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Alpha Mike: Seven to Nine
Alpha Mike: Seven to Nine
Alpha Mike: Seven to Nine
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Alpha Mike: Seven to Nine

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In a post-apocalyptic United States David Perkins, a common man with an Air Force warehouseman background is plunged into a lawless environment fraught with danger. His only option is to surrender to the aggressors, or fight back and over time he forms bonds with the only available people he can find who are not being packaged and sent north - women.

Army and Marine Corps trained women have escaped the net and join forces with Perkins, finding him to be a brilliant unconventional thinker, capable of out-smarting the enemy.

Collectively, they live off the land and begin staging militant rescues of other prisoners and escapees. This is book two covering the fourth through sixth year after the "Sickness" plunged the country into chaos.

The Alpha Mike series of books are harsh, adult, filled with disaster, contagion, weather events, killing, death, tragedy, and the realities of living in a country that has been plunged two hundred years into the past.

PublisherBert Marshall
Release dateSep 20, 2012
Alpha Mike: Seven to Nine

Bert Marshall

Bert Marshall lives in Baytown, Texas and is a Baytown Sun Columnist, Blogger, martial artist, geocacher, PC repair specialist, Jeeper, hiker, indoor cycling instructor, past Texas State Emergency Care Attendant, Hunter education instructor, and a USAF Vietnam Veteran with two tours (651 days in-country).

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    Alpha Mike - Bert Marshall

    Alpha Mike One – Seven To Nine

    Bert Marshall

    Copyright Bert Marshall 2012

    Published at Smashwords

    Alpha Mike One – Seven To Nine by Bert Marshall

    Independence Day

    My name is David – better known in the nationwide resistance movement as Major David Perkins of Alpha Mike One. We are a commando militia unit in Jackson, Mississippi and part of the Texas Freedom Coalition attempting to retake the United States of America from the Chinese government who has been given our land as payment for unpaid debt. We occupied a National Guard Compound two years ago and are facing possible attacks by a large Chinese force occupying Fort Polk, Louisiana.

    Six years ago, the United States government made a secret pact with China to hand over our country’s ownership as payment for massive debt, albeit the average citizen would never know it. Things were to continue as before with elections, business, and pleasure, except everything would be controlled by the Chinese financial leaders. This went very smoothly at first until about six months passed and the Chinese, believing they had a simpler solution released a contagion with the intention of eliminating the population and resistance for a full takeover. The intention was to strike down eighty percent of the US population, then move troops in.

    Underestimating the devastating effects of the virus, it reduced the entire world population by eighty percent instead. Within a year, they tried again with even more disastrous results, as it pushed mankind backwards a hundred years due to the elimination of key people. It is universally referred to as The Sickness and no one who was left… unscathed.

    Those of us who survived the initial outbreak became violently ill for many days and witnessed our own military rounding up survivors, then Chinese military mixed with Russian soldiers began to appear and our troops disappeared. I was on my way to Yazoo City, Mississippi to visit an old Air Force buddy and woke up in my Jeep in a trench filled with kudzu vines, as sick and ignorant as the next survivor, but when I witnessed American soldiers shooting and killing a pair of sheriff deputies and their wives, I hid. I’ve been hiding ever since and I am now beginning my seventh year of survival as part of the resistance and commander of Alpha Mike One.

    I am no longer the meek and anemic Texas carpenter, who started this terrible journey lazy, overweight, and a man who enjoyed a cigarette. By some reports, I am the champion of the Resistance, a Ranger-Homesteader, according to the Chinese and a person marked for extreme prejudice and extermination. I am Major David Perkins, the leader of an elite group of women commandos and one Russian soldier who joined the resistance after the Chinese turned on their Russian friends.

    Sitting around the table with me, enjoying our July 4th celebration is SSgt. Bonnie Razo, my gorgeous special forces Cuban-American commando. She speaks eight languages, is totally devoted to the team, is a paramedic and communications expert and has the looks and figure of a Playboy Playmate.

    Next to her is sgt. Jessica Robles, my El Paso fellow Texan, and marine force recon-trained communications expert and tracker. She speaks English, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese and stands just five feet tall. She is utterly devoted to me and although a linguist, she rarely speaks.

    Beside her is Hua Tong, whom we call Flower. She is the mother of my baby son who died recently. We captured and liberated her from a Chinese garrison we killed in Jackson when we first arrived and with her are ten more elderly Chinese servants who wait on us hand and foot. Flower is a crack shot with an AK-47 and limps from a war wound which I unknowingly inflicted during a hostage rescue. I killed her husband. She knows it, but keeps it secret from me.

