charm-maker tools and magnifying spectacles.

Let’s see what we have. Ready to work magic?

Arnl’jhott cooed affirmative. He jumped from the chair to her shoulder.

Lanith focused the desk light and brushed a strand of blond hair out of her eyes. She slipped on the spectacles, adjusted the loupes to her satisfaction, and picked up a tool with a tiny hook. She took in a blot of her dragonette’s magical essence and placed the hook on the melted charm. Lanith pictured magic flowing down her arm, to the hook, and into the charm.

Invoke Charm To My Call.


We must search instead.

Over the next hour, she recited every charm Invocation Spell she knew. Lanith then tried the awakening magic for amulets, fetishes, and general magical knickknacks. Nothing worked. She set the tools aside and took off the spectacles.

Lanith glanced out the window. Sunset. The afterglow was a russet and turquoise splash on the clouds. She smacked her hand on the desk. Lanith shot to her feet and kicked the chair back. It fell over and crashed. A startled Arnl’jhott whimpered, then flapped to his perch on the upholstered chair.

It’s damaged, she said. I can’t make it do anything.

She paced the room. Clenched her fists. Lanith cursed, then waved away the weak clouds formed by her harsh words.

Lanith stop.

Lanith turned to Arnl’jhott. He trembled. The dragonette keened.

She took a deep breath, held it a long moment, and released it. Unclenched her fists. Lanith walked to the upholstered chair, picked him up, and soothed her little companion.

Please be calm, Arnl’jhott.

Lanith scare Arnl’jhott.

I’m sorry I overreacted, sweetie. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Please forgive me?

Another minute of caresses and sweet words calmed the dragonette. He gave her a lick across the lips. His kiss tasted like blueberries. Arnl’jhott better. Why Lanith upset?

I’m exhausted. We had a horrible day. Tredan is overdue under mysterious circumstances and sunset means my deadline is up.

What deadline?

My promise to Tredan.

Lanith put Arnl’jhott down and set the overturned chair to rights. Lanith rolled the black cloth around the charm and tied it with a golden silk cord. She used a standard Magic Guild knot to secure the bundle. The knot identified the contents as a broken magical charm. Lanith then opened the top desk drawer and took out a stack of writing paper with the Merchant Guild emblem embossed in the upper left corner. She found a pen and envelope.

Lanith explain promise?

Tredan asked me to seek help from the Enchanters if he ever disappeared. I’m to contact them at sundown. He said there might be grave consequences if I waited. But he would never tell me why.

Lanith afraid?

Not afraid, but nervous. I’ve never met an Enchanter. Tredan had us avoid them. Said he didn’t want the Enchanters’ magic to tempt him. It puzzled me, because Tredan was an Enchanter before he met me.

Tredan cautious. Lanith smart.

Lanith wrote her letter. She addressed the envelope to the Grandmasters at the local Isor Enchanter School, to be delivered by way of the Magic Guild. She secured the envelope flap with a wax Merchant’s seal. She asked a guild messenger to deliver the letter immediately. He returned with Grandmaster Sahn’s reply in an hour. Her appointment with an Enchanter was first thing tomorrow morning.

* * * *

After a deep and dreamless sleep, followed by an early breakfast, Arnl’jhott and Lanith parted ways at the doorstep of the Merchant Guild. The dragonette flew toward uptown to spend the morning on his favorite rooftops. Lanith headed downtown to the Magic Guild.

Lanith passed the clatter of breakfast restaurants with aromas of frying griddle cakes and coffee, skirted the deserted town square where the tartness of cut grass hovered, turned right at Attewater Street, and emerged on the tourist strip along the waterfront. The Magic Guild buildings were at the far end of town. She stepped into the deserted meeting room ten minutes early and settled into a chair at the table.

Precisely at her appointment time, Magic Guildmaster Penn entered. Lanith stood and smiled. He was one of Tredan’s best friends. Penn grinned, gave her a small wave, then held the door for the man behind him.

He was of medium height and tended toward slender. An Enchanter’s pin twinkled on the collar of his well-tailored Maji’ker tunic. He hid the top of his left hand with a strip of dark silk. A simple clasp kept his brown hair away from his face. Curiosity filled the most attractive brown eyes Lanith had ever seen. In Finishing School, giggling girls had called them Enchanter-beautiful eyes. The name suited.

