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Four Words
Four Words
Four Words
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Four Words

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After running away with the man of her dreams, Faith finds herself a prisoner in his sick world of prostitution, rape and drugs. Stranded, with nothing but a dirty t-shirt and a stolen cell phone, she calls for help. Within an hour, Uncle Orlando has assembled a team and they embark on a journey to bring her back home. Orlando comes from a world of the deepest darkness, one that Faith’s captors can’t even imagine. His sixth sense allows him to see the evil in men’s hearts and detect the depravity in their souls. In less than four days, he will cross the country with his team, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Everyone will soon know the price of hurting his family and understand the true depth of his love.

Release dateJul 8, 2012
Four Words

Demetrius O. Davis

Demetrius Davis was born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Throughout his life, he has used a variety of personal and professional experiences to serve as a palette for his true passion...writing. Although very private in his personal life, Mr. Davis opens his mind and imagination to readers so they can take a walk on the dark side. In addition to his writing, Mr. Davis is the President of The Lazie Horse Club, a newly founded clothing and accessories company.

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    Four Words - Demetrius O. Davis

    Four Words


    Demetrius O. Davis

    Lazie Horse Publishing

    Four Words. © 2010 by Demetrius O. Davis

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the publishers, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, blog, journal, or other approved source. For information, contact Lazie Horse Publishing, a division of The Lazie Horse Club, Inc., P.O. Box 4623, Harrisburg, PA 17111.

    All characters and events appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Lazie Horse Publishing and its logo, a line-drawn horse reading a book, are © The Lazie Horse Club, Inc.

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    This book is also available in print.

    Smashwords Edition Published 2012.

    Interior and Cover designed by Nancy Cates.

    ISBN: 9780983638544

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Thank you to my wife Angie, my daughter Demeshia, my son Demetrius J.

    Also thank you to Nancy Cates, who’s help was greatly appreciated...

    To Katerina M. Neff,


    Andrew Smith, Nate Spriggs and Greg Davis...

    Most importantly, my mom, Margaret Bass,

    my late father, Ronald Davis, and my sisters, Maureen, Kimberly, Lisa, and Angelique...

    Music calmed the savage beast,

    but Love and Beauty conquered the savage

    beast’s soul.

    Chapter One

    Faith’s Flight

    I just worry about you baby, the woman said, as she fanned the hair out of her daughter’s eye. You’re just too young to be so serious about one boy. The worried- angry look she had was the same her mother gave her 19 years ago when she had become so serious about the man she was now married to.

    The woman was still quite young in her own right, but her eyes were old from years of struggling with her man. Not only financially but also with his roving eye, though she never caught him doing anything she always suspected. Her long black hair cut short for easier maintenance, with grays here and there. The lines of age beginning to become more pronounced on her fair skin. The same fair skin that no longer had its beautiful tan from running the streets when the day was hers. And as her children grew older she began to smoke a little more and more not only cigarettes but weed to numb some of the pain of a life she’d missed.

    Now with Faith standing in front of her arguing her point about love, it was like déjà vu but only now she was in her mother’s shoes talking to her daughter who was now wearing hers. Careful not to say the words that came to her now and again, Jen tried to skirt her way around their conversation but she knew she’d have to say it to give the proper effect for her baby to understand.

    Listen baby, she said softly as she stared at her exceedingly beautiful daughter, I made the same choices that you’re about to make and while I don’t regret you and your brother I wanted a different life for you’ something other than the road I took.

    Whatever mom, Faith said. I’m not you and Tony’s not dad. He loves me and he wants to be with me. Besides it’s just for a week at the beach, other than dad going fishin with uncle O, you guy’s never go anywhere anyway and I want to see some things in the world before I die.

    You have a whole lotta life left in you so don’t even talk like that. Jen snapped.

    Well maybe you and dad like living like this not going anywhere, not doing anything, but I don’t. She snapped back adding, I’m going anyway! then turned to walk away spinning her long brown highlighted black hair.

    With that Jen’s mind began racing in a million directions, what happened to the honor roll student that used be her. Wondering about the strange calls her man would get. The fishing trips he and his brother would take out of the blue. She wondered if her trying to stop her daughter was her trying to stop herself.

    But she knew that not to be the case, she could feel it in her stomach that something bad was going to happen to her baby. Just like she could feel when it was time to tell her son to stay home on certain nights when he was really dying to go somewhere with his homies, only to find out later someone had been shot.

    She’d met Tony once and he seemed okay, but she only met him once and Faith had been seeing him for the last three or four months. And Rick hadn’t met him at all yet. It made her mad that her husband would leave the decisions and meetings up to her. He lived his life feeling that everyone should already no better than to touch his kids, by way of his and his brother Orlando’s reputations.

