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The Star Signs: Truths, Traits and Compatibilities
The Star Signs: Truths, Traits and Compatibilities
The Star Signs: Truths, Traits and Compatibilities
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The Star Signs: Truths, Traits and Compatibilities

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This book brings you everything you could possibly need to know about the 12 signs of the Zodiac including detailed and interesting information about the traits and truths of each individual sign; their personalities and their love and friendship compatibility with the other signs of the zodiac. Looking in detail at what influences their traits and characteristics. There is interesting information about the love compatibility that each sign holds with the other signs of the zodiac, which includes traits and facts about all the signs of the zodiac and how they are effected by the elements, as well as a close look at each sign individually, and their horoscope compatibility.

Release dateSep 18, 2012
The Star Signs: Truths, Traits and Compatibilities

Sarah Johnstone

Sarah Johnstone was born in the West Midlands, England. After many years of travelling, working for corporate companies and furthering her education, Sarah Johnstone now runs a successful web-authoring company producing a network of unique, text rich websites providing detailed information and interesting articles. Her company is involved with other types of work including content writing for other leading web-authoring companies and national UK distributors, web design for small businesses, the production of e-books, printed books, book covers, quiz questions and flashcards.

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The Star Signs - Sarah Johnstone

Star Sign Compatibility – Truths, Traits and Compatibilities

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Published by Sarah Johnstone at Smashwords.


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I, Sarah Elizabeth Johnstone, would like to thank all of the people who have kindly supported me with the compilation of this eBook, particularly my family members and friends. I would like to say a special thank you to the directors of Siteseen Ltd for their ongoing support; without them, the creation of this eBook would not have been possible. I would also like to pay thanks to Beverley Young of Pillar Box Print for creating the front cover.



Copyright © 2012 Sarah Elizabeth Johnstone. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. This publication is protected by law, and all rights are reserved, including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this eBook to anyone else.



Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided as is. Sarah Elizabeth Johnstone makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.


Author Biography

Sarah Elizabeth Johnstone, a website designer and eBook author, from The West Midlands, England, has been a keen writer with an avid interest in English literature for many years. She has always had a great interest in star signs and horoscopes. She is of a superstitious nature and believes there's a lot of knowledge held in astrology and that it deeply impacts upon relationship compatibility.


Table of Contents

Introduction: Star Sign Astrology and Compatibility

Chapter 1: Aries

Chapter 2: Taurus

Chapter 3: Gemini

Chapter 4: Cancer

Chapter 5: Leo

Chapter 6: Virgo

Chapter 7: Libra

Chapter 8: Scorpio

Chapter 9: Sagittarius

Chapter 10: Capricorn

Chapter 11: Aquarius

Chapter 12: Pisces

Introduction: Star Sign Astrology and Compatibility

Astrology looks at the effects that the Sun, the Moon, and the planets have on the Earth and all its living things including humans, animals and plants. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are the major players. Astrology can reveal the real truth about a person. Sometimes it can appear negative when in actual fact, it isn't, it is merely stating the truth and sometimes this can be hard for an individual to accept. If astrology says something critical about a star sign, then it is wise to turn this into something positive by learning from it. Astrology, if used in the right manner, can help a person.!

Astrology is the study of the key players which are the Sun, the Moon and the Earth and the effects that they have on the Earth and all its living things. The Sun, Moon and the Earth are regarded as heavenly bodies and they influence every facet of human life. The Sun and the Moon are treated as planets and they are also known as luminaries. Despite the fact that daily horoscopes talk about the stars, they have little to do with real astrology. The history possibly dates back to prehistoric times when humans discovered that the Sun and the Moon had powerful effects on the Earth, for example, it effected the sea and land.

The star signs can be separated into groups of elements to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship compatibility between the signs of the zodiac. The elements are the Earth, fire, air and water. The following information describes the influences that these elements have upon the personality traits of the star signs grouped beneath them:

Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

These three star signs, just like their element, are down to earth. The personalities of those born under these signs are considered to be stable, honest and extremely dependable. Taurus being the leader of practicality in this group. These signs are often considered by other zodiac personalities to be quite boring characters. However, this is only due to the fact that Earth signs are so sensible, and their reason for being so, is that they regard their safety, security and stability very highly!

Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

These signs are literally on fire when it comes to alertness and being on the ball. They are full of life and excitement, and they are incredible fun to be around! Those born under these signs are ready and alert, and they tend to show impatience towards people that they consider to be duller and slower than themselves. Fire signs can be a little too much and over-excitable for some of the other signs of the zodiac who may find them difficult to deal with!

Air – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The air signs are the ones with good ideas, great imagination and the ability to see the bigger picture. Those born under these signs must be careful not to become carried away by their dreams and remember to keep it real! Achieving goals can take great effort and hard work, but this isn't to say that air signs are overly ambitious as they are often more than capable of achieving what they want, providing that they stay motivated and avoid laziness! The air signs are charming and they are outstanding communicators.

Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The water signs are emotional characters who are loyal and caring. Those born under these signs tend to be understanding and quite sensitive. They are often very intuitive and good judges of character. The water signs are positive and inspiring people who regard their loved ones very highly and feel very protective towards them. They will often steer clear of very strong minded and opinionated individuals.

As you can see from the explanation of the star sign elements; Earth, fire, air and water, not all signs of the zodiac will find it possible to form very compatible, sound relationships, simply because there are too many personalities involved and there are bound to be clashes! The rate of compatibility varies greatly between the star signs, however, this isn't to say that an ideal relationship cannot be formed between two incompatible signs, it just means that they may have to work harder, apply more effort and compromise with one another in order to make things run smoothly!

The following explanations describe how the elements work together:

Earth – Air and fire dry the earth out and create dust. Water refreshes and moistens the earth.

Fire – Water puts the fire out. Fire requires air to burn. The Earth smothers its flames.

Air – Fire responds to air and air helps the fire, together they create hot air! Water and Earth restrict the air.

Water – Earth absorbs and holds the water. Air and fire cause water to evaporate and dry out.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Aries

Aries Introduction

Aries Dates

Aries Personality

Aries Man

Aries Woman

Aries Facts

Aries Symbol

Aries Compatibility

Aries and Aries Compatibility

Aries and Taurus Compatibility

Aries and Gemini Compatibility

Aries and Cancer Compatibility

Aries and Leo Compatibility

Aries and Virgo Compatibility

Aries and Libra Compatibility

Aries and Scorpio Compatibility

Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility

Aries and Capricorn Compatibility

Aries and Aquarius Compatibility

Aries and Pisces Compatibility

Aries Introduction

Some facts about the astrological sign of Aries:

Aries dates: 21st March to 20th April

Element - Fire

Quality - Cardinal

Ruling planet - Mars

Aries symbol - The Ram

Birthstone - Diamond

Those born 21st March to 20th April, fall under the astrological sign of Aries. This is the first sign of the zodiac and it is represented by the symbol of the ram.

The Aries sign reflects the beginning of life, when a child is born into the world with innocence and naivety, which later develops into a strong desire to learn, explore and experiment. The Aries personality is a sharp mixture of strong mental and physical energies, coupled with sensitive emotions. On one hand, the curiosity of an Aries is often so extreme, they are unable to resist going beyond their limits, whilst on the other hand, no matter what their actions, they desire the approval of others. The contradicting personality traits of the Aries star sign makes its subjects fascinating, entertaining and quite simply captivating! There is no other sign quite like Aries for it is unique, original and in a league of its own.

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Dates

Born between 21st March and 20th April:

Those born between these dates fall under the astrological star sign of Aries. This is the first of the fire sign which greatly influences the Aries personality. This is one of the most determined characters of the zodiac, who will go its own way despite any obstructions. There are, however, differences in the Aries personality depending on the dates in which their own personal birth date falls. Check out the following information in order to gain a greater insight about the Aries dates:

Born between 19th March to 24th March on the Pisces-Aries Cusp:

These dates overlap with those belonging to the Pisces star sign, therefore, referred to as the Pisces-Aries cusp or Piscarians! The influences of the fire sign Aries and the water sign Pisces make those born within this cusp period very passionate and intriguing characters! Pisceans are sensitive, caring and emotional, and Aries are more assertive and direct. These conflicting personality traits are present in this cusp personality making them inspiring individuals who are confident, self-sufficient and sure of their words and actions! Whether they are right or wrong in what they say and do, they will certainly have an impact! Others will either feel mesmerized by them or misunderstand them completely. Those belonging to the Pisces-Aries cusp will not appreciate being judged by other people.

