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Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series)
Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series)
Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series)
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series)

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AUTUMN LOVE (Seasons of Love Series) - Autumn Fieldstone works as a receptionist at a radio station during the day, singing at weddings, birthday parties and any paying gig she can get during her off hours. When she enters a country singing contest, putting her in direct competition with the love of her life, she finds out love and music don't always mix.
Books in the Seasons of Love Series may be read in any order.
SPRING LOVE (Seasons of Love Series)- Spring McDonald is an observer. While she's active in behind-the-scenes church activities, she finds it easier to blend into the wallpaper than draw attention to herself. Having Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of nineteen altered her dreams. An unexpected encounter brings hope that maybe one of her dreams can come true, finding someone who looks past her illness to discover the woman that lies within.

SUMMER LOVE (Seasons of Love Series)- Summer Lansing is used to reading about love in books, keeping her at a safe distance from heartbreak. Mike Duncan doesn't know the meaning of the word safe. He's spontaneous and thrives on taking risks. When the duo cross paths, searing kisses soon follow and Summer finds a real-world passion she never knew existed.

WINTER LOVE (Seasons of Love Series)- Winter Montgomery has been a tomboy as long as she can remember. Working as a mechanic at Charlie's Garage hasn't helped her shed the title. From the moment Rory Walters pulls his custom convertible into the bay, she dislikes the man. He is over-confident, filthy rich and has a swagger that sets her teeth on edge. If he didn't have the sexiest deep blue eyes, she'd almost be able to forget him. Almost.

PublisherMerri Hiatt
Release dateAug 2, 2012
Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series)

Merri Hiatt

Merri Hiatt grew up in a small town near Shasta Valley in Northern California. Upon moving to the Pacific Northwest in Washington state, Merri fell in love with the mountains, ocean, rain and lush greenery. Merri credits her high school creative writing teacher with giving her the nudge to pursue writing. BOOKS WRITTEN BY MERRI HIATT: PROPOSAL SERIES: Sweet Proposal, Jaded Proposal (coming soon!), Midnight Proposal (coming soon!); LOVE IN THE AIR TRILOGY: Runway Romance, Love on the Fly (Passion at 30,000 Feet coming soon); SEASONS OF LOVE SERIES: Summer Love, Autumn Love, Winter Love, Spring Love; CELEBRATING LOVE TRILOGY: 14 Love Letter Lane, 21 Romance Way, 28 Passion Boulevard; EMBRACING LOVE TRILOGY: When Love's at Work, When Love's at Home, When Love's at Play, When Love's on Vacation (Sequel one), When Love's Gone Country (Sequel two); MANGADARTH TRILOGY: Marayah's Return, City Reborn, My Mother's Eyes; Kat Burglar, a romance novella; Mama Lives in My Hair, a short story about life and death; Sarah and the Magic Beans, a short story about magic and hope; The Magical Christmas Cookies, a short story about hope; Santa Hates Seattle, a short story about hope and second chances; Puddle of Poetry (sixty-two poems from sassy to sensitive to serious); Food So Good, You'll Never Know It's Good For You, 11 Recipes and Tips; and Potato Chip Princess, a young adult short story. Visit Merri's website at Merri states: "I am a lover of all emotions. They swim and spin around my head with abandon. What fun to let the words these feelings bring forth play along my tongue and whisper into the still of the night. When I capture them on paper, it is a joy and one of my favorite ways to spend time."

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    Autumn Love (Seasons of Love Series) - Merri Hiatt

    Autumn Love

    Seasons of Love Series

    By Merri Hiatt

    Copyright 2012 Merri Hiatt

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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    Cover image credit: Dmitrijs Dmitrijevs/

    Visit Merri Hiatt’s website!

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    Chapter One

    On the road again, Autumn sang, reaching for the knob on the car radio and turning the volume up. I just can’t wait to get on the road again. She didn’t need the directions to Magnolia Mansion lying on the seat; this was her twenty-second visit this year alone. Sing it, Willie.

    She turned off the Interstate and headed for the rows of oak trees that lined Anderson Lane. Large leaves dressed in crimson, vibrant yellow and radiant orange met her eye. Stunning, as always.

    No matter what time of year she headed to the mansion, the trees welcomed her as they bowed to each other, creating a tunnel of branches reaching toward one another across the road.

    Autumn’s cell phone rang. She answered, I’m not supposed to drive and talk.

