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Anne of Ingleside
Anne of Ingleside
Anne of Ingleside
Ebook365 pages6 hours

Anne of Ingleside

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Anne Shirley, the red-haired girl from Green Gables, is now a mother herself - still occasionally as impetuous as the young girl she once was, but also with a more practical side to her nature. Ingleside is a busy and contented place, home for Anne, Gilbert and their six lively children. But then Gilbert's maiden aunt comes to stay and for a while the peace is sadly strained.

Release dateSep 26, 2012

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maude Montgomery (1874-1942) was born on Prince Edward Island, Canada, the setting for Anne of Green Gables. She left to attend college, but returned to Prince Edward Island to teach. In 1911, she married the Reverend Ewan MacDonald. Anne of Green Gables, the first in a series of "Anne" books by Montgomery, was published in 1908 to immediate success and continues to be a perennial favorite.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was disappointed with this book. Ten years have passed since the previous book and Anne is now the mother of six children! Sadly, she was hardly in the story. Instead, the chapters focused on the various Blythe children and read more like a collection of short stories rather than a cohesive novel. However, with only two more books to go in the series, I will continue following Anne's journey.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    2.5** This is the sixth book in the series that follows the irrepressible Anne Shirley as she grows from a young orphan to adulthood. NOTE: Spoilers ahead if you haven’t read this far in the seriesThis book focuses on Anne and Gilbert’s six children, who seem to all share their mother’s gift of imagination and tendency toward fantasy. The chapters focus on different children and their adventures / flights of fancy. Their dear mother, Anne, as well as housekeeper Susan hold the book together. However, I really missed Anne in most of the book. Yes, it was fun to watch one child after another learn from his/her mistakes or be scared of shadows or foolishly believe a tall tale or relish a summer day playing in the valley and letting their imaginations soar. But, I read the earlier books in the series for Anne, and she wasn’t as prevalent in this episode. I’m not sure I’ll continue reading the series at all.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Sixth in the series about Anne of Green Gables. Anne now has six children, and this book charts their childhood years. Some chapters are a bit dull, with minor characters and anecdotes that failed to raise my interest. But there are also two or three extremely moving chapters, which had me in tears.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I guess it had to happen some time. I finally reached a book in the series that had very little appeal. As much as it was used to introduce us to the children/ family, there were also quite a number of names/ neighbours brought up which got confusing and easy to dismiss.I was extremely disappointed in this book and I believe the main reason was that Anne herself was no more than just a wraith floating around the background. Heck, at times, it seemed like Susan the helper was more front and center! This was actually brought to light at the very last chapter when Anne once again took center stage as a "closing off" of the book. Suddenly, it was fun to read again and it was those last 10 pages that reminded me of why I had enjoyed the series so much.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    L.M. has been a constant companion through adolescence, and difficult time in adulthood.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Last in the Anne series with Anne as the heroine. Anne has been married to Gilbert for 15 years, and is the mother of 5 rambunctious children. The story continues to follow her family, Susan who has lived with the family for years, and the townspeople's adventures, while introducing the children who are featured in the next books.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Anne of Ingleside is the sixth book in L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series. This novel takes place about seven years after Anne's House of Dreams (book 5,) and Anne is the married mother of five children. Anne in her mid-thirties is not as fun-loving a character as she was in the earlier books. She has much more responsibility now and this is plainly illustrated for the reader in Anne of Ingleside. I understand that Anne's freedom has been curtailed a bit by her choices, but Montgomery paints her life in such a negative light that I can't help but wonder what happened to the real Anne? Anne Shirley was always a "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" kind of girl, but as a wife and mother she seems bitter and resentful of the people around her. Most of the story however is really about Anne's children in this novel and unfortunately, they all seem like paler versions of their mother. They are a little boring and ill-formed, and their so-called "adventures" are not very interesting at all. All in all, Anne of Ingleside was a disappointment and I am worried about the next two books...
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Definitely not my favorite book in the series.... "Anne of Ingleside" is not really about Anne at all -- but is instead about her six children. Told in short episodes featuring each child, the stories get a little bit repetitive and the adventures aren't as interesting as those that Anne had when she was a youngster. Gilbert pretty much disappears for most of the book (he's out doctoring, I guess) and Anne only makes occasional appearances. I think L.M. Montgomery wanted to make sure Anne had a happy life and there isn't a lot to say when it's just happiness all of the time. I'm glad I read the book overall, but I just didn't love it in the same way I loved the rest of the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This, the sixth book in the Anne of Green Gables series, focuses more on Anne's growing children and their reaction to various scraps they get themselves into. I missed Anne's voice in this story. Although she's in the book and we occasionally hear from her, she's mainly phased out. I did hate reading one section where Anne, who was a published author in earlier books, says, "Occasionally I do write a little story, but a busy mother hasn't much time for that." I understand that this was written in a very different era, but still. Anne always dreamed of being an author and it seems like she gave up that dream entirely. She has certainly become a wonderful mother, but can't she be both?I do love Montgomery's descriptions of life. The wonderful character of Anne finds such joy in the smallest things and has a very healthy view of dealing with change."Well that was life. Gladness and pain... hope and fear ... and change. Always change! You could not help it. You had to let the old go and take the new to your heart... learn to love it and then let it go in turn. Spring, lovely as it was, must yield to summer and summer loses itself in autumn. The birth ... the bridal ... the death."I love the series and I'm glad I read the book, but it's definitely not my favorite.