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Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter
Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter
Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter
Ebook53 pages35 minutes

Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter

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About this ebook

The enduring question has been: "Where did Cain get his wife?"
The churches have not given an acceptable answer to this question. Their inability to answer this question creates great doubt as to the accuracy of the Bible. More and more Christians are giving up on defending the Bible.
It is vitally important for Christians to be able to answer this question because it relates to defending the fact that all humans are descendants of Adam and Eve and only their descendants can be saved.
Cain’s wife has been talked about in countries all over the world for hundreds of years.
Skeptics of the Bible have used Cain’s wife time and again to try to discredit the book of Genesis as a true historical record.
This story of Cain’s Wife is my initial attempt to reconcile the Bible with the undisputable scientific evidence for creative evolution. I have combined 4 sets of information: The current Bible, the old Bible before the major changes in late BC and early AD, other Ancient Literature, and the scientific facts of creation/evolution.
I try to clarify why the Bible gives 2 accounts of the creation of Adam and Eve.
The Bible actually describes the creation of 2 women for him. The first was Lilith (Genesis 1:27) but her name was removed from the current Bible. However her name can be seen in the older version of the Bible that existed before later day changes were made.
The creation of Eve, Adam’s second mate, was created from Adam’s rib and is described in Genesis 2:18.
Lilith has been systematically removed from the Bible, except for one reference in Isaiah 34:14.
Not only was Lilith removed from the Bible, but she was demonized.
The facts remain that she did exist and she did have children that are mentioned throughout the ancient literature. At lease one of her daughters was called Lilim.
Lilim became Cain’s wife.

PublisherWalter Parks
Release dateSep 1, 2012
Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter

Walter Parks

Hi! Thanks so much for your interest in my books! My principal interests are true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. I have occasionally also written some fiction. I was born in Memphis Tennessee and grew up in Saltillo Mississippi, a small town near Tupelo Mississippi. High School life was dominated by watching the rise of our local Elvis. I was editor of the High School Paper and had plenty to write about. I guess this was the beginning of my writing career. After graduating from Mississippi State University as an aerospace engineer I moved to Orlando Florida and worked for Lockheed Martin for 24 years. I advanced from an aerospace engineer to a Vice President of the Company and President of the Tactical Weapons Systems Division. Education Activities I continued my education throughout my career with a MBA degree from Rollins College and with Post Graduate Studies in Astrophysics at UCLA; Laser Physics at the University of Michigan; Computer Science at the University of Miami; Gas Dynamics at MMC and Finance and Accounting at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. While at Mississippi State University I was on the President’s Honor List and in the honor societies of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Gamma Tau and Blue Key. I received a scholarship from Delta Air Lines based on my academics and performance. I was in ROTC and the Arnold Air Society where I participated and toured as a member of the precision Drill Team. I also attended the summer survival training at Hamilton Air Force Base in California. I was selected for Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. I was a speaker for several technical organizations including the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. After Retirement from Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company After retirement from Lockheed I formed Parks-Jaggers Aerospace Company and sold it 4 years later. After selling my aerospace company I formed Quest Studios, Quest Entertainment and Rosebud Entertainment to make films at Universal Studios. I produced 10 films, directed 7 films and wrote 5 film scripts produced at Universal Studios. I won the National Association of Theater Owners Show South Producer of Tomorrow Award. I then formed UnknownTruths Publishing Company to publish true stories of the unusual or of the previously Unknown or unexplained. These include books about past events so unbelievable that most people have relegated them to "myths". I have published 32 books with 30 in eBook format, 23 in Paperback format and 25 as Audio Books. I have an additional 12 books in development.

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Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The answer is... Cain married his sister, a daughter of Adam and Eve. Nothing was wrong with marrying his sister at the beginning of creation since there was no chance for mutations causing malformed offspring. DNA was free of, or nearly free of, all mutations in the beginning.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    After the 7th day Sabbath, The Alpha & The Omega’s day of rest, In the words of the Epistle of (Barnabas 15:8) The Alpha & The Omega declares that "After I have set everything at rest, I will create the beginning of an “8th day”, which is the beginning of “A NEW WORLD.” The times of the pre-Adamic races i.e. Chinese, Eskimo, Mongols, Polynesians, Malaysians etc...etc...and the 20+ “NEGROID”races from (Genesis 1:24-28) was “OVER.” On the 8th day, a very special day of creation, in (Genesis 2:7-22) The Alpha and The Omega “formed” the NEW ADAMIC WHITE RACE only. JESUS THE FATHER “formed” Adam [the man]. Adam “‘eth-ha-'adham" is a distinct “formation” of [man] from the “DUST” of the ground and The Alpha & The Omega blew into [Adam’s] nostrils the “Breath of Life” (The Holy Spirit) so “ONLY” Adamic [man] became a “LIVING SOUL.”

