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Revenge So Sweet
Revenge So Sweet
Revenge So Sweet
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Revenge So Sweet

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What would you do if you had awakened from a coma to find out you and your spouse were the victims of a surprise attack? This attack put you in the coma and resulted in the death of your spouse. And now you are haunted by visions of the attack that show it unfold little by little in full detail.
What would you do if you never had to sleep, never had to eat, healed quickly and had unbelievable strength? Would you use that ability to seek revenge?
Morgan K. Wright, a cage fighter known by the name of Kane, is experiencing just that. Follow along in this action packed drama, as he seeks out six members of a local mob that were behind this surprise attack. After taking out these six mob members, aided by his new found abilities, Morgan’s hunger for revenge is not satisfied. He meets up with Krystal, his dead wife Sara’s best friend, in an effort to gain important information. As Krystal is not willing to give up the information freely, she offers Morgan a proposition. Will Morgan accept her proposition? What will Morgan have to do to gain this information he wants? What will Morgan do when he finds out who the sole person responsible for the attack is?


Reader discretion is advised. The content of this book is not suitable for young readers. This book contains strong language, sexual situations, and strongly depicts acts of violence and rape.

Release dateSep 17, 2012
Revenge So Sweet

J.A. Cunningham

J. A. Cunningham was born and raised in North East Kansas, were he currently lives with his wife and three kids.He is an all around fun guy who loves all things techie. outside of writing he enjoys riding his motorcycle, working on art work, hunting, family time, gym time, and video games.

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    Revenge So Sweet - J.A. Cunningham


    J. A. Cunningham

    Text copyright © 2012 J. A. Cunningham

    Revenge So Sweet

    EBook First Edition

    ISBN: 9781301926329

    Cover art: J. A. Cunningham

    Cover art copyright © 2012 J. A. Cunningham

    EBook First Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


    Reader discretion is advised. The content of this book is not suitable for young readers.

    This book contains strong language, sexual situations and strongly depicts acts of violence and rape.


    A special thanks to my lovely and intelligent wife, Heather. Thanks for listening as I talked your ear off while writing this book. Through our many discussions, your thoughtful suggestions helped in the creation of this book, along with your editing.

    And to the select few who got to read along as the story progressed. Thank you: Anthony Jenkins, Paul Jones, Domonike Trotter and James Mathis II. You’re input, criticism and opinions were much appreciated.

    Last, but not least. Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read my book. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


    Morgan K. Wright, better known as Kane, is an underground cage fighter who couldn't wait for his next fight. Morgan has been moving up the circuit ladder pretty quickly. With the help of his agent, John Swiss, he has finally gotten a chance at the number one contenders fight. It felt to Morgan that this day was never going to come, but now he was finally walking towards the cage.

    Morgan stepped into the cage and sized his opponent up. He was taking on Joe Krumbell, aka KO Joe. He wasn't too big, but he was tough and quick. The way he was moving around looked like a wild animal about to pounce on its prey. Morgan threw out a series of shadow punches to warm up while waiting for the bell to ring. Right before the bell rang, Morgan looked over at his wife and she blew him a kiss. She did this at the start of all his matches. Morgan told her that she was his good luck charm. The bell rang and both fighters advanced toward each other. Joe came in quick with a fury of punches, followed by a roundhouse kick. Morgan blocked the punches the best that he could and caught Joe's foot before it connected from the roundhouse. Morgan quickly flung Joe's leg away, causing him to spin. As Joe started to spin, Morgan followed through with a low haymaker to the gut. Joe staggered back and saw Morgan coming at him. Thinking quickly, Joe turned and used the cage as a spring board. Morgan saw him run up the cage and spring off of it. It appeared that he was trying to do a cross body, but Morgan caught him and suplexed him to the mat. He then got up and grabbed Joe's feet. He was going to set him up for a figure four to weaken his legs, but he wasn't quick enough. Joe kicked him in the face and rolled out of his reach. The kick to his face busted Morgan's nose. This made him mad and he took off charging at Joe. Morgan went to deliver a spear as Joe leaped over him. As Morgan came to a sliding halt, Joe jumped up and delivered a modified jumping spin kick to the back of Morgan's head. Morgan took two steps and hit the mat. Joe quickly jumped on him and started delivering blows to Morgan's ribs and face. When the referee saw that Morgan never brought his hands up to defend himself, he made Joe get off of him. The referee checked Morgan, saw that he was definitely knocked out and quickly called the match. Morgan slowly started to get up after he heard the referee say, The winner by KO, you’re soon to be champ, KO Joe.

    John got in the ring and helped Morgan up. What happened, man? I was sure you had that. Do you know what I had to do to get you this match?

    Ah, come on, John. You knew as well as I did, this was going to be a tough match.

    Yea, your right, buddy. We'll win the next one. At least I didn't have any money on this fight, John said, as he patted Morgan on the back.

    John took Morgan into the back room to fix his nose and a couple of other wounds from the fight. Sara, Morgan's wife, had headed to the car. She knew it wouldn't take him long and she didn't want to be in the room when they reset Morgan's nose. After they got him all fixed up, Morgan was ready to go home and soak in the hot tub. Morgan was just about to his car when everything went dark...........


    My hunger for revenge steadily grows stronger as I walk these dark streets all night looking for him. I shall not rest until he has paid the price for taking what was most precious to me. And for those who try to stop me, I will not feel sorry for your demise. You all will fall victim to my wrath. For my hunger will not be satisfied until I have tasted the sweetness of revenge, and his life blood pools at my feet. Then I shall finally rest in peace.

    Morgan K. Wright



    Rick Vanellie was sitting at his desk, counting his recent collection. He could hear heavy footsteps coming down the hallway, when all of a sudden, the office door burst open. It was Jimmy Boy. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

    Um… um… um… Mr. Vanellie, sir, I got some news you might want to hear.

    Mr. Vanellie looked up from the stacks of bills with a look of anguish. Well now, get on with it. I don't have all day. Especially now that I have to start over, since you made me lose count. Like I said, get on with it, Jimmy Boy.

    Jimmy Boy gathered his composure. Remember that fighter we bagged about six months ago? Well, it turns out we didn't get the job done. He has been in a coma since then and it was just on the news that he woke up.

    Mr. Vanellie sat there, giving Jimmy Boy a unreadable stare. You interrupted me for that? Some fool has been in a coma for six months and you're worried? What are the chances he will remember anything? Hell, he's probably half brain dead. Besides, there is no way he ever saw it coming. Therefore, he couldn't have a clue who bagged his ass anyway. Now, get the hell out of my office before I have your ass bagged, and you won't end up in a coma. Now go!

    Jimmy Boy left as quickly as he had arrived. No one wants to be on Mr. Vanellie's bad side. Being the biggest mob boss around, if he had a problem with someone, he had them taken care of. After leaving the office, Jimmy Boy went to go find Big Grey. He was one of the toughest guys he had ever met, outside of Mr. Vanellie. Big Grey had his share of fights in the cage and he was one hell of a fighter. Mr. Vanellie liked what he had seen Big Grey do in the cages so much that he hired him to be his personal body guard. Jimmy Boy had to tell him, he would want to hear this news.

    Jimmy Boy couldn't get over the fact that Mr. Vanellie wasn't the least bit disturbed by the news. He knows that they took the proper precautions so none of them could be identified. But what if just what if they failed? What if

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