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is a book made up of childhood adventures, but I love the glimpses into the grown up Anne life - especially because I'm now at that stage in my life. Anne's children are funny and fanciful and Anne is so good with them. Makes me want to be a better mom!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Not as good as the first.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In the sixth book of the series, Anne and Gilbert now have six active children who mostly (except for Shirley) get their own episode. It is interesting to see the similarities between their imaginations and their mother's, but also to see the differences. Given her pre-Green Gables life that we know of, Anne seems to have been much more world-wise than her children, so some of their adventures come of being too trusting (both Nan and Di have this problem) or just having a skewed view of the world (Rilla). It's especially gratifying to see that Anne tries to take each of their silly episodes seriously, never betraying to them when she wants to laugh long and loud. She shows respect for her children and treats them as she would want to be treated at their age. Hence, Anne is their confidante, and they often bring their trials to her. So there is a lot of Anne's children, but still a lot of Anne too.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book sees Anne installed in Ingleside with six children! This book naturally focuses less on the aging Anne and more on Anne's children including the loveable Walter and the adorable little Rilla.I really enjoyed this book but missed the focus on Anne. Luckily Lucy came up with plenty of new characters to love and I think this book is beautiful.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book skips forward quite a bit from where the previous one left off, and seems to go through a lot of time quickly... too quickly for my taste. Montgomery here reverts back to her old standby format of writing each chapter as a sort of self-contained "adventure," and tends to focus many of these chapters on one specific child at a time. When she gets to a certain point in the book and introduces a new chapter by saying "it was Nan's turn to have an adventure," you believe it... and you believe that you are reading an invention created by an author just to give a character an equal share in the action of the book, rather than a genuine, authentic chronicle of a potentially real family. The book ends well, with Montgomery showing her grasp of some of the more harrowing feelings of married and family life, but it is a pity this insight and humour could not have informed more of the rest of the story. Anne's interesting personality gets lost in a largely stereotypical portrayal of motherhood; Gilbert's character is hardly developed at all, and the children's characters are developed in such a "one at a time" fashion that there is never really a sense of the Blythe family as a cohesive unit, as in Alcott's or Wilder's writings. This comes as a disappointment following the particularly strong "Anne's House of Dreams," and given that Montgomery's own life ought to have afforded her a more modern, unique perspective on marriage rather than leading her to trot out the same old family cliches.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Anne and Gilbert are happily settled in their home of Ingleside with their growing family. With six children there's never a dull moment and Anne hasn't entirely outgrown her own ability to get into mischief every once in a while either.A loosely connected series of vignettes, these books remain as charming as ever. While the majority of the adventures focus on Anne and Gilbert's children, there are still glimpses into the more adult problems that Anne and Gilbert face as a married couple which added nice depth to the narrative.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's with this book that I felt distinctly the Anne series began to have a sort of decline. The books are interesting, but not quite as much as the earlier books were. The stories lose some of their spark, and I think that is a direct result of Montgomery's having to continue a series with a heroine whom she would rather set aside.The introduction of Anne's children as the focus is interesting, though. They provide sweet little anecdotes of life in Glen St. Mary and while there's less focus on Anne, it seems natural for it to be that way. Anne is so busy in her maternal duties that she seems to have little time for anything else, so her story is told through the actions of and ministrations to her children.The book is still enjoyable as a coninuation of the story of Anne's life, but it lacks that special something that Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea have in such strong amounts.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Not the best Anne book. I honestly did not like this one, though intensely devoted fans may.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is where the series kinda starts to go downhill for me.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    So this one is not my favorite. It has these wild mood swings from creepy domestic abuse survivors showing up at funerals to mawkishly cutesy lisping children getting into "adorable" scrapes. There is essentially no plot, just a bunch of random anecdotes.
    I did like the story of Peter Kirk's funeral though, and SUSAN BAKER REBECCA DEW = BFFS 4 ALWAYS
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I don't like Anne growing up very much, as I think I've said. This book still has glimpses of the old Anne, and her children are sweet to read about. The last part of the book brings a touch more realism to it.

