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Australian Paradise
Australian Paradise
Australian Paradise
Ebook243 pages3 hours

Australian Paradise

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About this ebook

Sometimes change is delicious…and long overdue!

Mackenzie Jacobson has spent way too many years being the good girl and following the rules. But when she's about to marry a man she doesn't even love…she knows it's time to change her life before it's too late. First order of business: let loose and explore her inner vixen!

Private Investigator Nick Stuart needs money. So when he's approached with the quick, easy job of keep a pampered socialite out of trouble. He's game.

Only there's nothing easy about Mackenzie. And their explosive attraction leads them on a wild, sensual journey around an Australian paradise…until the lies—or paparazzi—catch up with them!

PublisherAlex Laine
Release dateAug 30, 2012
Australian Paradise

Alex Laine

Alex Laine loves romantic comedies, ancient myths, and learning something new about herself daily. So what better way to express her love of all things romantic than by writing the very stories she loves to read? For more about Alex and her upcoming releases, visit her website at:

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    Australian Paradise - Alex Laine

    Australian Paradise

    Alex Laine

    eBooks are not transferable.

    They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Australian Paradise

    Copyright © 2012 by Alex Laine

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights are reserved.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Cover Image Copyright © 2012 by Alex Laine

    Images Used In Cover Courtesy of


    For all those who support my writing no matter what…you know who you are!



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen


    About Alex


    God, Mac. It was easily the hottest, most passionate sex I've ever had!

    Mackenzie Jacobson watched her oldest and dearest friend, Alexis Kraft roll her baby blues upward as if in serious thought, and then shrug.

    She knew what was coming...

    Well, in at least the last two years, anyway. Alexis grinned. Man, that guy was hu–

    Lexie! Mackenzie stared at Alexis' reflection in the long, oval mirror stationed in the Washington Memorial Church of God's dressing area and smiled. My mother will be here any minute. My God, she’d die if she heard us!

    Trust me, Mac. At some point, your mother had sex. And I'm sure she knows that we–

    Please! This is not the conversation I want to have right now. Not when she was less than twenty minutes away from walking down the isle toward a man she hoped to someday love.

    She breathed deep and stared at the lace and pearl encrusted bodice of the wedding gown she would never have chosen, and then sighed in disgust. She'd done it again. She'd allowed someone else to dictate what was supposed to be the best day of her life.

    In an attempt to ignore the tell-tale signs of a migraine hovering around the edges of her eyes, Mackenzie forced her reservations aside, pasted on a smile, and glanced around the elegant room.

    From the soft, pastel colored divan to the bottle of Cristal nestled in an ice bucket on the glass coffee table to the subtle watercolors scattered on the walls, the room was designed to make a bride feel special. To make her forget she had cold feet...and why.

    Fair enough. Then would you rather tell me what's wrong?

    Alexis had known her since they’d turned five and sat beside each other in kindergarten. She should have known her friend would know something was wrong, but she'd thought–no, no, she’d hoped–she'd been more successful in hiding her doubts. She maneuvered her dress around until she could sit at the small vanity table adjacent to the divan. Not really.

    Then I'll be forced to talk about how your mother and father–

    Okay. Mackenzie held up a delicate, manicured hand. Just please don't paint that picture in my mind.

    Buying time, she flipped open a blue velvet jeweler’s box, then focused on fastening the long string of pearls around her neck. Her mother had given them to her only an hour before as a reminder of the tradition that was about to be carried out. Lance and I...well, we haven't, she lifted one lace-covered shoulder in what she hoped looked like a careless shrug, know.

    My God, Mac! You've not had sex?

    Her eyes narrowed and locked with Alexis' in the mirror as her friend's face twisted in shock. No.

    Well, why not?

    He...I... She gave up trying to figure out how to explain why and settled on a lame excuse. It never came up.

    In two years of dating, never came up?

    You don’t have to sound so shocked, Lexie. And really we’ve only been seriously dating for about six months. Before that we were both free to see other people, remember?

    Mackenzie realized she was hedging around the truth, a harsh truth that was gnawing its way through her belly and into her heart. And when she looked at Alexis and saw the ‘I-know-you-better-than-that’ look, she knew Alexis had realized it too.

    Meeting Alexis’ stare, she confided in her best friend. I don't think he's attracted to me.

    That's just nuts. You're gorgeous.

    Mackenzie smiled. Of the two, Alexis was gorgeous. She, on the other hand, was simply plain. With her mousy brown hair that Regan Taylor, her mother's public relations manager, insisted she wear in a prudish bun, the stylish black-rimmed glasses she didn't need but wore because they were supposed to make her look smart, and the dull colored, button-up-to-the-neck-cover-every-inch clothes, she was the epitome of plain. Even in her elegant designer wedding dress she was a far cry from being pretty.

    But she knew better than to argue with Alexis. In twenty years of friendship, she'd never won.

    Instead, she skirted the issue and hit directly on what she'd been trying to convince herself of for days. It's not really all his fault. I've never pushed the issue.

