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Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed
Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed
Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed
Ebook148 pages2 hours

Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed

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Have you ever dreamed of Sacking Your Boss and Starting Your Own Successful Business - working with Dogs?
At last, this couple of over 15 years full time experience of running a fantastically successful Dog Walking service spill the beans on how you can make a great living while living a great life! This brand new eBook in over 36,000 insightful words across 12 essential chapters teaches you all you need to know about turning your life around starting today.
You don’t need qualification or experience and with all the golden insider secrets available to you in this new book you will soon be delighting your customers and their dogs running a business dedicated to following your passion –dogs!
John & Shirley cover everything from the benefits and joy you can expect to the decisions you need to take early on to ensure near instant success. The tricks of the trade are handed to you on a plate - experience that has taken years to hone into the perfect business plan for practically anyone prepared to believe in themselves and the deserved success that awaits them.
Topics cover the easy ways to get customers; the experts guide to walking dogs and having fun; the clothes and equipment that make this career a pleasure rather than a pain, along with everything else you need to make YOUR business a success!
If you want the respect of your family and your community providing a much needed and professional Dog Walking service for your locality don’t wait another second download Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed right now and start the business you always wanted with the support and guidance of the real life experts. People that walk the walk, literally! – and are operating their successful business today while also helping those that have the drive and commitment to turn their passion into their lifestyle. Download NOW! Recommended.
Janice K from Malta said "I have just finished reading and enjoyed every word. The style of writing just flowed and was so easy to follow...I cannot think of any more info it needs as you seem to have all the bases covered."

PublisherJohn Church
Release dateSep 26, 2012
Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed

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    Book preview

    Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed - John Church

    Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed

    By John & Shirley Church

    Text Copyright © 2012

    John Church

    Pet Care Business Coach™

    All Rights Reserved

    1st Edition

    This ebook is licensed (not sold) for your personal enjoyment only. You may not sell, rent, lease, distribute, broadcast, sublicense, or otherwise assign any rights to the digital content or any portion of it to any third party. If you would like to share this book please purchase additional copies. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please respect the hard work of this author and purchase your own copy. Thank you.

    Published by at Smashwords

    Dedicated to those that Dare to Dream of Making a Great Living, Living a Great Life!

    Table of Contents


    Welcome & Introduction

    Chapter One: Enjoy Yourself

    Chapter Two: Who Do You Think You Are?!

    Chapter Three: Fit & Tanned For Giving the Dog a Hand!

    Chapter Four: Safety First

    Chapter Five: What’s the Dress Code Today?

    Chapter Six: Kit Inspection!

    Chapter Seven: How Should I Get Around?

    Chapter Eight: You’re A Professional So Prove It and Get Paid

    Chapter Nine: How To Get Customers?

    Chapter Ten: Going The Extra Mile

    Chapter Eleven: Respect Due!

    Chapter Twelve: At Your Service


    I am not a writer, I am a Dog Walker. This work is not intended to be a literary masterpiece but a concise digest of information to aid those passionate about realising their dreams of working with dogs in their own business, to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently.

    This course has specifically NOT been written as a Training Manual – otherwise I would have just sent you my Staff Handbook and told you to get on with it! No, I wanted to put more flesh on the bones than that. You have been provided with all the information you will need to avoid the pitfalls and get up and running in double quick time into a very successful business with that little bit more. I’ve tried to flow through a narrative style including TOP TIPS and anecdotes of my own business experiences to help illustrate the points being made.

    I hope this meets with your approval and will be very interested in your thoughts. You are invited to contact me via;

    Twitter: @PetCareBizCoach


    Websites: www.petbizpublications &




    I hope you enjoy my insights into how you can launch your own Successful Best-in-Breed Dog Walking Service operation

    John Church

    Pet Care Business Coach™

    Welcome & Introduction

    Welcome and thank you for downloading Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed. We think it’s the best information available anywhere on launching and running a successful Dog Walking service business. Why? Because we have been called the most successful rurally based Dog Walking business in the UK, so we know what we are doing!

    We have been running a full time Dog Walking business from our Dorset village location very successfully since 2005. It’s not a hobby, it’s not a side-line it’s a professional business that provides the income we live on and at the same time offers us the pleasure of working with lovely, friendly dogs all day long!

    If you have ever wanted to break free from your current situation but just didn’t know how or thought you needed qualifications and experience then this could be just what you are looking for. We are going to tell you what we have learnt over the years that will set you up quickly and help you avoid the pitfalls – so that you can be running your very own successful Dog Walking business fast – perhaps in 30 days or less!

    All you need is to be confident around dogs, reasonably fit and have a CRB Certificate (if you don’t, we will tell you why you need one and how to get one fast).

    The reason I have written Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed is that my wife (Shirley) and I share a passion in Raising the Bar on Dog Walking services. We have seen so many fly-by-nights and amateurs and so many dog owners let down and even cheated (and stolen from) by them that we want to kick them out and promote a Professional Image for this terrific industry.

