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4 Missing Shoes: What Should Gavin Do Next?
4 Missing Shoes: What Should Gavin Do Next?
4 Missing Shoes: What Should Gavin Do Next?
Ebook155 pages53 minutes

4 Missing Shoes: What Should Gavin Do Next?

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4 Missing Shoes is an interactive children's book. You get to make choices for Gavin to help him find the four missing shoes. If he finds all four shoes, he’ll stay out of trouble. If he doesn’t, he may have to face the consequences. 4 Missing Shoes has 25 possible endings... some good and some bad. Read until you find one you like or keep reading until you find them all.

Note to parents: The "What Should Gavin Do Next?" books are similar to the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books, but for younger readers. The story is goal-oriented and the choices are not life and death.

Release dateAug 24, 2012
4 Missing Shoes: What Should Gavin Do Next?

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    4 Missing Shoes - Cathleen Conley

    Gavin turned away from his mother. He started up the stairs while thinking about which book to read. He went into the bathroom first and turned on the water. Then he went into his room and lay on his bed. He didn’t actually feel like reading. He just sort of stared at the wall for a while and then shut off the water before he went back downstairs to his LEGO project.

    Gavin only made it to step 65 before his mother came back.

    Gavin. Her voice was stern, but a small smile flicked at one corner of her mouth.

    Yes, mom? He tried to sound innocent even though he knew he had done something wrong. Instead of yelling, however, his mom started laughing.

    I know you didn’t take a shower, she said. First of all, your hair is dry. Second of all, you’re still in your pajamas. And even if you had taken a shower, the water was barely on long enough for you to get wet. Let’s try this again. She pointed up the stairs.

    Gavin reluctantly began climbing. He still didn’t want to shower, but was just glad he wasn’t getting in trouble for not doing it the first time. His mother followed him to the bathroom. As he closed the door, he heard her telling Jaina that she would be the next one to shower. Jaina was Gavin’s 5-year-old sister. She liked showers, which was only one reason she was weird.

    When Gavin went into his bedroom wrapped in a towel, he noticed a shirt and pants on his bed. That must be a suggestion from his mother. He shrugged and picked up the shirt. He was still getting dressed when he heard the shower turn on again. Jaina’s turn.

    Gavin was back at his spaceship, squinting at step 66 when he was interrupted by his mother again. Where are your shoes? she asked.

    In the cubbies. Gavin answered without looking up.

    They should be on your feet.

    Gavin sighed. He was never going to finish this spaceship. He considered pretending that he hadn’t picked up on the hint.

    Should Gavin keep building his spaceship or put on his shoes?

    Don’t forget to click on a choice. The story won’t make sense if you read straight through.

    Gavin reluctantly began climbing the stairs. His mother followed him to the bathroom. As he closed the door, he heard her telling Jaina that she would be the next one to shower. Jaina was Gavin’s 5-year-old sister. She liked showers, which was only one reason she was weird.

    When Gavin went into his bedroom wrapped in a towel, he noticed a shirt and pants on his bed. That must be a suggestion from his mother. He shrugged and picked up the shirt. He was still getting dressed when he heard the shower turn on again. Jaina’s turn.

    Gavin was back at his spaceship, squinting at step 66, when he was interrupted by his mother again. Where are your shoes? she asked.

    In the cubbies. Gavin answered without looking up.

    They should be on your feet.

    Gavin sighed. He was never going to finish this spaceship. He considered pretending that he hadn’t picked up on the hint.

    Should Gavin keep building his spaceship or put on his shoes?

    Don’t forget to select a choice. The story won’t make sense if you read straight through.

    Gavin didn’t intend to get in trouble. He was just going to do one more step before he put on his shoes. But he got kind of distracted. When his mother came back and saw that his feet were not covered in shoes, she took away all of his LEGO blocks. He was not allowed to work on the spaceship for a whole week. Every time he noticed the partially completed masterpiece on the very high shelf, he wished he had listened to his mother.


    If you don’t like the ending, you can always read it again and make different choices.

    Gavin ran over to the cubbies and grabbed his shoes. He forced them onto his feet without untying them so he wouldn’t have to tie them again. In his rush to get back to his project, he accidentally kicked over the spaceship and it broke in half.

    Oh, chomps! Gavin said.

    By the time he figured out how the two halves fit together, his mother was back. She glanced at his feet and then closed her eyes for a moment. Gavin could hear her drawing deep breaths the way she did when she was trying not to lose her temper. He didn’t understand what was wrong and sat there trying to look very innocent.

    Gavin, his mother said. You were supposed to put on your dress shoes.

    I don’t wear dresses.

    "Your nice shoes… the ones you wear to church."

    Oh, Gavin said as he got up. How was he supposed to know that was what she had meant? He went back to the cubbies by the front door and yanked the

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