    Where are you? Chad asked.

    Couple miles from the mansion. Where are you?

    Dad’s. I just got a call from Melanie. She said the groom’s got cold feet. The bride thought it might help if you stalled ‘em. She said she tried to call you.

    But I’m not supposed to be singing for an hour and a half. For once I was extra early. I wanted to spend time with the trees. Odd, I didn’t get a call from her.

    Better ditch the trees and get to the mansion.

    Okay. How’s Dad?

    Beatin’ the pants off me at Cribbage.

    I hate that game. He always wins.

    That’s why he plays it. Is that Willie Nelson I hear?

    Good ears.

    There are a lot of good current country singers, you know?

    Willie is a good current country singer.

    Even his braids are gray.

    Having gray hair doesn’t make you not current.

    He’s old, Autumn. No wonder you can’t get a record deal, you’re stuck in the past. Why don’t you…

    I’m losing you. Bad reception. Trees and hills. Bye. Autumn snapped the phone shut and tossed it onto the seat. Old! What do you know about good music? You think Justin Bieber is better than Johnny Cash.

    Autumn cranked the volume up until the speakers were crackling under the strain. The life I love is making music with my friends and I can’t wait to get on the road again.

    She rounded the bend and Magnolia Mansion came into view with its imposing six-story height. Ivy crawled up the left side of the structure. Lilacs greeted visitors with a warm welcome around the double wooden entryway doors. And then there was the magnolia tree, dead center in a circular garden.

    Autumn pulled around to the service entrance. She had planned on walking the grounds a bit while she ran scales. Stupid groom ruined everything, she grumbled as she got out of the car, reaching behind her to retrieve the garment bag housing her performance clothing and heels.

    I’m so glad you’re here, Melanie Atwater said, rushing out to meet her. Did Chad call you?

    Yes, he told me you needed me to sing early. I just need to get changed and I’ll be ready to go.

    You’re a lifesaver, Autumn. Melanie directed her to a room on the second floor. The only band member here is the guitarist. You can work something out together, can’t you?

    Sure. Who is it?

    Don’t say John Ericson. Don’t say John Ericson. Don’t say John Ericson.

    John Ericson. Do you know him?

    Yes. We’re very well acquainted.

    Kill me now.

    Oh, good. I’ll leave everything in your more than capable hands.

    Autumn watched the wedding planner leave, wishing she was anywhere else, even back on the Interstate with a flat tire.

    So, Johnny, it’s going to be you and me, huh?

    Autumn pulled back the sheer curtain on the window. Sure enough, John was there looking ruggedly handsome in his tuxedo. The only sign of his rebellious nature were the cowboy boots peeking out from under his trousers.

    It was his caramel eyes that always did her in. A blend of chocolate and butterscotch that made her equally hungry and filled with a desire to pull off his whiskey mask.

    What’s under that western façade you like to hide behind?

    As she changed clothing, Autumn warmed up her vocal chords by singing musical scales. She checked her appearance in the mirror before heading down the stairs.

    She had three black dresses she wore for professional appearances. Today’s choice was a sleeveless body-hugging number with a sweetheart neckline. It was both tasteful and alluring without being indecent. Flirty, yet respectable, three-inch black pumps with black bows around a pearl center covered her feet.

    Her long, auburn hair was pulled back in a chignon; pearls laced her neck and adorned her ears. Dark brown eyes took center focus with extra coats of mascara and a smoky eye shadow and liner. Her full lips were the color of pomegranate.

    Practically perfect in every way, Autumn said aloud, mimicking Mary Poppins with a smile.

    She tucked her belongings in a low cupboard and made her way to the rose-covered trellis.

    Melanie said you’d be singing today. Must be your lucky day, John said.

    How so?

    You get to perform with me.

    Yeah. Lucky. What songs do you have in mind?

    "It Had to Be You, Unforgettable, What a Wonderful World or Bless the Broken Road."

    "All those are good. What about When I Fall in Love?"

    "Sure. We could throw in Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off for good measure."

    Somehow I don’t think the bride and groom would appreciate that.

    "Let’s start with When I Fall. We can segue into Unforgettable and It Had to Be You."

    Sounds good.

    Autumn turned on the portable microphone as John began strumming his guitar. Her smooth voice sliced through the conversation as heads turned in their direction. Guests made themselves comfortable as their focus was drawn toward the duo.