    But I still miss young Anne-spelled-with-an-e Shirley.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Although currently considered the sixth entry in Canadian author L.M. Montgomery's classic series of children's novels about red-headed heroine Anne Shirley - the first (and most famous) volume, Anne of Green Gables, was released in 1908, while the eighth and final one, Rilla of Ingleside, appeared in 1921 - Anne of Ingleside was actually published in 1939, long after its companions. It was, in fact, the last of Montgomery's works to appear in her lifetime, making it into print just three years before her death in 1942. I was very conscious of that fact, and of the recent revelations about Montgomery's likely suicide, during my rereading of the book, undertaken for a group discussion over in The L.M. Montgomery Book Club to which I belong, and was especially struck by some of the more melancholy passages that appear in its pages.Meant to fill in gaps between Anne's House of Dreams (1917), which chronicles the first year of Anne's married life with Gilbert Blythe, and Rainbow Valley (1919), which focuses almost entirely upon the six Blythe children, the narrative of Anne of Ingleside is divided between Anne and her children, sometimes chronicling the former's trials and tribulations, as when she comes to doubt Gilbert's regard for her, toward the end of the book; and sometimes featuring the children's adventures and misadventures, from Jem's dog-related sorrows to Di's string of false friends. The result is a book that feels, much like the epistolary Anne of Windy Poplars, rather episodic. I found it quite charming, for all that, and while I'm not entirely sure it succeeds as a novel, enjoyed many of the individual episodes enough that it didn't make much difference to me. Anne's reunion with her childhood friend, Diana, and their day of remembrances of times past; the visit of the deliciously obnoxious Aunt Mary Maria Blythe to Ingleside, and the unexpected cause of her departure; the birth of little Rilla, and Walter's anguish, when exiled from home that day; the poignant discovery, on Jem's part, that you can buy a dog, but not his love - these episodes all appealed to me immensely, even if others - Nan's castle-in-the-air, regarding the GLOOMY HOUSE, for instance - strained my suspension of disbelief.Anne of Ingleside is, in my estimation, the weakest of the Anne books, and despite my enjoyment, I am always cognizant of its flaws. There are some classist undercurrents here - the almost gleefully detailed descriptions of the poorer houses visited by the children, from Jenny Penny's run-down home, with its noisy, crowded dinner table, to the filthy seaside shanty of six-toed Jimmy Thomas - that I find rather unpleasant, and Anne herself sometimes appears as a distant figure, implausibly perfect as a mother, and curiously inactive, compared to her younger days. That said, I do think that the positives outweigh the negatives, and the realization that this was the last of Montgomery's books - something I had not been aware of, when reading it previously - gave the reading experience added interest and poignancy. When Anne describes herself as "a creature in an nightmare, trying to overtake someone with fettered feet," or laments that "Nothing had any meaning any longer. Everything seemed remote and unreal," one wonders whether Montgomery was writing from her own experience, at the moment of composition.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's been too long since I've read this to give a proper review. The first three books were my favorites, the rest were perfectly readable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Anne of Ingleside has always been my least favorite of the Anne books, and I was never sure why. Now that I've done a little research, I know that it was written long after Montgomery thought she was done with the series — 1939, to be exact — and during a period of personal distress in Montgomery's life. This book is by far the weakest in the series, though still quite an enjoyable read. Anne's children are quite young in this story; little Rilla, the youngest, appears at age six in one of the last stories. Anne starts to fade out of the series at this point; Anne's House of Dreams is really the last one that really focuses on her, and even then other characters like Leslie Ford and Miss Cornelia are coming to the forefront. Perhaps I rebelled against this inevitable shift in the series and that was my initial, uninformed reason for not caring for it as much as the others. But since then I've noticed other weaknesses