Born between 25th March to 2nd April during Aries period I:

Those born within the first period of the Aries dates are curious, fascinated characters with innocent and inquisitive minds, rather like a child's. They enjoy the company of like-minded people who are energetic and spontaneous. This particular zodiac group is sociable, fun and adventurous! Others enjoy being in their company as their exciting aura and positivity is contagious! They will sometimes make the wrong decisions as they are far from hesitant and cannot resist rushing things – they can become very frustrated if they are held back or underestimated! Aries can be very sensitive and will often take any sort of criticism very harshly - as they are such frank characters, they will want to know the reasons behind people's opinions!

Born between 3rd April to 10th April during Aries period II:

Those born between the second period of the Aries dates are enthusiastic characters who will often take things one step further than everyone else, whether its of benefit to them or not! Their curiosity and desire to learn through experimentation, makes them daring individuals who enjoy taking a risk. They are competitive and like to be noticed, they like to be the shining star! Although it may take time, eventually their talents will be recognized and those belonging to these dates can develop and advance very well. In fact, they are more practical and less emotional than the average Aries personality, however, they still need some reassurance and guidance which they will often gain from one person in particular. For those who do not share their feelings, life can become a little lonely at times.

Born between 11th April to 18th April during Aries period III:

Those born between the third period are the most developed of Aries people. They are interested in learning new things and developing their skills and talents. They are expressive and very enthusiastic individuals who take the bull by the horns and lead the way. They are quite powerful and courageous, often pushing themselves beyond their limits in order to succeed, allowing nothing or anybody to get in their way. Having said this, Aries III's are also very nice people who show courtesy and respect to others. They understand the feelings and needs of people, and have the ability to interact very well. Those belonging to these particular Aries dates should withhold judgement on people they do not know well as they tend to trust very easily, this can leave them open and vulnerable to untrustworthy individuals.

Born between 19th April and 24th April on the Aries-Taurus Cusp:

These dates overlap with those belonging to the Taurus star sign, therefore, referred to as the A-T Cusp which represents power and beauty. Those born within these dates are natural leaders, they can come across as being quite domineering and controlling. This is because they are influenced by two different signs of the zodiac, so they are an interesting combination of both personalities. Aries is fiery and spontaneous and Taurus takes a methodical and practical approach to everything; never jumping in or acting on impulse! So as you can see, this makes an interesting combination! They make excellent managers, particularly in corporate environments. Often, one side will balance the other, but those born on the Aries-Taurus Cusp should try to avoid being insensitive towards others.

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Personality

Astrologers often refer to Aries as the 'children of the zodiac' as they belong to the first of the twelve zodiac signs – the fresh, new beginning of Aries has a huge impact upon its personality, making its subjects a mixture of playful, innocent and emotional characters.

Aries will often give in to temptation simply because their curiosity gets the better of them! This side of their nature can cause them to act beyond their limits, doing things which they may later regret. Their inquisitive personality and strong desire to explore can effect different areas of their lives in various ways – both positive and negative! For example, Aries children are capable of learning a great deal as they are responsive and want to understand and ins and outs of everything. They are fascinated by the world and everything in it. These particular zodiac children can become a parent or teacher's dream as dealing with their spirit and enthusiasm is often a total pleasure. However, this side of their character can result in a low boredom threshold, therefore, they may lack concentration when learning about subjects which they find less interesting. Teachers may find it more of challenge to teach Aries children about topics which do not grip their imagination!

Acting upon curiosity can leave the youngsters of Aries in some sticky situations, particularly during their teenage years if they are given too much freedom! As this star sign wants to explore so greatly, their judgement may not always be quite right. They also like being at the centre of their friends attention and enjoy being popular. They may be tempted to go to great lengths to impress their pals and this is something which parents of some Aries children should definitely watch out for! These bold characters are always at the centre of fun and laughter but some will fail to recognize when a joke is no longer a joke.

Aries are a great deal of fun, many maintain their humorous and playful attitude for their entire lives. 'Boring' is certainly not a work that could be used to define the Aries personality! This star sign is literally bouncing off the walls as it has so much energy. Aries people are always up for a laugh and ready to have fun. This side of the sign's personality makes them excellent friends, family members, parents and partners as they are the life and soul of the party. Their warm, friendly approach makes others feel at ease, particularly in social situations as they show consideration and involve everybody. Aries are not typically confrontational, in fact, their desire to be liked by everybody means they rarely make enemies at all throughout their lives. They are very popular amongst friends and they know a lot of people. This is because they are open and at ease talking to anyone. Aries should be careful about whom they choose to trust as they can be naïve and easily mislead. They can be very trusting and see only the good in others. The Aries outlook is very straight-forward and optimistic, as opposed to critical or analytical. They are positive characters who can fail to see when someone has a hidden agenda!