The Enchanter also wore so many Protection Spells, their disorientation surrounded her like a chill mist. Lanith tensed. The spells were excessive and unnecessary. She pressed her lips together. This handsome magician had nothing to fear from her.

Penn cleared his throat. Seri Enchanter, may I introduce Madam Lanith, a Merchant Vendbebelot Practitioner. Lanith, I present Nyle, a soma Master Enchanter of Isor School in the House of Sahn.

Madam Vendbebelot, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Lanith adored the seductive undertones in magicians’ voices. She had learned in Finishing School that the other girls could not hear the difference between secular and magic worker voices. Enchanter Nyle was a powerful enough magician to know his voice’s irresistible effect on her. Lanith’s magical empathy sensed his smugness.

You practice soma magic, Seri Enchanter?

I do. My spells affect the body and senses.

The Church warns women to avoid soma Enchanters or risk the loss of their virtue.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Then tell your Ecclesiastical friends that Grandmaster Sahn sent his most accomplished soma tempter to entice you today. They will marvel at his audacity.

I will not succumb to your magical allure.

I’m disappointed.

I’m married.

You are married to a former Enchanter, Madam Vendbebelot.

That fact doesn’t change our circumstances.

I agree.

Will you bewitch me today?

Because you ask, it will be my pleasure.

That isn’t what I meant.

Again, I’m disappointed.

Are you here to help me find Tredan?

If you’re done flirting with me, I’ll do my best to help you find Tredan.

Lanith smiled at the charming magician. She settled into her chair. Nyle selected a seat across the table from her. Penn moved his chair behind and to the right of the Enchanter. That meant Penn was Paersenwierding Nyle’s magic. She gave Penn a slight nod. He returned it.

Nyle caught the exchange. Do you Second your husband’s spell casting, Madam Vendbebelot?

Please call me Lanith.

Then call me Nyle.

I do all the Paersenwierding for Tredan’s spell work.

Respect blossomed in Nyle’s eyes. With the most graceful hand spell Lanith had ever seen, Nyle plucked her letter from the air.

The Enchanters read your letter with dismay. Would you tell me about yesterday?

She recounted the day.

I’d like to examine the burned charm later, Nyle said. There’s something we can try now. If the Priest placed particular spells on your marriage rings, I might locate Tredan through them. Would you please put your left hand on the table, palm down?

She did as requested.


Lanith slid her hand across the table. Nyle used another hand spell to produce a pair of spectacles and a set of expensive charm-maker tools. He selected a tool and went to work. Her marriage rings sparkled and chimed their secrets to the Enchanter. His magic tingled its way from her rings, through her hand and arm, and up into her chest where it lodged like a fluttering bird against her ribs.

Who officiated your marriage ceremony?

Priest Eli.

He did excellent magic work on your rings. One spell reports infidelity, another governs waning love. The third spell, called Abiding Love, returns the rings to the survivor after a spouse’s death.

Lanith’s heart gave a lurch. Tredan is alive?

According to your marriage rings, he is alive.

Where is he?

Nyle tucked his tools into the case and set aside the spectacles. The spells won’t tell.

Anything else?

I’m sorry. That is all your rings’ spells say.

What else can we do?

Are you familiar with the magic in the House of Sahn?

She shook her head.

With our magic, we search the Pattern. It is where we perform divination and locate misplaced people. We looked for Tredan last night.

Did you find him?

No. Magic conceals his location. We need strong counter spells to sidestep it.

What do you need?

Two things from you.

They are?

First, you need a Magic Guild Patch.

A cross-guild certification?

Nyle nodded. An Enchanter Consent.

What is involved?

Perhaps you would explain, Guildmaster?

Penn leaned forward. The typical Magic Guild Patch shows the wearer passed a test for spell casting. Enchanter Consent is not the same. For this test, you must take magical essence directly from an Enchanter.


With an essence kiss.

Lanith’s stomach clenched. Heat flared across her cheeks. No offense, Seri magicians, but you’re crazy. The Church forbids I share essence kisses with any man but Tredan.

Humor danced in Nyle’s Enchanter-beautiful eyes.

Penn shook his head. The Consent test is the only concession the Church makes for Enchanter magic.

I don’t believe this, Penn. You’re serious.

As Magic Guildmaster, I’m especially serious about Enchanter Consent.

It is infidelity.

The Church says not. Your marriage rings won’t register it.

