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Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight
Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight
Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight
Ebook51 pages41 minutes

Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight

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About this ebook

Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight is a little book packed with intelligent ideas about helping you achieve your weight-loss goals. By learning about the emotions of losing weight, you’ll be in a more powerful position to not only shed that weight, but also to keep it off.

Being mindful about your strategies for weight loss and using the powerful psychological strategy of self-talk, will put you in the best position to achieve your goal. Thinking yourself thin requires your understanding of how your mind and emotions work and how you can harness this knowledge to get what you want.

Learning to develop your thinking and using psychology and emotional techniques and skills to motivate you – and sustain you – in your goal of losing weight is key to achieving your goal. Losing weight is much more effective – in the short and long term – when you approach the task intelligently and use psychology to help you achieve your goal.

PublisherZita Weber
Release dateAug 14, 2012
Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight

Zita Weber

Dr. Zita Weber PhD is an experienced therapist, counselor and academic who specializes in grief and loss, women and depression, relationships and sexuality. She is the author of Back from the Blues, Out of the Blues, Good Grief, Skills for Human Service Practice, The Best Years of a Woman's Life, Unfaithfully Yours and Sex for Sale.

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    Book preview

    Think Yourself Thin - Zita Weber

    Think Yourself Thin

    The Psychology of Losing Weight


    Zita Weber Ph.D.

    Think Yourself Thin: The Psychology of Losing Weight

    Published by Zita Weber Ph.D. at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Zita Weber

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever including Internet usage, without written permission of the author.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Author’s note

    1 – Know your thoughts and emotions

    2 – Don’t deprive yourself

    3 – Foods symbolism

    4 – Judge not

    5 – One size doesn’t fit all

    6 – It’s all about balance

    7 – Transformation

    8 – Some final things to remember

    Author’s Note

    Losing weight, in many people’s minds, is almost exclusively about diets and exercise. These are important, but just as important, is how you approach the psychology of losing those pounds or kilos. By learning about the emotions of losing weight, you’ll be in a more powerful position to not only shed that weight, but also to keep it off.

    Being mindful about your strategies for weight loss and using the powerful psychological strategy of self-talk, will put you in the best position to achieve your goal. Thinking yourself thin requires your understanding of how your mind and emotions work and how you can harness this knowledge to get what you want.

    Learning to develop your thinking and using psychology and emotional techniques and skills to motivate you – and sustain you – in your goal of losing weight is key to achieving your goal. Most people have lots of information about food, diet, nutrition and weight-related issues, but facts and figures are not enough. Knowing yourself, your motivations, setting your goal and having the confidence in yourself and your repertoire of skills and strategies to follow through is crucial.

    Losing weight is much more effective – in the short and long term – when you approach the task intelligently and use psychology to help you achieve your goal.


    Know your thoughts and emotions

    Two thousand years ago, Epictetus made a critical observation. He said:

    We are disturbed not by things,

    But by the views we take of them

    By learning to understand our thoughts and emotions we’re in a better position to act on any challenges we might encounter. Becoming more mindful of what’s going on in our heads and bodies can lead to more effective self-talk

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