    On her right is Maison Bouraine, the Cajun preacher’s daughter we rescued and who is becoming a fine soldier. Maison was a Number Four, a prisoner of the Chinese who was used first in the pleasure houses and then as a pack animal, before she was abducted by a renegade band of American patriots who were more self-serving than anything and we violently liberated her from them in one of my berserk moments. She has thick long black hair and a pronounced Cajun accent.

    When I say berserk moments, I am talking about a state of mind I reportedly enter, which causes me to do crazy and violent things in battle. To be honest, I have no memory of any of it.

    Sitting slightly in front of her is Carmen and Belinda Mendoza, my twin Cuban-American North Georgia fighters. They were liberated with Maison and only eighteen years old. They were Number Four’s also and sport the wrist tattoos all Number One’s through Number Four’s wear. Once the Chinese brand you, you are branded for life and if you escape and are caught, they shoot you without a trial or second thought.

    Number One’s and Two’s are U.S. citizen traitors who carry guns and fight for the new Chinese government. They are New Patriots and I’ve seen them rape and kill other American people and prisoners. In the words of the South, I shoot em dead, when I encounter them.

    Holly Janine Weatherly, the Bossier City, Louisiana girl is slightly above and behind the twins and her blue eyes are the first thing you see when you look at her. She is new to us and we adopted her into our clan after rescuing her. She escaped in Atlanta and was making her way across country when we found her, sick and almost at death’s door.

    Holding Holly’s hand is Amanda Berger, the ex-navy, Lansing, Michigan fighter we rescued along the way and she has the wrist tattoos of a Number Three. Amanda has an electronics background, is a solid asset, and I trust her completely.

    Beside me finishing the circle is Denise Buttons Trahan, my exhibitionist fighter, counselor, lover, and best friend with her big Russian mate, Leif Rollov. Buttons has extremely large and firm breasts and rarely wears a shirt, feeling that it is her duty to share them with the world. She is a captain in the air force and a pararescue-trained fighter, or PJ and my right hand man. She is an Amazon warrior who is utterly fearless. She talks like a Detroit whore and fights like a berserker Viking goddess, using the M249 machine gun like it is an extension of her strong arms. She also dips Copenhagen snuff and laughs very loud, often throwing her head back and braying like a mule.

    Leif Rollov, after losing Brent Cox, is the only other man in our clan. He’s a Russian Sergeant who was on his own after witnessing the Chinese kill his entire platoon. He is a good strong man who follows his Button around like a horn dog and he has a love of life we all appreciate. He also provides a bit of entertainment to the various female members of our troop, as Buttons just can’t handle him poking and prodding her every night. As long as Leif is discreet, Buttons is happy for the respite.

    With our Chinese servants, we are twenty people in a town that at one time housed over a half million souls. We have a great deal of resources, as the Chinese, who had at one time ruled over this city, hid massive caches of food and supplies and we have been busy reinforcing our compound against aggressors, with six .50 caliber machine gun emplacements.

    The Chinese over the last six years have made two additional attempts to kill off the population using biotoxin agents and each attempt has been as bad as or worse than the initial release. The viruses became aerosol and crossed the oceans, killing people, animals, and birds. For reasons we don’t understand, feral pigs, unaffected by the disease now roam in great numbers, eating anything living or dead. Specimens have been killed weighing in excess of fourteen hundred pounds.

    The weather is also doing crazy things and we have lost people over the post-Sickness years due to heat and frigid extremes. It snows in May and July. It rains for days on end, and then gives way to drought. We’ve lost good people to accidents and even one suicide. All the death and killing has had a very unpleasant effect on me as a leader. I have terrible nightmares and because of this, I often go long periods without actually sleeping. I’m naturally a quiet person and keep everything bottled up until I have a meltdown and my team of warriors is very understanding and protective of me.

    They tell me I wig out and often after a battle of extreme violence I have no memory of my part in it, or heroics, according to them. They say I lead them to a place of safety and then using one excuse or another; leave and face the enemy alone. I don’t know, as I simply don’t remember, but take their word as gospel.

