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Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Blood Fury
Ebook166 pages3 hours

Blood Fury

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The Human race was on the brink of extinction, a war more evil, more devastating than anything in living memory was about to start!
The year is 2009. Alucard lord of the vampire stands on the shores of Europe; his army of hundreds of thousands of blood crazed vampires were poised to attack. Only one man knew the location and only he could stop it. Joseph Beck is a vampire, a living breathing vampire and sworn enemy of Alucard and if he fails, he would be the first to die.

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Blood Fury

John Madderson

Hi.My name is John Madderson and I love writing horror.I was born in the small industrial seaside town of Blyth Northumberland. In 1964 I joined the Army and enlisted into the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers where in 1966 I met my wife Sylvia while on leave from Germany en-route to Aden and active service. On returning to England Sylvia and I were married and in 1968 we were blessed with our son Lee Raymond. In 1977 I left the army and went into self-employment for a great number of years. I have had a full life but now nearing my retirement I have taken up writing and dedicate my time into bringing back the original saga of Dracula and the blood craved beast he was created to be (with a slight twist.)My books, under the sub-title “The Vampire Hunter,” are a series of four books each depicting a separate time in the past, present and future. The two main characters the villain Alucard, and the hero Joseph Beck, are locked in an eternal battle from which there can be but one survivor.EnjoyJohn Madderson.

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    Book preview

    Blood Fury - John Madderson




    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 by John Madderson

    Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    Dear reader the following descriptions below are to assist you in your understanding of the creatures within this book.

    A Vampire parasite

    A vampire parasite is an air-born blood sucking creature of unknown origin. Some believe that it came to earth millions of years ago via a space-craft or meteorite. Over the millenniums this one time irritating little bug mutated and grew to the size of a tad-poll and has the ability to invade and infest the dead bodies of humans in order to use the body as a vessel in which to overpower its victims.

    A Vampire

    The vampire is a dead brainless decaying corps controlled by the parasites tentacles reaching into the body’s limbs and manipulating movement.

    A New-breed

    A new-breed is a liven human being who was mistakenly infected by the parasite and now in order for it to survive, has endowed that person with its own abilities of flight, nocturnal vision, strength and enhanced senses and extremely long life.

    A Toad

    Toads are neither dead nor alive. They are strong and highly intelligent and are flesh-eaters through their main purpose are to guard the vampires. They are called toads because of their uncanny facial resemblance to the said amphibian.

    The Human race was on the brink of extinction, a war more evil, more devastating than anything in living memory was about to start!

    The year is 2009. Alucard lord of the vampire stands on the shores of Europe; his army of hundreds of thousands of blood crazed vampires were poised to attack. Only one man knew the location and only he could stop it. Joseph Beck is a vampire, a living breathing vampire and sworn enemy of Alucard and if he fails, he would be the first to die.



    The cavern was dark, wet and stank from years of decay. I stood up to my knees in cold stagnant water thick with all kinds of human and animal waste floating on the surface.

    "Shit, you get yourself into some pissing holes my lad." I whispered.

    Ahead of me in the far corner of the cavern against a wall were the decomposing remains of at least thirty human bodies piled up in a heap. A short distance a way off to the right of the bodies lay a dog on his stomach with his head pressed hard into the rock floor. It stared up at me, his eyes unblinking, large wide and full of fear. Caught in the animals’ sad and hypnotic stare, I stared back at him and guessed that he was not much older than a few months. Suddenly, his ears pricked up and then instantly flattened back against his head as he gave out a low steady growl, the corner of its mouth curling slightly but his eyes were fixed on something behind me and he remained perfectly still.

    What is it boy, I said nervously as I began to turn, then suddenly I froze.

