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Seeing Through the Game of Life: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Seeing Through the Game of Life: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Seeing Through the Game of Life: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Seeing Through the Game of Life: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

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About this ebook

Seeing Through the Game of Life is a practical guide to spiritual enlightenment that includes sixteen powerful practice ideas on how to awaken to your authentic self, satisfy the self-fulfilling prophecy of enlightenment, discover the ultimate truth of your existence, see through your thoughts, stories, and projections . . . and cultivate mystical experiences that lead to enlightened living in a brave new world.

"Seeing through the game of life is the dawn of enlightenment. It is a return to where you have come from, an end to the old ways of being that no longer serve you, and a return to those that are always fresh and new. You are a drop of water and God is the ocean. A cloud, stream, or river will return you to where you have come from. Once you enter into the ocean, you become one with it. The same is also true of seeing through the game of life. Once you see through it, you become one with it. The path is natural, perfect and complete." ~ from the book

PublisherBodhi Daya
Release dateJul 11, 2012
Seeing Through the Game of Life: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Bodhi Daya

Bodhi Daya, author of "Seeing Through the Game of Life" came to the realization of absolute truth through a series of spiritual awakenings that span the course of over a decade. "Seeing Through the Game of Life" is a culmination of the work that he and his wife have done together in this period of time. The Bodhi Daya Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded to support the teachings of absolute truth: such as those found in "Seeing Through the Game of Life". It is supported by the efforts of its volunteers and the generous financial contributions of its donors. For more information about the Bodhi Daya Foundation, please visit us at, or email

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    Seeing Through the Game of Life - Bodhi Daya



    A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

    by Bodhi Daya

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchase for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    *** ***



    Chapter One: A Brave New World

    Chapter Two: The Authentic Self

    Soul Expression

    In the Messenger

    The Center of Existence

    The Right Word

    The Truth to Unfold

    Chapter Three: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

    Your Own Heart and Eyes

    Nothing Is Personal

    Being In Equanimity

    A Vast Difference

    An Effortless Embrace

    Having Resistance

    The Desire To Change

    Know Thyself

    Chapter Four: The Ultimate Truth

    A Vision of God

    Everything and Nothing

    The Continuum

    We Live On

    Karma and Kinship

    A Circular Relationship

    Chapter Five: Thoughts, Stories, and Projections

    What We Call Ego

    The Egoic Rhythm

    Stuck In a Story

    Cogito Ergo Sum

    Labyrinth of Thought

    To Project or Reflect

    Proof by Assertion

    Thought-Feeling Connection

    Chapter Six: Mystical Experiences

    Being Gifted

    Present Awareness

    Path of the Heart

    The Sound and Light Currents

    Energetic Resonance

    The Inner World

    Bridging the Gap

    Chapter Seven: Seeing Through the Game of Life

    *** ***


    Enlightenment: en•light•en•ment – a revelation or deep insight into the meaning and purpose of all things; also called self-realization or awakening; often including mystical experiences such as seeing through the game of life; etc.

    ~Bodhi Daya

    Enlightenment is seeing through the game of life. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy that begins with an awakening to who you truly are, your authentic self – and continues through a journey of discovery that ultimately sets you free from any thought, story, or projection that has been keeping you from experiencing the true nature of your existence. It is seeing through the veil of illusions that seem to separate us from every aspect of our own lives, to look through the eyes of God in order to have and act upon a fresh vision of reality in a brave new world – one that is full of wisdom, compassion and grace.

    When you awaken to your authentic self, you begin to perceive and experience who you truly are, and how you truly move in the world: not as a philosophy, but in the actual context of reality. Your own innate wisdom that knows the difference between the two awakens, and aspects of your true nature that previously remained hidden from you suddenly become revealed to you in a single, spontaneous moment.

    There is a shift away from looking for answers outside of yourself as you begin to realize that your parents, mentors, teachers, and books cannot provide you with all of the wisdom and experience that you are searching for. It is a rite of passage from not only being a student of life but to also becoming your own teacher in life, for your authentic self has a way of moving in the world that is extremely unique, precious and rare – one that can be pointed to, but cannot be taught by another.

    Along the path of awakening to your authentic self, many new and mystical experiences will occur, honing your skills and refining your sense of perception to support a new way of living in the world, enlightened living. You will gain mastery of your own emerging set of mystical tools, such as having prophetic vision and foresight, conversations with God or angels, energy healing, presence and resonance, and so much more.

    It is important to be open and explorative, to approach every mystical experience from a place of honesty and integrity, and allow the many twists and turns to occur naturally. These experiences profoundly change the way we think about ourselves and life, and the way we choose to be in the world. If cultivated with wisdom, intent, and purpose they can be transformative and add to the richness of our lives, and when the myths around these experiences are dispelled, they become as common to being human as waking up in the morning and having a cup of coffee.

    Enlightenment is seeing through the game of life – seeing through your own thoughts, stories, and projections about life. It is the end of believing in and moving with such things. The end of this game is the dawn of enlightenment, the beginning of enlightened living, that of being a person who knows their authentic self to be made in the image of God and who acts from a place of this awareness.

    *** ***

    The spiritual journey does not consist of arriving at a new destination where a person gains what he did not have, or becomes what he is not. It consists in the dissipation of one's own ignorance concerning one's self and life, and the gradual growth of that understanding which begins the spiritual awakening. The finding of God is a coming to one's self.

    ~Aldous Huxley

    Chapter One: A Brave New World

    Seeing through the game of life is, to borrow Aldous Huxley’s phrase, to live in a brave new world. It is seeing through the veil of illusions that seem to separate us from every aspect of life, and acting upon this new vision as it appears to us. We are all one in the eyes of God. There are no true contradictions or discrepancies. Enlightenment is seeing through the eyes of God and living as the image of God, in the physical world.

    Enlightenment is, as the Bible says, a new heaven and a new earth. Seeing life through the eyes of God, through the eyes of your authentic self, is a new heaven – enlightenment. Living as the image of God in the physical world, and acting upon the vision of your authentic self, is a new earth – enlightened living. Both are a reflection of the same inner and outer truth of your authentic self.

    Having a relationship with God can be the most personal experience any human being is capable of, as we ultimately come to discover, because it is characteristic of the relationship to one’s self and the rest of life. It is the only relationship in which whatever is given to it is returned one thousand times over. For every step we take towards God, the Beloved takes one thousand more towards us. To walk along this path in each and every moment is to walk the path of enlightened living.

    Several years ago, I closed my eyes for the first time in a very, very long time and rested in meditation. I looked into the vast, unknown territory of my mind and was surprised to have the sense of God looking back at me. The more I focused on this inner awareness of God, the more I perceived that God was actually looking for me. It then occurred to me that I was also looking for God. Through this connection

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