    Shirley and I wish you every success in your Best-in-Breed Dog Walking Service. Several years ago we took the plunge. Moving to an area of the country we wanted to be (Jurassic Coastline of Dorset in South West England). Leaving behind jobs we hated and didn’t satisfy us. To create a very successful business of our very own even when EVERYONE thought we would fail. We didn’t and when you read Dog Walking for Pleasure & Profit Unleashed you will find out why and how you can benefit from our experience and go from strength to strength in your own highly successful Dog Walking venture.

    So, may we please now have your full attention as we cover;

    Getting to know your Neighbourhood and your Neighbours; Tricks of the Trade and Golden Rules about walking Dogs; Building Trust, Experience and a GREAT Reputation and how this can blow away issues of price. We look at the other benefits of the business – Trim, Fit & Healthy living and at Health & Safety. We recommend the best Clothing, Accessories and Equipment. Next we challenge your level of commitment before examining Transportation, Emergencies and Contingency Plans. We tell you how to Set Up your Office, carry out your Daily Service Routines and Best ways to acquire Clients. We discuss Customer Satisfaction and how to get Paid by Happy Clients by building Loyalty and Giving Back to earn Respect in the community and for Yourself.

    Chapter One: Enjoy Yourself

    How Well Do You Know Your Neighbourhood?


    This is your opportunity to get out there in the big outdoors. Even if you are new to the area within a few weeks you will know more about where you live than anyone else around! Take a walk – or several- looking always for the perfect dog walking location. Is it secure, safe from hazards and traffic? Will you be able to control your ‘charges’?

    Keep an eye out for footpath signs or better yet get a map or go online looking for public rights of way. You’ll need to abide by local laws on access for dogs – some places are stricter than others. Your council is bound to have a website with information relevant to dog walkers. For example should you be near the coast, which beaches you can use and when; whether dogs have to be on lead or under close control (the difference can be quite significant for a dog walker). Do some online or library research and get out there yourself and to get to know where you live!


    Another great way to find out about your area and it’s suitability for dog walking is to simply ask. When you are out and about doing your research and you spot someone walking their dog – have a chat! Simples – I find if you compliment someone (sincerely) on their 4 legged friend (you should be able to find some aspect of the dog worthy of a compliment!) they will be happy to talk. After all you are obviously a dog lover and can appreciate the best dog on the block, i.e. theirs! Chatting to the locals will soon furnish you with all you need to know about where you can - and just as important – where you can’t walk a dog. Plus you’ll learn a lot of tips along the lines of who’s got mad/bad and ferocious dogs and the attitudes of their owners!


    Ok, you’ve done your own research both on foot and online (or with a good map). You’ve passed some time having a nice chat with lots of dog owners (I hope you’ve also been sounding them out on whether they or their friends/family will have a need of your services!) Better yet I hope you pressed a business card into their eager hands and asked them to pass on the word. Now it’s time to put your thinking cap on. I’ve found from time to time it is very useful to have a backup dog walking spot or two available. You never know when access to the main places can be restricted or withdrawn. I’ve seen it all – Police shutting the car park leading to dog walking areas if they’ve found something suspicious (seriously). Farmers planting or reaping crops and of course moving their livestock onto your favourite dog walk. There are any number of reasons why I have what we call the emergency field. It’s a place where very few people walk dogs or even know of – there’s usually somewhere around but you have to think out of the box. I’ve been using mine for years – I’m not sure whether I’m allowed or not – but hey ho – no one’s ever chased me off and I know a small number of other locals have used it from time to time.

    Better yet – have you got your own field – or could you rent (or barter) for the use of one (make sure it’s secure though)

    How Well Do You Know Your Neighbours?

    Be Friendly

    You will soon be setting yourself up as a local (very important) service provider – so now is the time to put on a smile and be friendly to everyone you meet in your locale. You might as well get used to smiling as pretty soon you’ll be doing a lot of it, once you are running your successful dog walking service! We’ve already discussed talking to local dog walkers but remember just about everyone either has or knows someone who has a dog so talk to everyone with a happy disposition never forgetting to mention that you LOVE dog walking and do you happen to know anyone that might need a professional, reliable dog walker?

    Dog Walkers

    People walking their dogs are an obvious first port of call but don’t be offended by some less than enthusiastic responses on occasion. Sometimes you meet people who take it as a personal affront that you might expect that they can’t walk their own dog. Not a problem simply point out how useful it might be to have someone that knows their dog really well. Who can be there should they become ill and unable to give Fido the walks he requires – or perhaps they are out at work for long periods. If they still don’t get it – move on. There are plenty of dog owners who will be only too pleased of the opportunity to have a professional get to know their dog. Talk to local business owners as well they will have a wealth of local contacts that they can either pass

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