    Because it had never mattered to her, she thought sadly. Not enough. Though if she were honest, there had been a few times when Lance had kissed her goodnight that she’d sensed what she believed was frustration. But, as was expected, he’d been the perfect gentleman. He’d never pressed her.

    What would have happened, she wondered, if he'd pushed her up against the door and simply taken her? Would she have been thrilled? Would something important have clicked?

    Or would she have been shocked? Maybe even disgusted by his lack of control?

    Are you attracted to him?

    Bringing herself back to the conversation at hand, she considered Alexis's question while the nasty truth snuck in. No.

    Then why the hell are you marrying him?

    She frowned at her friend's crude words. She didn't need someone else pointing out what she'd already been asking herself all morning.

    You wouldn't understand. You've hardly been labeled the good girl since you snuck out and were caught in the pool house with Rodney Fox, but all my life I've been forced to do what's right. The image of a Senator's daughter is everything, remember?

    How many times had she been lectured on the press? On doing what was right? On making sure she never disgraced the family?

    Forced? Alexis sputtered. I may not be the perfect example of how a lady should act–and that incident with Rodney was years ago! Shaking her head, Alexis placed her hands on Mackenzie's shoulders and leaned down. I'm not going to take offense at you bringing it up now since you're in such a confused state. After a moment, she squeezed Mackenzie's shoulders. You know you're my dearest friend and I love you, right? So when I tell you this it’s with the best intentions in mind.

    When Mackenzie nodded and their eyes met in the mirror, Alexis continued, Sometimes you've got to stop and look at what you want in life. You can't blame your parents for the things you do now. You’re not a kid anymore. You're in control of your destiny.

    If that were only true, she wanted to shout. If she could change everything about herself and explore what she wanted out of life, if she could only have one night of the passion Alexis found so easily. But her destiny was entwined with the lessons her grandmother had drummed into her head since childhood. She could hear the elegant Grace Jacobson even now.

    What you do affects everyone around you, Mackenzie dear. A Jacobson doesn’t allow their personal feelings or preferences to interfere with what’s best for the family.

    I can't. Mackenzie stood, twisting her dress around where she could face her friend. I have to marry Lance.

    And be doomed to a loveless, most likely sexless, marriage.

    Rubbing a hand at her temple, she realized just how tired she was of being good.

    No, you don't. What if I helped you change your appearance and you took some time to explore...yourself? You could go on vacation until this whole thing blows over. I even know the perfect place. And in a few weeks nobody will remember you were even supposed to marry him.

    Before Mackenzie could answer, Alexis grinned. If you don't at least think about it, I'll be forced to begin recounting the time I caught your mother and father in the kitchen when they were–

    Good of you to speak of my sex life in such a rudimentary way, Alexis dear. Alexis froze. Her eyes reflected her horror as the ever-present air of Lilacs floated through the room, announcing that Lillian Jacobson had arrived. I'm sure your mother would be proud to know her only daughter is so open to discussing the issue.

    While Mackenzie could tell her mother wasn't serious, apparently Alexis couldn’t. With a soft smile, she shook her head. Alexis should have learned long ago that while Lillian was ever so proper in public, she could, on the rare occasion, be a lot of fun in private. Mom, you're scaring Lexie.

    Lillian grinned, but her tone was grave when she spoke. She should be ashamed, not scared. Why, when I was your age I didn't have time to think about men. I was too busy trying to study and become something.

    Alexis turned slowly toward Lillian. I'm sorry Mrs. Jacobson. I shouldn't have brought you into our conversation.

    Mackenzie couldn't hold it in any longer, she laughed. Hard.

    Wouldn't the reporters have a field day with this conversation? The ever proper Senator Jacobson and the untouchable image consultant, Alexis Kraft discussing their sex lives.

    Alexis had worked hard to achieve the position of number one consultant in Washington D.C. and just as hard protecting her private life. What would the world think if they knew she didn't play by her own rules? That she never had?

    Thinking of the few antics she'd indulged in with Alexis sobered her. Wiping the tears away, she returned to reality with a thud.

    Her whole life had revolved around doing the proper thing, always watching what she said and to whom. Even her every day clothes had been picked out for her to ensure she hadn't worn the wrong thing.

    And her hair...she really didn't want to even think about the God-awful schoolmarm buns she'd been forced to endure. Lifting a hand to the back of her head, she scowled. Even on her wedding day she'd allowed her mother's people to dictate her look.

    Mackenzie! What is wrong with you? Lillian frowned at her daughter. One minute you're laughing like a crazed loon and now you're looking like you did the day I told you Leonard the hamster had passed.

    Before she had time to respond, Alexis jumped on the change in subject. It must be wedding jitters.

    Surely, not. She's known Lance forever. They make a perfect couple.

    In her mother's mind, Lance made the perfect mate because of his political preferences. It also didn't hurt that he'd soon be vice president of her father's electronics company.

    Maybe she–

    I'm fine. I just need a few minutes alone. She waited, hoping they'd take the hint.

