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Women-in-Prison Short Stories: Store Whores
Women-in-Prison Short Stories: Store Whores
Women-in-Prison Short Stories: Store Whores
Ebook32 pages42 minutes

Women-in-Prison Short Stories: Store Whores

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About this ebook

This is the fourth entry in the series "Women-in-Prison Short Stories".

In women’s prison, bartering purchased goods from the prison store (like food [especially], personal hygiene items, and clothes) for personal services is the normal way of life. That means those who have the funds to make purchases in the store (the “haves”) have power over those who do not have the resources to make such purchases (the “have-nots”). Power and influence is the name of the “game” in women’s prison.

The central setting of the short story "Store Whores" is the prison store which is the marketplace for the exchange (barter) of purchased goods for all types of personal services, including sex - hence the title "Store Whores". The spectrum of social and sexual relationships between female inmates in terms of the motives for and outcomes of such relationships is described, including the quest for longer-term, loving relationships by female inmates with severe sentences. This quest spawns a search for the meaning of true and lasting love, intimacy, and soul mates – as it pertains to life both inside and outside prison walls.

Release dateAug 17, 2012
Women-in-Prison Short Stories: Store Whores

Heather Heaton

I am a 34 year old college student living (surviving) in Birmingham, Alabama. Very soon, I will graduate from Jefferson State College in Birmingham, Alabama with an Associate Degree in Business. After graduation from Jeff State, I plan to enroll in the Southeastern Bible College and pursue a program in "Youth Ministry", with my first classes starting in January 2013. I can't wait to get started on that program. I am a determined, committed, self-reliant, problem-solving, independent Christian woman. I have a dog named Betsy, and I love her very much. Betsy can talk to me with her eyes. Betsy gives me unconditional love; and I return the favor. I have a beautiful daughter named Brooklyn, and I have dedicated my books to her. Brooklyn got a new bicycle for her birthday. Maybe I'll write a story about Brooklyn and her new bicycle. I give Brooklyn unconditional love; and Brooklyn returns the favor. I wrote "Her Letters from Prison" a) to describe what it's like being in a women's prison and b) because it is impossible for someone who has a prison record to get a good job in Alabama - with or without a college education. Writing is independent work, and I am betting on myself. I do work other part-time jobs (e.g., waitress, face-painter, clown, etc.), as opportunities may come along. Also, I prepare sales and marketing literature for small businesses on an independent contract basis. I have found that part-time independent work is far less stressful and humiliating than getting turned away from the better jobs by potential employers who will not take a chance on me - even after I honestly tell them about my prison record and how God changed my life in prison. Every chance I get, I perform volunteer work in women's re-entry facilities and drug rehabilitation centers. Currently, I am volunteering to help out in a local women's prison ministry program. I am eminently qualified for this work. I feel that I am "called" to work in the women's re-entry field, longer term. I have enjoyed speaking at churches, sharing my testimony with young people. Also, I participated in the University of Alabama/Women's Studies program for "Women-in-Prison"; and I have been invited back to participate in their 2013 program as well. I would like to expand my speaking engagements to include high school assembly and Celebrate Recovery small group programs. I don't want other young girls to experience what I have had to endure. Thank you for enjoying my books and for being my friend! Heather Heaton

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    Book preview

    Women-in-Prison Short Stories - Heather Heaton

    Women-in-Prison Short Stories:

    Store Whores

    By: Heather D. Heaton

    Women-in-Prison Short Stories:

    Store Whores

    By: Heather D. Heaton

    Copyright 2012 Heather D. Heaton

    All rights reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Heather Heaton's ebooks in the series Her Letters from Prison are published as follows:

    a) Her Letters from Prison - Part 1: Truth Stands Still Even as the World Trembles and Burns, Heather D. Heaton, Smashwords, ISBN 978-1-4657-2356-3, copyright 2011 (eBook)

    b) Her Letters from Prison - Part 2: Ask and You Will Be Forgiven; Seek and You Will Find, Heather D. Heaton, Smashwords, ISBN 978-1-4661-8773-3, copyright 2011 (eBook)

    c) Her Letters from Prison: Truth Stands Still Even as the World Trembles and Burns (Second Edition), Heather D. Heaton, ISBN 978-0-692-01725-8, copyright 2012 (paperback - Her Letters from Prison: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 combined)

    d) Her Letters from Prison - Part 4: Recycled - Second Time Around, Heather D. Heaton, Smashwords, ISBN 978-1-4762-5038-0, copyright 2012 (eBook)

    Note: Go to Heather Heaton's personal website at to purchase her ebooks. Alternatively, you can visit her Smashwords author page:

    Heather Heaton's paperback book Her Letters from Prison (ISBN 978-0-692-01725-8) is generally available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchase for sales promotion, premiums, fund-raising events, women's prison ministry programs, reentry programs, drug prevention programs, and educational needs. For details, write Heather Heaton, Heather Heaton Enterprises, PO Box 170412, Birmingham, Alabama 35217. This paperback book contains the following eBooks:

    1. Her Letters from Prison - Part 1: Truth Stands Still Even as the World Trembles and Burns,

    2. "Her Letters from Prison - Part 2: Ask and You Will

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