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Crew Extraction
Crew Extraction
Crew Extraction
Ebook51 pages41 minutes

Crew Extraction

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Captain Alana Black helps relocate the Altien to a new cave away from the erupting volcano while waiting for her missing crew to reach the agreed pickup location south of the volcano.
But she runs out of time when a ship arrives above the Altien home world demanding she return the teens to the kidnappers.

A 11,100 word, 43 page (approximate) science fiction adventure novelette, Book IV in the Galaxy Freight series by Diane J Cornwell.

Release dateAug 11, 2012
Crew Extraction

Diane J Cornwell

Diane J Cornwell learnt to read before she started school at the age of five. At school she learnt to write the words she already recognized. She loved going to school. When she was asked to write a story on her holiday activities, Diane wrote a story on what she wanted to do, not what she did, and earned an “A” grade for the homework. That started her on a life of writing fiction.A bi-product of all that reading was creating her own stories about determined characters who try to make the right decisions the first time during their adventures. Stories she can read over and over again just for the pleasure of revisiting the characters.Diane wrote her first full length novel in 2007, and hopes to have many more stories created in the coming years.

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    Book preview

    Crew Extraction - Diane J Cornwell

    Crew Extraction


    Diane J Cornwell

    Crew Extraction

    By Diane J Cornwell © 2012

    Published by Tift Publishing at Smashwords

    Cover Copyright © 2012 Diane J Cornwell

    This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and actions are either products of this author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author

    Table of Contents


    Crew Extraction

    About the Author

    Crew Extraction

    Captain Alana Black shook her head. All the years of training she undertook while in the Peace Keepers may be of use dodging space craft once she lifted from the planet, but at the moment that training was useless. What she needed was patience and time to complete the resettlement of the local aliens to a new stable cavern away from their current home, now an active volcano. After that, she was free to collect her missing passenger and android and set a course for the Peace Keeper base.

    While she understood the events that led her to this beautiful unmapped planet somewhere near the Cepheus system, she wracked her mind for the best action to take to get back to her normal lifestyle of delivering small volume, high value goods to the outer fringes of the human colonies as cover for her intelligence gathering for the Peace Keepers.

    She ignored the small black box, a basic environment machine, slowly crossing the floor, vacuuming dirt or other particles that could cause problems in freefall. She also ignored the readouts on the control panel in front of her, knowing her artificial intelligence program, Ship, would advise her if anything needed attention. She even momentarily ignored the fact she was transporting the old and weak locals to their new location further down the coast.

    Instead, she watched the main bridge monitor displaying the healthy aliens swimming alongside S.S. Escape while she tried to work on a viable plan to alert the Peace Keepers to her two human passengers need for protection, without broadcasting who they were. It would be unwise to draw attention to the whereabouts of the grandchildren of the current President before they were safely returned to Earth. Especially if the kidnappers were as powerful as Byrne implied before he disappeared.

    Her mind drifted back to the local aliens. She could do nothing until the locals were relocated. What was surprising was their trust in her and her space ship. If she was honest, she needed to help the locals, so that when the illegal human mining on the planet was shut down, she could still trade with them. It made business sense to establish that trust now, before the planet was flooded with more unsavoury humans.

    And, the Altien fascinated her. Not that she would admit that to anyone else. Those swimming alongside Escape certainly looked alien, with their ear flaps folded forward to protect their ear canals

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