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Acting Out
Acting Out
Acting Out
Ebook96 pages55 minutes

Acting Out

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About this ebook

A 45 day devotional Bible study on the Acts of The Apostles. Take an exciting journey through the book of Acts as you discover the boldness and power that God intends for every believer to experience through the infilling of His Holy Spirit. This study is written in a devotional style that is meant to enrich and encourage you, while challenging you to stand-up, and share your faith in Jesus.

God has commissioned His Church to share their faith and change the world with His message of saving grace. He not only commissioned us but He went one further and provided the power needed to be His witnesses. The Holy Spirit is a gift given for every believer in Jesus Christ. Acting Out takes you through the book of Acts and in doing so demonstrates why everyone should desire the infilling of God's Spirit to enrich their Christian life.

PublisherDwight Budden
Release dateJul 3, 2012
Acting Out

Dwight Budden

Dwight Budden is the husband of Natalie, father of 3 of the world's coolest kids, and Pastor of Emmanuel Pentecostal Tabernacle, Carter's Cove, Newfoundland, Canada. He loves to write, preach, play with his kids, exercise, and eat bacon!

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    Book preview

    Acting Out - Dwight Budden

    Acting Out

    A 45 Day Devotional Bible Study on The Acts of the Apostles

    Dwight Budden

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2004, 2012

    All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other - except for brief quotation in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the author.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    Table of Contents


    Day 1: Power

    Day 2: A Change of Perspective

    Day 3: Drawing Closer to God

    Day 4: More Than Gold

    Day 5: Will You Be Recognized?

    Day 6: Threat or No Threat

    Day 7: Power Despite Problems

    Day 8: Flogged For Your Faith

    Day 9: The Holy Spirit and Wisdom

    Day 10: The Right Words

    Day 11: Truly Devoted

    Day 12: No Boundaries

    Day 13: Listening to God

    Day 14: From Yes Lord to But Lord

    Day 15: From Hunter to Hunted

    Day 16: Acceptable to God

    Day 17: The Holy Spirit: A Gift For All

    Day 18: It is Not Wrong to Do The Right Thing!

    Day 19: A Missionary Movement

    Day 20: Are You Out Of Your Mind?

    Day 21: An Obstacle to the Gospel

    Day 22: Hiding God’s Word

    Day 23: Faith You Can See

    Day 24: Similar, Yet Different

    Day 25: Agree to Disagree

    Day 26: Doors Swinging Both Ways

    Day 27: Would You Pray?

    Day 28: Where The Good Goes, The Bad Follows

    Day 29: Some Laughed and Others Believed

    Day 30: A Message From The Lord

    Day 31: It’s a Hands-on Kind of Thing

    Day 32: Bad For Business

    Day 33: Irresistible?

    Day 34: Watch Out!

    Day 35: How Far Would You Go?

    Day 36: A Case of Mistaken Identity

    Day 37: Can I Get a Witness?

    Day 38: Your Name on God’s Lips

    Day 39: Help From The Most Unlikely People

    Day 40: The Power of Words

    Day 41: An Appealing Decision

    Day 42: Everything Except My Chains

    Day 43: Wisdom Unheeded

    Day 44: Now That I’ve Got Your Attention

    Day 45: The Rewards of a Life Given to God



    God has made an awesome gift available to you!

    He has promised in His word to fill you with His Holy Spirit so you can receive great power, boldness, and faith.

    But why did God do that for you? Was it so you could have fun? Was it so you could have a closer relationship with Him? Was it so you could have victory in your Christian life?

    The answer is YES!

    He did it for all those reasons and more. But the most important reason why He offers you the gift of His Holy Spirit is to prepare you to Act Out for Him.

    The Acts of the Apostles is full of examples of the great things that God’s people did for Him after they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They Acted Out for God. They did it because they had received an amazing gift from God that empowered them and equipped them to do great things in the name of Jesus Christ.

    You Can Do Great Things For God As Well!

    I believe that God is calling His people to stand-up and Act Out for Him. God wants to give you everything you need so you can make a real difference in this world for Him.

    I wrote this devotional Bible study on the book of Acts for one reason and one reason only: So you might experience more of God and be empowered to Act Out for Him.

    Lord, it is my prayer that you will speak to the heart of every person that commits to spending this time with you each day. Reveal the power of Your Word to them and give them everything they need to Act Out for You!

    Acting Out: Day 1


    Read Acts 1:1-26

    Key Verse: Acts 1:8 "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (NLT

    Our key verse for today sums up for us exactly what Acting Out is all about. Remember, Luke is writing Acts as a letter to his friend, Theophilus, to describe in detail the things that happened after Jesus

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