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Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers
Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers
Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers
Ebook138 pages51 minutes

Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers

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About this ebook

Want to do something positive for the world, but don't know where to begin? Then become a Spiritual Warrior. No matter what your age, learn how to awaken your dormant spiritual warrior abilities and use them for the greater good. Written in The Abbotts', usual easy-to-follow manner, this course is full of practical exercises and missions that anyone can perform to help change the world. Don't put off your desire to "do something" again, act now. Help save Gaia.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateAug 21, 2012
Spiritual Warriors Course: Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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    Spiritual Warriors Course - The Abbotts

    Spiritual Warriors Course - Missions for Starseeds and Lightworkers

    The Abbotts

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 The Abbotts

    This ebook is available in print from

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy.

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    Table of Contents


    The Authors


    What is a Spiritual Warrior?

    Glossary of Terms

    Lesson One - You are a Divine Warrior Angel!

    What is Meditation? Basic Meditation

    Lesson Two - Angels come as Agents of God

    Exercise One - Meeting Your Guardian Angel

    Lesson Three - Life Flows on Like a Dream!

    Reincarnation, Remembering Your Past Lives Exercise

    Lesson Four - Your Light Body

    Your Aura, Kirlian Photography, Seeing Auras, Exercise to see Hand Auras, Exercise to see Auras around Flowers and Trees, Aura Colours and Meanings, Exercise to see Auras around People

    Lesson Five - Your Chakras


    Lesson Six - Crystal Power

    Exercise to select YOUR personal crystal for Power, How to Program a Gemstone, Suggested Gemstones for Chakric Cleansing and Healing, Astrology and Gems,

    Lesson Seven - Astral Travelling

    Protection Techniques Include? Far Seeing, Out of Body Experiences (O.B.E.’s) Near Death Experiences (N.D.E.’s) Exercise to Astral Travel, Astral Ideas, Meeting Other People in the Astral State

    Lesson Eight - Connecting with Nature

    Earth Energy Centres, Energy Sites, Locating an Energy Site, Cleansing an Energy Site

    Lesson Nine - Dream Work

    Dream Programming, Some Suggested Signs and Symbols, Interpretation of Dreams, Dream Journal, Problem Solving, Dream Gems, Sleep Meetings, Missions to Viridium - City of Light, Nightmares, Facing Nightmares, Dream Catchers

    Lesson Ten - Aliens, Ashtar & Stargates

    UFO’s, Star Gates, Begin Your Missions, Finding Your Divine Missions

    Other eBooks by The Abbotts on Smashwords - Free Samples Available

    Other Book Subjects by The Abbotts

    The Authors

    Tony Abbott is a Writer, Hypnotherapist, Healer and Self Development Teacher who has conducted numerous Spiritual and Psychic Development Courses for both beginners and advanced students of the paranormal, over many years.

    Robyn Abbott is a former Spiritualist Minister and Social Welfare Worker who now devotes her time to writing and publishing spiritual and psychic self-help books.

    The Abbotts have published over 85 books on the paranormal and self development subjects to their credit and operate a huge, free New Age website at that is full of spirit!


    What is a Spiritual Warrior?

    A Spiritual Warrior is you, a teenage girl or boy or young adult (also known as a Starseed or Love/Indigo/Crystal child) who has been born on Earth with a special Mission or Plan, to help others, help the planet and raise their own inner spiritual Light. You were most probably born after 1980. Earlier Starseeds may have been born in the late 1960’s.

    You are Spiritual Warriors, (not on a evil army mission to hurt others), but on a special Spiritual Quest to help, encourage and create love and unity (brotherhood and sisterhood) with other boys and girls, men and women. As Spiritual Warriors, you need energy, courage and higher thoughts and actions to achieve your incredible goals. Your symbol is that of the dove of peace. You are a special person, sent on a secret special mission and you can make it work!

    Your ideas and actions will often be very different to those of other people. You will have to be prepared to be courageous and learn to think and act differently to your friends and family to achieve your divine mission. But of course you will always do this with respect and caring for others.

    You may find that you will be laughed at by some fearful people who don’t like the powerful inner Light you send out from your heart chakra and the higher actions that you take, but you will find that the special rewards that you find will make you grow as a human being and set free the angel within you, to do great things!

    Are you prepared to become a Spiritual Warrior?

    The first thing that you must realise is that you are not doing this all alone. You have incarnated (been born as a baby on Earth) at this time, with millions of other Starseeds, Love/Crystal/Indigo Children and Light workers to raise up the spiritual energy of the Earth and its people.

    The Earth’s energy at this time is not very good. Its ill, it needs help!

    Another part of your mission is to create a special feeling of togetherness of a family between people of all nations and try to spread Light (higher knowledge) and

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