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An Ill Wind Blows
An Ill Wind Blows
An Ill Wind Blows
Ebook277 pages3 hours

An Ill Wind Blows

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This unique adventure depicts one night when an ordinary person lacking confidence must battle a Wicked Wind. The stakes are high as she, along with friends and foes, travels through a magical Stormworld that culminates in a ghost town populated by more than just spirits. ILL WIND is a story that keeps delivering action and fun throughout, a fable as whimsical and unconventional in style as it is in plot. More than a single tale in a single genre, the book blends Humor, Fantasy, Adventure, Suspense, and Horror.

From the time the characters are sucked into the Storm, the reader is transported with them on a strange chaotic trek. Meezly finds herself tangled in a web of chills and intrigue as she attempts to search for a mysterious gem called The Cursed Eye, which her missing father entrusted her to safeguard. The stone was used by a Sumerian king to transform an evil Jinn from a wind spirit to a vainglorious force.

The female protagonist is introduced as a vulnerable individual struggling to overcome debilitating losses. Meezly stumbles through a gauntlet of thirteen macabre tribulations down a forest highway. Twists and madness abound during her eclectic hectic journey of the soul. It is a lighthearted yet touching trek that readers may wish to take again.

This Illustrated E-Book Edition features odd and vivid artwork by the author.

WINNER of the Vicious Spirits Novel Writing Month Book Contest 2011 (Unpublished); First Place for Best Interior Design from Royal Dragonfly Book Awards 2018 (2nd Edition); Honorable Mention for Fiction: Novel from Royal Dragonfly Book Awards 2018 (2nd Edition); Honorable Mention in Young Adult from the 2013 Halloween Book Festival (1st Edition).

PublisherLori R. Lopez
Release dateAug 12, 2012
An Ill Wind Blows

Lori R. Lopez

Lori R. Lopez wears many hats as an Author and Speculative Poet of Horror, Fantasy, Suspense, Humor and more. She illustrates her books and has written songs, while being an Activist for animals and children. Growing up, Lori roamed graveyards and conducted funerals for dead birds, squirrels, insects and spiders. Her offbeat books include The Dark Mister Snark, Leery Lane, An Ill Wind Blows, Darkverse: The Shadow Hours, Odds & Ends, and The Fairy Fly. In 2023 Lori won Third Place in the Long Category for the SFPA Poetry Contest for "Wake Unto Death". Her Poetry Collection Darkverse was nominated for an Elgin Award and a Finalist in the Kindle Book Awards. Her poems "Crop Circles" and "Nocturnal Embers" were nominated for the Rhysling Award in 2020, "Social Graces" and "The Whistle Stop" in 2021, "Biting Sarcasm" in 2022, "The Whippoorwill" and "If Houses Could Talk" in 2023. Poems "The Maw" and "creatures of the macabre" received Editor's Choice Awards among other honors. Stories and verse have appeared in The Sirens Call, The Horror Zine, Space & Time, Spectral Realms, JOURN-E, Weirdbook, Bewildering Stories, Dreams & Nightmares, Impspired, Altered Reality, Aphelion, and anthologies such as California Screamin' (the Foreword Poem), HWA Poetry Showcases II, III, V, VI, and IX, Journals Of Horror, Grey Matter Monsters, Dead Harvest, Fearful Fathoms I, Terror Train I and II, Trickster's Treats #3, Speculations III (Weird Poets Society), and In Darkness We Play. A member of the Horror Writers Association, Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, and Lewis Carroll Society Of North America. Visit the Fairy Fly Entertainment Website Lori shares with her two talented sons, and their YouTube Channel @FairyFly. They have a Folk Band called The Fairyflies.

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    Book preview

    An Ill Wind Blows - Lori R. Lopez

    An Ill Wind Blows

    Written and illustrated by

    Lori R. Lopez

    Fairy Fly Entertainment

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any

    media without written permission from the author, except

    brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles.

    This is a work of fiction. Any and all references to real persons, events, and places are used fictitiously. Other characters, names, places, events and details are fabrications of the author’s imagination; any such resemblance to actual places, events or persons, whether living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2012 by Lori R. Lopez

    Copyright © 2018 by Lori R. Lopez (poems Deluge and One day it rained included along with minor additions to text)

    Artwork by Lori R. Lopez

    Cover Design by Fairy Fly Entertainment

    Author Photos by Fairy Fly Entertainment

    Illustrated E-Book Edition (EPUB)

    Table Of Contents

    An Ill Wind Blows

    Table Of Contents


    One day it rained










































    The story behind the story

    About the author and artist

    More works by Lori R. Lopez

    The witty novel An Ill Wind Blows whisks you inside the belly of a Storm who would be King. There an oddball bunch of nutty characters encounter a nonstop marathon of the bizarre where anything could happen, including some of the wildest imaginings from author Lori R. Lopez (The Fairy Fly, The Dark Mister Snark, The Strange Tail Of Oddzilla).