Aries are courageous individuals who will go for what they want regardless of obstacles – they are very determined to reach their goals and will persist upon achieving them to the very end. If nothing else, their charm and persistence will get them there! Although the impulsive Aries appears so sure of themselves and confident on the outside, often they lack inner-confidence and in actual fact, need reassurance from time to time. Despite overriding the opinions of others, they still want to hear their views. Aries can be sensitive and will feel very hurt if others judge or misunderstand them! Sometimes they should listen to the advice and wisdom of their loved ones. Often people on the outside have a much clearer perception, which gives them the ability to provide valuable guidance. Aries capacity to enjoy life to the full is second to none – this is a fantastic attitude to take but often they will know no boundaries! Rash actions can cause them to bring misfortune upon themselves, misfortune which is often avoidable if they listen to the advice of others when necessary. Unfortunately, many Aries choose to learn the hard way and the result of their actions can leave them feeling a little sorry for themselves when things do not go in the direction that they'd hoped. However, at least they will never look back and say their lives were boring, and indeed many will have no regrets as they accept that it was all a learning curve!

Aries like to bound ahead, often they will enjoy taking a risk as it gives them an adrenaline rush! They need to explore their physical limits in order to develop, but they should also remember the simple expression 'don't run before you can walk'. Learning the basics in life is an essential ingredient to success. Aries like to win and they like to lead. They are more than capable of doing both, especially if they take a step back, consider their options carefully and learn to pace themselves – patience is the key!

The right career path for an Aries is the one which works best for them. It's a personal choice and often down to the individual. However, when taking the Aries personality into account, a dynamic and energetic work environment is definitely worth considering. Aries are not usually solitary individuals so they may feel bored or lonely if they're expected to work alone. Aries will often thrive in noisy environments which others may find distracting or difficult to work amongst. They enjoy interaction as they are brilliant communicators and very interested in attending to the needs of their customers. Aries are ambitious and when the right career path is selected, they will go very far indeed! Those belonging to this star sign cope well under pressure and will attempt to resolve situations very quickly. Their urgent, matter of fact and enthusiastic attitudes make them particularly well suited to careers within the emergency services – fire, ambulance or police. They are also suited to fields such as psychology, dentistry, engineering, travel representation, travel and recruitment consultancy and co-ordination. Many successful musicians belong to the Aries star sign although they are often found playing the loudest of instruments! Aries can positively inspire their co-workers as their good work ethic and eagerness is contagious. They make excellent team members as they give valuable input and they're always keen to get on and finish their work. Aries like variation and can become restless, many require jobs where there are opportunities to move around and progress.

The optimism and energy of the Aries sign is positively reflected in the health of its subjects. Many Aries live very long, happy lives due to their youthful attitudes which they maintain throughout life. Their minds stay young and active, and so do their bodies! The health issues which they do tend to suffer are often minor and related to headaches and kidney disorders. Some will suffer stomach problems which can be caused by over-indulging in rich or spicy foods, or possibly even dairy products. Although Aries live life in the fast lane, they are usually quite laid back in many respects. Their tendency to rush around isn't normally a reaction to the stress or pressures of life, but rather more a reaction to their love and zest for life – a feeling which many less unfortunate individuals are not lucky enough to experience on a day to day basis! Aries is an original, unique star sign that runs its own life as it deems fit, and when it comes to health and well-being, it's undoubtedly found the right balance. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars and its forceful energies also have a strong influence upon the health of the sign. Aries should take care when rushing around as hastiness can lead to injury. They may find themselves becoming accident-prone and suffering bumps and bruises. In particular, they should take care in the kitchen, otherwise they could end up with oven burns and goodness knows what!

Aries have an abundance of energy so many will enjoy team sports or hobbies which grasp their interest and attention. It's important to make time for personal interests but not so much time that other important parts of life are given less priority – finding the right balance is the key here!

