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Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories)
Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories)
Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories)
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Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories)

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About this ebook

Another 10 offerings from the imagination and the life of the author.

A mixed-genre collection with a little something for every taste.

Contents :-
1 poem
9 Short Stories
Approximately 17,000 words

Release dateJul 15, 2012
Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories)

J Bryden Lloyd

John Bryden Lloyd was born in the village of Llay near Wrexham in North Wales in 1969. Now in his 40's, and married with 6 children and a couple of dogs, he still works as a contracting CAD designer. In 2011, The Rise Of Va'kaar was the first of the series of Chronicles involving Jenson Quest and the Great Drak. It took 18 months to write and although it was originally planned to be a stand-alone novel, the ideas and directions it inspired have spawned a possible 9-book series, the first trilogy of which is already available. Book 2, The Realms Of Jurrii, was published in November 2011 and book 3, The Cause, in June 2012. Along with the Jenson Quest series, he has also written The Zubot Master; a sci-fi series for younger readers. Part 1, Time Slip, was released in January 2012, and the second instalment, The New Age, is due out soon. For those who prefer shorter works, Meet My Shorts! (a Series of Short Stories) was issued in February 2012, and Meet My Other Shorts! (a Series of Short Stories), in March 2012. You can join the author at his blog or on Twitter : @JQChronicles or on Facebook : J Bryden Lloyd (Author) There are more projects on the horizon, including two further Zubot Master books and two further Jenson Quest trilogies.

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    Book preview

    Meet My Other Shorts! (A Series of Short Stories) - J Bryden Lloyd

    Meet My Other Shorts!

    (A Series of Short Stories)

    from the keyboard of

    J Bryden Lloyd

    Smashwords Edition

    © J Bryden Lloyd 2012

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an addition copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    There are a lot of people who deserve a mention in this, my second collection of short stories. Rather than go through individual names, I shall refer to them under their group name from the Amazon ‘Meet Or Authors’ Forum… The Writers Corner. In a way it was you that made this second book happen. You gave me a little insight into a strength I didn’t believe was there, and I am ever grateful for that.

    Perhaps unusually to you, the one reading this dedication right now… My gratitude for the faith you are showing in my work. I hope I am equally deserving of your time for the duration of this book.

    My ongoing gratitude to the members of The Writer’s Pad. Thank you for all the help and support with all those little things that make this into the work it is.

    A teacher once said to me, ‘The gift of words, written or spoken, is a gift from one heart to another. Treasure that gift when it comes and give it openly and enthusiastically when you can.’


    To all the readers out there who have spent some of their hard-earned cash on my work, my gratitude and hopes that you enjoy my work and would like to read more. To all the writers out there, I genuinely hope that you find your inspiration and give the world some wonderful literature.

    Don’t forget that there are a lot of websites and blog sites out there where you can read some wonderful stuff from a variety of old, new and emerging authors.

    Enjoy the stories!

    J Bryden Lloyd



    In Remembrance Of Millie

    Ace High

    A Masters Folly

    The Letter

    Who’d Be A Nurse?

    Come And Get Me

    Hunter’s Moon


    Declan’s Dig

    As with the first of my shorts collections, I felt it would be nice to keep the tradition – as it were – and begin with a poem.

    Last time I chose something I had written back in 1986, which I happened to find on a couple of index cards in a box. This time I have dug through a lot of old word documents and have managed to find something I wrote about 8 years ago but never finished… so here, after a little tidying (and a couple of minor edits) is my opening offering.


    I never have liked Mondays,

    They always get me down.

    It’s always been the one I dreaded,

    The one that makes me frown.

    My dog died on a Monday,

    A fluffy pup called ‘Tike’.

    I’d never been that fast downhill,

    With a lead tied to my bike.

    It was always school on Mondays,

    The teachers used to glare.

    Because I hadn’t done my homework,

    But then, I didn’t care.

    I broke my arm on a Monday,

    A toe and almost a leg.

    Three different days in three different months,

    All trying to impress Meg!

    It always rained on Monday,

    When things I would have done.

    No matter what I tried to plan,

    The weather always won.

    My first date was a Monday,

    She left me where I stood.

    I guess she saw me kissing Lynn,

    But that was really good.

    I split with Lynn on a Monday,

    It wasn’t a pleasant thing.

    Then I met Jane two days later,

    And soon we bought a ring.

    I crashed my bike on a Monday,

    Jane wept beside my bed.

    The end of all our hopes for children,

    ‘We can adopt’, she said.

    We married on a Friday,

    A lovely, happy day.

    Life was good for four long years,

    Then Brad took her away.

    The divorce came through on a Monday,

    To be fair, I wasn’t sad.

    Finally free to move on with my life,

    Away from Jane and Brad.

    My parents died on Mondays,

    I’d never felt so low.

    I guess I thought they’d live forever,

    And how I miss them now.

    I was diagnosed on a Monday,

    I knew I must be strong.

    That Wednesday night I met Marie,

    And my heart was full of song.

    We married a week last Tuesday,

    Marie looked bright and fine.

    We made our vows on a Winter morn,

    And happiness is mine.

    So here I lie; it’s Sunday,

    They say I don’t have long.

    And knowing what tomorrow is,

    I truly hope they’re wrong.

    Coz it always rains on Monday,

    It’s never been my day.

    I’m scared of what tomorrow might bring,

    I think I’d

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