    This unique adventure depicts one night when an ordinary person lacking confidence must battle a Wicked Wind. The stakes are high as she, along with friends and foes, travels through a magical Stormworld that culminates in a ghost town populated by more than just spirits. Ill Wind is a story that keeps delivering action and fun throughout, a fable as whimsical and unconventional in style as it is in plot. More than a single tale in a single genre, the book blends Humor, Fantasy, Adventure, Suspense, and Horror.

    From the time the characters are sucked into the Storm, the reader is transported with them on a strange chaotic trek. Meezly finds herself tangled in a web of chills and intrigue as she attempts to search for a mysterious gem called The Cursed Eye, which her missing father entrusted her to safeguard. The stone was used by a Sumerian king to transform an evil Jinn from a wind spirit to a vainglorious force.

    The female protagonist is introduced as a vulnerable individual struggling to overcome debilitating losses. Meezly stumbles through a gauntlet of thirteen macabre tribulations down a forest highway. Twists and madness abound during her eclectic hectic journey of the soul. It is a lighthearted yet touching trek that readers may wish to take again.

    In 2018 An Ill Wind Blows received First Place for Best Interior Design in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards (Second Edition).

    This Illustrated E-Book Edition features odd and vivid artwork by the author.

    Praise for An Ill Wind Blows:

    A beautifully written story that reminded me of The Wizard of Oz and A Wrinkle in Time. Loved these kinds of sci-fi journeys when I was a kid. The kind of story where you were swept up with the heroine and walked beside her as she battles the ogres, elves, demons and other monsters as she is looking for a magical stone to help her explain the death of her parents. Very nicely done Lori. Will read this one again and again. ~ Malina (M.L.) Roos, ONLY FIVE STAR REVIEWS

    Similar in flavor, but uniquely its own story, An Ill Wind Blows will remind you of many of the great children’s stories. The Dorothy Chronicles in Wizard of Oz come to mind. But don’t be mistaken this story stands on its own. Filled with magical characters, perilous situations and narrow escapes it is an adventure for all ages. As always Ms. Lopez brings her knowledge of the craft of writing to the forefront, as she charms with her twists of plot and turns of language. I would recommend this for all ages teen to adult. It may be a little scary for the more sensitive child but for most it will be just plain fun. ~ Karen Bryant Doering, PARENTS’ LITTLE BLACK BOOK

    An Ill Wind Blows by Lori R. Lopez is a combination of horror, fantasy, and adventure where Arletta Trimble, called Meezly, is an orphan who gets caught up in a whirlwind. While battling with the wretched wind, she loses the mysterious gem, The Cursed Eye, which her father entrusted her to safeguard. The author has created a highly imaginative story with a unique concept of being caught in the wind which is unconventional. Some of the incidents narrated in the story are bizarre which adds to the uniqueness of the story. The twists and turns in the plot are gripping and keep the reader glued to the book. The sequences leave you with a feeling of watching a movie. ~ Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite

    Reading this fabulous book is so much like watching a movie that you can get lost in the time that you are reading and before you know it the book is finished. This book is such a great mix of horror, humor, emotion and suspense that it is a book for everyone of all ages, from young adult upward. ~ Jennifer Thomas

    All I can say is WOW. Lori R. Lopez had my head spinning from the beginning to the end of this fantastic story. Her unusual use of words and phrases conjured images of hope, courage, despair, and so many more emotions all within the space of a few short sentences. The reader is taken on a roller-coaster ride as the lives of Meezly and company are thrust into an unnatural wind. This book is told from the perspectives of all the characters. Ms. Lopez describes each person and allows them to develop into loving and caring or hateful and despicable people as their natures demand. Each character is also rewarded or punished according to their greed and sins or to their repentant and virtuous behavior. I found myself wondering what other peril Meezly would find herself and hoping she had the internal fortitude to overcome the obstacles preventing her from reaching her goal. Ms. Lopez never ceases to amaze me with her style and unconventional way of writing. I know I am always in for a treat and some mind bending reading experiences when I read her books. ~ Linda Ackerson (author L. I. Adams)