    Something behind me, something close, then, I felt the once still water begin to lap against my calves then rippled out in a semi circle ahead of me. The dog remained silent as its eyes focused on something behind me, his ears flattened to his head and his body pressed flat against the rock floor then softly, he whimpered and slowly, he shuffle backwards. I stood my ground, my muscles tense with anticipation of what was about to happen, I knew my quarry; I had been looking for it for two weeks. I had followed it from Berlin to the darkened back streets of Hamburg. I had followed its trail of carnage as it tore apart and fed on the blood of human beings, and now I had found its lair. The water lapping against my calves stopped and I knew that it was here standing right behind me. I could now sense it, smell it, it was the same foul stench of walking decay I’d first witnessed in 1943 and I knew the toad was standing only a metre behind me, but this beast was not what I had been hunting, I had been hunting its master, a vampire! Quickly I pressed my elbow against my hip and in an instant the thirty centimetre long machete sprang from its fixed position, down my coat sleeve and into my grasping right hand and a second later the toad lay on its back in the black stagnant water, minus its ugly head. I looked down at the abomination as its congealed inners slowly flowed from its decomposing body. I had never worked out exactly what a toad was, only that its facial features strongly resembled that of a toad, dead it surely was, but a walking dead very much like that of a vampire.

    A toad however had the power of hypnosis and great strength, but unlike a vampire it lacked the power of flight; a toad was a servant and was responsible for the protection of its master as he slept, and the mere presence of this creature told me that I was close to the vampire I sought. I was about to turn when a sudden movement behind me made me cry out in anguish and I instinctley swung around, machete raised and ready to deliver a blow at what ever stood before me. The dog jumped back barking at me, its eyes bright while its tail swished from side to side as it sat down and stared up into my face, then it barked at me again. The dog was of no danger to me, however its barking was rebounding throughout the cavern system and I knew that if it was not silenced it would undoubtedly waken the vampire! I took a step forwards and raised the machete, the dog flinched and instantly lay down, once again its ears flattened against its young head while his big brown eyes stared up into my face. I had been about to kill it and for no other reason than it was barking. Ashamed, I lowered the machete to my side and heard it click back up into its sheaf attached to my forearm; I looked at the dog and walked away.

    The cavern was large and had once been part of the underwater sewerage system which was now in disuse and in urgent need of repair. No one had ventured down into its many unlit tunnels, no one except me and a handful of others like myself, for I too am a vampire, a human vampire, a former German soldier of the, Third Reich. My name is Joseph Beck and I am now the head of a top secret department deep within the German Government. My brief, though it be unofficial and by all accounts doesn’t exist, is to find and destroy vampires, vampires that to the public do not exist. It was back in 1943, during the retreat from Russia, when I was infected by an airborne blood craved parasite called a vampire, a parasite which I later realised would normally seek out and take over the bodies of dead humans. However I was not dead at the time of being infected so unfortunately for this parasite it was stuck in a live body and could not control me, consequently in order for it to stay alive, it had to ensure that I stayed alive. I now have, and have had since 1943, all the powers of a vampire with the exception that I don’t require to drink blood!

    By fifteen thirty, I had covered most of this section of the system and was about to move onto the next one which would take me under the river when I had the uncanny feeling that I was being followed from some distance back. Thinking that it might be another toad or possibly the vampire woken by the dogs barking, I quickly rose to the slimy green fungus covered roof of the tunnel and waited. It took a few moments for me to adjust my hearing to filter out the various noises of dripping water and the sound of air rushing around the various intersections of tunnels before I was able to concentrate on one particular sound, the sound of water movement, water being moved as if something was pushing through it. At first I was confused, I have been on this earth since 1924 and during that time since the age of nineteen I’d just about heard every hiss, shriek, screech or scream a vampire or toad could make, but this sound was different. I tensed for action as the water below me began to ripple; another second and the vampire would appear around the corner and with the machete in my hand I was ready to strike off the head of the vampire or toad as soon as it appeared. My quarry was approaching though it would appear very cautiously, which was in itself curious as vampires simply act spontaneously, they smell human blood and instantly attack. Toads on the other hand are indeed more cautious and usually do not kill their own food, instead they simply eat the flesh after the vampire had decimated the body in the usual way of tearing it apart and lapping up the victims spilt blood. My full attention was now fixed on the corner of the tunnel only six metres away, the beast was about to turn the corner and I slowly reached out my arm to full stretch against the roof of the tunnel. I held the machete high ready to carry out a wide

    sweeping motion downwards and was just about to deliver the fatal blow when the head and front legs of the dog came into view.