If I do this, I must confess my essence kiss to Tredan and Priest Eli.

As you wish, Penn said.

Will you reconsider your request, Nyle?

If you want the Enchanters’ help, you must pass our Consent test. Grandmaster Sahn was clear on this point. If you prefer someone else, I can fetch a more attractive Enchanter to administer your Consent test.

Lanith could not see how a more attractive Enchanter was possible. You’re enjoying my discomfort. I see it in your eyes.

My intent wasn’t to offend you. Your response, however, is typical Church nonsense.

The men were so matter-of-fact. Unmarried Maji’kers exchanged essence kisses as part of their magic work. Her husband gave her several daily. Only an essence kiss. But with an Enchanter.

You will find the experience informative, Nyle said. It might change your Church-fed opinion of Enchanters. That is your true risk.

I still won’t do this, however much it educates me.

There was an uncomfortable pause. Lanith’s face felt afire. Nyle radiated his amusement. Penn’s anxiety was twisted into a knot.

Tredan is my friend and I’m worried for him, Penn said. The Enchanters have powers beyond anything the Magic Guild can provide. They can help. Please reconsider.

You’re also my friend, Penn. Will this diminish your regard for me?

Not at all. It’s a brave act.

Another pause. Penn’s anxious expression finally convinced her.

I’ll do this. Only because Tredan was clear about me seeking the Enchanters’ help if he ever disappeared. He must have known it could include an essence kiss.

Thank you, Lanith. Penn’s voice was soft with relief.

What is the second thing you need from me, Nyle?

Secret Names for you and Tredan.

The uncomfortable surprises kept coming. She clasped her hands and tried not to squirm. I promised Tredan I would protect his Secret Name on our marriage night. He bewitched me so I’d keep it safe.

Again, Grandmaster Sahn insisted. I’m sorry. There is no other way.


A Secret Name makes it possible to see the hidden threads in the Pattern.

I see why Tredan’s Secret Name could help. Why do you need mine?

Because, your Life Echo thread entwines with Tredan’s thread.

If I tell you, which Enchanters will know our Secret Names?

Only me.

How am I to be sure you won’t tell others?

Penn hissed. Lanith, you are insulting Seri Master Enchanter by asking him whether he can keep a secret.

I’m sorry, Penn. You’re asking me to surrender my most personal secret to the Enchanters and I don’t know them. I won’t do it. Even with Tredan missing.

Nyle leaned forward. What do you know about Enchanters?

Tredan never spoke of his days as an Enchanter. All I know is what the Church told us girls at Finishing School.

That’s like knowing nothing. Guildmaster Penn?

Seri Enchanter?

Would you assemble a set of papers for Lanith?

Penn took a small notebook and pen from his tunic pocket. My pleasure. Which papers?

Structure of the Enchanter Schools and Magic Guild. History of Enchanter sole source magic. Extended dossiers of Grandmasters Sahn and Ree of Isor School. Standard dossiers of all current Enchanters in the House of Sahn. Agreed limits between Church, Enchanter, and Guild magic, with the spells listed by category.

Practitioner level?

Master level.

Penn paused. "Master level? Is there anything else, Seri Nyle? Perhaps I give Lanith the spells to open the Magic Guild’s treasury?"

Not necessary. Please keep that responsibility in your capable hands.

Do I also give her a key to the Guildmaster Office?

Only if you want to share your desk.

Penn shook his head. He jotted reminders in his notebook. I will also get the Consent papers ready. What level on the Enchanter Consent?

Master level.

Oh. I understand now.

Nyle turned to Lanith. Enough Enchanter information?

It will give you my husband’s Secret Name.

For yours?

Your Secret Name, Nyle. She wouldn’t be the only person telling a personal secret to a stranger, even if the Magic Guildmaster vouched for Nyle’s character. Lanith was positive this powerful magician would refuse such an intimacy.

Nyle’s Enchanter-beautiful brown eyes widened. I’ll exchange Secret Names with you, as long as we protect ourselves with a mutual Surreptitious Spell.

Impossible to refuse now. I agree.

Penn put his pen and notebook in his tunic pocket. Considering the nature of your planned magic work, do you want me here for additional Paersenwierding, Seri Enchanter?

Lanith, would you like Penn to stay?

Will he protect my reputation or yours?