    Her mother nodded stiffly and Mackenzie immediately regretted ending the light encounter. It was rare that Lillian allowed herself time for fun or carefree moments. When she left, Mackenzie sat down at the vanity and placed her head in her hands.

    Alexis moved to stand behind her, and once again grasped her shoulders and leaned down close until they were nearly cheek to cheek. When Mackenzie raised her head, their reflections in the mirror caught her attention.

    Alexis with her long, dark auburn hair, her baby blue eyes, and confidence radiating from her like a bright sun beam. And herself with her long, muted brown hair and pale green eyes, confusion warring with guilt oozed from her every pore.

    Alexis fingered Mackenzie’s necklace and smiled. I remember when we played dress up as little girls. You always wanted to wear these darn pearls but were never allowed. And look at you now, wearing them to your wedding. Alexis’ smile faded. It's a shame you aren't happy.

    Maybe my doubts are crazy. Maybe they're wedding jitters like you said.

    If you have any, Alexis paused, staring hard at Mackenzie in the mirror. Mac, if you have any doubts floating around in your mind...maybe Lance isn't the right guy.


    Whatever you decide, I'm here for you. Always.

    Mackenzie reached up and squeezed Alexis' hand. I know you are.

    When Alexis left to join the rest of the wedding party assembling in the vestibule, Mackenzie touched her mother’s pearls. She'd always done exactly what was expected. What would it be like to not?

    What would happen if she shed all of her inhabitations and followed her heart?

    She shook her head. It was foolish to think there wouldn't be repercussions for her actions. Her parents would both probably disown her.

    So what? The nagging little voice, the one that always got her in trouble, began chanting. Don't you deserve more out of life?

    Don't you deserve to experience the kind of wild, explosive passion Alexis always talks about even once? To truly love someone with all your heart instead of trying to force yourself to love someone you don't?

    When she thought of Lance there was no spark. No immediate urge to jump him and make hot, sweaty, frantic love. Heck, there wasn't even the urge to have plain, old missionary style sex.

    Wasn't that why every time he'd made an awkward attempt to kiss her, really kiss her, she'd shut down any further advances?

    What am I doing? she whispered.

    When she heard the music start she knew time had run out. In her panic to escape she overturned the stool and ripped her dress. She didn't notice. She had to get out of there. Fast.

    She couldn't breathe!

    She grabbed her purse and overnight bag, then rushed out the door. She headed in the opposite direction of the music, of what would be her life if she stayed.

    Lance would understand. He hadn't looked all that thrilled when he'd proposed anyway, had he? Maybe he felt the same obligation to do what was expected.

    God, she hoped so.

    He was a good guy. She didn't want to hurt him. But she knew with every fiber of her soul that if she stayed she'd kill what few of her dreams of happily ever after remained.

    Digging through her purse, she found the keys to her Lexus.

    The groomsmen hadn't dared paint any of the traditional sayings on the windows, nor had they tied any cans to the bumper. Her mother’s personal assistant had probably seen to that. Too undignified for a couple of their social status, she imagined he'd explained in his clam, I-know-everything voice.

    Normally, she'd have been irritated at his high handed behavior but at the moment she thanked him profusely. At least this way she'd be able to make a quiet getaway.

    Her last thoughts as she flung her veil into the backseat and peeled out of the parking lot were of forgiveness...and freedom.

    Precious freedom.

    Chapter One

    Nick Stuart couldn't believe his plum assignment.

    All he had to do was discreetly follow some spoiled little rich girl around an elite resort and make sure she kept out of trouble.

    Sounded simple enough...if he could only find her.

    After a little investigation, he'd found out she was registered under the name Kenzie Jacobs. But in the last day and a half since his arrival, his many attempts to locate her near her cottage or in any of the resort’s common areas had rendered him empty handed.

    Running his fingers through his damp, sun-streaked brown hair, he wandered over to an empty bar stool, dropped his backpack and ordered a beer.

    The universal drink throughout the world, he thought. You could get one just about anywhere–even a small island off the coast of Eastern Australia.

    The perky redheaded bartender, whom he doubted was twenty-one, smiled at him as she tossed down a cocktail napkin before serving his frosty bottle of ale.

    He took a long drink as he scanned the patrons sitting at the round tiki bar. None fit the description of his target or slightly resembled the picture he had tucked in his bag.

    Can I help you with something else, handsome?

    He grinned at the bartender. Not really. He held up his beer. This is fine.

    You look like you're searching for somebody.

    Aren't we all?

    At her laugh, he smiled and watched her slide down the bar to help another patron. He appreciated a woman's sense of humor. And he was damn grateful to find he didn't have any lingering resentment over the Cheri I'm-not-going-to-cling-it's-just-sex ordeal.

    If he could live with a jealous woman blowing his cover and shooting him, he was sure he could do about anything. Including find some cosmopolitan princess on a two-mile long island.

    Since the bar seemed to be a dead end, he grabbed his drink and bag then headed toward the beach. Maybe he'd get lucky and the woman would be working on her tan.

    He found an empty lounge chair near the water, dropped his bag on one side, settled

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