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Babysitter Is Better
Babysitter Is Better
Babysitter Is Better
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Babysitter Is Better

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MFF Menage Erotica
Julia has been babysitting for Mike and Jessie since before she started college, and by now, they feel like friends. When she accidentally overhears their fun in the bedroom one night, her perception of the couple changes forever. Julia's not convinced it really was an accident and believes she's being seduced—but perhaps that's exactly what she wants.

Julia is on the brink of a sexual awakening, one that leaves her with so many unanswered questions...and new desires. Will she be able to resist their advances? Or is their bed where she belongs?

Warning: This 20000 word story contains explicit sex that includes masturbation, shaving, oral, anal, pegging, and a threesome so hot that it will melt your ebook reader!


I suddenly awoke in the living room again, somewhat woozy from my nap. I sat up and pulled my hair out of my face, first noticing that the really late-night programming was on—you know, the stuff that no one really wants to watch but just deals with because it’s the only thing on. I stared at that TV, unable to move any further. After a minute or two, I pawed my hands across the couch, trying to find my phone on the other side. I grabbed it and brought it to my face: it was past 3:00am. What was I still doing here? They must have already come home, right?
That was when I heard the sounds. I first double-checked to make sure that the local NBC affiliate wasn’t suddenly playing porn—nope, the sounds were real. I sat for a second, totally transfixed upon what I was hearing.
“Oh yeah, you're so dirty,” came Mike’s voice. There was some moaning and then his groans continued. I could hear some loud slurping sounds; Jessie must have really been going to town on him. The bed creaked quietly, I imagined from his back arching against it. “Jessie, that’s really good.”
My mind was going wild. The more I sat there and thought about it, the more that my body raged and throbbed. I thought about what they were doing, feeling my hand falling toward that swollen spot between my legs, free-falling like a skydiver, ready for the parachute to deploy. At first, the fantasy was so vivid, raging in my mind like a war. Then, it started to fade as my curiosity continued to swell up, tearing down the imagined walls I had constructed. This was taking place right down the hall, not in my mind. I didn’t need to imagine it, did I?
In the same way that I felt my fingers gravitate toward my thighs, I felt my legs come to life, lifting me out of the spot I had sunken into in the couch. The room spun for a second and then I had my bearings. I crept into the hallway, paying careful attention to the volume of each of my steps. The floor was wooden, so it gently creaked as I walked. Thankfully I had memorized the quietest spots on the floor for when I had to check up on the kids without waking them. It was a skill that I wholeheartedly appreciated now.
Mike and Jessie’s room was closer to the kitchen than the kids’ rooms, so I didn’t have to go that far. I immediately noticed that the desk lamp was on, its beam illuminating the room as well as sending a stray beam pouring into the hallway. I approached cautiously, driven by my urges at this point. I almost gasped out loud when I realized I could see directly into their room through the crack in the door; they didn’t seem to be able to notice me, nor did they want to.

PublisherB.B. Roman
Release dateAug 19, 2012
Babysitter Is Better

B.B. Roman

B.B. Roman is devoted to sexual worlds. Aiming to please both male and female readers, Roman writes to appeal to the full imagination, inside and outside of the realm of erotica. There are no limits in Roman's worlds, and readers are sucked in with no possible escape. No stone is left unturned as Roman approaches realms of the bizarre and beautiful, combining it all into something digestible and real. Specks of humor season the stories, completing the grand emotional palette. Steamy, sensational, superb. B.B. Roman writes from a remote cabin in upstate New York, allowing the seclusion to feed into the works. When not writing, Roman enjoys composing music for films and attempting to make the best cup of coffee possible.

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    Book preview

    Babysitter Is Better - B.B. Roman

    Babysitter is Better

    Copyright 2012 B.B. Roman

    Published by Bizotica at Smashwords

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

    This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains many sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your eBooks where they cannot and will not be accessed by minors.

    Chapter 1

    Mike and his wife Jessie were known to stick with things that they liked. From restaurants to vacation spots, they very rarely veered from the paths that they had forged before. Mike tended to dominate these decisions, insisting that it was better to stick to the familiar than to waste money and time taking risks that might pan out as disasters. Mike also was somewhat frugal, always trying to pinch pennies wherever he could—despite the fact that he had plenty of them. Jessie was okay with all of this, leaving this sort of decision-making to her husband. Frankly, he had made some parts of their lives a little predictable—but things always seemed to work out for the best.

    As with most marriages, Mike and Jessie had children. They had a young son and daughter—Trenton was 3 and Marcy was 4—so a babysitter was a must for those fun nights out on the town, especially since they were only in their mid-30s. Jessie was insistent that they had date nights every week, going out to try to purge away the stresses of the previous workweek. There was a short break in the action after Marcy was born, but they found a great babysitter quickly, me, a person they could trust their children with.

    I was just a redhead from the neighborhood, the daughter of one of Mike’s friends. I had been 18 when I started the job—now it was 3 years later and I was still their only babysitter. I loved their kids and was willing to give up most Friday nights for them, even though I was in college. The money was good and helped me pay for college expenses—no, the money was great, because the Wellingtons were loaded. With great wealth came great responsibility, the primary reason why I had constant work every week without any question.

    Jessie was a very attractive woman, a wife that most men would be proud to present to their friends. Her face was normally surrounded by her honey-brown curls of hair; her big, white smile and green eyes would glow between them like spotlights when she laughed. She was physically fit and curvy, always taking time to go to gym, no matter the weather or the circumstance. I was actually mildly intimidated by her, despite the fact that we had always gotten along and she had always been so sweet to me. Jessie was a real woman, one that turned heads when she walked into the room. I was always jealous of her incredible cleavage that I got a peek at every time before they left. Her dresses were always extravagant and beautiful, probably costing a fortune. My breasts seemed so much smaller than hers—and those dresses always made it worse. I was still just an under-confident, 21 year old girl when I compared myself to Jessie.

    I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a crush on Mike. Honestly, I only vaguely knew what they did for a living, and I never wanted to ask because I felt embarrassed that I still didn’t know after knowing them for so long. Mike usually had well-kept short black hair and always had some stubble, although he never let it get much longer than that. He probably only shaved once a week. Regardless, he was incredibly handsome, with a strong jaw and bright blue eyes. He worked out a lot as well, more focused on running than anything else. He had a lean, muscular figure with wide shoulders, one that perfectly reflected his running habits.

    As I said, I normally only saw them when they were going out, so they both usually looked great. Jessie had her dresses and Mike had his dress shirts and ties, all which impeccably matched and fit his body perfectly. I really admired men that could dress that well—and Mike was probably at the top as far as my admiration went. They both always looked really attractive before they went out, a great combo every time. I often fantasized about Mike; sometimes I caught myself, sometimes I didn’t. It felt dirty, but it was also just an urge that I had to deal with.

    Their kids were always a delight—very quiet and peaceful—and they made babysitting a real pleasure. They were easily entertained with videos and educational television, both invaluable tools that I utilized whenever I could. I had actually babysat for some other people in the neighborhood, quitting shortly afterwards because their kids were so rambunctious. It just wasn’t worth the effort to chase messy, screaming children around for less money than I made at the Wellingtons. Frankly, I just couldn’t get enough of the Wellingtons.

    Most Friday nights they took off right as I arrived and came back a little after 2:00am, usually a little drunk and rowdy. If I had fallen asleep, their loudness woke me up immediately. I often imagined what they were doing in the bedroom as I drove the short distance home, certain

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