When it comes to relationships, Aries love to be in love! They enjoy both the physical and mental sides of a relationship considerably. Aries can fall in love, or lust, very quickly and can sometimes make the mistake of rushing into a permanent commitment too soon. They make fantastic partners as they are dynamic and very exciting to be around. Time spent with them is guaranteed to be fun and entertaining. Some of the other zodiac signs can find it difficult to keep up with an Aries as they are always doing something. Their spontaneous behavior will be likened by some, but probably not by everybody.

The initial chemistry present within a new relationship can seem so strong that Aries become blinded by love. They may feel convinced that they've met the love of their life. However, time may show that it isn't the case as the initial spark burns out quickly. This can leave them feeling hurt, offended and let down. However, Aries do not tend to stay down for long and will often pick themselves up and dust themselves off very quickly! Many will experience a variety of relationships with different types of people before they settle down for good.

Sometimes, Aries should try to view situations from a distance and learn to give relationships the time that they require to develop naturally. Feelings cannot be rushed and potential partners will sometimes prefer to be wooed slowly. Aries need a partner whom they can engage with and trust. They are very passionate and sometimes it may appear that they put the physical side of their relationship before anything else! They are adventurous individuals and should look for a partner who has a good sense of humor, and also enjoys a fun and exciting partnership. Aries are straight-forward people who are frank and direct. Sometimes they fail to recognize deceitful characters as they are not capable of deceit themselves. It can come as a great shock and cause them a lot of hurt if their partner betrays them. Aries will often forgive, but the scars run deep so they may never really forget! The Aries star sign is most compatible with Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius.

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Man

Aries men are bold, charming characters who leave a lasting impression on everybody they meet. Wherever they go, they become noticed as they are not the type of people who simply blend into the background like so many others do. Men from this sign are not usually shy, in fact, they exceed in the art of conversation. They may not realize just how good their people skills are, but without doubt these men are comfortable chatting to anybody, regardless of their background or status.

Aries men enjoy receiving attention as they are fully aware of what they have to offer, they know exactly how to turn on the charm – this could apply in any area of their life whether it's entertaining friends, wooing a potential partner or impressing their boss. They are sharp and witty, and even at the worst of times, they can manage to see the humorous side. Their ability to remain positive throughout the most challenging of times is admirable! Their excellent sense of humor is never far away and they will regularly call upon it, as it's at the core of their personality!

The Aries man oozes energy and charisma, these traits, coupled with their major enthusiasm and strong need to explore their physical limits, naturally leads and inspires others. It is these special characteristics which define the Aries personality and make them so original. Although they find it difficult, now and then they should definitely try to slow down so they can access their options properly before making a decision. They are always in such a rush to move ahead, but this urgent need can lead to some disastrous mistakes in any are of their life! Some things are just too important to rush and it can take Aries a while to learn that they will achieve a lot more with a little more thought!

Aries men are very passionate, they like to blow their partners away! Most men belonging to this sign are attractive, they appear well-groomed and well-dressed – they care for their appearance and want to make a good impression. Meeting potential partners is not a problem to them as are very appealing characters who not only look good, but also have the confidence to show off their charm and other amazing qualities right away. The phrase 'right away' is used because this is literally the actions of a typical Aries - sometimes men from this sign can be so passionate, that intimacy is all they can think about when they meet a new partner. Although the physical side of a relationship is important, many will prefer not to rush this side of things as they enjoy getting to know someone first. The problem is that Aries can fall head of heels very quickly but not everybody can keep up the pace. If they learn to take their time, their success will be far greater!

Aries men seek fun and adventure, they like hanging around with like-minded people who enjoy the banter and having a real laugh. This is all well and good, but distinguishing between real friends and people who are just there for the entertainment, can prove difficult to the innocent Aries who is a good friend to all. Aries are very popular, they are always ready to set off on an adventure which is often very appealing to their friends and partner, providing they can keep up! Males from this sign do not like feeling restricted, monotonous routines simply bore them to tears, so it's important for their own sense of well-being that things are kept fresh and invigorating. Anybody involved with an Aries will understand exactly what this means and will appreciate that they can become very frustrated if their plans are delayed!

To summarise the characteristics and personality traits of a true Aries man, it would be fair to say that he is attractive and impressionable in many ways as he is very exciting, playful, fun, refreshing, humorous, optimistic, passionate, intimate, loving, charismatic, frank and unique. It is important to remember that an Aries man is curious and likes to experiment, he is easily bored and will suffer if life becomes too routine ! Single Aries males can share high levels of compatibility with some of the other signs of the zodiac including Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius. They usually form the best horoscope matches with one of these signs as they seem to win the hearts of single Aries men, bringing out the very best in them!