    The Chinese know pretty much where we are in Jackson, Mississippi, but every time they’ve sent an elite hit squad to ferret us out, we kill them first. They have very limited fuel and no aircraft, as the resistance across the country has effectively shut down all refineries and chemical plants and resort to sending soldiers on foot to get to us. On top of that, the contagions have wrecked havoc on their own soil, causing many to return to China and regroup. In the last six months we are getting reports they are massing again and have reopened Fort Polk, Louisiana which was once held by the Texas Freedom Coalition.

    There is one more thing that is important to bring out in our post-apocalyptic world – we share ourselves with each other. The women and Leif and I have needs and all of us are lonely, or would be, if it were not for the intimacy we share. It never takes place in the presence of others and is discreet for the most part, but it happens. The only stipulation is the men wear condoms, as we have learned the disastrous consequences of pregnancy in our new world.


    Is that a plane? Bonnie, covering her eyes, blurts suddenly and we jump up from the rooftop table and all look where she points. We are in the middle of a celebration of life banquet and the table is spread with food. A few days earlier we lost Brent Cox to an accident.

    Flower! Get my binoculars! I yell out to the woman who birthed my baby, only to lose it to the fourth contagion. She hobbles over and pulls a set from my kit bag by the stairway. Hua Tong, who we call Flower limps due to a bullet wound fired from my own weapon. Her husband and she were ferrying prisoners in a semi-truck and cattle trailer when my team ambushed them, killing her husband. She remembered my face plain as day when we liberated them from the Chinese garrison right here in Jackson. She has never regretted her decision to join us and I love the good woman. She, like all of the Chinese servants, calls me Master.

    Here Master! She says and lays the optics in my hand.

    What tha heck? I say and looking through them and handing the binoculars to Bonnie. I rarely if ever curse, but Bonnie and especially Buttons show no compunction to control their language.

    It’s a fucking giant bird of some kind, or I’m a New Orleans floozy. Buttons says and I swear, her firm breasts jut out in front of her defying gravity. She has her hands on her hips and sticks out her hand toward Bonnie.

    Let me see, Bonnie. Captain Denise Buttons Trahan says and steps up and takes a look. Now in Buttons case, her breasts actually protrude out further than the glasses. She has a world class set of knockers, her own words and right now they are devoid of restraint or clothe. For their size, they are remarkably firm too, only sagging a modest amount.

    In between her golden globes are her dog tags – somewhere.

    What the fuck? It is a bird and ginormous one too. I think it's a condor. She says, handing the glasses to Jessica. Two more pair of binoculars suddenly appear and everyone is watching the giant bird, which is not more than a half mile away.

    It's a sign, an auspicious sign. Flower announces and we turn and look at the woman who can be surprisingly eloquent at times. When she gets lazy or very excited, her English gets humorously choppy and broken, but at the moment, she is feeling very good. It helps that she has had four glasses of wine too. I want to toast Master David and what all he has done for our clan.

    With this statement everyone begins to toast me and I stand and hold up an aged bottle of Lone Star beer in appreciation. We all drink and laugh and I refrain from making a speech. In front of everyone, I give the thirty-seven year old Flower a big kiss on the mouth and in a rare moment, I pinch her small butt where everyone can see it. The Chinese woman who is quick to share herself with me in private is very modest in public and this causes her to pull rapidly away from me and my clan gets a good laugh. She laughs too and shakes her finger at me, which causes me to chase her around the roof.

    I sweep her up into my arms and to much cat-calls and whistles and feeling powerful and dominant, I carry her down the stairs to my bed.

    We are back thirty minutes later and Flower’s cheeks are very rosy and she’s embarrassed to think everyone knows what we just did in private. As prim and proper as the small Asian woman is in public, she is quite loud and lively in private. Since the loss of our son, we have both been wounded and haven’t really been as intimate as we were before, so today was a very good thing for both of us.

    We are eating roast pig, ducks, geese and canned vegetables and Jessica has the speaker set up and one of the fifty-six CD’s she found in town is playing. She will only play one CD in its entirety once per day – her rules and today’s is The Allman Brothers – Eat a Peach album and goes perfectly with our celebration of our freedom.

    The only one of us not in attendance is Holly Janine Weatherly. When we first rescued Holly, she had been raped close to three hundred times since she was captured over four years ago at age sixteen. She was totally mute for the first two weeks and only about a month ago did she appear in my bed one morning when I returned to it. I was very surprised to say the least, but the twenty-one year old blonde with blue eyes proved to me she was ready. We haven’t gone more than four consecutive days since that day without her being in my bed, or spending the night there.

