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The Stagecoach Bride
The Stagecoach Bride
The Stagecoach Bride
Ebook131 pages2 hours

The Stagecoach Bride

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Searching for a new life, Charlotte travels west to become the mail order bride of a successful businessman whom she is sure God has planned for her. When her stagecoach is robbed by a gang of outlaws, however, it isn't her money that the thieves are after but herself—and her fiancé!

Now Charlotte is a hostage ... and in the hands of a desperate outlaw whose thirst for vengeance has driven him to crime.

But Sam Anderson isn’t an ordinary outlaw in the wild west. He’s a man of honesty and integrity who has been overtaken by a passion for justice. Even risking his life and reputation in a daring crime to force another's hand.

Sam is choosing to steal the bride of the man who wronged him.

Justice Fletcher deserves to face punishment, and Sam is determined to see he gets it. But the woman now in his power possesses a stubborn heart that presents a challenge greater than Sam's desire for revenge.

Will Sam listen to his heart? Will Charlotte learn the truth about the man she plans to marry in time to save herself from heartache?

Release dateJul 20, 2012
The Stagecoach Bride

Mary L. Briggs

Mary L. Briggs is a wife, mother, and registered nurse. She enjoys writing inspirational fiction and is also a free-lance writer. She has had two romance stories and one mini-mystery published in Woman's World Magazine. She enjoys reading, writing, studying American history, cooking, quilting, herb gardening, and crafting. Mary lives in a cordwood home in the Ouachita Mountains with her husband and two daughters. She also enjoys the company of five cats, a German Shepherd/Border Collie dog, and a flock of chickens.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Short stories that told of second chances for everyone involved

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The Stagecoach Bride - Mary L. Briggs

The Stagecoach Bride

By Mary L. Briggs

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012 Mary L. Briggs

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to to purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 1

Ouch! An explosion of pain shot through Charlotte Turner’s head. She blinked back the tears that flooded her eyes.

If the driver would please slow down. Her head couldn’t take much more battering. Holding tight to a strap, her free hand quickly found the offending hat pin that had busied itself stabbing into her delicate scalp like a knife into buttermilk pie. She readjusted the sharp point, resisting the urge to toss the item out the window.

Another bump in the road sent her bouncing off the seat again. Was the driver blazing his own trail? Maybe he had fallen off and they were left on their own. It certainly felt like it. She would have done as well to ride horseback, instead of paying good money to be bruised days on end.

But it would all be worth it. There was the packet of letters, safely tucked in her bag atop the stage, tied with pink silk ribbon. A yearning rushed through her to beg the driver to stop so she could pull them out and study them again. Read every sweet beginning of My Dearest Charlotte, and dream about the man who had declared his love for her. But who could read on such a ride? The coach should advertise their trips as instruments of torture, as well as transportation. The journey couldn’t be over soon enough.

Her eyes wandered to the other occupants, barely waking with each jolt of the ride. At least they hadn’t noticed her rather vocal outburst of pain. Mr. Brown, the elder of the two had joined them early this morning. The younger, Mr. Harvey Robinson had boarded the stage in Fort Worth, the same day she had. He had been a pleasant enough companion throughout the journey. A true gentleman.

Opening his eyes, Mr. Brown caught her glance. Rough ride, isn’t it Miss? Not waiting for an answer, he yawned and drifted back to sleep.

She smiled. He seemed a nice enough gentleman, though he hadn’t said much the last few hours. But then, it was hard to talk with all the bouncing and jerking of the stage.

After the noon stop, they had left two passengers, both women, along with the stagecoach guard, at the station. After eating a small meal, while the driver changed horses, the three of them had become violently ill as they were ready to leave.

She sighed. If it weren’t for the two gentlemen passengers, she would remove the silly hat all together and maybe try to repair some of the damage. It must look a flattened mess on top of her blonde hair, shards of it probably stuck among the light strands. The pretty cotton daisies would have lost all of their shape and the bits of straw scattered on the floorboards by her feet were a good indication that the whole thing was coming apart.

What would Justice think of her when he saw her like this? Her hat in pieces, her dress soiled from the dust and heat, not to mention the clinging odor of cigar smoke that continually flowed from the male passengers lips when they were awake. Justice would be expecting a respectable, tidy bride for his wedding day.

She blinked back a momentary burst of tears. Would he have second thoughts when she stepped off the stage to meet him face to face? It was a worry she had battled since the moment she’d stepped on the train in Springfield. After all, they’d never met. Their letters were the only connection that they had.

Her fingers wandered to the locket worn on a long chain around her neck. She opened the ornament and stared at the face of her fiancé. Strong, handsome, a man who seemed to know his own mind. At least that was the image he conveyed in his long, thoughtful letters. It broke her heart to think he might be disappointed in her. Even send her back to Springfield. How could she bear it if he chose to do such a thing?

Her imagined calamity was cut short as several gunshots blasted from behind. A bolt of fear raced through her as she snapped shut the locket and held tighter to the strap hanging from the ceiling. The driver shouted something indiscernible and urged the horses on faster.

The two men sitting across from her roused from their naps and sat up straighter, holding to the windows, their attention sharp and concerned.

What’s going on? Mr. Robinson’s sleepy eyes were wide with surprise.

Another shot sounded, ricocheting off the door of the coach. Charlotte screamed and closed her eyes momentarily.

The older of the two, Mr. Brown, cautiously peered out the window. I can see two, maybe three riders. Looks like they’re going to catch us!

Charlotte gasped as she grabbed for the frame of the open window from which she had hoped to enjoy scenic views and wildlife. Straining to see behind the coach, she made out the forms of two men on horseback. A holdup? Something to read about in novels and newspapers. Never once had it occurred to her that she would witness bandits chasing them. She clinched her teeth tighter and tried to ignore the frantic pounding of her heart.

Bits of rock and soil sprayed inside of the coach, filling the air with the peculiar white Texas dirt. A spasm of coughing surged up her throat and she tried to breathe without choking.

Why can’t the driver go faster? She wondered aloud, her voice hoarse from the grimy air.

Don’t worry, ma’am. I’ll take care of us. The younger man, Mr. Robinson began to search through the small bag nestled beside him on the bench. He pulled a revolver from its depths. The moment he brought it to light, Mr. Brown jerked it from his hand and tossed it out the window.

Hey, what do you think you’re doing? Mr. Robinson doubled his fist, ready to strike. His fingers unclenched as his fellow passenger brought a similar revolver from inside his own coat and leveled the barrel in his face.

Harvey Robinson spat at Mr. Brown. So you’re one of them, I take it?

Mr. Brown’s shouted answer was cool and calm. Just follow orders and everything will work out well for you.

Charlotte’s jaw slacked as she stared at the pistol in Mr. Brown’s steady hand. He had seemed so polite and charming earlier in the ride, offering her a bit of candy for her dry throat. Apparently just biding his time until the others of his ilk arrived.

She swallowed back the bitter taste rising in her throat. You wouldn’t dare use that in this small space!

Just be quiet, ma’am. His words were to her, but his eyes were on Mr. Robinson.

The clamor of the wooden wheels racing over the rocky soil sounded like a rockslide in motion, but the sound of pounding horses hooves racing behind, rose above the clatter. Another shot sounded.

Halt the coach! a man on horseback shouted.

She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. This might be it. The end for her and Mr. Robinson.

A fresh round of tears threatened to sting her eyes, but she blinked them back. Another few hours and she would have been safe in Justice’s arms. Forever. Man and wife. Lord, please no. Please let this all be a mistake. Let them take what they want and then leave. Please keep us safe and get me to Justice.

She dug her fingers ever tighter in their hold as the stage

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