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A Solitude Hit and Run
A Solitude Hit and Run
A Solitude Hit and Run
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A Solitude Hit and Run

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An Amish couple is killed when their buggy is demolished by a hit and run driver. The couple leave behind five children who are taken in by Fannie's granddaughter and her new husband. In their search to discover who was driving the vehicle, Fannie, Dana and Sharon uncover information that leads to the arrest and trial of a member of the Amish community. Determined to seek justice, Solitude's three well known sleuths discover the truth that leaves the entire community reeling. This is the 16th in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series.

PublisherSaundra McKee
Release dateAug 6, 2012
A Solitude Hit and Run

Saundra McKee

I am a retired educator. I taught in the public schools for 15 years and at the university level for 22 years. I love to travel the world. I enjoy politics, dogs, mysteries and water sports. I am a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church.

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    Book preview

    A Solitude Hit and Run - Saundra McKee

    A Solitude Hit and Run (16th in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series) by Sandy McKee

    Published by Saundra McKee at Smashwords. Copyright 2012. Saundra McKee

    All characters and events in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. While some of the places mentioned actually exist, they are used in an entirely fictional manner

    Part I The Crimes

    Chapter 1


    The October winds were blowing so hard that Dana was convinced that there wouldn’t be a leaf left to admire in the beautiful Pennsylvania countryside. She sighed, missing her husband Larry who was visiting his daughter in Florida. Dana and her childhood friend Fannie, a member of the Old Order Amish, were in Dana’s kitchen peeling and slicing apples for apple butter making at Solitude’s annual fall festival. Dana’s new mixed breed coal black pup, Shalom was bugging both the women for attention. She kept undoing the shoestrings on Fannie’s high black boots. While scratching the pup behind the ears, Fannie was explaining the challenges that her recently married granddaughter April was facing.

    April and Jacob had been devastated to learn that April would not likely be able to have children. Shortly after that, Jacob’s parents who lived in a community about an hour from Solitude were killed when their buggy was hit from the rear by a hit and run driver that the police were still searching for. Jacob and April agreed to assume custody of his younger brothers and sisters. They all moved into his parent’s house where Jacob had worked with his father in cabinet making.

    I guess it’s all part of God’s plan, said Fannie. But it’s so heart breaking. I pray for them constantly and hope that April is up to mothering five children under the age of seventeen. She’ll always be that sweet cherub faced little girl to me.

    Dana nodded. Her experience as a teacher should be a big help. How are the children doing?

    Fannie shrugged. The oldest boy, Daniel is a handful. He works with Jacob in the shop, but is trying to design his own Rumspringa. He sneaks out at night and carries on with his buddies. Jacob is trying to straighten him out, but gets frustrated. The accident has just made Daniel worse. He swings between rebellion and depression. He claims he doesn’t want to get baptized and would like to leave the Amish. Then the baby Reuben is only two and was in the accident. His mother just formed a cocoon around him with her body saving his young life. Both Jacob’s parents were thrown from the buggy, but Reuben escaped without a scratch. It’s a miracle. Reuben constantly asks for his mommy though.

    Dana had tears in her eyes. Those poor kids. What about the other three? All girls aren’t they?

    Yes and April gets along so well with them and they’re a big help. Ruth is nine, Deborah is eleven and Sara is thirteen. They’re very sad, but school keeps them busy. I’m teaching them how to quilt anytime we get over to see them. Such pretty and thoughtful girls. I lost my mother at that age and remember how painful it is. I still miss her.

    "I can’t believe that it’s been five months since the accident and they still haven’t found the driver

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