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Woman

Aries women make wonderful friends, partners, Mothers and co-workers as their personalities are kind, warm, fun and entertaining! They rarely make enemies and tend to be liked by everybody. Women from this sign can make the dullest of situations interesting just by being themselves. Their energy and regular use of humor can brighten the day of even the most miserable of people! This is indeed a talent in itself!

Aries women view the world with awe, they are curious about many aspects of life and will attempt to investigate and delve into the unknown from when they are very young. Their curious minds can get the better of them and although they will have a lot of fun finding out about different things, they may also later regret some of their more careless decisions! Women from this sign can be quite impatient, but not with everything! For example, they make excellent Mothers who have all the patience in the world with their children – teaching them good manners and raising them to the best of their ability. However, they can rush into situations without giving any real prior consideration. Afterwards, they will often wish that they'd thought about it first before barging ahead. However, had they have been restrained by anyone or anything, they would have become very agitated and perhaps a little hot-headed! Aries women are independent and like to abide by their own set of rules, no matter what the opinions of others might be!

Females from the Aries sign can be very sensitive underneath their confident exterior. This often goes unnoticed with new people as they appear so strong on the surface. However, they care about what others think of them and simply detest being undermined or misunderstood. Aries women are frank and will make it clear if comments have upset them. However, others may find it difficult to offer them reassurance if they do not agree with their spontaneous and unconsidered actions. These particular females need to accept that their over-eager approach to life can sometimes be very damaging. Although they like to act promptly when challenges arise, waiting for a little while to analyse things will not hurt, in fact things will probably work out a lot better having done so!

When it comes to relationships, Aries women are never boring! They are pleasurable companions and their spontaneity is often very appealing to their partner. They should look for a partner who is fun and exciting, but also steady and stable as relationship security is very important to Aries. They need someone who can understand and encourage them; someone who will reassure them when times are hard because self-doubt can have a serious impact upon this sign. Their feelings can develop quickly in a new relationship, but they should hold back a little to ensure that it's not too much, too soon for their partner, before declaring their love. Women from this sign enjoy the intimate side of their relationship, however, their strong desires can take over and they can forget some of the other important aspects of their partnership. They should try to balance things, otherwise they may find themselves stuck in a rut if other issues are ignored and allowed to spiral out of control.

Aries women must take care when dealing with their finances. They are spontaneous so they enjoy doing new things and going to different places. This of course, costs money, and as many of their trips will be taken on the spur of the moment, they will not have been planned for financially. Also, females from this sign like to look nice, they care about their appearance and will enjoy keeping up on the latest fashions, spending money on trendy clothes and haircuts. If all of these things are to be accomplished, then it's advisable to put some money aside and save a little. Having said this, Aries women are very ambitious and many will have excellent jobs and top positions, therefore, being self-sufficient and independent enough to live exactly how they wish!

To summarise the characteristics and personality traits of a typical Aries woman, it would be fair to say that she is smart, charismatic, witty and impressionable in many ways. She has lots of strong qualities which make her original and fun including attributes to her personality such as being exciting, passionate, funny, positive, lively and fun-loving. It is important to remember that an Aries woman can be a little sensitive and can be easily upset by critical views and opinions! Single Aries females can share high levels of compatibility with the following zodiac signs; Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius. They usually form the best horoscope matches with one of these outgoing signs as they seem to compliment the personalties of single Aries women, bringing out the very best in them!

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Facts

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, situated before Taurus. Aries is a fire sign (alongside Leo and Sagittarius) and it is ruled by planet Mars. Those belonging to the Aries star sign will have birth dates between 21st March and 20th April.

The zodiac sign of the ram represents the Aries star sign:

The astrological sign of Aries is represented by the ram. This is a representation of the courage of this bold star sign and the Aries ability to persist and barge ahead in order to reach their goals. The ram doesn't allow anything to get in its way, and will not back down!

Aries is a fire sign:

The other signs of the zodiac that are also fire signs are Leo and Sagittarius. Being one of these three fire signs, Aries people stand out as they are some the most energized and youthful characters when compared to the other signs of the zodiac. They are also one of the most fiery, ambitious, independent and optimistic zodiac personalities.

