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Ashlee's Toy
Ashlee's Toy
Ashlee's Toy
Ebook82 pages1 hour

Ashlee's Toy

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About this ebook

A fun loving college girl learns more at school than her major! Ashlee, is pursuing an degree in sexual pleasure at the same time. The raven haired beauty is quick to make new friends, friends that share everything, to satisfy their lust for excitement.
College is one thing though, and in the real world Ashlee finds that her heart starts dragging her in a new direction. The handsome repair man that stumbles into her life has his own problems and is ready to change his path in life. It doesn't take Ron long to find himself attracted to this practitioner of extreme pleasure.
Is this habitual party girl really ready to settle down or will she just use Ron as another of her toys , and toss him aside after he serves his purpose?
Maybe Ashlee will find out that there is more to living than just earning one, and that pleasure and commitment can go hand in hand, with the right person.
This book was written for the purpose of not only arousing the reader but to bring enlightenment. In this brief span of twenty thousand some words, this author tries to discuss some of the dreams, fears and needs that are in all of us to some extent.
I hope you as the reader can be motivated to search for your distinct dreams and make them happen. I hope that your fears can be identified and allayed. May your needs be uncovered and fulfilled.

Release dateSep 3, 2012
Ashlee's Toy

Robert Strictland

50 something and married, my goal is to write books that will not only excite your libido, but arouse the reader's thinking also. I want to get people to look for answers to the questions in their lives. So many people drift through life without knowing who they are, or who their partners are. I know I have been that way most of my life. Seek the most from your self, from your spouse and from God. Your life will be fuller and happier for it.

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    Book preview

    Ashlee's Toy - Robert Strictland

    Ashlee's Toy

    Copyright 2012

    by Robert Strictland

    Published by Plain Brown Wrapper Publications at

    This book is a work of fiction. Any persons in this book are strictly fictional with no connection to any real persons living or dead.

    This book is intended for mature readers over the age of eighteen. There are depictions of graphic sexual encounters which may be offensive to some readers. Reading this book may cause feelings of sexual arousal, so please be prepared to deal with that.

    This book is also intended for those with open minds that enjoy processing information and arriving at conclusions from the knowledge received. Please enjoy this book and please read responsibly.

    Chapter One

    My last year in college and the last two years out in the world, I considered myself to be a lesbian. The last real penis that had been in me, was my Junior year at Cal Tech. I was indoctrinated there by some of the girls in the dorm, and quickly adhered to the concept.

    Sex with men had always been shallow and not very satisfying. All the men I had been with were wanting to get off, as quickly as possible. They seemed to be in such a hurry to run off to the next ball game or their next conquest. My orgasm scorecard was packed with zeros.

    Laura Langston lived in the same dorm as I. She had introduced me to the idea of girl on girl sex. We would play for hours instead of slam, bam, grunt and go. I loved the tenderness and attention to details she insisted on. We would have dozens of orgasms in a lustful session, and I was hooked after that.

    Later on we included another girl in our group who was more experienced than either of us. Mariel introduced Laura and I to the kinky side of sexual play. One night when she showed up for fun, she brought out a leather slapper and some restraining bracelets. I volunteered to go first, so Mariel said, lay down on the bed, butt up and hands behind your back.

    I was very apprehensive at this new level of rough play, but I went along and was soon addicted.

    Our new mentor put the wrist restraints on and locked them so I could not use my hands. Stick your ass up in the air, Mariel, demanded. I pulled my knees up some and presented my round white buns for spanking. She cracked the slapper down across both cheeks with a loud pop. My skin tingled and then burned a little. Mariel continued to spank me hard with the leather implement. It was starting to hurt, and I cried out, but the after burn was nice and very erotic.

    My pussy was moistening as the slapping went on.

    Laura, put a couple fingers in her,Mariel ordered.

    I felt her hand come between my legs and I spread for her. The two fingers slid right into my juicy slot and I was moaning with lust almost immediately. Both women continued the pain and pleasure symphony until I started cumming. The sensations were driving me out of my skull with delightful feelings. My body was a rush with the manipulations of my most sensitive areas. This new style of play was the most erotic thing I had ever experienced.

    They in time, finished me off so that Laura could have a turn at it. With my burning bum and a soaked and satisfied snatch, I joined in to bring Laura to a similar pleasure filled experience.

    Why haven't we discovered this awesome combination of pain and pleasure before, I asked Laura.

    I don't know, Laura puffed out her answer. I wish we would have met up with Mariel, long before now! she exclaimed, out of breath.

    Well you can show your appreciation by, making me squeal, Mariel said as she handed me the slapper.

    I, I have never done anything like this before! I exclaimed. What if I hurt you? I expressed in uncertainty.

    That's the whole idea, for it to hurt I mean, Mariel replied. Besides, this thing doesn't hurt that much. Now a cane or some of the whips I have, will make you scream out in agony, she said with a wicked grin.

    You saw me spank Laura, just do it like I did to her, she added.

    I looked at the strap, then I looked at Mariel's round ass, wriggling in anticipation of it's punishment. Raising the strap up, I brought it down across her waiting cheeks.

    Is that all you’ve got, Mariel chided.

    This isn't some Sunday school picnic.

    Her comments pushed my buttons and the next strokes were delivered with more speed and power.

    Uummph,Mariel groaned. That's more like it, Bitch! she exclaimed.

    With that, she really got me wound up and I laid into her ass hard with each strike. She was soon changing her soft groans into loud cries of pain.

    Laura, give her some finger, I ordered.

    Laura complied and reached under her legs to finger her juicy twat. Again the pain / pleasure duet worked it's magic and Mariel was engulfed in multiple orgasms for several minutes.

    Mariel rolled over, smiled at Laura and I saying,well what do you say girls? Spanking can be a lot of fun, am I right? she proclaimed.

    Laura and I looked at each other and said, Hell, Yeah, in unison.

    Tell us more about all of this stuff, Mariel, I pleaded.

    I'll tell you about it now, but I really need to show you guys, she explained. We need to have another play time and I will bring some of my favorite toys, she said.

    The three of us spent the rest of the night sharing our sexual experiences. We were having some good laughs over our past clumsy sexual encounters with young men.

    All they want to do is stick it in you, fuck you like a rabbit in heat, then roll over and go to sleep, Laura said in disgust.

    Yeah, I know, said Mariel. That's why I mostly have sex with girls, she explained.

    You still fuck guys too then? I asked.

    Sure, why not, I like the feel of a warm, live cock sometimes too, she answered

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