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Lociel's Elite Guardian
Lociel's Elite Guardian
Lociel's Elite Guardian
Ebook60 pages41 minutes

Lociel's Elite Guardian

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Lociel has been sent, along with his brother and his Fae friend to the Dark Elven Empire with messages for King Liessen and his sister Eden. He didn’t expect to meet his Life Mate, not at his age. Most Elven males don’t get to meet their Life or Heart Mate until they are several hundreds of years older. He couldn’t be happier. Rayjan watches their Fae friend being accepted by his Life Mate the moment he approaches her, could he be so lucky with his?
Arazel, Arienne and Raina are three of the Dark King Liessen’s Elite Guards, the pride of his realm. Beautiful and deadly they are no man’s possession, until they meet their Life Mates. One will accept hers on sight. Another will entice hers to her side. The third will have to fight to escape the boundaries she has lived all her life with, to be able to take her place by her Life Mate’s side.

PublisherM.A. Abraham
Release dateAug 27, 2012
Lociel's Elite Guardian

M.A. Abraham

I don’t really know what to say about myself. I have been writing books since before I became a teenager. Most are still hidden in the closet. I used to make up my own stories as a child, everyone used to act them out while we were playing outside. As a teenager someone issued me a challenge. I told her that her stories stunk, she told me to do better. My job growing up was to play guardian to my little brother, keep him safe. That meant I ended up getting into more fights than enough – makes sense now that I write about warriors. My family will try to tell you that I’m not innocent, I have a personality that keeps them on their toes. Over my lifetime and theirs I have earn several nicknames – The Godmother, The Evil Christmas Elf (comes from making my nieces wrap their own Christmas presents), Mistress of Ambush. My favorite response to them when they try to get me into trouble is just to look at them with a wide doe eyed expression and say “Moi?????” I have a seal point Siamese cat named Snoop, named after my favorite cartoon character and hobby. I have a “healthy” but small collection of Snoopy memorabilia. He is a character alright; never met a cat who can talk back like he does. He expects daily dosages of adoration on his schedule when he wants it – not when it’s convenient for me and he HATES snow. I come from a very large family (mostly brothers) and I could outrun the whole works of them (I’m the shortest!). It was called survival. This book has been in the making for a long time now. Over a half a year to write it, about the same amount of time to edit it, and probably about the same amount of time to get the art work and website! I have learned you can’t control the timelines of other people – Murphy likes to step in. So for now I am setting up good luck charms everywhere... didn’t know I had that many stuffed Snoopy’s. *Fingers, legs, toes, eyes and anything else I can crossed*

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    Lociel's Elite Guardian - M.A. Abraham

    Lociel’s Elite Guardian

    Published by M.A. Abraham

    Copyright 2012 M.A. ABRAHAM


    I would like to take this time to thank all the people who have helped to make this book possible, the family and friends who have believed in me enough to insist that I take this step. To Charlene who helped with the editing, Becca, who set up my website, as well as saw to the formatting and behind the scene support. My proofreader Eniko. Also to all my friends who gave me support and nursed me through bouts of nerves and insecurities… not so sure I have gotten past that yet. Without all of this none of what you are about to read would have happened.


    Lociel’s practice session took on a whole new meaning when he caught sight of a couple rows of Elven females watching the warriors. They were standing on the edge of the clearing and three maidens, in particular, had caught his attention. They were fully armed and were laughing amongst themselves as they watched the mock battles going on all around them.

    Lociel looked about and noted how the other sparring warriors suddenly appeared to perk up at the extra attention. Things were about to get a little more competitive. He had no intention of getting outclassed by any Dark Elven male. Implementing the moves he had noticed Gabriel using earlier, he knocked his friend’s sword from his hand. He then flipped the weapon back to the warrior, so they could continue. He was tossed a grin and a knowing look from his friend in return.

    The Elite Guardians we got a glimpse of when we arrived at the Dark King’s residence are watching, right?

    Lociel noted the hopeful tone in his friend’s voice and laughed aloud. A few moments later he sent his friend’s sword flying again as he executed a complex series of moves guaranteed to disarm almost any opponent. They were fighting more for show than effect and he was willing to bet the females were well aware of it. As paladins, they would know the difference between real battle maneuvers and the type of grand standing that they were witnessing.

    There was no way an Elven maiden should be built like those Paladins, Lociel thought to himself. If they were, he concluded, they should not be dressed in provocative uniforms like they were wearing. Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched as Gabriel left with Marious hot on his heels. A part of his mind wondered if Eden was having problems with the triplets. She was very close to delivering those babies and it was an event he would like to be around to share. He was, however, quick to dismiss the possibility. Gabriel and Marious would not have left without letting him know that his sister was in labor. They also would have been running, not walking, under that condition.

    Any further thoughts of his sister flew out of Lociel’s mind as one of the Paladins leaned towards one of her friends to say something. The movement caused even more of her cleavage to show. The sight of all that exposed skin caught Lociel’s attention and caused him to move carelessly as his concentration faltered.

    Enough, Northal brought their contest to a halt. I doubt if anyone missed that move and, before one of us gets hurt, it is time we quit.

    As they got closer to the Guardians, Lociel sounded his objection, though he didn’t mean it. I thought we were just getting warmed up. He then frowned as the Guardian he had noted the most tossed her friends a careless wave of farewell before heading off. Lociel’s eyes followed her as she walked away and he smiled as she tossed him a grin over her shoulder. The thoughts and feelings that simple gesture elicited in his mind should have been outlawed.

    Damn but that Guardian was beautiful. She had the face of an angel, blonde hair that was gathered into a long thick braid that hung past her waist. Blue eyes to rival the sky, and a body guaranteed to drive a man to his knees in worship. Lociel did not need to be told that she was probably one of the most lethal members of King Liessen’s guards. She would not only know how to fight and kill, but her appearance would be a major distraction to anyone stupid enough to try to face her in battle. Her friends shared her looks and coloring as well, though

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