    If you’ve never read Ms. Lopez’s work, AN ILL WIND BLOWS would be an excellent first choice. You will get a taste of her creative word-crafting, wherein she fashions new words to suit her needs. I greatly enjoy this aspect of her writing, as it showcases her love of language. Not to worry — when you see a strange word, you will know exactly what it means. You may even think, That’s a great word! Why isn’t it in Webster’s? An additional aspect to Lori’s writing is her unique ability to combine mystery, fantasy, a healthy dose of humor, and a little light horror, resulting in a spellbinding story. . . . Meezly’s journey takes her through thirteen trials, during which her intelligence, mental and physical reserves, and resolution are tested to their limits. Along the way, she learns much about herself and the strengths she didn’t know she had, and finds out that sometimes it’s ok to trust. ~ Sara Smolarek

    Lori is her own person, with a style of her own, one of no rules, blending of genres, and with a poet’s touch. . . . With her overactive imagination, there is virtually nothing that will escape her magic quill. She has monsters of every shape and size; some nice; some not; and a most interesting entourage of protagonists who might very well turn out to be antagonists in sheep’s clothing. Her writing, as she says, is similar to painting with words, and that is very true, although once again there is the poetic side to add to the canvas. Impressionist art? In my opinion, yes. Every story is not deciphered the same for every reader because Lori writes stories within her stories and lessons to be extracted with deep meaning, albeit, usually with a humorous annotation. Therein lies the magic of her story-telling. Every reader is able to extract from her words a different meaning, although the story is the same for everyone. A paradox of absolutes and variables existing within the minds of readers. All who read Lori’s tales will garner that special something waiting for them. ~ Blaze McRob (Robert Nelson)

    Another outright fantastical ride with Lori Lopez! I remain a fan of her imagination and words. It’s more than obvious she enjoys writing these tales as much as I enjoy reading them. ~ Tamara Fey Turner

    Reminiscent of the cyclone in the land of Oz, An Ill Wind Blows takes you a step higher, as if on steroids... As the ghoulishly dark cover suggests, this is no children’s story but rather, it is dedicated to the child in all of us. Recounted by Arletta Trimble, the story sweeps us into a whirlwind of whimsy, mixing up fantasy and reality, creating quirky characters such as zombie piranhas, ghosts, an alien, a witch, an axe-wielding elf, mad stalkers, a root monster, and a the ill wind itself, and bringing them to life in the most delightful, fun ways. . . . I found it fascinating that the story was written in response to a challenge to draft a novel in thirty days, for which the author, Lori R. Lopez, won the Vicious Novel Writing Month award. The frenzy with which she conjured things up lends itself to the theme of the book, and makes An Ill Wind Blows a dynamic read. ~ Uvi Poznansky

    For the child in us all

    Special Acknowledgement

    For author and blogger Blaze McRob,

    A.K.A. ghostwriter Robert Nelson who penned

    some favorite famous novels, for inviting me to take a challenge:

    enter the Vicious Writers competition

    to develop and draft the best novel in one month.

    I won!

    Terms thrust like swords and daggers

    Tossed careless to the wind

    The rot-mottish curse of braggers

    That stings the thickest-skinned

    ~ Bon-Mottery by Lori R. Lopez,

    Poetic Reflections: Keep The Heart Of A Child


    An ill wind blows no good.

    ~ Proverb

    First recorded as John Heywood’s

    An yll wynde that blowth no man to good, men say.



    One crackly autumnal stroke of Dawn

    As trees held their leaves like bated breath

    For a moment of sinister apprehension

    In silence as still as death

    A bleak and swirling atmosphere

    Impended off to the distance

    A vaporal gathering of enmity

    With a stark gray stern insistence

    That slowly crept into a burg

    Until it hovered to brood above

    A roiling mass of suspended malice

    In which portended no drop of love

    A storm, a storm had come to pass

    Rife with dazzlings and zigzag darts

    Ripples of luminant venomous tongues

    Like jagged soldiers playing their parts

    A war of emotions, commotions and passion

    A turbulent stockpile of natural volition

    With the promise to rail and rant in fury

    Until it should run out of ammunition

    A dark day ahead, a negative omen

    A dismal fever of tempestuous rage

    The rabid distemper of a howling fiend

    An ill wind blowing a surly rampage

    Then broke the thunder, deluge released

    Crashing, slashing, a tremendous downpour

    Out of sorts and spite, a derisive torrent

    A mere appetizer of what lay in store

    It’s raining cows, by golly! a man cried

    Ere flattened beneath the weight of the clouds

    Further words were drowned by thuds and splashes

    Of a vertical flood spilling watery shrouds

    The sins of the town were washed away

    And all they could do was scream

    Stepping to the ground with a snarly grimace

    The Storm was a walking bad dream

    Its voice emerged garbled, an echoing bellow

    That shook the buildings with each mega-stride

    A cyclone regaled in static-charged glory

    Its virulence tore chimneys and roofs aside

    Then came a dame gripping a black and white umbrella

    Who impatiently answered that it was Enough!

