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The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women
The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women
The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women
Ebook67 pages30 minutes

The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women

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About this ebook

As a Board Certified Naturopathic Consultant, Tony Xhudo, M.S./H.N. Has studied and researched natural medicine for over the past 20 years helping people overcome illness, disability and disease. It has become clear that poor nutritional management and lifestyle lies at the root of most common problems.
This book gives you the best possible information at hand currently available. Gathered from extensive research & explaining in detail. Devoted to natural solutions as it relates to sexual enhancement and dysfunction. Twenty million men reportedly suffer from impotence. The Ultimate Guide to Enhance Your Sex Life For Men & Women is filled with many natural ways to build and maintain a healthy sex life. This book should be read by those prior to embarking on drug therapies.
Is this you?
Loss of interest in sex?
Easily fatigued, low energy, and decreased stamina?
Stressed out and no relief from current mainstream medicine?
Loss of sexual sensation and not able to satisfy your partner?
Discover How To :
Improve erections and staying power
Increase sexual sensation's and staying power
Balance your hormones and brain neurotransmitters
Have repeated orgasms and shorten your refractory period
Rediscover how to rekindle your desire Solutions about sex for both men and women
Startling revelations about sex you never knew!

PublisherDawn Xhudo
Release dateJul 6, 2012
The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women

Tony Xhudo M.S., H.N.

Biography Tony Xhudo was born in Albania May 14,1957. He spent his early childhood years in a refugee camp and immigrated to America March 2, 1962 with his family of 10. He grew up in the New York/New Jersey area during most of his teen and adult life. Which led him to join the U.S. Military in 1976 to 1982, Finishing his high school in the Armed Forces, Tony had a calling to become a Holistic Health Practitioner. He entered the "Clayton College of Natural Health", where he attained his Bachelor's and earned his Master's in 1996. He is Board Certified by the (A.A.D.P) "The American Association of Drugless Practitioners". He has studied Natural Medicine & Sports Nutrition for over 20 years, and has had a burning desire to help heal those with affliction's and disease.He has also helped and trained many career minded athletes,collegiate & professional in attaining their personal sports oriented goals, in which many today are excelling at. He is relentless in his research,and pursuit in helping those stricken with illness & disease. He has also helped many to become happy and well once again,as he feels that guess work was not an option when it came to someone's health and well-being in seeking relief from their affliction. Tony has given private lectures to schools,health oriented establishments and consultations to many on a public and private level. He wants nothing more than to share his knowledge through book writing and help as many as he can. He feels that is why "God" put him on this earth to do! You will enjoy reading several of his books that are out in print, on many health related issues, sports nutrition, disease manifestation, anti-aging, and bodybuilding. As he speaks from the heart,He is passionate in his beliefs about heath & general well-being,and has helped many people lecturing on natural medicine, where modern Allopathic Medicine did not.His passion is to educate and inform many of those that have been ill and unhappy with their current health status.In the health society today, it is often said that the people who truly care about the health of others "make for the best practitioners".

Read more from Tony Xhudo M.S., H.N.

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    Book preview

    The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life For Men & Women - Tony Xhudo M.S., H.N.

    The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Sex Life

    For Men & Women

    by Tony Xhudo M.S., H.N.

    Board Certified by A. A. D. P.


    This book is dedicated to my lovely wife and life companion,Dawn Xhudo. Who has stood by me through all these years never questioning why, but inspiring me to become the person whom I am today.Without her inspiration there wouldbe no book, and so I am deeply gratified to have met someone as lovely and devoted as her.Thank You Hunny For Being There For When I've Needed You the Most !!! I Love You

    The Ultimate Guide To Enhancing Your Sex Life

    For Men & Women

    By Tony Xhudo M.S., H.N. Board Certified by A.A.D.P.

    Smashbooks Edition

    Copyright 2012 Dawn Xhudo

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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    Sex and Health

    Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. – WOODY ALLEN

    Much has been said about the wonders and pleasure's of sex through the ages. Sex, something that is thought about in both men and women on a daily basis. It is said that 85% of most men in their 20 to 30's think about sex every 52 seconds or so. Women the same age only think about sex once a day, except during the time of ovulation when its three to four times during the day.

    In this book we will discover that there should be no reason why anyone regardless of age should be able to enjoy and experience the pleasure's of sexual fulfillment. We will find out how to obtain a healthy libido in both sexes through diet, vitamins/minerals, herbs, and prescription drugs. Also discovering why so many at an early age fail to perform sexually. Uncovering hidden undiagnosed health problems concerning sexual dysfunction.

    In Pfizer’s 2007 Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, 64 percent of women (ages 40 to 80) in 28 countries felt that sex was an important part of their lives, and that physical and sexual satisfaction were highly correlated with feeling healthy and happy. Nearly 70 percent of those who described their health as excellent also reported that their physical relationship with their partner was extremely pleasurable. As you can see sex even as we get in our older years is important in our society.

    In my 20 years of practice as a holistic health practitioner, I’ve successfully helped thousands of men and women restore (and/or balance) their libido. I have learned that with trial and error, helping men and woman achieve better sexual health is not only possible, but easily attainable!

    Men in the sexual department certainly have an edge, with drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. As of the current moment Big Pharma is in the process of trying to produce a female version of Viagra.

    In today's society we are fortunate with so many available solutions about sex, whether they come from natural sources or pharmaceutically.

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