    She is on guard duty and from her perch high above the compound; she is enjoying the nice breeze. She too saw the condor and was going to call it out, or ring the alarm bell, but didn’t want to disturb the party. From her vantage point she can see a long way into the city and she shakes her head and looks down the street. Was that movement, or are her eyes playing tricks on her? There it is again!

    She raises the binoculars and studies the corner building five blocks away. There is a shadow… A soldier with a gun! She reaches behind her and tugs sharply on the heavy monofilament line that is routed to a large bell in the foyer. Clang! Clang! Clang!

    As one, we stop everything and scramble off the roof. I alone have my kit and shotgun at the party, as we haven’t had cause for alarm in a long time and I dash up the stairs to the observation deck, taking the stairs three at a time. Before I am all the way up, the music stops and I arrive beside Holly, who I screwed early this morning, and she excitedly tells me she saw a soldier and describes where he was.

    Of all my females, Holly, who was not a soldier, loves to wear summer dresses and right now she has on a light yellow soft dress and with her hair, she looks very feminine and beautiful. As I study the terrain, she wraps her arms around me from behind and I can tell she is afraid. Don’t worry doll face, we will handle this. I say, never taking my eyes away from the glasses. I see nothing, but if Holly said there was a soldier out there, I believe her. We live in constant fear of snipers, who can take a head shot at a thousand meters. We lost two youngsters in this very spot to a famed Nigerian sniper.

    Flower! Come up here and bring a pair of binoculars! I say going down the stairs very quickly. I want two pair of eyeballs up there. She obeys without a question and begins to hobble up the stairs, taking it slow, but steady. She doesn’t let her injury keep from her duties and I cop a feel of her butt when she goes past me.

    Buttons. You and Leif go out the back with Bonnie and me. Y’all go north and we’ll flank around south. Radio check. I say and each of us have a FRS radio and check in. Let’s roll. Buttons has her M249 machine gun; Leif and Bonnie are carrying AK-74 rifles, and me? I have my venerated Mossberg 590 Special Edition 12-gauge shotgun, loaded with nine triple-aught buckshot shells. Don’t engage if the odds are against you." I say and Bonnie shakes her head. I have been guilty of that very thing so many times; she can’t believe I said it. Hell, one time Buttons killed nine men, wiping out an entire patrol, without the team firing a single round.


    Colonel Chin Tok-Li himself picked Captain Ham Li Chong to lead this recon patrol into Jackson, Mississippi and it’s taken him and his six soldiers ten days to get here due to the feral hogs. When he found out that four of his team were American female Number Two’s, he was a bit miffed, but the honorable colonel promised they are totally loyal and have a distinguished record of support and obedience. His two Mongol sergeants are both battle-hardened and although he had never met them, they are indeed solid soldiers, albeit almost totally mute.

    Over the ten days, the women have been obedient in sharing themselves with the three men and now he feels confident they can be trusted to go against the venerated Alpha Mike One. Captain Ham Li Chong is very attracted to the smallest of the four, Brenda Joseph. She’s an islander and very black. He is very attracted to black women and her accent is French English. She is just seventeen and from Saint Kitts. It didn’t take the good captain long to find out the young woman would do anything he asks of her – anything, including sodomy.

    He is determined to make her his number one pet when they return. The other three don’t interest him. He finds them physically unattractive, but the Mongols seem to have a different opinion and each night both men indulge in them repeatedly, like the filthy animals they appear to be. He finds it disgusting, the way they grunt and strike the women. The women, all of them under twenty years of age, don’t seem to mind though and as long as they fight the enemy, he turns a blind eye toward the beastly behavior.

    He has all but decided that the troops who are missing are not in this town and wants to get a better recon of the compound. He has sent the Mongols and the three girls on ahead while he and his black beauty engage in his favorite pastime. He has her hips in his hands and she is taking him in one inch at a time until he finally meets her with his body. The heavens! he cries out with his eyes closed and shakes with enormous release, totally unable to contain himself any longer.

    The sudden sound of a machine gun firing interrupts him and although Brenda doesn’t pull away, he does. He jumps to his feet and his pants catch around his ankles and he hops sideways four good leaps before losing his balance and smacks his forehead on the sink, knocking out four of his top teeth and three on the bottom. He rolls over on his back and his eyes are full of blood and his sight is cloudy. His head is spinning and he is having trouble gaining his feet, when he feels a blindingly sharp pain in his chest, just below his heart.