    She wished one of them would come through the door now to talk some sense into Faith’s head. But they weren’t, it was up to her to handle the situation. She wasn’t going to let her baby go to no beach with someone that none of them really knew. She was even mad at Jay for not finding out more about this guy that his sister was seeing.

    Don’t you walk away from me when I’m talking to you. I’m still the mom around here. She said cutting off her many thoughts.

    Faith mumbled something under her breath as she stopped in her tracks and turned sideways but showing her defiance by not looking at her mother.

    I don’t know this guy and if you think I’m gonna stand by and watch you throw away your life for this kid you got another thing comin’. She said while walking up on faith.

    Listen mom, I’m not you, I’m not gonna go out and get pregnant and have to quit school like you did, we’re just going to the beach for a couple days. Then added as she looked at her mom like she was small. I’m grown and if I decide to do something with him I’ll do just that.

    Jen became flush to the skin and began to see red, she wasn’t trying to hear that at all, but Faith in her own anger began to spout off a little too much.

    I said it, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m grown. Of course you wouldn’t notice cause you and dad are always working and doing your own thing. As a matter of fact if you and dad were around a little more you’d have noticed a lot of things are different about me.

    You having sex with this boy, bitch? She said as she got in her daughters face.

    Does it matter, BITCH!!!she replied in the same tone her mother gave her. Then she went to turn and walk away again.

    This time she was stopped in stride. Her head yanked back as her mom pulled her long mane. Oh, you really do think you’re grown, huh. She yelled. BITCH, just cause you beat up a couple bitches in the streets and at school doesn’t mean you can talk to me any fuckin’ way you want. I’ll beat you the fuck up, up in this house.

    Pulling herself free from her mom’s clutches Faith turned to walk away again. She replied. Whatever.

    Didn’t I tell you don’t walk a way from me when I’m talking to you. Jen said really grabbing her daughter’s hair this time.

    Owe. Faith screamed, as she could feel some of her roots give way. With that she turned to attack her mother.

    Jen reacted accordingly and backed up just enough and threw her hands up to fight sayin’, I dare you to swing on me bitch. I will kill you up in this mutha fucker today. I’ve been runnin’ these streets long before you. So don’t think cause you’re half black that this white girl won’t whup your monkey ass all over the place.

    Faith looked at her mother with all the anger, rage, and teenage confusion in her heart and said. I hate you. I hate your muth….

    But before she could get the rest of her sentence out Jennifer was on her. Faith didn’t react fast enough to stop or block the first two hits. The first one finding it’s mark at her left eye and the second at her mouth.

    The second hurt worst than the first and in her defense she quickly grabbed her mom, to get her mind straight. Mom being out of shape and being a heavy smoker on top of that was winded, besides her right hand hurt. She knew immediately that it was broken, it was the same one she’d broken beating up that smart mouth bitch that she accused of sleeping with her man, although she never proved it.

    Now, wrestling with her daughter who was about to turn the tide on her thought, I can’t let that happen. Again she grabbed her by her beautiful hair, the same hair that she spent years conditioning, brushing, washing and teaching her how to take care of. Now she had a full clump of it in her hand, pulling her head back so as to keep her on the defense, until she could figure out what to do next.

    Faith, with blood pouring back into her mouth and down her cheek was every bit her mothers daughter, and she too could handle a punch. But she was also her fathers daughter, and every bit as off center as he. She rolled her mother over and began to throw punches though it didn’t have the effect she was looking for because of the positioning she was in. She switched up her tactics and began to rain down elbows on her mom’s shoulder, by the third strike she found exactly what she was looking for.

    Faith flew back off her mom quickly as her mom let her hair go. But the force wasn’t only from her pulling away it was the heavy hands of some one else. As that was happening Jennifer screamed in agony. Faith had broken her collarbone just as her brother Rick Jr. , aka Jay, was walking in the front door and only had time to grab his sister before she came down with another violent blow.

    Her wind was gone as she felt Jay’s hand close around her neck, but it was only temporary, because next her 122 lb frame was flying across the room landing on and thru her mom’s glass coffee table.

    Jay never minded her and went straight to helping his mother who was screaming in pain. She rolled her legs from sided to side at the hips, because the pain in her left arm couldn’t take the movement. He looked and immediately knew by the way the bone was sticking straight out that her collarbone was broken. Then noticed that she couldn’t close her hand that she was trying in vain to grip her shirt with.

