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Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One
Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One
Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One
Ebook27 pages26 minutes

Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One

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Caleb waited many lifetimes to meet his chosen mate. And now that he has and she is of age, he isn't about to let anything or anyone stand in his way. He will do anything to make Miranda his for eternity.

PublisherElyssa Nyte
Release dateSep 2, 2012
Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One

Elyssa Nyte

I have always been an avid reader. I keep at least two printed books available and five or six eBooks on my phone or tablet. I love books, and I penned my first book as a teenager. It sat on the shelf for many years while life happened. I met my soulmate and created a life that includes three very independent children, two affectionate cat children, two baby parakeets, and one very hyperactive puppy. I have worked in many different job markets that included being a cashier at a grocery store, a sales person at a retail store, a photographer at a portrait studio, sewing cushions in a furniture factory, seatseaming at a jeans factory, and a cashier at a convenience/gas store. I continued to work while I went to college. I got a degree and I am currently a Registered Nurse. I worked the first five years on a pulmonary stepdown unit. The lasted six years I have been working on a psychiatric unit. I enjoy reading so much that I have always wanted to give the same experience to a reader. It is my way of honoring every book that sparked so much emotion within me as I read them. I value any feedback because each review gives me a chance to improve. It gets me one step closer to giving back that same beautiful experience to a reader.

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    Book preview

    Her Forbidden Dreams - Elyssa Nyte

    Her Forbidden Dreams: Book One

    by Elyssa Nyte

    Copyright Elyssa Nyte 2012

    Published at Smashwords


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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    Chapter One - The Cabin

    Miranda Hensley peered out the window of the cabin that used to be a getaway place for her family as she was growing up. When she was a child, she and her siblings came here every summer with their parents. But not one of them came here since the passing of their parents.

    Miranda would not have come back to the two story cabin, if not for the relentless dreams of the past few months. She felt like she was compelled to return here. Ever since her arrival, she had been pacing the floor of the cabin's living room.

    Hearing a rumbling sound, she walked over to the window. There had been no clouds in the sky when she arrived at the cottage earlier in the afternoon. Now, there was a full blown storm going on.

    As she stared up at the sky

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