    Brenda Joseph pulls the captain’s twelve inch razor sharp Texas Bowie knife from her rapist’s chest and with both hands drives it in an inch higher with such force, it goes all the way to the hilt. Twice more she stabs the small man, her own pants still around her ankles. She has just been sexually abused for the last time and at seventeen years old; this man was the worst of the lot of maybe fifty men. She finds a paper towel and cleans herself as the shooting continues out in the street. She has been raised to believe this is the life she should desire, but over the course of the last ten days, she’s decided to quit the New Government and join the Resistance. The other women and the two animals from Mongolia can all go to hell for all she cares.

    Picking up the captain’s rifle and ammo along with her own – and the large sheath knife, she slowly descends the stairs. Arriving two blocks behind the others, she can plainly see them, or what’s left of them, as two of the women are lying dead in the street. They are hunkered down and shooting toward the compound area.

    From the safety of the Stop and Go Mart, she sights on the back of the head of the lone Mongol on the north side of the street and squeezes off a deadly round from her rifle. The Mongol soldier and American female Number Two on the south side of the building see the man fall onto his knees and dropping his rifle fall face up on the sidewalk and renew their efforts.

    Pow! Pow! – Pow! POW! Benda fires four shots, killing both, and then fires into their downed bodies a second time.


    What tha fuck, Leif? Buttons says and then points.

    Both Bonnie and I see her too and we don’t move. It is a black female New Patriot; they note her unique uniform, and she is waving a white towel over her head. Approaching her cautiously, we bind her and recover her weapons and the weapons of the others and take her into the compound. She stinks to high heaven after being on the road for ten days and is very talkative, telling us everything she thinks we want to hear. We do indeed want to hear everything, as we are starved for news of any kind, so we listen. I command Bonnie to see to it she’s bathed and pulling her off to the side I remind her this woman is a Number Two and everything in me tells me to kill her right now.

    I’m on it Daddy. She says and then looks into my eyes and surprises me a bit. This ain’t my first rodeo, David. We keep this one. Trust me.

    I like to see Bonnie take control, but I am still not secure having the woman here and I tell her I don’t care how many of her own she killed. I’ll be on her night and day, Daddy. She winks and takes Brenda Joseph off to clean the funk off of her.

    "Folks, we have a renegade Number Two inside the compound, who just killed four of her own. No one goes anywhere without their weapon. She will remain bound until I give the order to either kill her or release her and Bonnie is watching her.

    Brenda Joseph has short kinky brownish hair and is not what I would describe as pretty, unless I preceded it with the word slightly. Her teeth are very white and big for her small mouth, giving her the appearance of a protruding jaw. She speaks in French accented English though, which has a certain charm to it and when she smiles, her whole face brightens. She tells the story of visiting her grandmamma in Baton Rouge when she was twelve when the Sickness broke out.

    She was the personal sex slave of an American Number One for four years and he beat her daily until she appealed to the Chinese to become a Number Two. That was last year and she was immediately taken as the toy of a Chinese captain. She admits she has killed for the Chinese on two occasions, but was under their supervision and had no choice. She also goes to great lengths to explain the education process all American fighters are subject to.

    Without me asking, the woman disrobes and shows me her back. It is an ugly gallery of whip scars, so many that there are scars on top of scars. She has a very lean and tight body with small upturned breasts, tight stomach and full female hips and thighs. Her body reminds me of Elaine Badass Morrison, one of my long time team members who was killed last year by a Number One.

    You understand you will be kept under very strict guidelines. Listen very carefully. If you are seen touching a weapon, my team will kill you. Ssgt Razo will watch and provide for you until the day comes, if it comes, that I relax our vigilance. Do you understand this?

    She nods yes. Okay then. Bonnie? I say and Bonnie takes the woman out of my sight.


    Someone else has been inside the giant Costco warehouse besides us and they didn’t bother to secure the doors. The Chinese had cached large amounts of materiel and anything of value they thought they would need in six secure booby-trapped buildings and we’ve utilized just three over the last two years. The first one was a SYSCO distribution point, the second this one, and a third is a Sam’s Club warehouse on the west side of town. Two of these booby-trapped buildings killed three of our team in two incidents and I call on Jessica and Bonnie to reset the explosive trap on this door. It was there, but had failed to trigger.