    Lessons Autumn learned from her vocal coach kicked in automatically. Stand tall. Breathe from your diaphragm. Don’t fidget. Hold the microphone steady. Look into people’s eyes. Relax your face. Don’t sing the words, connect with the emotion behind them. If the note is too high, bring it down a notch and gesture with your hand to divert attention briefly. People don’t care how well you sing, they want to be touched, to feel something deep in their marrow.

    Autumn listened for the chord changes as John moved from one song to the next effortlessly. She hated to admit it, but he was a great guitarist. If he would just knock that chip off his shoulder, he could have his choice of artists to work with. He was so damn stubborn. It was his way or the highway.

    Unfortunately, that meant he had gotten kicked out of every band he’d been a part of. Now he was going solo. That meant weddings, birthday parties, memorial services, anniversaries, engagement parties and other special events, as well as the occasional bar or night club.

    When they were halfway through It Had to Be You, Melanie caught their attention with a wave and gave them a thumbs up. John and Autumn exchanged a glance indicating they both had seen the sign. The wedding was back on as scheduled.

    Chapter Two

    We’ve got an hour until the reception. Want to go for a walk? John asked.

    Sure, Autumn said. I’d rather have open heart surgery. Let me change my shoes. I’ll be right back.

    When she returned, Autumn was wearing the hiking boots she had deliberately chosen so she could go walking in the woods surrounding the mansion. She eyed John’s cowboy boots. Don’t those make your feet hurt?

    Nah. I’ve had these so long, they’re like a second skin.

    I’m surprised Melanie didn’t bust you.

    She was more worried about the groom. Besides, what’s she going to do, fire me?

    She could. Suitable attire is spelled out in our contract.

    Who reads contracts?

    I do.

    You mean to tell me you read all that fine print?

    Not only do I read it, I pass it on to my attorney. I want to know what I’m signing.

    They reached the end of the trail that led to the gazebo and veered off beyond the pathway onto the virgin ground. Twigs crackled and leaves crunched beneath their feet.

    I don’t worry about all that stuff.

    It’s so beautiful this time of year. Doesn’t your spirit come alive with all the colors?

    They’re pretty, I guess.

    What do you mean, ‘I guess’?

    They’re just leaves. And they’re about to die. I don’t know what’s so fabulous about that.

    It’s like they’re becoming the best thing they can be; bursting forth in brilliant color before they take that final plunge from the tree limb down to the earth, where they’ll become absorbed back into the soil, completing the cycle.

    It’s a leaf, Autumn, not some big philosophical statement.

    Autumn took a deep breath. Smells like memories and rain.

    Smells like mold and mildew.

    I think this is where we part ways, John. You’re ruining this walk for me.

    I’m just saying what I think.

    Do you ever stop for two seconds and think about the spirit that lives in each tree, each plant, every living thing?

    Buzz was right, you are a hippie chick.

    Do not define me with some pre-made label. I’m me, not some blanket statement that tries to encompass a wide group of people.

    You got plans after the reception?

    Maybe. Why?

    A bunch of us are getting together at Back Alley. It’s Julia Carpenter’s birthday.

    I heard she quit Soul Sisters, something about Jackie sleeping with her ex?

    Yeah. She’s looking to hook up with another group. Julia should go solo. She’s good enough.

    You got that right.

    You guys would be good together. You’d complement each other.

    I’m not interested in being in a duo or group. Been there, done that. It’s not for me.

    You got burned by Rafe McDonald, everybody thinks so.

    Sorry piece of shit stole my lyrics. It’ll be years before it gets settled, if it ever does. Meanwhile, I’m racking up attorney fees left and right. You should be able to trust people you work with.

    Didn’t see that in your contract, did you?

    It wasn’t in the contract. My lyrics are my lyrics, period. He had no right to use them when he left the band. He knows it and I know it.

    The best revenge is getting a deal and becoming famous. That’ll chap his ass but good.

    I’m beginning to think that’s never going to happen.

    You’ve only been at this five years, give it time.

    How long have you been performing?

    John rubbed his chin. Eight years.

    So where’s your deal?

    Maybe it is time we split up. I’ll see you back at the mansion. John turned and headed off to the left.

    It was a bad idea to spend time alone with John and she knew it. He liked pushing her buttons and she seemed to rise to the bait every time. She thought this time might be different. She was wrong.

    He brought out the snark in her. Time and again she found herself wanting to pull the rug out from under his over-confident

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