Aries is ruled by Mars:

It is a fact that Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, symbolizing energy, initiative and persuasion. Mars is a forceful planet which strongly influences the Aries personality, giving males and female from this star sign the urgent desire to forge ahead and act quickly.

The Aries birthstone is the diamond:

The diamond is the birthstone of Aries, this is also the stone for the month of April as it symbolizes the month of birth according to the Gregorian Calendar. The diamond can help to influence Aries personality traits and it symbolizes inner-strength and balance. The diamond is associated with relationship enhancement. This particular birthstone has healing properties and is effective for eradicating toxins from the body as well as health problems relating to the pituitary glands and brain diseases.

The diamond is believed to be one of clarity. It is a very popular gift to give to those born between 21st March and 20th April, under the astrological sign of Aries. It is a beautiful stone which is very popular. Diamonds differ in value considerably depending on the cut and quality – some can be very expensive indeed! The color of diamonds can be white, lightly tinted or coloress. It is a very special gem and deemed as being one of the most attractive, diamonds make an excellent gift to purchase for a new born baby, a child, a partner, a new mother or grandmother – hence the expression 'diamonds are a girl's best friend!'

The word 'adamas' is a Greek word meaning hardest metal, it is from this Greek word which the name 'diamond' derives. This reflects the quality of the diamond which is a very tough gemstone.

There are many types of jewellery available in diamond, including rings, earrings, pendants, necklaces and bracelets. If you do purchase a diamond, it is always wise to remember to check that they are fully covered by your home and contents insurance as it may not be something that is covered by a basic, standard insurance policy. It is advisable to gain a valuation for your jewellery and to ask your insurers to state it as a named item on your insurance policy, particularly as some diamonds can be of great value! This will offer you peace of mind if the inevitable were to happen.

Aries is Cardinal:

Aries is one of the cardinal signs; there are four star signs in total which are cardinal signs, in order of their appearance in the zodiac they are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Being a cardinal sign generally symbolizes that the Aries personality is outgoing and giving.

Chapter 1: Aries

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Aries Symbol

The Aries star sign is represented by the symbol of the ram. This astrological animal suitably reflects the Aries personality as it forges ahead, barging its way through obstacles and barriers with little regard for the consequences of its actions. Like Aries people, the ram can also challenge the biggest obstacles to get to where it wants to be – this animal can make its way across the most difficult terrain to reach its mountain top.

The ram is also very courageous and bold, just like the typical Aries personality. Its attitude can be fiery and aggressive, and there is undoubtedly a degree of hot-headiness centred around the Aries sign too!

Mythology says that Zeus made the ram part of the six-starred constellation Aries due to the sacrifices that this animal had to make – it's believed that the ram made its first zodiac chart appearance in Ancient Egypt.

Chapter 1: Aries

Table of Contents


Aries Compatibility

Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac have greater or lesser levels of romantic compatibility with one another. The following information provides a quick overview and insight into the possible levels that the Aries star sign shares with the other signs. For more detailed information, please refer to the relevant pages for each specific sign:

Aries and Aries love compatibility:

An Aries-Aries relationship will certainly be full of passionate times and intimacy, in fact, if they connect initially, they will probably jump straight into a relationship that just concentrates on the physical aspect of it. Once they have come through the honeymoon period, they may or may not find that they are not so compatible after all! As they both make rash decisions, this relationship can be in danger of failing quite quickly. On the other hand, they crave excitement and this is most definitely something which they can provide to one another – there will never be a dull moment between no matter what they are up to!

Taurus and Aries love compatibility:

The two astrological signs of Aries and Taurus have a lot to learn from one another and they do face some challenges within their relationship. Taurus is an Earth sign so they are opposites to the positive, upbeat and excitable Aries. Taurus has very practical views and opinions which can cause Aries to feel deflated as their opinions are not often taken very seriously by them. If Taurus and Aries cannot grow to understand one another, then they will have some great memories to take away with them!

Gemini and Aries love compatibility:

Aries and Gemini usually get along really well and share high levels of relationship compatibility. Gemini is an air sign so they are lively, imaginative and optimistic like the Aries sign. This is a great combination as they have lots of things in common and keep one another entertained. Both are bored by the same old routine so they are sure to have a great deal of fun. This is important to both of them as they can lose focus very easily if they become bored!

Cancer and Aries love compatibility:

Aries and Cancer do not usually make a great combination. Cancerians

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