    I pity them if they are with the resistance, but we cannot allow our supplies to be compromised and we surely can’t watch the place twenty-four hours a day. Loading up four full pallets of food onto the trailer, we put the Dodge truck in gear and drive off slowly. We haven’t gone a half mile when we hear a loud crunching noise behind us and the four of us turn as one and look backward.

    It was a terrific explosion and we instinctively know someone has attempted to access the warehouse door. Turning the truck and trailer around, Bonnie man’s the 5.56mm caliber machine gun in the bed and we drive back to the warehouse feeling both excitement and apprehension.

    On the dock in front of the door is a man and woman and two kids and they’re dead, torn to pieces by the shaped charge. We stand and stare at them and no one speaks. The door is damaged pretty badly and if we don’t repair it, the hogs with ruin this place before morning. Okay, let’s drag these poor folks away from the door and put them over there. I say, pointing at an open patch of tall weeds fifty meters distant.

    No one mentions the people again and Leif and I come back with my two warriors and we weld up the door with spare metal, using an onboard welder on the Dodge. It takes Bonnie and Jessica fifteen minutes to reset the deadly trap and we leave the family where we dumped them.

    Is one thing I don like. Leif says and he speaks for all of us.


    Major Michelle Mathis-Perkins has sat around Kelly air force base in San Antonio for the last two years hearing reports that Alpha Mike One is openly holding the entire city of Jackson, Mississippi, regardless of who or what commando team the Chinese has thrown at it. She feels impotent to help her husband and as a parajumper, she is a natural leader and fighter. She hasn’t seen her husband in three years and since their baby died, all she has wanted to do is join him. Tomorrow she will get her chance.

    Last night a raggedy bunch of warriors from the Louisiana First Militia came in by truck, led by Tara Lynn-Boyles and they were in contact with David two months ago. She only had three of her team of twenty-two left and one is a sixteen year-old girl.

    Tara Lynn-Boyles, well rested and fed, points at a map to where she believes Alpha Mike One is located. It’s an old Air National Guard compound, if I remember correctly, Major. She says and Michelle sizes up the butch-looking SF woman and asks her point blank, Captain, if I can get us a ride, would you and your XO like to go to Jackson with me?

    Damned straight I would, Major. I didn’t get into this fight to run and Perkins is one man I could serve under.

    Michelle laughs at her choice of words and the woman well remembers her last night under David Perkins. I may not have said that quite right, Ma’am. She says apologetically.

    No, you said it right alright. David is all man in that department I know and I love him anyway. She looks at the strong alpha female in front of her and wonders…

    No Ma’am, I am not, I just look like I am. I can’t help it. I grew up on a horse ranch and ranch life can be hard. My XO and I are lovers. Have you met Travis Montgomery? Tara says matter of factly and she whistles.

    A handsome good looking man of about twenty-five steps in the door and salutes Michelle. She salutes, and then shakes his hand. Your boss has just agreed to go with me to Jackson and hook up with Alpha Mike One and guess who’s going with us?

    Oh! They’ve got a Russian tank in the compound, but no ammo. Do you suppose we could resupply them also?

    I think we can arrange to bring some in and a few mortars and rifle ammo also. Anything else you can think of?

    Toilet paper! Both women begin to laugh. And Kotex, she adds.


    Alpha Mike One, Alpha Mike One, come in, over. Bonnie and Jessica are both asleep, wrapped up tight in the cool bedding next to the commo table and major Michelle Mathis-Perkins’ voice sounds so clear it scares them. Both women jump to their feet. It is 0555 hours and no one is up yet, but Jessica switches the speaker to broadcast over the interior of the compound.

    Alpha Mike One, go!

    Alpha Mike One, confirm your location with smoke, we are coming in hot. ETA 0610. Out.

    Hooah! Bonnie says and the expression on her face is so funny Jessica grabs her ears and kisses her mouth, her first actual kiss with the woman. Oh my God, doll! A helicopter! A fucking helicopter! Bonnie says and she is tugging her BDU britches over her wide hips and hopping around in a circle.

    I am instantly at the door of the commo room and my eyes are as wide as saucers. That voice! Is all I can say and my eyes fill with tears.

    Oh my God, Boss! That is Michelle’s voice! Buttons says from behind me.

    Quick, get some smoke up on the roof! I say and look at my Casio watch. Three minutes! Three minutes people! I scream like a kid at Christmas and forgetting that I am not wearing a shirt, I dash up the stairs toward the roof. Leif runs up behind me and hands me a purple smoke grenade. The sun is just coming up behind me casting a brilliant finger of light off to the west when in the distance, I spot a blinking red light and it is indeed coming in fast.

