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Divorce Recovery: 101 Best Ways To Cope, Heal And Create A Fabulous Life After a Divorce
Divorce Recovery: 101 Best Ways To Cope, Heal And Create A Fabulous Life After a Divorce
Divorce Recovery: 101 Best Ways To Cope, Heal And Create A Fabulous Life After a Divorce
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Divorce Recovery: 101 Best Ways To Cope, Heal And Create A Fabulous Life After a Divorce

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About this ebook

Don't just survive after your divorce --- WHY NOT THRIVE!

Divorce has often been compared to surviving a traumatic event such as a car accident, a tornado, or a death.
The Surgeon General reports that somewhere between 30-40% of people going through divorce show signs of depression and/or anxiety.

While there’s no doubt a divorce is difficult, you can take comfort that these numbers indicate that somewhere between 60-70% of people going through a divorce don’t experience depression or anxiety.

So how do they handle divorce without getting down? How do they move on? Do they know something others don’t? The good news is divorce doesn’t have to destroy you, but it can be the experience that reignites your life.

Divided into three sections that will help you go through the process:

* Coping With Divorce

* Healing From Divorce

* Creating a Fabulous New Life

Every divorce is different, and there is no one divorce recovery plan that fits all.

The hope is you'll find inspiration in these 101 distinctly different suggestions as you begin your divorce recovery.

Release dateJul 29, 2012
Divorce Recovery: 101 Best Ways To Cope, Heal And Create A Fabulous Life After a Divorce

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    Divorce Recovery - Lisa J. Johnson


    Lisa J. Johnson


    Published by:

    Laurenzana Press at Smashwords

    Copyright (c) 2012 by Laurenzana Press


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    T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S


    Part I: Coping With Divorce

    1. Get Legal Advice

    2. Educate Yourself

    3. Make A Plan

    4. Find A Peer Group

    5. Identify A Trustworthy Safety Net

    6. Analyze Your Finances

    7. Get Your Own Place Or Space

    8. Ask For Support

    9. Protect Your Assets And Your Children

    10. Make Sure Your Basic Needs Are Met

    Part II: Healing From Divorce

    11. Get Angry

    12. Allow The Tears

    13. Write A List

    14. Vent

    15. Hold A Funeral

    16. Stage A Memorial

    17. Get Sleep

    18. See Your Doctor

    19. Consider A Therapist

    20. Surround Yourself With People Who Understand

    21. Get Out

    22. Plan How You’ll Handle Moments Of Crisis

    23. Make A Wish List

    24. Purge

    25. Save

    26. Read

    27. Write

    28. Eat Healthy

    29. Exercise

    30. Get A Furry Companion

    Part III: Creating a Fabulous New Life

    31. Refuse To Seek Revenge

    32. Document The Lessons You Learned

    33. Make A List Of Your New Opportunities

    34. Decide What You Want Your New Life To Look Like

    35. Embrace Your Independence

    36. Make New Friends

    37. Beautify Your Environment

    38. Dive Into Career Advancements

    39. Decide To Perform Excellently

    40. Get A New Hairdo

    41. Revamp Your Wardrobe

    42. Avoid Negativity

    43. Try A New Hobby

    44. Join A Group

    45. Find Your Spiritual Compass

    46. Get Involved With Children

    47. Learn A New Sport

    48. Turn Off The Television

    49. Spend Time In Nature

    50. Explore Your Artistic Side

    51. Visit An Old Friend

    52. Travel The World

    53. Go Back Home

    54. Nurture Something Or Someone

    55. Give Back

    56. Teach Others

    57. Deal With Emotional Baggage

    58. Work On Your Confidence

    59. Forgive

    60. Improve Your Character

    61. Periodically Re-examine Your Progress

    62. Rethink Your Ideal Partner

    63. Determine What You Need

    64. Decide What You Can and Cannot Tolerate

    65. Prepare For the Stress Of Dating

    66. Keep A Date Journal

    67. Meditate Daily

    68. Pick Up A Stress-Reducing Activity

    69. Set Yourself Up For Success Regardless Of Your Relationship Status

    70. Start Meeting People

    71. Start As Friends

    72. Learn How To Talk To Strangers

    73. Check Online Dating Services

    74. Give Speed Dating A Whirl

    75. Go On A Few Blind Dates

    76. Go Easy On Yourself

    77. Watch Out For the Creeps

    78. Investigate Your Spiritual Community

    79. Kiss A Toad Or Two

    80. Insist On Honesty

    81. Nip Problems In The Bud

    82. Embrace Your Independence

    83. Adopt A Purpose

    84. Practice Daily Affirmations

    85. Build Beyond Romance

    86. Link Arms With Someone Who Gets You

    87. Pour Your Heart Into A Passion

    88. Become The Person You Admire

    89. Let Go Of Lingering Resentment

    90. Learn How To Handle Rejection With Grace

    91. They’re Just Not That Into You

    92. Be A Star

    93. Overcoming Bad Habits

    94. Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

    95. Have Compassion For Your Ex

    96. Have Mercy On Your Younger Self

    97. Use Your Wisdom To Benefit Others

    98. Commit With Consciousness

    99. Set Guidelines

    100. Give Yourself Permission To Love Again

    101. Believe In Yourself


    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    Divorce has often been compared to surviving a traumatic event such as a car accident, a tornado, or a death.

    One study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior concluded that people who are divorced experience 20% more health problems than those who are married. The Surgeon General reports that somewhere between 30-40% of people going through divorce show signs of depression and/or anxiety.

    While there’s no doubt

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