    He could here Faith in the background saying something, but paid her no mind. It was his mother whom he was worried about, he got her to her feet, and then used his belt to keep her arm as stationary as possible.

    I’m so sowwy, Faith kept saying threw her swelled lips, blood spraying here and there as she said it. I’m so sowwy, I didn’t mean it, I’m so sowwy, she said over and over as Jay walked out the door.

    Deyquan, Jay’s homie, was outside in his mom’s whip already waitin on Jay to get some condoms so they could meet up with some bitches that they knew, when the door flew open. He jumped out the ride with a little .38 in hand and was like, What the fuck yo?

    It ain’t shit bro, lets just get down to the hospital.

    Faith screamed out the door one more time that she was sorry, and Jay replied, don’t be here when I get back. I mean that shit! don’t be here when I get back. As Dee peeled out.

    Now with her mom and brother gone her mind started coming back to her. She knew what it would be hittin’ for when her dad got home. Though he’d never hit her, she knew her dad wasn’t one to be fucked with. She’d seen what he did to the one guy that ran his mouth at her and her brother when they were younger and even more the end results of their neighbor who called her mom a nigger lover.

    The worst part of it was that he showed not remorse for either. The latter happened only a year ago, but the end results could still be seen. She remembered her dad telling Jen and Jay to chill and that he’d take care of it. Told Jay that under no circumstances was he to say anything to Carl the neighbor or any of his family.

    A month later they found Carl’s beaten body in his van about two hundred miles away. He wasn’t dead but everyone knew that he’d wished he was. Who ever had gotten to him had cut half of his lower jaw off with piano wire and took his right arm. They then burned the wounds so that he wouldn’t die. She remembered the police coming by asking questions for almost two weeks but nothing ever came of it, her dad’s alibi was airtight. He was at work, on the clock, doing inventory with his manager, the same manager whom Jen had broken her hand on.

    Crying, Faith grabbed the phone and went to her room in a hurry where she packed herself some jeans, t-shirts and underclothes. She called Tony, who was really 25, but posed as 18 for her mom the time he met her, and told him to meet her at Shai-Shai’s house. She was sorry for what she did but was still going to leave for the beach with Tony and deal with the consequences of her father and brother when she crossed that bridge.

    Tony, Lonnie and Gigi were all going to have some fun in the sun. Faith was the only one of the group that was sixteen, but Gigi said she’d get her a fake I.D. so they could all go clubbin’. She loved hearing of the places that they’d been and the things they’d seen, especially California. She grabbed some ice for her lip and a couple of headache pills and went out the door.


    About 20 minutes later Tony pulled up in front of Shai-Shai’s house. He stepped out of the sandalwood Sedan with dark tint windows and the shinny spokes. His Polo style shirt with the sleeves strategically pulled to show his muscles and tat’s. His chain dangled showing off the diamond chips. He smiled showing off his pearly white teeth, as Faith ran off the porch to meet him. She left her bag on the ground and met him half way. He walked around the front of the car, jeans perfectly creased, and gave his girl a hug.

    She sobbed into his shoulder as he walked her to the door of the car. As she sat down Gigi reached up from the back seat and placed a hand on her shoulder assuring her she was in good hands with people that cared for her. Tony walked over to Shai-Shai’s porch to pick up her things. He looked over the rim of his sunglasses, licked his lips and then winked at Shai. She didn’t like him and knew what he was about, but couldn’t bring herself to tell her friend that he tried to get with her at that one night when he gave her a ride home.

    He damn near had her too, but her friendship was more than that, no matter what he was working with. From what Faith said he was definitely more than most of the boys they were around. She kept shit to herself for the most part, but would always hint around that she thought Tony was playing her.

    Now at this dead moment she wanted to tell her friend to get out of the car and stay with her til she could get things worked out, but couldn’t she was frozen on the porch from Tony’s gaze. He smiled, turned and put the bag in the trunk, and just before he got into the car he blew a kissed to Shai. She caught a deep chill like she’d never see her friend again. She watched Lonnie hand Faith a bottle of some clear looking liquid as Tony turned up the bass and pulled off.

    Chapter Two

    Big Cat

    Rick opened his eyes instantly, his reflexes were fast as he caught the phone before it’s second ring. He looked at the clock on the stand next to the phone as he answered. Shit he thought, 3:45 in the morning, please be my baby. Jennifer sat up from her broken sleep though she hadn’t slept well in the two months since her altercation with Faith. The black bags under her eyes showed it, she missed her baby.

    Her heart pounded as she prayed it was about her daughter, and pleading to GOD that it wasn’t bad news. She was torn to pieces with emotions. She was no longer mad at her baby for the fight, she just wanted her home and safe.