    Bloody hell. I thought.

    The bloody dogs followed me!

    Unaware of my position above him, the dog slowly and methodically made its way along the tunnel sniffing at the stagnant water as it cautiously walked on. The long strong bushy tail and sandy coat of the Labrador pup quite visible in my vision padded on along the dark stinking tunnel partially lit by the dim light of a fading bulb. He had found a friend, a friend that had killed his tormentor, a friend he was ready to follow to the end. Gently, I lowered to the floor of the tunnel my feet hardly making a sound as they broke water and touched the solid floor a few centimetres below the water level. The dog stopped it had heard even the slightest of sounds and instantly he spun around almost pivoting on its front legs as it gave out a stifled yelp, and dropped onto its stomach. With his head just above the water line, the dog remained motionless as it studied me. Steadily I walked towards him, his eyes raising as I got closer until I was standing right by him, his eyes were virtually vertical in his head and he continued to stare into my face. I stared back into his eyes until he blinked and looked down, slowly I sidestepped, then circling the dog I walked past him a few paces before I slapped the side of my leg with my hand.

    Come on then, get a move on if you’re coming! I said and in an instant the dog was by my side, I was now the master.

    It took some time to search and clear this section of the sewer and by seventeen twenty I was standing at an intersection of three offshoots, each one according to the engineer’s map, continued for miles in either direction before branching off again. Each one with regular waste pipes spilling out into the main channel at head height! I had a choice of three directions, three directions where only one would take me to the lair I was looking for. I had considered using my ability of flight, and indeed at that speed I would cover the three tunnels in a matter of one hour; however it also had its drawbacks in respect that I would probably miss important clues, also I could fly straight into a trap and into the hands of my quarry. I had to decide, knowing also that any two of the three could take me in an entirely opposite direction away from the vampire lair. After a while I decided on the tunnel to my right and I slapped my leg for the dog to follow. I had just entered the mouth of the tunnel branch when I realised that the dog was still sitting where we had stopped. I slapped my leg, but the dog continued to sit although it did look at me and then return its glare to the centre tunnel. It was at that point that I realised that although my sense of smell was far greater than that of a human, a dog’s sense of smell was far greater than mine. I turned my attention towards the centre tunnel and took in a deep breath; I guess one tunnel was as good as another, particularly when you need a starting point! The dog was still looking first at the tunnel, and then back at me and with a single wave of my hand the dog ventured forwards, although only when I did also.

    The tunnel was more dimly lit due to the failure of most of the lighting compared to the one we had just left and consequently I was forced to rely on my vampires nocturnal vision which although enabled me to see in total darkness, also limited my field of vision and had a tendency to narrow my sight into a torch like beam in one direction only! The tunnel was harder to navigate than the others in that there appeared to be more obstacles in my way and I had to spend time moving them. However, I was of the opinion that they were more likely to have been placed there on purpose, probably to hinder anyone foolish enough to venture into such an horrific place and I took great care not to make too much noise or to dislodge anything that might cause me to rethink my approach. I had noticed that on each occasion that I had stopped to clear away the debris, the dog had sat down, his eyes peering into the darkness, his ears constantly turning, twisting in an attempt to catch any noise at all while his nose constantly sniffed the still air. Suddenly, the dog began to growl, at first it was low then as I watched his mouth it began to curl showing his teeth then suddenly he jumped to his feet and began to bark, backing away as he did so. I had been watching the dogs actions and for a second I had hesitated, and was just about to stand up from moving a log from my path

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