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Steel Trek: Steel Warfare, #4
Steel Trek: Steel Warfare, #4
Steel Trek: Steel Warfare, #4
Ebook54 pages53 minutes

Steel Trek: Steel Warfare, #4

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STEEL TREK is the fourth of five war adventures, all dealing with tank warfare.

Each book can be read independently, or as a series.

In the first three books we follow two cousins, both tank commanders, on opposite sides in WW 2. The action moves from France 1940, via North Afrtica, the Eastern Front, Italy and into the immediate post war years and the liberation of Palestine. In STEEL TREK the two cousins meet for the first time in Korea 1951. We follow their quest for survival after being trapped behind enemy lines.

PublisherJorgen Flood
Release dateSep 5, 2012
Steel Trek: Steel Warfare, #4

Jorgen Flood

Jorgen Flood resides in West Chester PA, with his family. He is a member of Brandywine Valley Writers Group. A writer of several magazine articles, he has pubished two books about the Viking age: "Twilight of the North" and "To Live and Die in 1030." Last mentioned book is not yet available as e-book. "Armageddon Coming" is the first of five adventure stories dealing with Tank Warfare in WW 2 and following conflicts. Book two in this series, "Steel Queen," can be downloaded for only $0.99.

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    Steel Trek - Jorgen Flood


    Tank Battles and Survival in the Korean War


    Published by Jorgen Flood at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012, Jorgen Flood

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold, copied or given away to other people without the authors consent. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Books by Jorgen Flood:



    - To Live and Die in 1030

    - The Twilight of the North


    20th. CENTURY


    - Steel Armageddon

    - Steel Queen

    - Steel Vengeance

    - Steel Trek

    - Steel Menace




    Jorgen Flood


    NORTH KOREA 1951


    With fighting vultures arrive. From time immemorial vultures know that when men are fighting, a meal beckons. As soon as the fighting is over they emerge, appearing mysteriously out of nowhere. Lurking in the outskirts of the battlefield, just beyond the reach of the living. It is almost like a dance. When humans move closer to scare away the birds, the birds move dutifully away. Then the humans move back from the stench of the dead and the birds move forward again. Vultures never have to rush. They know they will get their meal in the end.

    Vultures do what nature has told them to do, a revolting but necessary activity. Yet humans all over the world find vultures disgusting, and have done so for thousands of years. Not only due to their activity, but because they remind us about our own end, our final destiny. In many ways they are the embodiment of the age old saying; from earth to earth.

    Carl Fredrik, under his assumed last name of Rosenkrantz, looked away from the ugly birds, and their grisly meal. The smell from the battlefield was overpowering his senses. It was a mix of dead bodies, burnt out rubber and rotting flesh, all of which combined to turn his stomach and make him nauseous. The vultures had won today. Their patience had paid off and nobody tried to interfere with their feast. There was nothing Carl could do about it, much as he wanted to. Instead he scanned the surrounding hillsides for Chinese and North Korean troops. It was all done from within the safety of several inches of steel, through the ‘scope’. The tank provided the necessary safety, fortunately, since snipers were a constant worry. The cold rough steel surface, and somewhat stale air inside, strangely enough added to the crews feeling of safety. That was good. None of them fancied becoming victory marks on somebody’s rifle. Judging by the number of dead soldiers, the snipers had victory marks enough.

    The hills looked empty, but that was of little consolation; they were out there, he could feel it. Considering the carnage from the recent fighting, and the smell of death, his only wish was to get away from this place. He had no idea how far they had to go to reach safety, but had a sneaking suspicion it was getting longer by the minute. The enemy was advancing south, and so far nothing had been able to stop them. The problem was that his radio was out so he could not contact friendly forces. If it had worked, he would have asked for a helicopter pick up. Now they had to come up with another way of contacting the UN command, but it seemed to him that a helicopter pick up was still the only way out.

    Well, he said to the crew, I believe we have the Chinese and North Koreans all around us, and they are moving south faster than we can. How about going west toward the coast and asking the Navy to pick us up?

    Cap, we don’t have any radio, how the heck do you plan to contact the Navy?

    "I assume we still control the seas, so if we can steal a boat and get away from land, we should have a chance. We have about 100 miles of gas left, and from what I can see on the map it is about 80 miles to the coast. The

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