    Hello, Rick said. Baby that doesn’t matter, where are you?

    Is that my baby? Jennifer yelled, as tears began to pour down her faces. Please come home baby, Please.. She kept interrupting her man as he remained calm.

    Hush woman, he said. I can’t hear.

    Jennifer pulled her pillow to her mouth as she tried to stifle her moans of joy and fright.

    Where are you baby, I’ll come get you.

    Daddy, I’m so sorry. She cried into the phone, her voice almost a whisper and full of fright.

    Where are you? He asked again remaining calm.

    He muscles in his jaw tighten as Faith began to talk a little more between sobs.

    I don’t know where I am daddy, I just know it’s in California somewhere. Please find me daddy before they do. They hurt me real bad. I just want to come home.

    Who hurt you baby? Never mind that, can you get to any cross streets or landmarks baby?

    I can try but I know they’re looking for me daddy. I know it.

    You’ll be all right, I promise I’ll find you just get me something to work with.

    Okay I’m gonna make an attempt to see something, she said trying to calm herself. She quickly worked her way through the alley way till she got to a main street. She kept repeating they’re gonna find me I know they are.

    Her feet hurt from walking without shoes, on the broken glass in the alley way and she was cold as the night chill of the California air touched her semi naked body. She had only a t-shirt on, just enough to get to the top of her thigh. That was the way Tony made her walk around the large three bedroom apartment. He had taken all her clothing by her second week with him out here. That’s was also when he started beating her using a phone book to keep her from bruising (on the outside).

    He knew the market wanted their product unmarked. Unmarked, except for the frightened look in the girl’s eyes. Her ribs hurt every time she took a deep breath, but she fought through all the pains her body was feeling so that she could get her dad some information.

    There’s a church daddy, she said. Lumbers Temple of the New World of God, and there’s a street sign, Fourth and Aspen.

    Just as she read the sign she saw the car slowly creeping up the block with its lights off. She started to tremble, daddy they’re out here looking for me, as she began to start crying again.

    You hide as best you can, I’m coming to get you, NO! we’re coming to get you. Rick said as his muscles tighten. His 6 foot tall frame standing now as he slid into his jeans. His muscle shown through even though he hadn’t worked out in years. Even the beer belly he had wasn’t enough to hide the powerful abs he had hidden just beneath a layer of fat.

    Me and O are on our way. You just hide you hear me.

    The mention of Uncle O sent a chill up her spine, it made the tears in the corner of her eyes feel cool.. She began to almost feel at ease. She knew that her dad was crazy, but for some reason she just briefly she knew her uncle on the way meant something else. Something darker.

    To her he normally was a big teddy bear, and up until this very point she never put him into the same category as her dad. To her he was just safe, like home base when she used to play tag or something. Tonight on the phone she felt in her dad’s voice something far more sinister and primal.

    Yeah daddy, she said with some new hint of hope in her voice. Please bring him daddy. Please bring Uncle O and get me out of here. Then hung up the cell phone and turning it off so it would ring at the wrong time.

    Jennifer began to cry more when she heard the mention of Orlando. She knew that some of the crazy shit her husband would talk about was out there, but she could look her crazy brother in law in the eyes and know that he had definitely done. She’d seen him in action a few months after Rick Jr. was born, at that house party. This was only a few weeks after Rick had met him for the first time with their dad.

    As Rick was getting dressed he was calling his brother to get out the word and help find his baby and so they could take care of this other situation as well…Tony and anyone that he was associated with or had anything to do with this business of his little girl crying.

    Yo, the voice answered matter-of-factly. What’s up bro?

    I got a situation, Faith called…Rick said as he walked down the hall with Jennifer in tow, he gave his brother the information that Faith gave him.

    I’m on my way, was all Rick heard, then it was silent.

    Orlando stood up and stretched, he wasn’t sleep when the phone rang, truth be told he rarely ever slept. He’d either work out all night or he’d watch Marie sleep. The rare times he would sleep would be after his business trips and interviews with clients and even then it was only for a couple hours. Something he picked up from their dad.

    Standing at 5’10" shorter than his brother, he was 210 lbs of solid muscle his presence was definitely felt no matter where he went. His caramel complexion was just two shades lighter than his brothers and maybe three shades darker than his niece. The two brothers looked a lot a like despite the fact that they had two different moms. Other than their eyes you could never tell they were only half brothers. O’s eyes were green like his mom’s while Rick’s were jet black like their fathers.

    Rick’s eyes were playful and inviting. His mannerisms and characteristics too were like Larenzo, their father. A well manner, well hung

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