Despite the Church’s warnings to the contrary, your virtue is more at risk being alone with the Guildmaster than it is with me.

Lanith smiled. Penn’s spouse was a man. They had been partners for years. Then no need for a chaperone.

Penn stood. I’ll leave you to your work. Meanwhile, I’ll assemble these papers into a folio. Lanith, please stop by my office to get it when you’re done here. Seri Enchanter, I’ll deliver the Consent papers to Grandmaster Sahn.

Penn left.

Nyle pulled apart a knot on the underside of the cloth covering his left hand. He unwound the strip of dark silk. I’m showing you my Uslar Ring. It connects me to the nearest Enchanter School. Unfortunately, it also identifies me as an Enchanter to any nearby Church spells sensitive to our magic. I accepted this ring at Old Forest School near Halow nineteen years ago, when I was twenty.

Why do you wear it covered?

Because it draws attention to itself.

He pulled the last of the dark cloth free. His middle finger wore an intricate gold ring set with a huge multifaceted blue gem. Its deep color reminded Lanith of mountain lakes in the sunshine.

The ring’s enchantments made her magical ability sing. Lanith’s breath caught in her throat. It is the most stunning magical jewelry I have ever seen.

Uslar Rings are the visible evidence of the Enchanters’ combined magic. This gem’s color is one of two for water magic. It’s called a Mer Blue. The other is a Mer Aqua.

Your tunic is aqua. Why?

Grandmaster Sahn has an Aqua Uslar Ring. All Enchanters in his House wear aqua tunics. I’m going to secure the room now. Then we’ll do our spell casting.

Nyle made a gesture. The room’s door locks clicked. He made another gesture and a velvet-wrapped charm bundle appeared in his hand. He opened it to reveal seven matched brown gems each encased with golden filigree. Nyle recited a standard Invocation Spell. Most gems flew to the far edges of the room and settled against the walls. One scooted off the table edge and disappeared under their feet. The remaining gem floated to the ceiling.

No one can enter the room while this Protection Spell is active. Our Secret Names won’t be overheard.

Thank you. Where do we start?

Tredan’s Secret Name. We’ll start with the easy Invocation Spell. Ready?


Invoke Tredan’s Secret Name To My Call.

She could not say Tredan’s name. It felt as if thick cloth blocked her throat. Lanith shook her head.

"Did Tredan use a standard Hush Spell to secure your Secret Names?

No. Tredan crafted a new spell.

Let’s see what it was. I will begin with the most common counter spells, then progress to the most secure.

Each counter spell increased pressure inside her skull. Her palms sweated. Tredan’s bewitchment was deep-seated after so many years. She burned all her Essence Cache magic protecting Tredan’s name from Nyle’s magic work. The effort became too much to bear.

His name is Tredan Camdene. It means ‘he who tramples from the winding valley.’

Thank you, Lanith.

Her hands trembled. Lanith closed her eyes. I don’t want to do that again, Nyle. I feel ill.

You don’t feel well because our efforts exhausted your Essence Cache. You aren’t used to the sensation.

What must I do next?

You need magical essence. Time for our kiss.

She opened her eyes. I’m not at my best. I’ll attack you to get essence.

You won’t hurt me. His gesture produced a charm. Nyle deactivated the charm and put it on the table. The clammy magical effect from his Protection Spells decreased. He produced and deactivated a second charm.

Why are you removing your Protection Charms?

For the Consent test. A third charm joined the others. There’s nothing more irresistible than an unprotected Enchanter when you’re starved for essence.

You’re mocking me.

"I am not. Essence depletion is necessary for the test.

You wanted me to drain my Essence Cache?

Yes. You must crave essence. The hungrier you are for magic, the better your response will be for the test.

Tredan’s first chaste courting kiss had revealed Lanith’s deep affinity for magic men. Soon thereafter, he gave Lanith her first taste of his essence. Since then, Tredan was attentive to her needs with his unselfish essence kisses. Because her low magic level was now severe, Lanith’s desire for Nyle’s magical essence was magnified beyond anything she had ever felt with her husband. Her magical hunger was a miserable tugging in her gut.

Do you like doing this?

Nyle added his last deactivated charm to the others. Not this part. I loathe making myself vulnerable.

You’re tormenting me. How do you know I won’t hurt you?

You lived with your husband more than nine years and took his essence daily. Tredan wouldn’t abide a partner who hurt him, however essence-starved.