    I pull the pin on the smoke canister and toss it downwind of us and keying my FRS radio at the same time, tell Jessica I just tossed down a purple smoke. Almost instantly, the helicopter turns toward us and I hear the most beautiful voice in the world say, We’ve got purple smoke.

    Roger the purple smoke. Set down in the courtyard, over. Jessica’s voice belies the fact that she is so excited she pees her pants a little bit. As one, all of us run out to the compound as the bird drops down suddenly, flairs, and sets down on the tires with only a slight bump. Jumping down is a trim dark-haired woman in NOMEX and she and David have a head-on collision in front of everyone.

    Word passes very quickly that the woman is David’s wife and one by one the chopper delivers its occupants, including Captain Daphne Willoughby, our British helicopter pilot of old. Sgt. Dan Curtis hops out, all excited about seeing his lover, Kim-Ly, not knowing she is long dead. Tara Lynn-Boyles and her crew are last to dismount and everyone is so caught up with the Michelle and Daphne, no one pays attention to them.

    Dan Curtis sees Buttons, bare-breasted and it so confuses him, he salutes her. She dismisses his excited appreciation of her ample chest and the crazy salute and hugs the man, smashing her pendulant breasts against him. He has had all the women he wanted over the last two years, but Buttons nakedness confuses him and he suddenly just blurts out he wants to see Kim-Ly.

    Buttons looks at his big grin and then at the ground and slowly shakes her head side to side.

    One look at her homely face is all he needs to know she is dead and he turns away and inexplicably begins to cry. Buttons ushers him over to Holly Weatherly and explains to her that the big man needs someone right now honey, and leaves him with her.

    The chopper is a giant Chinook and has two hundred mortar rounds and four tubes inside it, along with fifty rounds for the tank and much more and Bonnie seeing I am very preoccupied gets everyone to work unloading everything.

    I have one question I have to ask my beautiful wife before I ask her anything else. How long can you stay, Mike?

    My drop-dead beautiful Jewish wife looks into my eyes and drops her first bombshell. We only had fuel for a one-way trip, David. What she just told me is, there is no baby David. She would never leave him. I don’t ask. She will tell me in due time. I stand and loudly proclaim drinks are on the house. I have eyes only for my gorgeous wife and like Bonnie, she has a body made to be in a men’s magazine and my female team members see in her everything they are not. She is beautiful and David hasn’t looked this happy since they left Fort Polk over two years ago, well, maybe closer to three.

    Our Chinese servants hearing the master’s wife is here begin to crank out the roasted duck and geese and bow in front of her like she is royalty. It is the best day in my life. It is also the day Jessica Robles decides she just lost me for good.

    For the last six months Jessica has seen David slipping further away from her, as Amanda Berger, Maison Bouraine, and the Mendoza twins get more and more of David’s time and affection. She spends hours sitting at the commo desk listening for transmissions and reading the beat-up copy of the King James Bible she procured on one of their many foraging trips. She has vacillated between what the Bible teaches concerning fornication and adultery and her long standing love affair with David and now with his wife here, she realizes it is indeed God’s will that she break from him.

    The trouble is, she loves him and he is the only man who has shared her bed over the last four years. She will have to leave the compound, but to where?

    While she is pondering this, Michelle, who has been on the ground less than ten minutes, is in the depths of passion for the first time in three years, as her husband makes violent love to her. She knows he has not been celibate and doesn’t blame him for his infidelity. It hurts her as before, but now, she is here and things will be different. She is sure of it. In all the time they were apart, she was totally faithful to him and with more available women than men, men have their pick. Hardly a day would go by when a man wouldn’t offer to entertain her, but she never wavered in her faithfulness to her husband.

    Michelle is a thirty-three year old world class trophy woman and even Bonnie recognizes the queen is in the house – a position she has held for the last three years. Bonnie could have David any time she wanted and did - picking and choosing when she was in the mood, but with Michelle here, that leaves only the pile-driver Leif – or Dan Curtiss… Dan is a nice guy, but not her type and Daphne with her thick red hair already is making overtures toward him, as is the wispy Holly.

    As happy as Bonnie is to have the new people in their compound, she is equally distressed about the amount of new estrogen they bring. They’ve shifted the dynamic of leadership also, as Michelle is a major and Daphne is a captain, bumping her two full rungs down

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