    And The LORD God planted a special new garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the Adam [the man] whom HE had “formed.” The Bible does not say how long it was, but some time later Adam [the man] told [JESUS THE FATHER] he was lonely. [JESUS THE FATHER] put Adam [the man] into a deep sleep and took a rib thereof and HE “formed” [woman]. Then HE took the [woman] and placed [her] in the new special garden of Eden b with Adam [the man] and [he] named her [Eve].

    The first thing you need to notice is there is no mention of the “NEGRO” race yet. ONLY THE NEW ADAMIC [ARYAN-WHITE] race had the “Breath of Life” (Holy Spirit) breathed into [them]. This means “ONLY” THE NEW ADAMIC WHITE race has the “Holy Spirit” dwelling inside them. The “NEW ADAMIC [ARYAN-WHITE] race beginning with Adam [the man], to ADAMIC Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Arphaxad, Peleg, Terah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel [the man] which led to JESUS THE FATHER of THE GODHEAD (of Colossians 2:9, for in Jesus dwelleth the fullness of THE GODHEAD; JESUS THE FATHER, Jesus The Christ/Son, and Jesus The Holy Spirit) humbling HIMSELF in the fleshly body of an ADAMIC [man], lead to the birth of Jesus Christ making Jesus Christ an ADAMIC [WHITE MAN]. #119, #120, #121, #122. Still no “NEGRO” race.

    (3 Enoch 68:6-8, page 64) Gadre`El, The true hidden name of the devil took possession of the “beast of the field” “NEGROID” and he became nachash, the serpent. As a result of the serpents illicit sexual assault of ADAMIC Eve created the first human hybrid, the “NEGRO.” Adam [the man] named him Cain, which means “don’t be a hater.”

    The result and consequence of the devils illicit sexual assault the filing a damn making with his filthy see line in the garden of Eden what is the serpent seed “NEGRO” race. The “NEGROES” are the serpent seed descendants of Cain (Moses 7:22), (Abraham 1:21-31). JESUS THE FATHER “BANNED” The Negroes from being in the priesthood. In that day of the millennium there shall be “NO MORE ANCIENT CAINITES/CANAANITES” or there copper color descendants in the house of the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 14:21). “NO ONE,” (WHO) “NO ONE” born due to an illicit sexual assault (Nachash beguiling and defiling) ADAMIC Eve) and “HIS DESCENDANTS” will enter into the congregation of Jesus Christ forever.” (Deuteronomy 23:2 ISV). Who was born from the first illicit sexual assault? The serpent seed “NEGRO CAIN.” In (Moses 7:22), (Abraham 1:21-31) we are told that ADAMIC Enoch, Moses, and Abraham have identified the black to copper colored Negros as the serpent seed descendants of Cain. ADAMIC Rebekah to ADAMIC Isaac “ I am disgusted by these heathen Canaanite/black women. If Jacob/Israel takes a (negro) Hittite/black woman for a wife, my life will not be worth living!” (Genesis 27:46). Cain found his Chinese wife that was created in (Genesis 1:24-28). At the time of the rapture of the church Jesus Christ is only coming for ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAEL]. “I AM not sent but “ONLY” unto the lost sheep of the house of [ADAMIC ISRAEL].

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Cain's Wife, Lilith's Daughter - Walter Parks

Cain’s Wife

Lilith’s Daughter

By Walter Parks

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012


Publishing Company

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Chapter 1 Cain

Chapter 2 Following the DNA

Chapter 3 The Garden of Eden

Chapter 4 Lilith

Chapter 5 Lilim, Daughter of Lilith

Chapter 6 Life with Lilim


About the Author

About UnknownTruths Publishing Company


One of the enduring questions concerning the accuracy of the Bible is the question: who was Cain’s wife.

Most true believers in the validity of the Bible speculate that she was a descendent of Adam and Eve; that she was a sister or cousin of Cain.

Others believe that she was some sort of pre-human; an earlier product of evolution just before Cain was born.

Who she was is a troubling question for believers and even for most non-believers because many such were taught and grew up in the traditional religious beliefs.

I grew up in the Southern Baptist tradition but my career has been in the scientifically based aerospace industry.

I had to search to find who Can’s wife could have been.

I tried to stick to the words in the Bible.

I augmented those words with words from original parts of the Bible before they were so drastically modified in the late BC time periods and the early AD time periods.

I was also forced to use my own speculations to fill in the missing gaps of information.

I hope you find my attempt in answering the enduring question to be at least somewhat informative.

I hope you enjoy.


Cain had an urge that he could not suppress. He had it before, but now it was

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