    To send the brute packing, its wallop backtracking

    Be gone with this damp and wretched stuff!

    Shaking her fist at the colossal nerve

    She swerved to stomp a puddled terrain

    Disgruntled and soggy, her footfalls boggy

    Drenched, fists clenched, not one to complain

    But this was too much so here she was

    The only brave soul to raise her voice

    And disapprove of the Storm’s behavior

    As if it were a matter of choice

    The Storm was astonished and fled to blubber

    Soundly scolded by a grouchy maid

    Reduced to tears, suspending its rancor

    That Wicked Wind’s bluster did swiftly fade.

    ~ Lori R. Lopez

    (from her Poetic Reflections column Holey cow!, 2012)

    One day it rained

    The sky grew dark by Noon

    Like Night without a moon

    Its gale would wail as leaves set sail

    A harsh unholy tune

    The Storm had reached a town

    And did its best to drown

    Low bugs and slugs with puddled glugs

    ’Twas really coming down

    The people fled in fright

    The heavens turned to night

    While rain devoured, malignance showered

    It was a wretched sight

    You’ve never seen a squall

    Could puncture through the wall

    Each drop was fire, the town a pyre

    Before the wet should fall

    Amidst the flames then flood

    Did also pour some blood

    As black as oil, then red turmoil

    That turned the land to mud

    If this were God’s intent


    The town would pay on Judgement Day

    Descending souls Hell-bent

    But with no verdict came

    In no Creator’s name

    The ghastly wave that none would save

    Or ever be the same

    Such tragedies exist

    Manmade or lacking gist

    They come along, no right or wrong

    In the sudden of a twist

    And so one day the rain

    No weather could explain

    What happened then could befall again

    The world had gone insane.

    ~ Lori R. Lopez

    (from her Poetic Reflections column thoughtlessness, 2011,




    THE MOST EXTREME MOMENTS can sneak up on you when you least expect. Suddenly, wham, they’re right in your face — and you’re helpless to prevent them. That has been my experience since I was very small. Things just seemed to happen. There was nothing I could do about it but accept whatever came. Like standing in the path of the wildest wickedest storm that ever blew. Or on some other catastrophic collision course. You simply knew it was Fate. And Fate could be one out-of-control unholy carnival of terror!

    My name is Arletta Trimble. I’ll be your guide for this journey through the darkest night of my existence. And probably yours too, unless you’re used to stepping off the edge into absolute craziness. I don’t mean the kind that inhabits a rubber playroom where the toys have been dented and gnawed by sets of permanent teeth. I’m talking mind-warping bizarre. The stuff of nightmares and hallucinations.

    As I recall, I was sitting there minding my own beeswax when along came a wind that ripped the back door from the building where I lived. It snagged grouchy Ben Doogan right with it. He takes care of maintenance around here. Well, he used to. They never did find him. Once the door was gone, I had no choice but to poke my nose into the situation. It isn’t that I’m snoopy like some people think. I’m just naturally curious. Which tends to make me prone to an abundance of problems, because following your nose can be a dangerous proposition.

    On this particular afternoon, that was precisely the case. I should know. I’m gifted that way. My mother said I could smell trouble a mile away. I don’t like to brag, but I think it’s more like ten miles.

    There I was, morally inclined to explore the event. How could I have guessed it would lead to such diabolical disaster? Well, I could have and should have and did. And that’s one reason I had to investigate.

    Another excuse, I was on a mission. A quest of sorts. In fact, a Treasure Hunt.

    You must think I’m exaggerating, that this sounds rather melodramatic. I wish I could say you’re right but frankly, you couldn’t be more wrong. If that’s what you were thinking. If you weren’t then you weren’t wrong. You also weren’t right. You weren’t thinking, period.

    You have to be wondering what kind of treasure I was after! It wasn’t a big cache of gold or anything. It was a stone. And not some gaudy gem; a plain unpolished unfaceted mineral, although it was called The Cursed Eye. Also The Evil Eye. It was even translated as The Jaded Eye, perhaps because it was purported to glow a lovely jade-green when activated.

    The stone had been discovered clutched in the fist of an ancient Sumerian king — who, it was believed, wrested it out of the mitts of a high-priest attempting to overthrow him. The rivals stabbed each other to death. The king’s reign lasted roughly a total of fifteen minutes. His name was never recorded in Cuneiform glyphs, thus

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