as well.Several of the episodes in the lives of Anne's children are a bit borrowed. The frantic search for Jem reminded me of Marilla's and Anne's search for Dora in Anne of Avonlea. There are three separate stories involving the twins Nan and Di being deceived by a young friend; after the second it became predictable. I never really warmed to Nan; she and Di always stayed in the background. And most of the other stories just weren't that interesting somehow. Montgomery does do a good job with the advent of Aunt Mary Maria and the misery she causes at Ingleside during her extended stay there. Rebecca Dew has a cameo appearance and the chapter with Rebecca and Susan discussing the ills of the situation is delightful. I also enjoyed the chapter describing the Ladies' Aid meeting at Ingleside and their love of gossip. Somehow the women's unique personalities all come out clearly even when they only get a few sentences of dialogue and one or two narrative lines. Montgomery is such a master at the casual, concise character sketch. And I will always, always love the concluding chapter in which Anne feels that after fifteen years of marriage Gilbert doesn't care for her anymore, that this is what all marriages come to in the end. Anne is even jealous of the insufferable Christine Stuart! Montgomery really gets into Anne's head and it's a brilliant little look at some common issues of married life: lack of communication, apathy, jealousy, insecurity, and just plain tiredness. The cares of a large family will inevitably wear a couple down. The important thing is that they realize it and take steps to protect their marriage. I do find the end of this book very satisfying, whatever weaknesses are in the rest of it. Anne fans shouldn't miss this installment in the Blythe family history, and it certainly is amusing and humorous in parts. But it isn't the highlight of the series by any means.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The focus of the series begins to shift from Anne, all grown up, married, in a beautiful home surrounded by her children; instead, her children begin to take center stage. It was sweet, and fun, and very dear, but at times hard to read because of the hints and omens of the future, a future I remembered all too well from other times reading the series: the death of a favorite character in the still-far-off Great War. Ingleside still lingers with Anne, and there were glimpses of Diana and the twins and the college friends, all the folk who had become beloved through the series – but not enough. Not my favorite among the Anne books, this, but still solid, stolid, and lovely.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Anne of Ingleside captured the charm that had been missing in the last couple of Anne books for me. From the opening pages that described a picnic that Anne shared with her friend Diana while on a trip home to Green Gables, to her joy at returning home to her husband and children, this was a fitting goodbye to the young Anne as she slips into a gracious middle age.The focus of this book is on her family. Anne’s children are an assorted group from the two older boys, down-to-earth Jem and dreamer Walter, the twins Nan and Di, youngest son Shirley and the baby, Marilla, named after Anne’s beloved foster mother. The wonderful housekeeper, Susan rounds out the family and is an important member to both the adults and the children. As the seasons turn and time passes we get a bird’s eye view of their home called Ingleside and the happiness, laughter and love contained in that home. Of course, there are sad times as well, the death of a loved pet, the difficulties of an extended visit of an older, crabby great-aunt, a child’s fear when a parent becomes ill.I personally believe that L.M. Montgomery excels in her writing of children. Yes, the story is old-fashioned and sentimental and these children are perhaps a little too good for total believability but she captures the essence of young hopes and dreams effortlessly. I very much enjoyed her descriptive writing of nature, seasonal changes and the society of rural Prince Edward Island. Anne of Ingleside both soothed and captivated me and certainly deserves it’s place on my shelf of best loved books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Family life is sometimes a hard sell, but Montgomery tells the stories of Anne's children with a deft and humorous hand. And her commentary on marriage is nuanced and poignant.

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Anne of Ingleside - Lucy Maud Montgomery

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