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Educating Simon
Educating Simon
Educating Simon
Ebook65 pages1 hour

Educating Simon

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What is every young man's dream? To meet a beautiful mature woman to teach them how to be a great lover! Jemma helps Simon to realize his dream. From their first timid encounter on holiday to a sizzling threesome. Read about Simon's extra curricular lessons with Jemma, Sophie, Jemma's daughter and Harriet, Jemma's boss.

Release dateJul 12, 2012
Educating Simon


Born on the 2 June 1971 in Donetsk , Ukraine. Sheherezade is only my pename. I am a singer and singing teacher. I have appeared in many Opera's from Macbeth, La Traviata ( my favorite) Nabucco and Aida. Studied music and languages at the State University of Minsk , currently living in France with my English husband. I am blonde! I enjoy fine food and wine,music,fishing,writing and travelling. We have between us a very large family!

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    Educating Simon - Sheherezade

    Educating Simon

    By Sheherezade

    Copyright © 2012 by Sheherezade

    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Simon heard his phone ringing in his dream. Somehow he knew it really was ringing and searched cumbersomely with eyes closed for his phone. It was on his bedside table. He found it and answered.

    What?he answered, still asleep.

    Are you still in bed?his mother asked.

    It's really early Mum.Simon answered trying to open his eyes to see exactly what time it was on his radio alarm.

    No it's not! It's nearly ten! What time did you go to bed?

    Simon lied. Not that late Mum, anyway exam's are finished and I'm on holiday!

    Simon had been playing an online game Tank Commanderuntil 4.30 am. His enemies , other Tank commanders from all over the world had been beaten one by one until eventually Commander Karim an 11 year old from India inflicted such a heavy defeat he had to surrender. At 4.30 am he had decided to call it a day and go to bed, hence him being somewhat sleepy at 9.45 in the morning.

    Simon had just turned 18, finished his exams and was heading to university in the autumn to study Law. He was tall and well built even though he did absolutely no sport.

    His mother, worked for the BBC, in children's television production. As far as Simon knew that was all she had ever done. His father was a copyright attorney and was often away, such as now.

    His mother told him to pack his bag, tidy his room and put the rubbish out. Jemma was coming to collect him at midday. She had kindly offered to give him a lift to France, instead of him getting a flight.

    Jemma , Simon's mother's best friend, also worked at the BBC.

    Every summer the two families would share a rented holiday house in the South of France. They had spent at least two weeks holiday's together since Simon was 6 years old. Simon's mother, younger sister and both of Jemma's teenage daughter's had already left the week before for Provence by car.

    Simon was supposed to follow with his father the following week but unfortunately John, Simon's father was not due to return from Hong Kong for at least another week, hence Jemma's kind offer.

    Simon had, up to now, enjoyed his summer holiday's with them. Jemma's oldest daughter, Sophie was only 9 months younger than him, although physically she seemed much older. They were relatively close and spent a lot of their time together especially during last year's holiday's. They had flirted a bit but gone no further due to Simon not wanting to Spoil their friendship and Sophie Not being ready.

    Ok , Mum .He said reluctantly as he got out of bed.

    Simon had indeed managed to do his bag, empty the bins, throw anything open out of the fridge and tidy the house by the time Jemma rang the doorbell.

    Simon opened the door. Jemma let herself in.

    Jemma was in her early 40's, around 5ft 7,slim, black haired and sun tanned. She was often part of Simon's fantasies. Today she was dressed in black . Black heeled sandals, black short skirt, black shirt unbuttoned enough to reveal Jemma's tanned cleavage. Simon liked Jemma, not just because she was a great looking woman but also because she was crazy and great fun! She drank too much far too often and cared not one single iota for properadult behavior. Jemma was the kind of adult rebel Simon would like to be when he grew up, except in male form.

    I hope you're ready?she said while kissing him on both cheeks. hardly lifting her sunglasses. We have a 14.30 crossing and I really don't want to miss it.

    Simon re-assured her that he was ready, ran around the house quickly checking all the windows, turned the alarm on, picked up his bag and ushered Jemma back out through the front door. He waited for the 5 pips, before smiling at Jemma and saying Lets go!

    Jemma had an open topped black 5 series BMW. Which Simon thought suited her perfectly. His mother drove a Citroen which he disliked immensely. They pulled away from the south London street where Simon lived.

    As they drove through the suburbs of south London Jemma made idle conversation about his exams, his plans,

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