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His Wicked Desires
His Wicked Desires
His Wicked Desires
Ebook46 pages43 minutes

His Wicked Desires

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About this ebook

Sidney Greensboro has never known love. Never experienced passion. She’s a wayward soul traveling through life by the seat of her pants, waiting for the right guy to come along, and in the meantime screwing up relationship after relationship for no apparent reason.

When she meets troubled billionaire James Ellison though, their worlds collide in a fit of ecstasy the likes of which neither of them has ever experienced, as James commands and conquerors Sidney beyond her wildest fantasies. Now she doesn’t know what to think, as the many faces of the complex billionaire are revealed. She’s not sure if he’s the one, or if he’s just looking for someone to help fix him.

It’s the start of a tumultuous journey that will lead them down the rabbit hole together, to a place neither of them ever expected.

Release dateJul 30, 2012
His Wicked Desires

Kelly Haven

Born under a naughty sign, Kelly Haven spends her days relaxing and writing, and her nights frolicking and fucking.

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    His Wicked Desires - Kelly Haven





    Kelly Haven

    His Wicked Desires

    Copyright © 2012 Kelly Haven

    Cover Design by Kelly Haven

    Published on Smashwords by Sweet Nothings

    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

    The material found in this eBook contains sexually explicit situations and is intended for a mature audience only.

    All persons portrayed in this eBook are 18 years of age or older.


    It started with a champagne flute.

    The room was packed with people in their finest eveningwear, and I zigzagged in, out, and through the crowd, holding my serving tray at shoulder level. On it were half a dozen glasses of the best champagne money could buy, balanced perfectly so that they wouldn’t spill. In the corner of the room a small orchestra was set up, playing Chopin to the delight of the elite gathered together to celebrate yet another accomplishment. Whispers and laughter rose up toward the high ceiling like offerings to Mammon, and I put on my best smile as flutes were removed from my tray one by one.

    And I said to him, what’s another million in the grand scheme of things? I overheard. It was followed by a round of obstreperous laughter that had one lady clutching her chest. She winked at me and took a glass, sipping delicately while holding the stem.

    I nodded politely and moved on, secretly willing her head to explode.

    It’s not that I hated my job, I didn’t. I just hated the people. There’s a difference. When I first started working for Drake’s Catering in Beverly Hills, I thought it would be a stepping-stone toward owning my own catering business. Now, five years later and there I was, still shucking drinks and finger sandwiches to the rich and famous, who had no clue I even existed, let alone what my name was despite it being pinned to my shirt in big, white letters against a black name tag.


    Not honey. Not sweetie. Not miss.

    Sidney. Sidney Greensboro.

    I surveyed the room, eyeballing those that had drinks, and those that didn’t. Three of my colleagues were darting around, trying to cater to every whim and fancy that came their way. It was almost impossible to keep up. We were short staffed tonight and that made it difficult to make sure everyone was satisfied. Still, we kept out cool like the professionals that we were, and did our best. It was all anyone could ask of us.

    Oh miss. Dear? Over here.

    I craned my neck and looked past a plump gentleman in a tailored grey suit. His white Stetson was blocking my view but I saw a hand pop up and fingers snap. I smiled; moving around the Texan and bringing the final drink on my tray to an older, leaner man with salt and pepper hair and bad breath.

    Thank you, he purred, taking the champagne flute from me as if he possessed some innate ability to seduce me with his voice.

    He held my gaze for a moment before shifting his eyes up and down my body, glaring at the black skirt I had on that was complimented with a white collared blouse. It’s what all the servers wore, so it was nothing special, really. I shifted from foot to foot, waiting to see if he had any other requests. When he said nothing and just kept gawking, I walked away, surveying the room again while feeling like a

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