How can you be so sure?

I’m certain because Tredan is a former Enchanter. He’s trained you in the proper ways to take essence from an Enchanter, although he no longer wears his Uslar Ring. The Grandmasters suspected this. I confirmed it when I stepped into the room.

Nyle lifted his hand and pulled off the hair clasp. Her fascinated eyes could not look away. The clasp’s deactivated magic changed the shape of Nyle’s nose.

Your nose is broken. Looks recent.

The worst of it has been repaired. Shall I tell you what happened?

I insist.

A Church Enforcer attacked me, ripped away my Protection Charms, and pounded my face until I surrendered. I let him gulp as much of my Enchanter essence as he wanted. My attack happened two months ago in Istla near the Healer’s School.

A profound coldness filled Lanith. It stopped her heart and stopped time for a moment. She couldn’t speak. Nyle’s mild words made the ferocious assault all the worse.

Lanith. I must be clear so you understand. I’m risking much here to make myself defenseless without a Paersenwierding companion to intervene if you attack me. Enchanters place the utmost trust in our Consents. Now about the test. You may touch and kiss me to take my magical essence. I’ll allow demonstrative gestures. But don’t try to undress me or yourself. We will not have an intimacy session.

Nyle stood, stepped away from the table, and waited.

Please tell me, Nyle. You loathe making yourself vulnerable for this test. Are there parts you like?

There’s one. I adore kissing exquisite women, like you.

His smile warmed the coldness inside her. She stood and stepped into the circle of Nyle’s arms. He placed gentle lips on her mouth.

Nyle’s Enchanter essence flowed.

Lanith tasted cinnamon, chocolate, and the sweet peppery heat of Nyle’s magic. His essence was an intoxication, plus a balm, to her empty Essence Cache. She now realized Tredan’s essence hinted of Enchanter magic, probably because of his long-ago tenure as an Enchanter. She loved everything about her husband, especially the taste of his magic. But it was no comparison to the delight of an Enchanter’s pure essence, especially when delivered with expert kisses.

Nyle’s Enchanter magic claimed her.

It took only a moment for Lanith to realize why the test for Enchanter Consent had to be an essence kiss. She had to take in this delectable magic and not savage the Enchanter who supplied it. Nyle’s horrifying attack made twisted sense. He had to be careful and layer himself with Protection Charms. Church Enforcers hunted Enchanters because they were delicious prey.

Nyle had given her permission to touch him. She let a dot of her essence rise to her lips, then Lanith placed them on his nose to soothe its hurt. Lanith then covered Nyle’s face with gentle kisses. She pushed aside his shining hair and pressed her cheek against his to experience the sweet comfort of skin-to-skin essence exchange.

Lanith. His breath tickled her ear. Enchanters create much more essence than we need for personal use. We give the excess to our Consents. No need to be so modest. Take all the essence you want. This is your privilege as a Consent.

She resumed their kisses. Chocolate-cinnamon-peppery essence filled her mouth. Lanith sipped the Enchanter’s delectable magic and replenished her exhausted Essence Cache. Her hunger for magic faded. In its place came an affectionate regard for Nyle and his generosity.

Despite the sweet taste of his magic and the touch of Nyle’s oh-so-kissable lips, worry stung her eyes with threatened tears. Anguish ambushed her. Oh please, let these kisses satisfy the Enchanters so they would help her.

The Enchanters will help you find Tredan. I promise.

He had overheard her Mindvoice. Essence sharing lowered the magical barriers between them. I’m ready to tell you my Secret Name.

So am I.

His Surreptitious Spell settled over them as if the softest cloak had descended from the ceiling and fluttered onto Lanith’s shoulders. The world became quiet.

Your common name is Lanith, but it has no meaning.

My mother told me she dreamed it.

What is your Secret Name, Lanith?


A charming Mer name for an equally charming woman. A’edredohr means ‘stream daughter.’

It does. Now she would ask questions. What does ‘Nyle’ mean?


Oh, how true. What is your Secret Name?

Despite the protection of the Surreptitious Spell, she felt his hesitation as if he waded against a strong current. Daegal’hraefnscaga. It means ‘dweller by the dark stream, in the raven forest.’

A Mer name also for you. Lanith brushed her lips over his cheek. Your mother named you ‘Desire is the dweller by the dark stream, in the raven forest?’

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